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Misfire (G1)

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This article is about the evil Decepticon. For his heroic mirrorverse counterpart, see Misfire (SG).
Misfire is a Decepticon Targetmaster (presumably under a very wide definition of "master") from the Generation 1 continuity family.
He couldn't hit the Ark if he was shooting from inside it!

Misfire (sometimes also called Flyhigh) is the kind of guy you want on the Decepticons' side—if you're an Autobot, that is. He couldn't hit the broad side of Broadside. He holds the record for enrolling and failing the Decepticon Military College, only graduating because the Autobots blew it up. He claims his aim is getting better. What was it like before?!

Together with his Targetmaster partner Aimless, he's a danger to himself and others. Mostly others.



The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Stan Jones (English), Hiroshi Naka (Japanese), Unknown (European French, main voice), Georges Atlas (European French, supporting voice)
His aim's so bad he could shoot at the sky and miss!

Misfire was one of several Decepticon jets serving under Scourge and Cyclonus when they attacked Autobot City as part of a division while the Decepticon Clones stole the Key to the Plasma Energy Chamber. After Scourge successfully activated the chamber on Cybertron (and inadvertently sent a shuttle full of Autobots and the key halfway across the galaxy), Misfire, Triggerhappy, and Slugslinger were among the Decepticon unit sent to retrieve the key. Following the Autobots to Nebulos, Misfire, alongside Cyclonus and Scourge, blasted both Sureshot and Crosshairs. The Rebirth, Part 1

Maybe Misfire would aim better if he held his gun right.

After being soundly trounced by the new Autobot Headmasters, the Decepticons made a deal with the Hive to donate their heads and weapons for the binary bonding process. Misfire liked his partners to have short, memorable names. Armed with this new skill, Misfire and his Targetmaster companions successfully helped reacquire the Chamber's key... though Misfire himself and Aimless didn't really do very much that was helpful. To anyone. The Rebirth, Part 2

Misfire did very little afterwards. The Rebirth, Part 3

Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Headmasters cartoon

Voice actor: Tomomichi Nishimura (Japanese)
How long can we look at each other Down the barrel of a gun?

Misfire was a Decepticon aerial warrior partnered with Slugslinger and Triggerhappy. Their campaigns typically took place far away from recognizable worlds such as Cybertron, Earth and Chaar, battling against Pointblank and other Autobots on deep space missions. In 2011, Misfire and his partners allied themselves with Scorponok just before his siege of the planet Master began. When a group of six refugees fled the planet seeking aid, Slugslinger, Misfire and Triggerhappy joined Sixshot in pursuing them. They crossed paths with the Battleship Maximus and their old foes Pointblank, Sureshot and Crosshairs out in space. As the fighting raged outside, the refugees befriended Fortress and volunteered to dispose of the plasma energy bombs aboard the battleship. As the refugees flew out in their starship to take the bombs to a safe distance, Misfire and the Decepticons moved to intercept them, but they were blocked by Pointblank's forces. The bombs exploded early, washing over all the Transformers present. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 1)

Sixshot retrieved Misfire and his partners after the explosion, bringing them back to Master. The plasma energy had somehow binary-bonded each of the Decepticons to one of the refugees. A permanent link now existed between Misfire and Aimless, who could transformed into a powerful weapon for his new Decepticon master. Misfire and his Targetmaster partners rejoined the battle for Master at Scorponok's side. Their Targetmasters weapons were the equal of Pointblank and his men, who had also become Targetmasters in the plasma explosion. Miraculous Warriors, Targetmasters (Part 2) As the Decepticon Targetmasters mingled with the Headmasters, they demonstrated...poor interpersonal skills around the energon water-cooler. Their braggadocio quickly got on the nerves of Weirdwolf, leader of the Headmaster regiment. The Master Sword Is in Danger!!

