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Micronus Prime

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So, if the Mini-Cons are Pokémon, does this make him Arceus?

At the dawn of time, Primus created Micronus Prime, conscience and moral center of the Thirteen. Although he is the smallest member of this venerated group, he possesses boundless reserves of energy and a clever mind, enabling him to predict the actions of his brothers and sisters before even they know what they're going to do.

Micronus's innocent nature belies his strong ethical sense; although he takes his role very seriously, he approaches his duties with a light Spark and an easy touch. He eschewed the most dour members of the Thirteen in favor of the free-spirited Onyx Prime, whom he once considered his closest friend, and his creative energies also inspired him to strike up friendships with Solus Prime and Nexus Prime. Micronus's siblings always appreciated his presence—he could impart a fraction of his energy upon them using the Chimera Stone, directing his own energies into a form that suited their needs. He would pass a version of this ability on to his descendants, the Mini-Cons.

In recent years, Micronus Prime has retreated to the Realm of the Primes, where he temporarily served as a mentor and spiritual guide to Optimus, the youngest member of the Thirteen. In this role, he prefers to let his younger sibling learn through trial and error, sometimes feigning a blithe indifference to the mental and physical rigors of his training regimen. In reality, though, Micronus cares deeply about all living things, be they Transformer or otherwise.

You think you'll never find yourself in an insane situation? Better check your expectation meters.Micronus, "Out of Focus"



Aligned continuity family

The Covenant of Primus

Micronus Prime was the fifth Prime created to battle Unicron. As the Primes began planning for their future campaign against the Chaos-Bringer, Micronus gravitated towards the growing faction of strategists: Alpha Trion, Quintus Prime, and Liege Maximo. Their early fights against a simulated copy of Unicron went poorly, although Micronus and Megatronus were adamant that Unicron considered himself too independent to create a similar set of "Dark Primes".

As the Primes began building weapons for the upcoming conflict, Micronus worked alongside Solus at her forge. Using his own abilities, he would augment her hammer strikes with his own energy, allowing her to create powerful tools and weapons. Among them was the Chimera Stone, which would become Micronus's own iconic artifact. As Solus worked with the other Primes, Micronus befriended Onyx Prime, and the two became inseparable. As the Thirteen trained and planned, Micronus worked alongside Solus Prime and the other strategists to create a massive computer capable of running through all of Unicron's possible responses to an attack, a forerunner to what would one day become Vector Sigma.

The time eventually came to take the fight to Unicron. Micronus worked as a saboteur, intending to cripple and distract Unicron while the warriors damaged him. Perched on Quintus's shoulder, Micronus participated in the great battle against Unicron, drawing off the Energon-seeking missiles that Unicron fired at the Primes by venting his own energies. With Prima and Solus leading the charge, the Primes managed to fight their way inside Unicron with the help of Vector Prime's portals. Unicron's Dark Energon counter-attacked provoked a flood of nightmarish visions, which nearly overwhelmed their attempts to shut him down. Only the calm words of Optimus Prime inspired them to persevere with their mission, and Micronus laughed that as long as they were together, hell wasn't such a bad place to be. The Thirteen ultimately triumphed over Unicron, and together they returned to Cybertron, giddy in their victory. What they didn't know was that close contact with Unicron had amplified some of their inner darkness.

In the age that followed, the Primes began building a settlement for themselves, dividing into like-minded groups—some focused on labour, while others debated law and philosophy. Micronus worked with Megatronus, Nexus, and Liege Maximo on an Energon refinery. However, Micronus—along with Onyx Prime, Solus Prime, and Nexus Prime—never fit in with one group or another; they viewed the other Primes as dour and unimaginative, and chafed under some of the strictest laws imposed by Prima. While Megatronus and Solus Prime developed a strong, mutual affection for one another, Micronus was happy for them. Even so, tensions continued to rise between these ad hoc groups, which finally boiled over after Prima learned about a "farm" of robotic beasts that Liege Maximo and Quintus Prime had constructed. The Primes held a vote to decide the future of the farm; Micronus voted against letting the project continue.

Not long afterwards, Micronus and Onyx were the first to discover that Solus Prime had been killed by Megatronus's Requiem Blaster. Micronus was heartbroken by the loss, and almost overcome with rage when he realized that Megatronus was behind the killing. Micronus accompanied six of the other Primes, and through Vector Prime they tracked down Megatronus. Micronus, still inconsolable, refused to believe Megatronus's side of the story. The Primes confronted Liege Maximo, who Megatronus had accused of orchestrating the entire scheme. The anger and misery finally boiled over within all of the surviving Primes, and as Maximo's beasts ran amok the twelve Cybertronians battled one another in blind rage.

Micronus emerged from the fracas unscathed, although Liege Maximo had been blown to bits with the Requiem Blaster and Onyx Prime had been fatally wounded. When the remaining Primes had calmed down, they set about tending to the wounded. Over a period of time, Micronus and the other survivors buried Liege Maximo's remains in a chasm and held a memorial to Solus Prime in deep space. Hoping to put their ugly past behind them, the Primes turned their attention to Cybertron and their plans for the future. Micronus tried to comfort the dying Onyx; the two called a meeting of all the surviving Primes.

