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Megatron (Armada)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Megatron (disambiguation), Galvatron (disambiguation).

This article is a featured article, and considered to be one of the most informative on this wiki.

Megatron is a Decepticon from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family. When in his powered-up forms, he is known as Galvatron.
Megatron's fashion sense recognizes that stag beetles are the most evil of all Earth's insects.

Megatron is not content with conquest of Cybertron. When he learns of some power greater than his own, he does not attempt to merely defeat it. He will subjugate it, bend it to his will, carve up its corpse and integrate its power into himself. Megatron demands complete submission from those around him. Any opposition is savagely crushed, any insubordination violently punished. He is a monster in every sense of the word. Megatron tempers this barbarism with regal militaristic formality. He calls his closest troops "gentlemen." He speaks politely and intelligently, with an air of sophistication. He makes it perfectly clear that he is completely cognizant of his madness.

Megatron's only weakness is his obsession with Optimus Prime. No matter how much power he attains, his final, glorious battle must be against him. On the occasions Prime has seemingly been destroyed, Megatron has sunk into a deep depression. Once Optimus Prime is gone, there may be no further challenges in this universe.

Megatron seems to change forms like a race-bot changes tires, but with every re-scan he only grows more twisted and evil. There was a time Megatron actually seemed to care about the Decepticons under his command, but now all he cares about is power.

Optimus Prime mourns for his enemy, "Optimus Prime vs Megatron: The Ultimate Battle"



Toy pack-in comics

At last, this sword made of tiny planes is mine!

Megatron set up a power-sapping device in the city, which prompted Optimus Prime to send Hot Shot to deal with it. Despite Cyclonus guarding it, the device was destroyed. Armada Volume 1 Later, when Megatron got wind of a satellite dish that would help detect him, he sent Starscream and the Destruction Mini-Con Team to destroy it. They succeeded. Armada Volume 2

Megatron somehow became Galvatron and set up a false distress signal that lured in the Air Defense Mini-Con Team. Capturing them, Galvatron forced them to form the Dark Saber. He was soon attacked by Optimus Prime and Jetfire, who combined and kicked him into the sky. Armada Volume 3

Product and colors may vary.

On Cybertron, Galvatron was "finally" defeated by Optimus, but this was part of a cunning plot to destroy Optimus Prime. On the way to prison, Galvatron was rescued by Tidal Wave, who combined with him. Together, their power was too much for Overload and Rollout, but their battle was cut short when Unicron arrived. Armada Volume 4 Galvatron was somehow absorbed into Unicron. Much later, he was reborn as "Megatron" in a new body within Unicron. Energon Volume 1

Megatron took leadership of the Decepticons, leading them in obtaining Earth's energon. He sent a flock of Divebombs to attack a group of Autobots who were surveying a hill for energon tower sites. In reality, the Divebomb attack was a feint to allow Megatron's Insecticons time to absorb the energon under the hill. Beaten, the Autobots fled while Megatron mockingly told them to tell Optimus Prime that he would never stop till he had drained the planet of energon. Energon Volume 2

Megatron later made Optimus Prime fall on his knees and sicced Shockblast, Demolishor, Snow Cat, and Mirage on him. They were blasted away by Wing Saber, who combined with Optimus. The powered up Optimus Prime shocked Megatron with his fire power and flight, punching him out during his moment of surprise. Energon Volume 4

When Optimus Prime battled his mystery duplicate, Grand Scourge, Megatron watched the battle from afar, dubbing the unexplained appearance of this second Prime an interesting turn of events. Supreme Commander Optimus Prime VS Dark Commander Scourge

Dreamwave Armada continuity

Armada comic

Ha! Ha! My mirth cannot be contained by mere word bubbles!

One million years ago, Cybertron was at relative peace. Most Transformers were nothing more than citizens of the planet, the Autobot army simply guarded the majestic Cyber City, and no one had heard of "Decepticons". The standard-sized Transformers lived alongside villages of the smaller-sized Mini-Cons, and all of them were caught unawares by the sudden rise of Megatron. He and his soldiers came seemingly out of nowhere, sweeping through Mini-Con villages and performing horrible experiments on the diminutive Transformers. The Decepticons had discovered how to rewire Mini-Cons to interface with them, drawing power from their new slaves. Armada #1 Such manipulation of the Mini-Cons was based on ancient technologies Megatron discovered. More than Meets the Eye: Armada #3

After capturing all but a handful of Mini-Cons, Megatron and his enhanced troops assaulted Cyber City, defeating the Autobots in a single battle. But while Optimus Prime's forces retreated, the rogue Mini-Cons infiltrated Decepticon headquarters and spirited all of their imprisoned brethren away in a spaceship. To Megatron's great consternation, the ship fled from Cybertron to parts unknown. Armada #2

Despite this loss, the Decepticons still held the power of the Mini-Cons they had been using in the battle of Cyber City, and this gave them continual combat superiority. Cybertron was completely unprepared for Megatron's assault; thousands of citizens submitted themselves to slavery. Megatron's rule brought chaos and injustice, and while the Autobots never gave up their fight, they had to resort to guerrilla tactics from underground bases. Armada #3

Try to hump THIS tank, and you get a fusion blast where the sun don't shine.