HM31 Misfire vehicle mode.jpg

Misfire and his partners got into another fight with Pointblank's trio, and believed the Autobots were dead after triggering a flash flood that washed them out of sight. Their obnoxious self-congratulation rankled Weirdwolf even more, especially after his fellow Headmasters started gushing over the Targetmasters' skill. Luckily for Weirdwolf's ego, the Autobot Targetmasters later turned up alive and well. The Zarak Shield Turns the Tide With the Zarak Shield fully reforged out of G-Metal, the Decepticons began making preparations to leave Master for Earth. Caliburst alerted Slugslinger that the Autobot Targetmasters had uncovered their location, and Misfire flew out with Sixshot and the Targetmasters to confront Pointblank's crew. They also unleashed massive devastation on a Master city when MegaZarak emerged from beneath it. Operation: Destroy the Decepticons

As Scorponok's ship touched down on Pallas for repairs, Misfire and the Targetmasters defended it against Autobot attack. Duel on the Asteroid At the North Pole, they were involved in the final battle against the Autobots, fighting their Targetmaster counterparts. After Fortress Maximus was tricked onto the platform of crysmagnetal, Misfire and the other Decepticons fled out into space. The Final Showdown on Earth (Part 2)

Legends comic

As one of the Decepticons stationed on Earth in the 1980s, Misfire participated in the battle for the Transform Super Cog during which he accidentally shot Slugslinger in the back. He fled into space following Slugslinger's failed attempt at usurping Megatron as Decepticon leader. Slugslinger's Ambition

In 2021, Misfire and the Decepticon Targetmasters fought for Scorponok when he sought to create plasma energy by detonating a black hole, hoping the ensuing energy wave would let them bond with the Autobots' Targetmaster partners as well. Instead, the explosion shrunk their bodies and caused their partners to vanish. Targetmaster Chapter Prologue Like other victims, the Targetmasters converted their heads into small Headmaster bodies and traveled to the Legends World, where they kidnapped Alpha Trion and forced him to use his ultra-drill to teleport their Targetmaster partners to them. The partners were overloaded with plasma energy, however, forcing Trion to scatter them across the Legends World. Mutant Targetmaster Birth Chapter

Misfire eventually recovered Aimless and found that he'd developed the mutant ability to manipulate time, which he then used to look into the future and get rich off of gambling and trading stocks. His sudden streak of "luck" led to him being investigated by Hot Rod and Shaoshao Li, and when Misfire attempted to destroy Hot Rod using Aimless's time-warping blasts, his poor aim meant all he managed to do was accidentally revert Shaoshao to an infant. He was defeated and arrested, though fortunately for him, his buddy Triggerhappy was in the police force and was happy to help teach him how to aim. Bonus Edition Vol. 52 When Slugslinger got his hands on Caliburst, he swiftly betrayed Misfire and Triggerhappy, knocking them out with anti-electrons and stealing their Targetmaster partners. Bonus Edition Vol. 55

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
Decepticon targetmasters brothers in armor.jpg

Misfire initially served as part of Scorponok's crew on Cybertron, and frequently clashed with Fortress Maximus and his Autobots. He participated in a raid on an Autobot city, ending in its ruin and the capture of several of its inhabitants. As the captives were marched towards the smelting pools however, Scorponok's group was attacked by their customary opponents and forced into a retreat. Ring of Hate! The Decepticons eventually managed to storm the Autobots' base, only to find it already evacuated. Though confused at first, they learned that their foes had fled to the planet Nebulos. Misfire and the others made their way to the alien world, where they met with one of the locals, Lord Zarak, who enlisted them in ridding his planet of the Autobots. Learning that several of the Autobots were holed up in Koraja, Misfire participated in a full-scale assault on the city. In retaliation, Fortress Maximus and four other Autobots emerged, having underwent a binary bonding process. Thanks to the newfound power this upgrade afforded them, the Autobot Headmasters sent the Decepticons into a panicked retreat. Broken Glass!

When the Autobots created another form of binary bonding, the Targetmaster process, the Decepticons were able to quickly replicate the process and apply it to their own troops. Misfire was, for some reason, among those chosen to undergo the upgrade. He soon got a chance at testing out his newfound might when several Autobot prisoners escaped from their cell. The fury of the battle destroyed the city of Koraja, culminating in Fortress Maximus knocking down Misfire and the other Decepticon Targetmasters with part of a beloved fountain. Brothers in Armor!!

