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Mighty Big Trouble

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Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015) ep 43
"Mighty Big Trouble"
No. in season 4
Production company Hasbro Studios
Airdate October 1, 2016 (Canada)
November 12, 2016 (USA)
Writer Johnny Hartmann
Director Frank Marino
Animation studio Polygon Pictures, drop (2D)
Yt icon rgb.png Watch this episode on YouTube

Sideswipe puts his foot in his mouth and Clawtrap digs up something Starscream is more than happy to relieve him of.



To make extra-super-jumbo-sized omelettes...

The team return from a mission in Egypt with a new relic. Fixit identifies it as a high energy pulse generator, which could produce short, intense energy bursts that could shut down or destroy a bot's neural net. Unfortunately, Jetstorm and Slipstream stumble on the trailing sand and accidentally activate it. When the Mini-Cons trip themselves up, Sideswipe slashes the generator apart with his Decepticon Hunter before it can fry their brains. Sideswipe then makes a few jokes at the Mini-Cons' expense, something no one finds funny, particularly the Mini-Cons.

At an uncrewed, automated cargo vessel, the Scavengers arrive in their shuttle. They're tracking something that's giving off more power than they've ever found before. Clawtrap, Thermidor, and Scatterspike grab three Mini-Cons for a power boost before they start searching the ocean, leaving Paralon with the rest. The trio soon come across a sinister-looking sword buried in the ocean floor.

Bumblebee asks Fixit if there's any sign of Optimus, but there's still nothing. Sideswipe tries to join in with humor, but he's met with cold reception from the others and silence from Fixit. Sideswipe makes a half-hearted apology to Fixit but he only leaves. Bumblebee and Strongarm tell him he needs to make a proper, sincere apology.

The Scavengers emerge from the ocean with their prize. However, as soon as their backs are turned, the Mini-Cons steal their shuttle and fly off. Moments later, a portal opens and Starscream emerges from it, demanding to know where his Mini-Cons are. Clawtrap is shocked that the Mini-Cons have been running from Starscream and tries to cut a deal as the rest of Starscream's crew comes out of the portal. Then Starscream sees the sword and identifies it as the Dark Star Saber. Starscream takes the sword and boasts with it and the Mini-Cons, he'll able to not only take revenge on his old master, but conquer galaxies. He demonstrates its power by sending Paralon, Scatterspike, and Thermidor into the ocean with an energy wave, though the Saber starts resisting afterwards. Starscream demands Clawtrap tell him where the Mini-Cons are and sends the Scavenger into the sea after learning the Mini-Cons have fled. Shadelock points out that Starscream doesn't need the Mini-Cons with the Dark Star Saber, but Starscream disagrees. He tells RoughEdge to bring his ship down from orbit and start scanning for the Mini-Cons' energy signatures.

There will be Brawl.

Sideswipe tries to think of a way to properly apologize to the Mini-Cons, Russell suggests he use flowers and a poem. Bumblebee and Strongarm discuss how the new Mini-Cons seemed reluctant to aid their Decepticon partners as well as how powerful they are. Fixit notes that there is a strong symbiosis between Weaponizer and Bot; the host gets powered up, though it's unknown to what extent. And yet Bumblebee felt that the Weaponizer was holding back for some reason. Unknown to them, Aerobolt infiltrates the scrapyard and disables the defenses, allowing the other Weaponizers to get in to look for the Cybertronian tech they detected so they can modify their shuttle.

Jetstorm and Slipstream spar and complain about Sideswipe's behavior when they hear a noise. Spotting Sawtooth and thinking they can handle one Mini-Con, the duo attack him only to soon find themselves surrounded by the Weaponizers. Sideswipe tries to deliver an apologetic poem to Fixit, but it's less than impressive. The team soon hears the fight and rush to investigate. The Autobots arrive just after Jetstorm and Slipstream are disarmed and knocked down. Despite trying to keep the Weaponizers out of their hands, the Mini-Cons seize control of the Autobots one by one. Fixit comes across the controlled Autobots and claims he'll be on vacation on Alpha Centauri before trying to run. Sawtooth stops Tricerashot from pursuing Fixit and reminds him they're only here for the H.E.P. generator. When Fixit tells them it was destroyed, the Weaponizers abandon their hosts and leave. The Autobots give chase while Drift leaves his students behind in case they return.