Over the next million years, the Mini-Con empowered Decepticons steadily conquered the planet. Concerned that the conflict could escalate and put other worlds at risk, the Universal Peacekeeping Committee sent the famed mediator Fflaxl to the relatively unknown Transformer homeworld in an attempt to settle the dispute between the Autobot and Decepticon "tribes" peacefully. However, just as he arrived, Megatron and Optimus Prime were in the midst of a battle, and Optimus Prime was sent flying, eventually landing on Bix, Fflaxl's bodyguard. The diplomat, seeing the scale of the war and its participants, decided that some conflicts were best left untouched and that everything would work out in the end. Armada Preview

The situation changed drastically when some human children stumbled upon the crashed Mini-Con ship on the distant world of Earth and activated a distress beacon. The Decepticons, controlling Cybertron's communications satellites, intercepted the signal and mounted a space bridge assault on Earth. Meanwhile, the Autobots, having hacked into the communications system, also saw the signal and made a spacebridge trip of their own. Armada #3 Megatron thinking nothing of rampaging across an inhabited planet that had nothing to do with the Cybertronian civil war, attacked Sparkplug's group and their new human friends in Science City, declaring that for escaping his grasp, he would not simply rewire them for Powerlinxing, he would take them apart piece by piece. Fortunately, the Mini-Cons and the children inadvertently led the Decepticons to an Autobot ambush, and the two forces inevitably clashed. Armada #4 Megatron was furious that Prime had still refused to bow down to him despite all the losses the Autobots had suffered, and arrogantly Powerlinxed with all the Mini-Cons the Decepticons had at their disposal, leaving his lieutenants vulnerable. He was forced to retreat when newly reactivated Mini-Cons came to the rescue and powered up the Autobots. Armada #5

The art in this issue is so bad, we had to use part of the cover.

Megatron, however, was undeterred by the Mini-Cons' newfound resistance. In addition to the Mini-Cons he had maintained lordship over for millennia, Megatron also gained control of the Air Defense Team, reconfigured them and warped them into the mighty Dark Saber sword. Armada #6 Gloating over his newfound power, Megatron lead an attack on Lincoln, South Dakota to draw the Autobots out of Autobase: Earth, but was unable to effectively wield it, partly became his own Mini-Con Leader-1 wasn't giving him enough power to control it, and he lacked respect for the sword's power. Armada #7

Seeking to learn more about humankind and ways to exploit their biology for power, Megatron had Starscream release his Mini-Con partner Swindle, intending that the little 'bot befriend some humans and lure them into the Decepticons' clutches. Unfortunately for the villains, the humans Swindle came across were the Autobots' new allies Rad and Carlos, and when Starscream, Demolishor and Cyclonus moved in, the Autobots were there to defend their friends. An irritated Megatron was forced to take to the battlefield himself, flattening most of the Autobots with one shot, but when Optimus Prime engaged him in a one-on-one battle, it took Starscream shooting the Autobot leader in the back for Megatron to claim victory. The Autobots' defeat was short-lived, however, as a vengeful Swindle—who had been tricked by Megatron into believing he would be granted freedom if he helped in the plan—freed Prime and his men, and together, they drove Megatron and the Decepticons into retreat. Armada Free Comic Book Day

The universal Megatron credo.

When all activated Mini-Cons on Earth were "summoned" by a mysterious obelisk that landed in Tranquility, Kansas, the Decepticons followed, intending to scoop up all the known Mini-Cons in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, they were prevented from doing so when the Mini-Cons entered the obelisk and it launched itself to Earth's Moon. Armada #8 Piecing together what little they knew, Megatron realised that the Mini-Cons must have been taken away by a previously-unknown Mini-Con rebel group. Salivating at the sheer amount of Mini-Cons on Earth's natural satellite, Megatron called upon Thrust to bring a set of booster packs from Cybertron so he could lead an assault. However, in his haste, Megatron was unprepared for impressive defenses the Destruction Mini-Con Team had erected on their new home and was forced to regroup on the dark side of the Moon. Armada #9 Realizing a frontal assault would not win this battle, Megatron had drilling equipment brought up and simply drilled his way into the Mini-Con rebel base. While he defended himself from Mini-Con counterattacks he sent Leader-1 ahead to deactivate the moon base's various defenses, a decision he would come to regret. Armada #10 By relying on his much-abused Mini-Con slave for coordination and information in his attempt to seize the escaping Mini-Con rebels, he gave Leader-1 the means to seal him in a security room and almost torture him to death. Armada #11

"This is going to be the best Stargate fan-film ever!"

He came out of this with the Destruction Mini-Con Team as his prisoners, only to find they had a failsafe in their systems that gave out both unfettered power and incredible pain to anyone Powerlinxing to them by force. Having tasted that power, Megatron was unwilling to let it go, and so actually made a deal with Dualor in return for it, allowing the Destruction team a say in how the Decepticons would operate, even though he knew they would end up betraying him. With this in mind, he used Cyclonus as a guinea pig. Meanwhile, Skywarp, Sideways and Wheeljack's group in Death Valley, California had launched the Solar Scalpel, Megatron's new solar ray-reflective superweapon. Fire & Ice As he suspected, the Destruction Team did not keep their end of the bargain and overloaded Cyclonus with uncontrollable power. Still he had "bigger fish to fry": a group of Mini-Con escapees from the Moon had crashed in Alaska and an Autobot shuttle had been sent to rescue them. Though he could have easily destroyed the Autobots with one shot, he intentionally missed and only destroyed their shuttle, arrogant in the belief that the victory would be so much more satisfying if the Autobots could see their imminent destruction. Once again, Megatron's hubris was his undoing, as the Autobot-allied Space Mini-Con Team destroyed the Solar Scalpel before it could be used to harm the Autobots or the Mini-Cons. With this latest setback, Megatron wandered off to sulk. Armada #13

First one to reach for a MacGuffin loses!