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Misfire and the other Decepticon Targetmasters lay in ambush for the Autobot Headmasters at the Fortress of Despair where they had the Autobot Targetmasters held captive. However, once Scorponok had abducted Highbrow to study the Headmaster process further the remaining Headmasters were able to free their Targetmaster comrades and turn the tables on the Decepticons. Misfire was taken out in hand-to-hand combat by Sureshot. Worlds Apart!

Targetmasters final conflict.jpg

Thanks to a bug previously planted in the Autobots' headquarters, the Decepticons learned that their enemies had manufactured a fuel convertor that would allow them travel to Earth. They put together a plan to steal it. Misfire, Slugslinger, and Triggerhappy approached Fortress Maximus under the pretence that they had a message to deliver: Scorponok wanted to challenge him to a death match, and whoever emerged victorious would be declared triumphant in the greater conflict. Maximus accepted, unaware that the duel was merely a distraction. As it raged, Slugslinger snuck into Brainstorm's lab and made off with the fuel convertor. Once this was done, the duel came to a premature end, the Decepticons made their way off-world, and the Autobots were forced to follow. The Final Conflict

The events in this UK story differ in significant ways to the Headmasters mini-series.

Once the Autobots left Nebulos, the Decepticons followed them to Earth. Brothers in Armor!!


After the Autobot Highbrow stole Scorponok's head, Misfire led a group of Decepticons to recover their leader. Almost immediately after getting Zarak and Scorponok reattached, Misfire and his companions were cast into Limbo to make room for the time traveling Soundwave and Terrorcons from 2009. Time Wars

I think the name "Shouldn't have tried to help Finback" suits you better!

Following Starscream's resurrection as a Pretender, Misfire was part of a mutinous crew that confronted Skorponok at the New Jersey base over the treacherous Seeker's re-admittance back into the ranks of the Decepticons. The Primal Scream His mood was somewhat improved when he took Kup into custody, after Optimus Prime surrendered himself and his troops in order to seek an alliance with Scorponok against Unicron. Surrender! He survived Shockwave and Starscream's attack on the base, taking orders from Soundwave to aid Scorponok against the usurpers. ...All This and Civil War 2.

In the battle against Unicron, Misfire was caught in a blast when a surface-to-air cannon manned by Finback overloaded and exploded. On the Edge of Extinction!

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
Misfire natural selection.jpg

Misfire served as part of Soundwave's "Neo-Decepticons" on Cybertron until Scorponok returned with his plan to convert Autobots into Decepticons using his Gene Key. When Misfire protested that they already had a leader, Scorponok executed him on the spot as an example to the others. Natural Selection, Part Three

Transformers '84

In the early days of the war on Cybertron, Misfire was one of the troops under Scorponok's command and took part in a bombing run against Fortress Maximus's forces. Secrets & Lies #3

The Headmasters comic

HM issue 7 Decepticon Targetmasters.jpg

Misfire and the Decepticon Targetmasters attempted to disrupt the Autobots' efforts to put out a blazing fire on Earth. The Autobots' split focus left them vulnerable, until the Battleship Maximus extinguished the entire fire in one sweep. Ricochet and Artfire then turned their full attention on Misfire and his allies, driving them from the scene. The Headmasters #7

Transformers in 3-D

While Galvatron used his Nullification Cannon on Cybertron's energon suppliy, Misfire was part of a team lead by Sixshot that carried out a diversionary attack. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3

Ladybird Books continuity

Cyclonus knows the safest place to be is right in front of Misfire.

