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Metroplex (SG)

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This article is about the evil Autobot. For his heroic counterpart, see Metroplex (G1). For a list of other meanings, see Metroplex (disambiguation).
Metroplex is an evil Autobot Titan from the Shattered Glass continuity family.
Many millions of years ago, a race of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings got so fed up with the constant bickering about the meaning of life, that they commissioned two of their brightest and best to design and build a stupendous supercomputer to calculate the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

Metroplex might be a bad place to be, but he'll make sure other places are worse.



Fun Publications Shattered Glass continuity

According to the news, Metroplex ruined some city. It wasn't the first time he did that either. Around Cybertron #6


He's smiling because he transforms into Silent Hill.

Nautica told Metroplex he could appear in the latest comic. His size didn't stop Metroplex from violently forcing his head into the panel anyway. SD SG #3

IDW Shattered Glass comic

"The answer to the ultimate question, to life the universe and everything, is...FORTY-TWO!!!"

Under unknown circumstances in the distant past, the Titan Metroplex became buried under what would later be known as the Static Zone, believed deceased by the inhabitants of Cybertron. This would later be challenged by the pair of scientists Starscream and Jetfire, who before the war discovered the slumbering Titan. They sought answers to the culture and linguistics of Titans and accordingly undertook multiple attempts to secure funding to unearth Metroplex's head for study. Metroplex's head would indeed be unearthed after they acquired funds, but the venture would soon be abandoned as planetary tensions rose in the face of the coming civil war, and Starscream discovered Jetfire starting to side with the forces of Orion Pax. Chased back to the dig site, the Seeker attempted to upload all the data acquired from Metroplex into his very spark but had the upload interrupted by Jetfire and accompanying Autobot forces, leaving the data corrupt at both ends. Later on at undermined points, it was said that the Autobots attempted to communicate with the Titan themselves, but no spark among them proved capable. Starscream returned to Metroplex a megacycle or so after the war ended, and after a large amount of time isolated with the Titan, managed to repair the damaged data and discover how to communicate with Metroplex via his spark. Shattered Glass #3

Long after the war's conclusion, Blurr raced past Metroplex's buried form as he dragged Sixshot's remains to Gold City. He later passed the Titan once again as he attempted to lure Starscream into a trap. Shattered Glass #1 After finding Megatron in the Rust Sea, Starscream would bring up a hologram of Metroplex's head while explaining to his leader the plan to awake the Titans and retake the planet. Shattered Glass #2 After having Starscream captured and tortured in order to gain the communication key for himself, Shattered Glass #4 Autobot warlord Goldbug offlined the Seeker by blasting a hole clean through his torso and ripped his spark out entirely, making with it to Metroplex and awakening him, the Titan unleashing a primal scream as he came online and began breaking through the ground. Shattered Glass #5 Goldbug eventually plugged Starscream's spark into Metroplex's systems but found that the giant proved temperamental, activating and deactivating without Goldbug's input. Shattered Glass II #3

Ultra Magnus later attempted to warn Optimus Prime of the Titan's reactivation only to be brushed off. Realizing that he would be forced to lead the charge against the Titan of Prime's behalf, Magnus finally snapped and overthrew the Prime. Shattered Glass II #1

By the time Metroplex's shoulders and upper torso had surfaced, Slicer paid a visit to the Titan, intending to destroy him via internal explosives before he was found by Goldbug. Managing to dupe the ex-warlord that he was still loyal, the two Autobots worked to repair Metroplex before the Titan briefly activated in response to Jetfire's presence. Shattered Glass II #3

By the time of Goldbug's death, Metroplex fully reactivated, Shattered Glass II #4 his mind slowly merging with Starscream's. Navigating around the Wreckers that had taken residence in the Titan, Soundwave and Jetfire managed to remove Starscream's spark, sending Metroplex back to stasis. Shattered Glass II #5


  • In SD SG, Metroplex has Generation 1 Junkion colors[1] while his IDW coloration is directly taken from Metrotitan.[2]


  1. "Oh yup. He was Junkion colors, implying he's not a good city. 😆"—Jesse Wittenrich, Twitter, 2017/11/18
  2. "Those colours are based on Metrotitan for sure but as to which character it is you will have to read on!"—John-Paul Bove, Twitter, 2021/08/12
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