Discovering that the Decepticons' space bridge was malfunctioning, Megatron at first ordered Starscream and Demolishor to repair it, but neither of the pair were engineers and turned the task down. Leader-1 explained that they couldn't fix it anyway: the malfunction was the result of outside interference, which Megatron suspected was the work of the Autobots. Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4 In actuality, the disruption was caused by the arrival of interdimensional travellers; Starscream recovered the vessel that had brought the other-dimensional Mini-Con Over-Run to their world, but Megatron was unimpressed by his prize, as it answered no questions for him. Subsequently, Leader-1's monitoring of the space bridge network bore fruit when he learned that Optimus Prime had disappeared across the dimensions, and Megatron saw the chance to strike at the Autobots while they were leaderless. Leading an attack on Autobase: Earth, Megatron seriously trashed Red Alert and Hot Shot, and critically wounded Smokescreen, but their victory was disrupted by the arrival of Galvatron, herald to Unicron from another world, the architect of recent events. Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4 Megatron and Galvatron engaged in a vicious battle, with even Leader-1's Powerlinx augmentation failing to give Megatron the strength to defeat the herald. The Decepticon leader would have been destroyed if not for the intervention of the Air Defense Team, who formed the Star Saber (corrupted as the Dark Saber) once again and allowed Megatron to wield them. Worlds Collide, Part 3 of 4 With the sword's power, Megatron defeated Galvatron, after which a precision sneak attack from the Land Military Mini-Con Team blasted the Saber out of Megatron's hand, allowing the Air Defense Team to free themselves from his corrupting grasp. Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4

Regrouping after this, he formed an alliance with the returned Optimus to get "payback". The Decepticons joined the Autobots and Mini-Cons in battling Unicron, who emerged from another dimension via a portal close to Cybertron. While almost all of the Transformers were pouring their efforts into a direct assault, Megatron covertly flew to Unicron's surface with the intent of striking a deal. Just as he was landing, Over-Run opened the Mini-Con Matrix and dealt Unicron a critical blow. Megatron changed his plan to simple looting, but before he could even begin, Hot Shot, Red Alert, and Scavenger shot him at pointblank range in revenge for Smokescreen. As the dimensional portal closed back around Unicron, Megatron was pulled helplessly into the Chaos-Bringer's departing body. The End

More than Meets the Eye: Armada

This is just the beginning of the pain I will cause you!
Although supposedly set in the same universe as Dreamwave's Armada comic, the More than Meets the Eye guidebook published after the conclusion of the series contained multiple scenarios that were completely incompatible with the comic's story.

Once, Megatron was considered the greatest soldier among Cybertron's military. A warrior without peer, a brilliant strategist, and possessing a keen intellect, stories of his might and success would earn the admiration of many a cadet at the Cybertronian Military Academy. Despite his fame and legendary status, Megatron wasn't satisfied: his thirst for power had corrupted him, until he desired to conquer not only Cybertron, but the entire universe. Assembling an army of his own, ruled by fear and answering only to him, he led his Decepticons against the planet's governments. They left a trail of destruction in their wake, until he was finally brought to heel by a rising star in the military, a young Optimus Prime. Though he wouldn't stay down for long, as he discovered the power of the Mini-Cons, and the war ignited anew. More than Meets the Eye: Armada #2

At some point after coming to Earth, Megatron somehow gained even more power and a new paint job, rechristening himself "Galvatron". By itself, this new form was more powerful than his old body with Mini-Con enhancement. Still refusing to accept any limits, Galvatron discarded Leader-1 Galvatron's More Than Meets The Eye profile and sought to create the ultimate Mini-Con in his place. He began with Clench and "upgraded" him with parts extracted from other victims. Clench took to his servitude gladly, grateful for the power of his new body. This was just one example of Galvatron's increased ability to manipulate those around him to serve his own ends. Sadly for his allies, this came with an even greater disregard for anyone and anything besides his own quest for physical enhancement. More than Meets the Eye: Armada #1

Energon comic

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Megatron once oversaw an attack that had Scorponok leading the ground forces. Starscream warned of the scorpion's possible aspirations. No Exit

Within Unicron, Megatron was disassembled and assimilated, but his consciousness remained in the giant's spark core. Through his ten-year-long imprisonment within the Chaos Bringer, Megatron learned a great many things about the god, and its occupant, Alpha Quintesson. Using his interface within Unicron, he constructed a new and powerful body for himself, but was unable to transfer his spark to it. Nevertheless, he planned and waited for an opportunity... What Lies Beneath, Part Three

When Optimus Prime was brought to Unicron in a vision triggered by the Hub and Sig-Omega, Megatron's spark reached out to Optimus, promising him the chance to defeat Unicron in exchange for his freedom. He warned his nemesis that Earth had a store of energon that the Terrorcons planned to procure for Unicron. This Evil Reborn Megatron again connected to Optimus when he traveled through the space bridge to confront the Terrorcons on Earth, reminding the Autobot of his unique position within Unicron. Another reminder was in order when Optimus and his Autobots were defeated by the Terrorcons. What Lies Beneath, Part Three

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After establishing the Autobots on Earth, Optimus Prime found his space bridge back to Cybertron redirected to the interior of Unicron by Megatron. Omni-Potent With Optimus Prime trapped in Unicron, Megatron took the time to explain his degree of power over Unicron's systems, and his need for assistance in the transference of his spark into his new body. When Optimus refused to assist, Megatron produced some incentive by showing a video feed from the Terrorcons devastating the cities of Earth. Multiplicity His hand forced, Optimus Prime ventured deep into Unicron and, despite Megatron's lack of control over all of Unicron's defenses, Multiplicity, Pt. 2 managed to free Megatron's spark from its imprisonment.

Using an internal teleporation system, Megatron left behind Optimus Prime in Unicron and arrived on Earth. Multiplicity, Pt. 3 There, he took out his aggression over being imprisoned on the Terrorcon armies threatening the planet. After the Terrorcon drones were forced into retreat, Megatron took his leave to face down Scorponok at the shield tower in Yukon Territory. Multiplicity, Pt. 4 After a debate of strategy and a brutal battle, Megatron killed his usurper and left his smoldering corpse standing. He soon told the watching Ironhide to warn all that Megatron had returned. No Exit

Using Decepticon Orbital Command HQ as his headquarters, Megatron took command of the Decepticons and sent Snow Cat, Sharkticon, and Slugslinger to investigate the Omega Supreme prototype at Ocean City. After listening to their excuses, Megatron promoted Slugslinger on the basis that he had lied the best—adhering closely to what it meant to be a "Decepticon". Perspective

