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Memorial Crater

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The Memorial Crater was the site of the final battle against Exarchon during the War of the Threefold Spark. Located in the wilderness just outside of Iacon, the crater remained untouched after the war in tribute to those who died there. That is, until the terrorist organization known as The Rise found a use for it...

Known names on the memorial deathlist


2019 IDW continuity

Exarchon's last push during the War of the Threefold Spark was on the edge of Iacon itself, after a long and grueling campaign. During the battle, it was believed that Exarchon had finally been destroyed. Darkness, Once Gazed Upon: Part One However, Exarchon survived by usurping the body of one of those critically wounded in the battle, the soldier Provoke. War's End Part One Trapped beneath rubble, Exarchon was buried, and went into stasis lock. The Threefold Spark apparently gone, the very site where he lay dormant ironically became the ground for the Memorial Crater, to commemorate those lost in the final battle, Provoke listed among them. Titans A survivor of the battle Cyclonus, would deal with his trauma by taking up a lonely vigil at the Crater, acting as its protector, believing that Exarchon was not truly gone. The Crater also began to grow a layer of a lichen-like substance that he kept from covering it. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part One At some point, unbeknownst to Cyclonus, the Rise, a terrorist organization, set up a secret base underneath the Memorial Crater, using it as their main base. The facility was equipped with repair bays, and energon stations for fueling up on microwave-beamed energon siphoned from the Winged Moon. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Three

Two megacyles after Exarchon's apparent defeat, the Rise member Flamewar would expose the base attempting to lay down a communications line on the exterior of the crater, attracting Cyclonus' attention. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part One Cyclonus and Flamewar battled, exposing the base's position, and leading to its evacuation. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Two By the time Security Operations arrived, the Rise had already cleared out the base, and only Sixshot stayed behind to rout them as Shadow Striker set the facility to detonate, causing an explosion that collapsed the base and the Memorial Crater above. The Cracks Beneath Your Feet Part Three Later, the Titan Cargohold would be sent out of her orbit, and would crash into the damaged Memorial Crater, completely obliterating it, and exposing "Provoke", releasing Exarchon back into the world. Titans

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