As Primus had created them, the Primes decided that they would create the next generation of Cybertronians using the power of Onyx's Triptych Mask within the Well of All Sparks, and the Primes would retire from active society. At the last moment, Micronus decided to accompany Onyx on his final journey into the Well. Together, their sacrifice activated the Well and allowed it to start producing new life. The Covenant of Primus

Prime cartoon

According to legend, at the beginning of time, Unicron and Primus battled each other for eons, with neither side remaining victorious for long. Till, that is, Primus created the Thirteen. These Thirteen defeated Unicron and cast him into space. One Shall Rise, Part 1

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Voice actor: Adrian Pasdar (English), Kazuhiko Inoue (Japanese), Natale Ciravolo (Italian), Pierre-Peters Arnold (German, first voice), Robert Glatzeder (German, second voice), Gerardo Alonso (Latin-American Spanish), Kimmo Härmä (Finnish), Simon Duprez (French), Thiago Zambrano (Brazilian Portuguese)
Tell them to keep out of my scotch.

When Optimus Prime sacrificed himself to save Cybertron, the Primes rescued him before his Spark could be extinguished. He wound up in the extra-dimensional Realm of the Primes with other members of the Thirteen. Decepticon Island (Part 1) Foreseeing the rise of Megatronus on Earth, Battlegrounds, Part 1 the Primes opted to train Optimus for this new mission, assigning Micronus as his new mentor.

In one such training session, Micronus challenged Optimus to climb a hill. When Optimus questioned the difficulty of his task, Micronus summoned a group of humans into the realm... and a threatening robot with multiple Mini-Con minions to attack them. Optimus tried in vain to defend the humans, repeatedly begging Micronus to help him, but Micronus declined every time. Eventually, Optimus realized that he needed to climb the easily climbed hill first, which activated his Prime Decepticon Hunter and gave him the power to defeat the robots, saving the last surviving human. At the end of the test, Micronus revealed that the humans were merely illusions, meant to prove that there would always be distractions and hard choices in the battles coming, and to keep the goal -and mind- clear. Out of Focus

Micronus made this episode in a cave... WITHABOXOFSCRAPS!

Unfortunately the time arrived before Optimus's training was complete, but Micronus regardless took him before the other Primes. When Optimus persuaded them, Micronus and the other Primes bestowed some of their power on him and sent him to Earth. Battlegrounds, Part 1

Following the battle with Megatronus, Micronus appeared to Bumblebee's team on Earth and took back the power bestowed on Optimus. Though this left Optimus in a weakened state, Micronus scanned him and said he would recover. Overloaded, Part 1

2015 Robots in Disguise books

During Optimus's training, Micronus became aware that one of the other Primes was interfering with his work. While meeting with the Primes, he realized that Liege Maximo had gone missing, and went to confront the culprit himself. The Trials of Optimus Prime

Fun Publications

Micronus was one of Vector Prime's siblings among the Thirteen. Vector noted that Micronus deeply cared for all living things, Transformer or otherwise. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/06/14

The Transcendent Technomorphs of Axiom Nexus knew the Mini-Cons to be the children of Micronus Prime. Rook - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/05/09

When Nexus Prime united the Terminus Blade and the Star Saber, the other Thirteen were drawn to the event—including Micronus. Time and space were rewritten that day, as the walls between the multiverse grew stronger and less permeable. A consequence of strengthening the walls of the multiverse was that Micronus Prime and the original Thirteen could no longer continue to exist as multiversal singularities, and so they were splintered and scattered throughout the multiverse. And so the one became many, sentient reoccurring themes each appearing in their own way, if at all, in all the worlds of the multiverse. Out of the One, Many

Generation 1 continuity family

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: The Transformers vol. 2 #47 (mentioned); Micronauts: Revolution (depicted)
"I made the stars that became the carbon in your mother's ovaries."

Micronus was one of the Thirteen Primes who led the Thirteen Tribes that arose on Cybertron following the departure of the Knights of Cybertron. The Crucible Like four others, he was attracted to the Crystal City alliance, ruling with his fellow Primes from the city's citadel. The First Who Was Named According to Sentinel Prime, Micronus was known for his "betrayal" of his closest friend Onyx Prime and Liege Maximo in the First Cybertronian Civil War. White Heat The death of Nexus Prime at the hands of Galvatron prompted all the remaining Primes except Alpha Trion to flee Cybertron. The Crucible

Micronus left Cybertron aboard his Titan, Prion, and led the colonization expedition to a distant world. He oversaw the creation of a new civilization of Transformers birthed from Prion's hot spot, which eventually developed into a world of Mini-Cons. However, Sentinel Prime claimed that Micronus abandoned his people during their time of need, abdicating Prion's world via Spacebridge and allowing for the colony's genocide at the hands of the Black Block Consortia. White Heat