Energon ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

In the six months that followed, Megatron took to the task of rebuilding his Decepticon empire, beginning with Earth, which was protected by a global energy shield, trapping the Decepticon leader within. Thus, Alpha Quintesson considered him to be of little concern. Doomsday Redux! Megatron's return emboldened the Decepticons on Cybertron, bringing an end to the lull of hostilities between Decepticons and Autobots. Armageddon Part 1 As part of his machinations, Megatron ordered Shockblast to attack an ore processing facility in the Cayman Islands, ignoring the Decepticon's desire to attack more key installations. Armageddon Part 2 When Alpha Quintesson began to make his move, Megatron knew the alien's goal would hardly be good for any side, and ordered Wheeljack to intervene in a battle with Alpha Quintesson's co-conspirator, Avalon, and Levitacus on Cybertron. Armageddon Part 3 Desiring to confront Alpha Quintesson, Megatron had his Decepticons destroy the shield generators so that he could teleport back to Unicron. However, just as he was about to finish off Alpha Quintesson, Unicron awakened, trapping Megatron within his body. Armageddon Part 4 Megatron furiously ripped through Unicron's interior and killed Alpha Quintesson just as he escaped through a space bridge. When Unicron was destroyed, there was no sign of Megatron. Armageddon Part 5

Cartoon continuity

The Robo-Antichrist. From left: Cybertron, Armada, Energon.

Megatron led the Decepticons in the war for the Mini-Cons, moving from Cybertron to Earth in his unstoppable goal to seize the power of the tiny 'bots. His relationship with his lieutenant Starscream was a troubled one, his harsh abuse of the younger Decepticon earning him his undying enmity, while his rivalry with Optimus Prime was an odder one still: when the Autobot leader was thought dead, Megatron sank into a deep depression, seeing no further challenge in his life without his eternal foe. Once upgraded through the power of the Mini-Cons into "Galvatron", Megatron was tormented further by the emergence of the threat of Unicron, whose existence called into question all he had ever fought for. Unable to tolerate the idea of living in peace, Megatron sacrificed his life to destroy Unicron.

But Megatron did not die, living on within Unicron, absorbed into the chaos-bringer's body. Ten years later, when the alien Alpha Q began his plan to restore Unicron with Energon, Megatron was able to siphon some off for his own and create a new body for himself. Returned to life, he promptly took over Alpha Q's objective, raiding the Autobots' cities on Earth for Energon to resurrect Unicron as the ultimate weapon. But Unicron's power was too much for Megatron to handle, and he became possessed by the dark god, transformed into Galvatron once again-through exposure to Super Energon-and mutated into a planet-sized titan. Refusing to be a servant, Megatron shook off Unicron's control long enough to hurl himself into an Energon sun created by Primus, once again appearing to give up his life rather than let Unicron win.

A further ten years later, when the energon sun collapsed into a black hole, Megatron was freed, having transformed Unicron's remains into a suit of armor that greatly magnified his already-impressive power. Megatron began a search for the Cyber Planet Keys, seeking to use them to accelerate the universal degradation caused by the black hole and remake creation in his own image. After being upgraded to Galvatron for a third time by the power of the Cyber Planet Key of Gigantion, Megatron succeeded in stealing the keys from the Autobots, but was defeated in battle within the singularity. With ultimate power lost to him, Megatron challenged Optimus Prime to one final battle on Cybertron's moon, which concluded when Prime ran him through with Vector Prime's sword, disintegrating his body and finally putting an end to his evil.

Panini Armada comic

ArmadaUK9 megatron attack.jpg

Back when Megatron first started terrorizing the Mini-Con population of Cybertron, he learned that Mini-Cons were hiding at Autobot Command HQ, and so he and his forces attacked the building. However, this was false information leaked to the Decepticons by Dualor, who planned to assassinate Megatron by blowing the Autobot headquarters up. When the Autobots learned of this, they evacuated the building, distracting Megatron from entering the magno-web perimeter. As such, the ensuing explosion only served to knocked him over, which still made him furious. Counter-Strike!

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A few million years later, Megatron was still fighting the Autobots long after most of the Mini-Cons had abandoned Cybertron. During one battle, he was very disappointed with Starscream's ability to lose despite his Mini-Con augmentation, and threatened to take Swindle for himself. Suddenly, a Mini-Con activation from Earth reached Cybertron, and Megatron was the first to take a space bridge to the alien planet. Upon arrival he found High Wire and three humans, and quickly made it clear that he did not "come in peace". After voicing his intent to strip Earth of its resources after finding all the Mini-Cons, he made a grab for High Wire, but was stopped by Optimus Prime. First Encounter! Megatron's power-link with Leader-1 allowed him to easily defeat his Prime and summon Starscream, Cyclonus and Demolishor to Earth. He was busy contemplating the possibility of Mini-Cons on the Moon when Rad White confronted him and offered to lead him to the Mini-Cons' crashed ship in exchange for sparing Optimus Prime. Megatron laughed at him and explained that he didn't make "deals", and told the human to lead him to the ship before he became a wet spot on the ground. Rad's Mini-Con friends came to his aid, and after shooting and electrocuting Megatron had little effect, they power-linked with the arriving Autobots instead. With Prime now strengthened by Sparkplug, Megatron opted for a temporary retreat. Friends and Foes!

The Decepticons returned to attack the Autobots again when they were attempting to send their Mini-Cons back to Cybertron. Rad hoped that Megatron would give up when the Mini-Cons left, but the Decepticon leader made it clear that he wasn't leaving Earth until he had captured all the remaining Mini-Cons. When it turned out that the Mini-Cons had stayed on
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Earth after all, Megatron saw no further need for battle and retreated, blowing the Autobots' space bridge up on the way. No Way Back!