I can't quite be a racist against a race that doesn't exist. Like the Clorfors. Dirty money-grubbing Clorfors. Tried to clorf me right out of my money. Blew those little bastards up is what I did.

However, as soon as the Autobots leave, a GroundBridge portal opens and Starscream's crew emerge. Shadelock mistakes the Autobots' Mini-Cons for the Weaponizers and captures them, taking them back to Starscream. The Decepticon commander is annoyed that his men have brought him the wrong Mini-Cons. Fixit tries to clear up the confusion, but soon lets slip that Bumblebee is his commanding officer. Starscream is delighted by this news.

Oh please, if I'm as evil as you say I am then let Primus strike me down where I stand.

The Autobots return to the scrapyard to check on the Mini-Cons, only for Denny and Russell to tell them that Decepticons have captured them. Starscream soon sends a holographic message to Bumblebee, saying he's willing to return their Mini-Cons if Bumblebee surrenders. Bumblebee drops his Decepticon Hunter and Starscream opens a GroundBridge for him to step through. Bumblebee promises his team this isn't over before going through. Sideswipe and Drift are worried about Bumblebee and the Mini-Cons, but Strongarm points out that Starscream is out of their league. Fortunately, a Cybertronian ship arrives; Optimus Prime has returned.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Aw, come on , Fixit. I was just busting your bearings like always."
"A little teasing, they can take. But they asked you to stop and you kept on going."
"Yeah, you didn't just cross the line this time, you blew it up with a bunker-buster tactical explosive, and turned the surrounding area into an uninhabitable, irradiated wasteland."

—When Sideswipe is a jerk to the Mini-Cons, Bumblebee calls him on it, and Strongarm doesn't undersell it.

"Oh please; there will be plenty of time for bowing and scraping. Now, where are my Mini-Cons?"

Starscream's back.

"There's no such thing as too much power. Not as long as there's more to be had."

Starscream lets the power he has go straight to his head.

"Autobots are good,
Decepticons are bad.
I'm so very sorry
That I made you...angry."
(The others stare at him)
"I couldn't think of anything that rhymes with 'bad'. What?"

Sideswipe's no poet.

" can you control me when..."
"When I couldn't control you? Maybe it's because we're both dinos, I don't know!"

Grimlock and Tricerashot try to explain last episode's inconsistency.

"Hello, Bumblebee. Nice to see me, isn't it?"

Starscream metaphorically strokes his goatee.


Continuity notes

  • The Dark Star Saber was last seen in the Prime episode "Deadlock", falling off the Nemesis to plummet to Earth.
  • In Prime, the Dark Star Saber did not exhibit any selectivity regarding its wielder. However, it was fashioned as a knockoff of the Star Saber, whose full power could only be unlocked by a Prime.
  • Tricerashot attempted to take over Grimlock in the previous episode.
  • Fixit notes that Starscream's chassis does not match his records, a rare instance of visual differences between series being called out among the "Aligned" shows.
  • Starscream's motive of getting revenge on Megatron seemed questionable considering his loyalty to him near the end of Transformers: Prime, as well as the thrill of Megatron essentially "surrendering" the throne to him in Predacons Rising. However, he would later clarify in the next episode that he wanted revenge for all of Megatron's cruel actions towards him. So much for time heals all wounds; it made them worse in this case!

Transformers references

  • The high energy pulse generator resembles the relic containers seen in season 2 of Prime.
  • Alpha Centauri is a real star that has been featured in Transformers fiction before, sometimes as Cybertron's sun.


Foreign localization


  • Title: De très gros ennuis ("Very Big Trouble")
  • Original airdate: December 8, 2016


  • Title: Egy régi ismerős ("An Old Acquaintance")
  • Original airdate: December 19, 2016


  • Title: Problemi in Vista ("Incoming Problems")
  • Original airdate: November 23, 2016


  • Title: Micron Zeninshūgō (マイクロン全員集合!, "All-Minicon Assembly!")
  • Original airdate: December 4, 2016

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

Australia 2018 — Transformers Robots in Disguise — Combiner Force (Beyond Home Entertainment)

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