One way or another, he ended up creating the sub-atomic realm known as Microspace seven million years ago, Crisis Intervention and retreated inside it. His inert body lay at the center of the Entropy Cloud which threatened to destroy that universe entirely. Micronauts: Revolution

Eons later, Shockwave would send one his Regenesis ores, Ore-3, to Prion. The Crucible Ceremony Micronus Prime's name was remembered in the Way of Flame, the religion of Solus Prime's colony Caminus. Lagrange

Hoping to save his realm using Earth's supplies of Ore-13, Micronus attempted to contact Optimus Prime through the Titan Metrotitan. Unfortunately, the message didn't get through correctly; instead, Windblade's mind made the trip across time and space. Micronus told his Camien visitor that she would have to experience his message to understand his plight. Windblade's new avatar was sent into Microspace, where she encountered the evil Baron Karza and his retinue and learned about the dire civil war that threatened Microspace. When Windblade's mind returned to her normal body, Micronus appeared in a final vision, urging her to help his dimension by any means necessary. Informed

Some time later, Baron Karza set up his main base inside Micronus's body where he made usage of the Prime's personal Spacebridge to try to save Microspace. The heroic Micronauts made the voyage through the Spacebridge, arriving inside Metrotitan's Spacebridge chamber on Earth. O Ship of State

After Karza made a failed attempt at stealing Earth's Ore-13, Valley Forge he instead decided to conquer Earth as a new home for the denizens of Microspace. Though it was a risky prospect, he ultimately enerchanged with Micronus Prime himself, the merger giving him some of Micronus's memories about the Mini-Con colony. Wearing the Prime's body, Karza arrived at the site of his former banishment and dispatched Optimus Prime in a vengeful fury. Wrath of Karza #1 Karza considered the power of Micronus superior to all the various super-villains on Earth. Wrath of Karza #3 After Shazraella had acquired Time Traveler energy, Optimus Prime tried to sucker punch a distracted Karza only for the Baron to again enerchange with Micronus. When Shazraella's powers began growing out of control, however, Optimus and Karza agreed to a truce, but her powers proved too much for them and she managed to separate Micronus from Karza, banishing the ancient Prime through time. Wrath of Karza #5

Power of the Primes marketing material

Micronus's Spark passed into the possession of one of the twelve Prime Masters; hidden within a suit of decoy armor, they safeguarded the abilities of the Primes until the present day. By uniting with a larger Transformer, the Prime Master could channel the powers of Micronus's Spark and grant them unique abilities that varied with each new partner. Power of the Primes Cloudburst / Micronus online bio

For a list of every permutation of Micronus Prime's abilities, see this link.

2019 IDW continuity

Micronus Prime was one of the Thirteen. Sea of Rust I

Cyberverse cartoon

Micronus Prime was one of the Thirteen, Dweller In The Depths Silent Strike The Other One later generations of Cybertronians being known to swear by his name. Spotted

One film

Spoiler jazz.gif

Spoiler warning: Plot details for Transformers One (film) follow.

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Power of the Primes

  • Micronus (Prime Master, 2017)
Power of the Primes Micronus is a Prime Master with Cloudburst decoy armor, visually based on the original Pretender's inner robot and shell.
This toy has identical features to the other Prime Masters in the line. The decoy armor has a weapon piece which can fold out to create a weapon mode, or detach and be held in the armor's 3 mm-compatible hand. The Titan Master-like robot can store inside the decoy armor or ride Legends Class figures in vehicle mode, and is fully compatible with toys from the previous Titans Return line. The "Power Swap" gimmick means its spark form can plug onto any decoy armor's weapon form (which has a 5 mm post to be held by larger figures), Deluxe Class figures' chest armor, Voyager Class figures' bucklers, Leader Class figures' Matrix (in place of their Matrix core), combiners' torsos (in place of their Enigma of Combination), or the Scepter of Sparks. With the power of your imagination, this bestows the Prime Master's unique power on the larger figure.
Unlike every other Titan Master/Prime Master, Micronus Prime and his fellow first wave Prime Masters feature backpacks/symbols secured by pins instead of screws.
In an unusual error, some units of Micronus/Cloudburst came with two Prime Masters.[1] Though designated for a first quarter 2018 release, Micronus/Cloudburst's wave reached U.S. store shelves in November 2017.
Micronus was retooled with a new Prime Master sigil as Amalgamous Prime. The Cloudburst armor had an alternate tooling based on Waverider, which would have been used to make Transformers Legends Grand Maximus' Pretender Suit if the figure had reached the 3000 preorder count—sadly, preorders failed to reach this number.


  • Micronus was once established as a multiversal singularity, existing as one being across all of time and space, but that is no longer the case.
  • Micronus's name is likely derived from "Micron", the Japanese name for Mini-Cons across the franchise.
  • The glowing symbols on his chest and palms are shaped like the Powerlinx ports seen on all the Transformers: Armada Mini-Con toys.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Micronus (マイクロナス Maikuronasu)
  • Mandarin: Wēi Tiān Xīng (微天星)


The Thirteen
Primary roster

Alternate members
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