Following up on his earlier theory, Megatron traveled to the Moon in search of Mini-Cons. He ended up being confronted by Smokescreen, Scavenger and a hologram of Optimus Prime, who revealed that they had already saved all the Mini-Cons on the moon. After furiously clawing at the holographic Prime, Megatron retreated once again. Between Two Worlds! However, he elected to stay on the Moon, where the Decepticons constructed a massive headquarters from which they planned to simply nuke Autobase. The Mini-Cons tried to negotiate with Megatron, offering to surrender themselves in exchange for sparing the Autobots. Again, Megatron didn't make deals, and decided to first capture the Mini-Cons then blow the Autobots away anyway. However, this gave the Autobots the time they needed to repair their space bridge and link it to the Decepticons' one, so when Megatron fired the missiles, they were warped straight back into his own short-lived base. Earthshaker! To make matters worse, Cyclonus didn't return with the captured Mini-Cons, and Megatron took his frustration out on Demolishor. His mood was not improved when Cyclonus suddenly returned and began opening fire on what remained of the Decepticon base. It turned out that the "traitor" was possessed by the Destruction Mini-Con Team, who attacked and defeated Megatron despite his power-link with Leader-1. Before Cyclonus could finish him off, however, Megatron was saved by Starscream when he separated the Destruction Team from their host. Dawn of Destruction!

Bendon Armada books


Megatron and Demolishor launched a surprise attack against the Autobots, only to "cowardly" run away after Optimus Prime and Hot Shot stood up to them. Cave Catastrophe

Megatron and Demolishor also launched a sneak attack against the kids when they left themselves in the open, and were yet again bested by the two Autobots when they came to render aid. Race to Disaster

The Balance of Power

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Even without the power of the Mini-Cons, who had disappeared from Cybertron millions of years past, Megatron and his Decepticons were still a conquering force to be reckoned with. When Autobots Hot Shot and Red Alert were detected in Decepticon territory looking for a Mini-Con relic, Megatron dispatched Cyclonus with a platoon of his new mass-produced Decepticlone warriors to destroy them. The arrival of Optimus Prime changed things, and Megatron himself strode into the fray, ordering his Decepticlones to stand down so that he could battle Prime alone. Their fight was cut short, however, by an explosion of light: the relic the Autobots had been looking for had been found by Starscream, and opened a portal to the planet to which the Mini-Cons had retreated. Ordering his Decepticons to track the signal, Megatron leapt into the portal and was immediately teleported to Earth. The Balance of Power

This comic was written as a tie-in to the Armada video game, but its details differ from the introduction seen in the game itself. See below for that version of the story.

Beast Megatron

Universe comic

Voice actor: David Kaye (English)
Why should I listen to you? You sound just like my sworn enemy!

Megatron—bearing the tank-based form he took after first arriving on Earth—was among the Transformers from all across time and space targeted for capture by Unicron. Abduction Teleported into the chaos-bringer's ruined body, trapped between dimensions, Megatron was confronted by fellow abductee Grimlock, with whom an argument soon devolved into a brawl. The fight was stopped by Optimus Primal, who explained what had happened and where they were, and the trio were then dropped into the Cauldron, the arena in which the captives of Unicron were destined to fight, so that the planet-eater could consume their energon radiation, and eventually, their sparks. Together, the three 'bots defeated Cauldron guards Reptilion and Striker, OTFCC Live-Action Drama but while they interrogated Striker, Reptilion escaped and called in Tankor and Obsidian for backup. Megatron and Grimlock held the villains off while Primal instigated a prison break. The escapees helped Megatron and Grimlock overcome their foes, and everyone escaped back to their home dimensions. Escape

Ask Vector Prime

Unfortunately, Megatron had been right handed.

On his return to home to Aurex 1006.0 Beta, he was fully aware of Unicron's threat. As a result, Starscream didn't need to die to convince him; the surviving Starscream led the Decepticons after Megatron's death; when Megatron came back, the Autobot-Decepticon alliance hung together anyway. Megatron died and returned again, and during the black hole crisis, Megatron upgraded into Beast Megatron, rather than a Galvatron. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/19

Toy bio

The Jungle Planet Key mutated Megatron into a strangely familiar tyrannosaurian form! Though he was initially frustrated by this tyrannosaurian form, he came to enjoy both the terror of the residents of the Jungle Planet at his ferocious presence and the ability to whack trees over, desiring to kill Optimus with his beast mode jaws! Megatron (2006 Deluxe) toy bio

Megatron fought his Prime in final combat and fell to a blow from the sword Rhisling. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/19

MegaWing Galvatron instructions

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In Aurex 304.0 Epsilon, Galvatron led the Decepticons in a three-way war against Optimus Prime's Autobots and Rodimus's Omnicons for the Mini-Cons. When the Destructicons of Viron 403.0 Beta arrived, the Decepticons formed a tenuous alliance with them. Galvatron's Mini-Con Caliburn was given to Megazarak, Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/11 and Galvatron used the Spark of Combination to combine with Dreadwind and Smokejumper to form MegaWing Galvatron. They could further combine with Tidal Wave to form Dark MegaWing Galvatron. MegaWing Galvatron instructions However, once the Autobots and Omnicons were taken care of, the Destructicons turned on the Decepticons and wiped them out. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/11


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Megatron saw Thrust manage to accidentally give away a Mini-Con to the Autobots, and angrily came up behind his subordinate. SuperDeformed Fan

Reader's Digest Armada novels

Megatron was present eons ago when the Mini-Cons were sent off into space as part of a truce between the Autobots and Decepticons to put a halt to their civil war. Peacetime did not last, however, and the war began anew without the Mini-Cons. When three children awoke the Mini-Cons on Earth, Megatron and several of his soldiers were pulled from the battlefield on Cybertron and teleported to the small blue planet. Here, Megatron resumed grappling against Optimus until he noticed the Mini-Cons, and attempted to capture them. Optimus managed to prevent Megatron from harming both the Mini-Cons and the children accompanying them. Perceptor then put an end to the battle by generating a forcefield, which prevented Megatron from attacking both Optimus and the Mini-Cons. Seeing it was futile to continue fighting, Megatron used his built-in warp gate to retreat to Earth's Moon, bringing his troops with him. There, he found a fragment of the Mini-Cons' ship, and set out to reinforce it so it could serve as his base of operations. Megatron then vowed that he would collect the Mini-Cons, and meet up with Optimus in battle once more. The Battle Begins

