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Mach Kick

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Mach Kick is a Maximal from the Beast Wars Neo portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
My Little Maximal

Mach Kick (マッハキック Mahha Kikku) is the former sub-commander of the Thoroughbred Corps. After their destruction at the hands of the Predacons, he was left the only survivor. Once he recovered, he voluntarily joined up with Big Convoy to aid in his quest to obtain the Angolmois Capsules.

Mach Kick has a very free spirit and a rowdy attitude, cavorting about and partying like he was in a college fraternity rather than a grisly war. This behavior continually causes him to butt heads with his "old buddy", Longrack, who is a notorious stick-in-the-mud. Mach Kick has something of an "idol worshiping" complex in regards to Big Convoy, whom he respects for being so powerful and "cool". He strives to do his best to impress his commander, even at tasks as menial as KP. His attempts to "do a good job" typically result in him encroaching upon the personal space of his peers, who just can't stand him.



Beast Wars Neo cartoon

Voice actor: Teruaki Ogawa (Japanese), Jong-deok An (Korean)

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Mach Kick Voluntarily Enlists!? Planet of the Ultimate Weapon Troubled DNAVI Bump the Physicist Hardhead Is Hardheaded Personal Combat in the Deep Sea!! The Stolen Gung Ho Survive the Hot-Blooded Instructor Assemble! New Warriors Mysterious Beast Warriors!? The Stolen Capsules Pursue the Blentrons! Illusion? Lio Convoy Unicron Revived!? Unicron's Ambition Fight! Maximals End of the Maximals!? The Final Battle Graduation Ceremony!!

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity


Mach Kick was the remaining survivor of the Thoroughbred Corps, which were otherwise wiped out in the Great War. He joined Big Convoy's crew and helped in the defeat of Magmatron. Thanks to his service, he was selected to become part of Lio Convoy's elite special operations unit, the Pack. Beast Wars Sourcebook #2

Mach Kick traveled with the Pack to prehistoric Earth to rescue Razorbeast. He was put in charge of tracking Razorbeast's near-non-existent signal back to its source. When the group charged into battle with the Predacons there, he smashed Scourge with a buck to the chest, and Terragator attempted to ride him bareback. It didn't go well for Terragator. The Ascending #2

After dealing with the Predacons, the Pack were surprised to find the Angolmois-infected Razorbeast going on a rampage. Mach Kick gave Apache a ride to the site where their former comrade was wrecking 'bots of both factions indiscriminately, but did not himself participate in subduing Razorbeast. The Ascending #3

Later on, Mach Kick was one of the many Maximals that hitched a ride back to Cybertron in order to combat the greater threat that resided there: Shokaract. Near the climax of the battle, he wielded weapon-mode Break, blasting the monster. The Ascending #4


A Mach Kick found his way to Axiom Nexus, and entered the competitive world of Equinicon races. His performance in one race came under fire, as it was suspected that his Mini-Con partner, Fastbreak, had given him a speed boost via an illegal in-race Powerlinx. The pair refused to comment to reporters about the allegations. Rook - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/05/04

Beast Wars: Uprising

Mach Kick was a member of the Resistance movement fighting against the Builders. He operated as part of Grimlock's cell. When Grimlock acquired the G-Virus, his cell planned to release it at Tesarus Arena when the Games restarted. Mach Kick acted as point-bot as the group infiltrated the arena, but he was called up short when Grimlock's battle instincts detected something amiss. Mach Kick failed to listen to his commander's warning, and continued walking forward until he set off a mine, killing him in a nanoklik. Micro-Aggressions

2005 IDW continuity

Mach Kick was one of Onyx Prime's Maximals. When this bestial horde invaded Cybertron, he was one of the many warriors who wound up battling Arcee. Endless Forever

My Little Pony/Transformers

If you stay too long in Equestria, you get a Generation 2 color scheme.

After a space bridge accident left many Transformers stuck in the magical land of Equestria, Mach Kick took part in a friendly race to find the fastest among them. Unfortunately, it was interupted by Decepticons before Mach Kick could prove victorious, and in the end, they were beaten by Windblade and Rainbow Dash. The Flyin' Fox Trot


Beast Wars

My God. What have you done. Look what your careless hands have wrought. Each moment this unnatural beast lives is like a thousand years of misery. Look in its brown eyes. It longs for death. Select the pistol, and then, select your horse.
  • Mach Kick (Deluxe, 1999)
  • ID number: C-36
  • Release date: March ??, 1999
  • Accessories: "Tail Tomahawk"
Part of the third wave of Beast Wars Neo products in Takara's Beast Wars toyline, Mach Kick is a Deluxe-sized figure that transforms into a midnight-purple-blue organic horse with a rooted nylon-hair tail. Pressing back on the horse's mane causes the head to spring forward via jackspring mechanism as a part of his "Elastic Hand"/"Elastic Crusher" attack. If balanced just right, Mach Kick is able to rear up on his hind legs in a dramatic horsey pose.
In robot mode, his head also sports a rooted ponytail, and his left thigh houses his Maximal spark crystal. His tail can be removed in this mode to form his "Tail Tomahawk", or alternatively his "Tail Whip", if one chooses to whip the tail around (though the result is more like a flogger). Much like his horse mode, the horse head (now his right hand) can be also be utilized as an attack feature.
Mach Kick also has a third "Protect Mode", a weird turret-ish mode intended for a Basic Class figure to "control" his Elastic Hand. It is positively Cronenbergian.
This figure is widely considered one of the most infuriating Transformers toys to transform, thanks to being a shellformer with multiple ball joints that need to be massaged into extremely precise locations to get the shell pieces to line up properly, with very little outside of the shell chunks pegging or clipping into place anywhere. His shoulder joints in particular are made up of a stem with a ball on either end that plugs into the socket in his torso and the actual shoulder respectively. On top of all of this, his robot mode ponytail requires close attention otherwise some of the hairs can find themselves poking through the shell parts in beast mode.
Horsey mode's pretty sweet, though, gotta admit.

BWN-toy VS-36-box.jpg DX-06 Mach Kick VS Archadis Sonokong.jpg
Left: Takara packaging
Right: Sonokong packaging
  • Favorites Showdown: Mach Kick VS Archadis (VS pack, 1999)
  • Takara ID number: VS-36
  • Takara release date: March ??, 1999
  • Sonokong ID number: DX-06
  • Accessories: "Tail Tomahawk/Tail Whip"
Mach Kick was also available in the "Favorites Showdown" (本命の対決 honmei no taiketsu) two-pack with the Predacon Archadis, also released in the third wave of Neo toys. Both toys are identical to their individual releases.
Sonokong also released this vs-pack in Korean Beast-War Neo markets. The Sonokong "Match Kick" identical to the Takara releases, other than the packaging and Tech Spec cards.


  • Mach Kick is one of three Beast Wars Neo toys whose designs were determined via a contest held by Japanese Television Magazine. The winning designs were revealed in the April 1999 issue. The other winning designs became Archadis and Bazooka.

Foreign names

  • Korean: Match Kick (매치킥 Maechi Kik) [sic]
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