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This article is about the American Predacon. For his almost-visually-identical Japanese counterpart, see Hydra (BW). For a list of other meanings, see Laserbeak (disambiguation).
Lazorbeak iz a Predacon from the Beast Wars portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
... If those are what pterosaur wings actually looked like, I'm a monkey's uncle.

A fast flying pirate of the air, the mean menace that is Lazorbeak satiates his thirst for battle by seeking the one good point Maximals have: their melting points! He is aided in this by a powerful laser weapon. Unfortunately, his aggressive usage of this weapon rapidly diminishes his energon levels, usually limiting Lazorbeak to making only brief aerial attacks before converting back to pteranodon mode.



2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

Wait, I'd rather fade away than burn ouAAAAAAG-

Lazorbeak was one of the protoforms left on Earth by the Axalon reprogrammed into Predacons by Magmatron. The Gathering #2 He was sent to search for Razorbeast and his team of Maximals from the air by the recently revived Ravage. The Gathering #3 When Sky Shadow discovered the Maximals' lair, Lazorbeak was among the Predacons who participated in the battle that ensued. After being beaten by the Maximals and their newly arrived reinforcements, Lazorbeak presumably retreated along with the other Predacons. The Gathering #4

Weeks later, he joined in on the all-out assault ordered by Ravage on the Maximals' base camp. The Ascending #1 He was briefly seen dogfighting with Air Hammer. The Ascending #2 When the Blendtrons crashed that party, Lazorbeak and the other Predacons teamed up with the Maximals to fight the Angolmois-powered newcomers. With Spittor's help, Lazorbeak managed to get Rartorata to spear his own teammate Drancron with his stinger. Unfortunately, this caused a violent Angolmois explosion that apparently wiped the whole lot of them out, Lazorbeak included. The Ascending #4



Laserbeak complained that the bartender had written "Lazerbeak" on his tab and spelling it with a 'z' made him look like an illiterate loser. Unfortunately Lazorbeak overheard and took it personally. Recordicons #16 Lazorbeak was questioned by Air Hammer over whether any of the guys around were the original guys they shared names with. After having to clarify that Garboyl was not the original Garboil, and witnessing Soundwave projectile vomiting, Lazorbeak expressed the hope that they weren't. Recordicons #26

2005 IDW continuity

Lazorbeak was one of Onyx Prime's Maximals. During Onyx's invasion of Cybertron, he was one of the many Maximals who battled Arcee and lost; Jetfire and Aileron came across his remains shortly afterwards. Endless Forever


Beast Wars

The first person that says he can see my feet sticking out of my beast mode neck gets shot in the face!
  • Lazorbeak (Basic, 1997)
  • Accessories: Pistol
The only new toy in the third wave of year-two Beast Wars Basics, Lazorbeak is actually an entirely new mold-set based on the original Terrorsaur mold, transforming from an organic Pteranodon to robot mode with a spring-loaded mostly-one-step transformation, activated by pulling back on his beast-mode head. (His hands and feet need to be folded out separately.) His handgun folds up to store inside the empty area behind his robot mode head, tucking away neatly in beast mode.
Lazorbeak's most immediately-noticeable physical change from Terrorsaur is the addition of an indent for an energon chip under his beast-mode right wing, but there are lots and lots of small proportion and detail changes throughout the two toys, especially in the faces.[1]
The Lazorbeak mold was also used to make later runs of Terrorsaur in the UK, as well as Beast Wars Neo Hydra and Dinobots Terranotron. The original tooling was used to make Fractyl and Age of Extinction Strafe (no, really).
This toy was released in Japan as an import with a Takara-applied sticker. Lazorbeak was also repurposed as a powered-up Terrorsaur and as Beast Wars Shattered Glass Terrorsaur.
Beast Wars mold: Terrorsaur
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • 3H Productions:
  • Men in Black Productions:


  • Lazorbeak's on-package bio includes a reference to Generation 1 Laserbeak's, with both characters using a variation of the cruel joke that "the only point" they like in their enemies is "their melting point." While this might be read as implying they are the same character, they're otherwise very different (Lazorbeak is battle-hungry, whereas Laserbeak is a coward), and all Lazorbeak's fictional appearances have depicted him as a separate 'bot.
  • Hydra and Lazorbeak being nearly identical unfortunately led to Hydra being miscolored as Lazorbeak on the cover to the Beast Wars: Uprising prose story "Intersectionality".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Lazorbeak (レーザービーク Rēzābīku)
  • French: Lazair (Canada)
  • Italian: Rapax[2]
  • Spanish: Picador (America, "Stabber")


  1. Terrorsaur/Lazorbeak mold comparisons on Twitter
  2. Derived from rapace ("predatory" or "greedy"). For some reason, Hasbro/GiG failed to add Italian names to the English/Spanish/Italian Biocombat packaging for most 1997 Basic and Deluxe figures. As a result, Lazorbeak's Italian name only appears in the cross-sell on the back of the English/Spanish/Italian Biocombat "video-pack" releases of Airazor and Razorclaw.
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