Though the reinforcement of his lunar base proceeded at a steady pace, Megatron nevertheless grew impatient, ordering his troops to work at an ever-increasing rate. As he paced about ruminating on his recent defeat, one of his minions working overhead, Cyclonus, dropped his calibration device. The device narrowly missed Megatron's head on its way down. Though annoyed, Megatron noted that the device hit something metallic, and he called for Cyclonus to help him dig up what he correctly guessed was a buried Mini-Con panel. Megatron claimed the Mini-Con as his own, and named it "Leader-1" after it awoke from dormancy. The two bonded instantly, and Leader-1 attached itself to Megatron's shoulder, transforming into a machine gun. Trying out the new weapon for laughs, Megatron sent his troops scrambling for cover. Megatron then instructed Cyclonus to acquire for himself a new alternate mode, based on an Earth vehicle. Megatron and the other members of his inner circle, Starscream and Demolishor, did so as well. Megatron chose to adopt the form of a "super-tank" as his disguise. His fervor renewed, Megatron decided to pay Optimus Prime and his Autobots a surprise visit...

Finding the cave leading to the Autobots' base sealed shut, Megatron and his Decepticons bombarded the mountain-side until the three children and their Mini-Cons turned up once more. Megatron haulted his assault, and reiterated his demand that the children turn over their Mini-Con companions. But the Autobots had been closely following the children, and both team of robots tangled once more. Megatron found himself at a disadvantage as the battle was underway, with Optimus adopting his "Super Optimus Prime" mode to overwhelm his opponents. In response, Megatron linked up with Leader-1, doubling the Decepticon leader's size in the process! Now a match for his nemesis, Megatron unleashed a blast so powerful that the recoil sent him reeling back. Demolishor and Starscream helped Megatron right himself, though he insisted that they instead worry about finishing off the Autobot leader. But Megatron's troops proved to still be no match for Optimus. Megatron made another attempt at attacking Optimus, but this time around the Autobot bent his cannon's barrel skywards as Megatron fired. Recognizing that they were fighting a losing battle, Megatron called a retreat and teleported away.

Back on the Moon, the Decepticons began to squabble over their most recent failure to gain ground on the Autobots. Then, Cyclonus teleported in late with two Mini-Con panels in his possession. During the battle on Earth, the children had uncovered several panels, and Cyclonus had managed to snatch two of them before fleeing. Starscream tried to claim one of the Mini-Cons for himself, but Megatron denied him the opportunity. He decreed instead that since Cyclonus managed to grab the Mini-Cons, one would serve as his partner. The other would be granted to Demolishor, so that scheming Starscream's power could be held in check. Megatron then declared once again that soon the Decepticons would claim every single Mini-Con on Earth! Race for the Mini-Con Robots

Q-Robo Transformer

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Q-Robo Transformer

Transformers Legends anthology

Early in the war on Earth, Megatron confronted the Autobots in Yellowstone National Park. Despite Prime's warnings that the area was highly unstable and a battle could create untold geological mayhem, Megatron pressed on and brought Optimus to the verge of defeat before he was interrupted by Riptide. Megatron managed to rip QuickFire from the Autobot, but found himself under attack by Jake Williams in his pickup. The distraction gave time for Riptide to recover and force Megatron to retreat. Lonesome Diesel

Eons after having been to Earth, elder Mini-Cons relayed stories of their adventures on the distant planet to the younger generations. According to Mini-Con lore, when their ancient enemy Megatron came to Earth, he was able to stomp out entire cities underfoot due to the humans' lack of defenses. Something Robotic This Way Comes

Lil Formers

Megatron claimed he could stop collecting Mini-Cons anytime he wanted to, but just didn't feel like doing so at the moment. Lil Formers

Galaxy Force manga continuity

Ask Vector Prime

In Aurex 105.15 Gamma, Thrust went to serve Megatron on Earth and was betrayed and destroyed by Galvatron. Thrust's brother Sunstorm learned of this from Thrust's surviving Mini-Con partner Inferno and together, they sought revenge only to discover that Galvatron had died at the end of the Unicron Battles. This prompted Sunstorm to start praying to Unicron, and for once, his prayers would not go unanswered. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/06

Galaxy Force manga

GalaxyForcemanga4 master megatron.jpg

With a colossal black hole threatening the existence of Cybertron, Megatron battled Optimus Prime on the planet's surface even as the singularity's effect was wreaking havoc across it. He sealed Optimus in a crushing energy bubble, but their battle was cut short when the planet was pulled into the black hole. Following the Autobots to their new haven on Earth, Megatron approached Vector Prime in the middle of a forest fire and mesmerized him to get him to hand over his map to the powerful Cyber Planet Keys. Fortunately, a cry from the Autobots' new human ally Coby Hansen snapped the ancient Transformer of his trance before that could happen. Optimus Prime then appeared, and Megatron used his energy bubble trap on him again, but this time, Prime's determination to save the humans gave him the strength to overpower it. Striking a powerful blow to Megatron, Prime drew blood (well, oil) and Megatron elected to withdraw for the moment. Touchdown! Optimus Prime It was not long before Megatron struck again, however, attacking Vector Prime when he was on his own, scouting the planet for information about the Omega Lock. With Starscream keeping the other Autobots occupied, Megatron successfully stole the old Transformers' planet map, and obtained from it the location of the first Cyber Planet Key: Velocitron, the Speed Planet. The Devil's Dogfight! Coby's Courage

