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Memo is a human from the Bumblebee portion of the movie continuity family.
Uh, sorry to break this to you, Wakko, but if I'm not mistaken, "Bumblebee" is Steven's favorite movie. We got a Memo.

Guillermo Gutierrez, better known by his nickname Memo, works at the Quique's Churros stand at Brighton Falls Boardwalk. He is a bit of a science fiction fan, which is probably just as well, as his interest in his neighbor, Charlie Watson, is about to involve him in a fight to save the entire planet from giant killer robots from space.

You're not a nerd, you're not a nerd, you're not a nerd, you're not a nerd, you're not a nerd, you're not a nerd. Just, okay, you're a nerd but just don't let her see you're a nerd.Memo tries to psyche himself up to ask Charlie on a date



Bumblebee film

Actor: Jorge Lendeborg Jr.
Voice actor: Jun Shison (Japanese dub), David García Llop (Spain Spanish dub), Alan Fernando Velázquez (Latin-American Spanish dub), João Cappelli (Portuguese dub), Gabriel Bismuth-Bienaimé (European French dub), Alexandre Bacon (Canadian French dub), Vaibhav Thakkar (Hindi dub), Alex Polidori (Italian dub), Kaze Uzumaki (German dub)

Spying Charlie working at her job at the hot dog stand, Guillermo attempted to approach her, only to be brushed off as she took a tray of food to some customers. A couple of days later, he emerged from his house reading an issue of GoBots Magazine when he spied Charlie and again unsuccessfully attempted to introduce himself. Finally, he resolved to ask her on a date and barged in, only to find her hanging out in her garage with a giant robot that turned into a Volkswagen. After mishearing his name as "Memo" and swearing him to secrecy, Charlie introduced him to Bumblebee.

The pair went driving in Bumblebee, and Charlie temporarily borrowed Memo's shirt to demonstrate Bumblebee's ability to self-drive. They eventually ended up on a cliff at the sea edge where Tripp Summers challenged Charlie to jump off. After Charlie suffered the scorn of her schoolmates, particularly Tina Lark, because she couldn't dive, Memo suggested they get revenge on Tina. The pair took Bumblebee to Tina's house after dark and attempted to instruct him in the art of TPing the house and egging Tina's car, however, the Autobot went overboard and ended up enthusiastically destroying the car. After a getaway that included a brief police chase, Memo and Charlie said their goodnights and parted ways.

The following day, Memo heard crashes coming from Charlie's house and rang her at her work. The pair investigated and found that Bumblebee had managed to trash much of the house's interior. He set about helping Charlie tidy up, but had to hide when Charlie's mother came home and accompanied Charlie as she took a drive in Bee to cool off after the ensuing argument. They encountered a Sector Seven roadblock, at which point Memo became separated from Charlie and Bumblebee, and was returned home. After Charlie escaped from her own house, she visited Memo and they determined that Bumblebee, who'd been taken by Sector Seven, was likely at McKinnon Air Base.

Charlie and Memo headed to the air force base on Charlie's bike, where they witnessed Shatter and Dropkick interrogating and then terminating Bee. With Memo's help, Charlie was able to restore Bumblebee to life, however, Sector Seven forces arrived and blew up the door, injuring Memo. Bumblebee managed to initially fight off Sector Seven, and as they returned, Memo opted to stay behind, unsuccessfully trying to delay them while Charlie and Bumblebee headed to the dock to foil the Decepticons' plans. Memo later arrived at the dock to find the world had already been saved and asked Agent Burns to call his mom. Memo was later reunited with Charlie when she returned home after parting ways with Bumblebee, though they mutually agreed they weren't at the "holding hands" stage yet. Bumblebee

Memo's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, was also chronicled in the novel Transformers: Bumblebee: The Junior Novel.


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Memo (メモ)
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