GalaxyForcemanga4 megatron deathclaw.jpg

When Vector Prime, along with the Recon Mini-Con Team and their human friends, located the Omega Lock within the crashed Cybertronian starship Atlantis at the bottom of the ocean, Megatron blasted his way into the ship to claim it. Tearing it from its moorings activated the ship's defense systems, which blasted him and made him drop the Lock, but he immediately deployed his Death Claw to "persuade" Vector Prime into handing it back. The pair battled while the kids and Mini-Cons got the lock to safety, as the Atlantis began to self-destruct around them. Optimus Prime arrived to aid Vector Prime, taking over the battle with Megatron and giving Vector Prime the time to warp the ship into space. The two Primes survived the explosion of the vessel, but Megatron disappeared in the blast. Deep Sea Discovery! Vector Prime

Nevertheless, the threat of Megatron still loomed after the defeat of Starscream. Mission.9

Cybertron toy bios

Runamuck functioned as a spy and courier for Megatron for a long time. Runamuck toy bio

Brushguard was one of many scientists working for Megatron. Brushguard toy bio

Swindle was not a slavishly loyal to Megatron as Hardtop was. Swindle toy bio

Megatron supplied Dirt Boss with information which allowed Dirt Boss to forcibly link with the dimensionally-displaced Mini-Con Downshift. Wal-Mart exclusive Dirt Boss two-pack toy bio

After being repainted for stealth missions, Ransack ran his vocal processor so much that Galvatron considered having it removed. Ransack GTS toy bio

Universe toy bios

Megatron left Storm Surge in charge of aquatic combat. War of the Waves toy bio

Spacewarp's Log

In Spacewarp's home reality, Ulchtar was Megatron's right hand 'bot but betrayed Megatron multiple times. Spacewarp's Log (2), 2015/11/28

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Megatron was a spectator for the second week of the Speedia 500 on Velocitron. He decided to join an impromptu third iteration of the race. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3


The Energon Within

EnergonWithin megatron orders.jpg

Megatron ordered Starscream to secure 100 energon cubes from an Autobot mine. Despite the fact he succeeded, Megatron still berated Starscream for the high cost. The Energon Within

Transformers (PS2)

Voice actor: David Kaye (English), Salvador Serrano (Castilian Spanish), Claudio Moneta (Italian)
ArmadaPS2 megatron vs optimus.jpg

During the great war on Cybertron, Megatron created the Decepticlones, an army of drones in many shapes and sizes to aid him in the takeover of Cybertron.

During a massive battle, Megatron engaged Optimus Prime on a rooftop, Megatron clearly had the upper hand, and seized the Autobot leader by the face, about to strike a fatal blow. Before he could however, a beam of light dove out of the heavens between the two combatants, and resolved itself into a signal beacon, revealing that the Mini-Cons, who had long ago left Cybertron, had awakened on Earth. Tracing the signal's location, Megatron departed for Earth with his second in command Starscream, Cyclonus, Tidal Wave and his newly created Decepticlone army

Once on Earth, Megatron established a base of operations inside a volcano on a Pacific island and had search parties established in the Amazon (led by Cyclonus), Antarctica and Alaska (led by Starscream). and the Atlantic Ocean (led by Tidal Wave).

Angered by what the Decepticons had done, Optimus Prime interrogated Starscream in their second battle with him, and the Decepticon revealed that he was seeking to take command. After punching him in the face, Red Alert hacked Starscream's warp transponder and learned of Megatron's location but Megatron simply invited the challenge once he learned of their coming.

After defeating the other Decepticons, the Autobots arrived on the island and managed to find their way into the volcano's crater. After they successfully defeated Megatron in a drawn-out battle, the volcano suddenly erupted, causing the platform Megatron and the Autobots were fighting on to collapse. The unconscious Megatron slid off the edge, but was grabbed by Optimus Prime before he could tumble into the lava. Awakening, Megatron spat that the Autobot leader did not even know when he had won, and shook himself free of Prime's grip, plummeting into the molten pit. Transformers

Transformers Energon: Battle for Megatron

Scorponok and the Terrorcons attempted to free Megatron from captivity within Unicron, facing the chaos-bringer's internal defenses and even Optimus Prime himself in the process. Transformers Energon: Battle for Megatron

Transformers: Battle Tactics

I get much better later on. Trust me.

Megatron participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He appeared in multiple different bodies, as both "Megatron" and "Galvatron":

  • Armada Megatron — This Super Rare character could be recruited by collecting 350 units of Cybermetal, 115 units of Transmetal, 70 soldier cores, and 5 cores of this character.
  • Galvatron Armada — This Epic character was available as a reward in the "Galvatron" event.
  • Energon Galvatron — This Epic character first appeared in the "Christmas Breaker" event, and could be recruited by collecting 650 units of Cybermetal, 350 units of Transmetal, 150 exclusive cores, and 50 cores of this character.

Transformers: Battle Tactics

Told ya.
Too bad there won't be a Galvatron Cybertron in this game.

Transformers: Earth Wars

As Megatron has an Energon mace, I have a Energon Sword katana!

Arriving in a new universe in search of a suitable Decepticon recruit, Barricade and Hun-Gurrr observed the local Megatron terrorize some humans with his Requiem Blaster, and concluded that Armada Megatron was a worthy Decepticon. Barricade nabbed him just as Drift and Laser Optimus arrived, but the Decepticons quickly got away and returned to their home universe with Megatron in tow. Starscream was again sure that someone up there really, really hates him. Worlds Collide

With three Megatrons in one universe, they soon had a meeting of minds. Megatron argued that he alone should be the supreme power in whatever universe he's in. The "original" Megatron expected him to do his bidding. Megatron disagreed, saying as they're all born to rule, the pretense would never work out. Megatron was starting to believe that a power struggle was inevitable, but Armada Megatron reasoned they could still make this work. Starscream admired his two-facedness, and believed he could be a potential ally.

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Weapons: Megatron fires off a disc that bounces off two buildings before attacking with his energy katana.
  • Ability: Ricochet Mode! For 15 seconds, fires plasma discs dealing small damage and bouncing onto up to 4 nearby targets, each bounce dealing 20% less damage.
    • Cost: 11 ability points +2 cost increase.

Armada Megatron at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki




Back in Armada this was considered a dynamic pose.
  • Aaron Archer compares Armada Megatron to Generation 2 Megatron, with some DNA also pulled from Beast Wars Megatron and Robots in Disguise Megatron.[1][2] In particular, Megatron's antlers are drawn from the first Transformers that Archer designed, namely Megatron's Transmetal 2 dragon form.[3] He has consistently refuted rumors that the unproduced Transtech Megatron concept informed the design in any way; he wasn't very keen on the design.[4]
    • Though Joe Kyde handled Armada Galvatron's actual deco layout, Aaron Archer claims that the broad strokes were inspired by his visit to Japan, where he became enamoured with the Beast Wars II Galvatron toy and its pink, purple and gold color scheme.[5][6]
  • When a fan asked him why Energon Megatron was not named Galvatron, owing to continuity with the Armada series and the obvious visual homage in the figure's design, Archer explained that it was due to Hasbro needing to protect their trademarks, as well as Megatron being a more recognizable (and thus marketable) product name. He added that he personally wanted to call the toy Galvatron Imperius.[7]
    • Eric Siebenaler was responsible for Energon Megatron's gunship design.[8]
    • Archer recalls Thunderwing as being one influence on the design.[9]
    • Had the toy been given the name Galvatron, it likely would have been in the "G1" colour scheme from the start.[10]
  • According to the Armada PlayStation 2 game instruction booklet, Megatron's Armada body has the following statistics:
Height: 22' 11" (8' 3" vehicle mode)
Weight: 106,925 lbs
Power: 1,600 hp
Vehicle top speed: 50mph

Foreign names


  • Japanese: Megatron (メガトロン Megatoron), Armada Megatron (retroactive designation, アルマダメガトロン Arumada Megatoron)
  • Korean: Megatron (메가트론 Megateuron)
  • Mandarin: Wēi Zhèn Tiān (威震天, "Extremely Prestigious", literally "Heaven-shaking Might")
  • Spanish: Megatrón (Latin America)
  • Japanese: Megatron Super Mode (メガトロンS Megatoron Sūpā Mōdo)
  • Spanish: Galvatrón (Latin America)


  • Japanese: Galvatron (ガルバトロン Garubatoron), Megatron (メガトロン Megatoron)
  • Mandarin: Jīng Pò Tiān (惊破天, "Sky-breaking Awe")
  • Spanish: Megatrón (Latin America)
  • Japanese: Galvatron General (ガルバトロンG (ジェネラル) Garubatoron Jeneraru)
  • Spanish: Galvatrón (Latin America)


  • Japanese: Master Megatron (マスターメガトロン Masutā Megatoron)
  • Korean: Master Megatron (마스터 메가트론 Maseuteo Megateuron)
  • Indonesian: Tuan Megatron
  • Mandarin: Shénzūn Wēi Zhèn Tiān (神尊威震天, "God-supreme Megatron")
  • Spanish: Megatrón (Latin America)
  • Japanese: Master Galvatron (マスターガルバトロン Masutā Garubatoron)
  • Korean: Master Galvatron (마스터 갈바트론 Maseuteo Galbateulon)
  • Indonesian: Tuan Galvatron
  • Mandarin: Shénzūn Jīng Pò Tiān (神尊惊破天, "God-supreme Galvatron")
  • Spanish: Galvatrón (Latin America)


  1. "The Armada megs head has a closer tie to RID than G1."—Aaron Archer, TFW2005, 2003/08/27
  2. "he is but there is some RID and Beast Wars in there too"—Aaron Archer, Instagram, 2020/09/03
  3. "My first Transformer [...] was the red Megatron dragon. [...] The Asian dragon with deer horns is kind of a cool look for me, I like that look. So the red dragon has those antlers, and so this in Armada is kind of a mechanical echo of my design of the antlers to make Megatron with antlers."—Aaron Archer, The Toy Armada, "Legacy Armada Megatron", 2023/04/07
  4. "As I said at Bot-con NOTHING FROM TRANSTECH WAS USED IN ARMADA. I personally dont like that stuff very much for toys. I designed Megatron from scratch I looked at the Gen 2 megatron for some insperation but not TT. Most of Armada hasnt even been released, please look forward to that first and then what will come after."—Aaron Archer, TFW2005, circa 2002
  5. "the original G1 colors are closer on the Energon redeco. This one, Armada Galvatron is based on the Japanese BW2 colors somewhat."—Aaron Archer, Instagram, 2023/04/27
  6. "So Armada Galvatron [...] that came from the Beast Wars II Megatron [sic] colors. I was working in the Japanese office, and that item was around and I really liked the pinkish purple on that one—I mean I've shifted these colors, so they're not the same—but it's more influenced by that Megatron than it is actually Galvatron. Energon's Megatron-to-Galvatron shift, that Galvatron is more traditional animated movie Galvatron colors, right? So very much Beast Wars II is where that came from, at least my inspiration."—Aaron Archer, The Toy Armada, "Toy Armada Friday night LIVE: Redecos (why they matter)", 2023/04/28
  7. "At the end of Armada he is Galvatron but at the start of Energon he is Megatron again. I (personally) would have prefered a continuation of the Galvatron name and then upgrade to SuperGalvatron of Galvatron imperious but that is not how we are going to do it. That is what I was talking about."—Aaron Archer, TFW2005, 2003/08/25
  8. "The battle jet design was @ericjsiebenaler ."—Aaron Archer, Instagram, 2019/06/16
  9. "you are a observer of subtle details but you are correct. I do remember Thunderwing was an influence."—Aaron Archer, Instagram, 2019/06/17
  10. "Megatron always comes first. I did not want to color him like “g1” Galvatron and have him named Megatron."—Aaron Archer, TFW2005, 2003/09/10
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