Misfire was among the Decepticons who traveled to Nebulos in search of energy. He was basically responsible for babysitting Aimless while the latter came up with construction plans. Unfortunately he was no good at stopping the Autobots from destroying the device they built to collect cosmic energy at the planet's pole. Decepticons at the Pole

When the Decepticons suspected that the Autobots were up to something, Misfire and Slugslinger joined Cyclonus on a reconnaissance flight, successfully locating an oil pipeline the Autobots had built. After sabotaging the pipeline, they made an attempt to ambush Kup and Highbrow who came to fix it, but the two Autobots got away when the Decepticons slipped over on the spilled oil. Autobots Strike Oil



A nano-virus that afflicted most Autobots save the Targetmasters and the Headmasters required Ricochet to lead a team to Nebulos for an anti-virus. However, the nano-virus was merely a ploy by the Decepticons to draw out the Targetmasters and Headmasters to abduct their Nebulan partners, so when the Autobots arrived on Nebulos, Misfire and several other Decepticons were waiting for them! Misfire and the others quickly fell into disarray, unfortunately, when their leader Straxus was singled out and defeated. The Fierce Fighting on Planet Nebulos

2005 IDW continuity

Misfire is the only guy who asks permission to do a fatality.
You know, there are some Decepticons who, upon finding themselves in a skin-covered room surrounded by aborted protoforms and mechanoids made of bark, would rub their hands together, marvel at the universe's infinite capacity for surprise and dive right in. I am not one of those Decepticons.Misfire on himself

Forged under the name Flyhigh, Arm the Lonely the 'bot who would become Misfire gained his more famous nickname following an incident that involved a "machine gun, a misunderstanding, and a dozen dead Decepticons." Rules of Disengagement Tried and incarcerated for the deed, Misfire was being transported on a prisoner escort ship piloted by Crankcase when the vessel was hijacked by Krok and Spinister, who had come to rescue him at the dying request of their mutual friend Thundersaur. The trio locked up Crankcase, and soon after, picked up Flywheels, who had been drifting in deep space following his escape from Garrus-9. The trio welcomed him to their misfit crew, dubbed the "Foragers" by Krok, but Misfire was sure they could think of a better name. Kill All 'Cons In time, they did; with Crankcase welcomed into their ranks, they became known as the "Scavengers". Rules of Disengagement

I missed. So I fired again. And I missed. And then I missed again...

Shortly after the end of the Great War, the Scavengers made a stopover on the dead world of Clemency to scrounge for parts. Misfire's job was to extract energon from corpses but his crazed personality often got in the way, in part due to sampling energon whose former owners had overdosed on circuit speeders. He was about to extract fuel from Fulcrum's seemingly lifeless body when he suddenly came back online and kicked him away. Misfire then gave Fulcrum a tour and presented him to the other members of the bunch in a...most peculiar manner.

He later attended the campfire that night, and found a P-6 Worldsweeper ship while "chasing" what he thought was the Necrobot. During the crew's exploration of the ship, Misfire found a ceiling covered entirely in brain modules and decided it was probably better to "run away screaming". When the Decepticon Justice Division contacted them, Misfire naturally panicked. Rules of Disengagement The Scavengers decided to stay behind and battle the D.J.D. by putting Grimlock, who had been inside the ship in stasis-lock, out in the open and releasing him from his pod when the D.J.D. got close. At the last moment, the D.J.D. revealed they were actually after Fulcrum but before the Decepticon could explain, the D.J.D. arrived. Krok released Grimlock anyways and the fight began. Misfire attempted to escape but found himself run into Helex. However, Spinister and Crankcase soon handled the D.J.D. member and Misfire attempted to save Krok from getting tortured by Vos and Kaon but only succeeded in shooting Krok instead of the two members. Before he could shoot another time, The Pet jumped onto Misfire and started mauling him. After a failed explosion made by Fulcrum, the D.J.D. left for another target. Fulcrum then explained to them that the reason why the D.J.D. had been after him was for committing an act of cowardice during the war and Crankcase recovered Krok, who had his face destroyed by Vos but was still functioning. The group decided to fix Krok, set off for Cybertron, and use Grimlock, who was revealed to be almost brain-dead, as a bargaining chip when they got there. Before they left, they looted Flywheels, who had been killed during the fight. Who's Afraid of the DJD?

And then I fired again, and then I missed. And then I fired, and then I fired, and I missed. I missed both times...

Somehow Misfire ended up captured by the Galactic Council and was sitting on death row on the planet Constancy. Fulcrum led a mission to spring him, which quickly went awry when Misfire needed to stop for munchies. They were left in a precarious situation when the Weak Anthropic Principle didn't arrive to pick them up on time—as unbeknownst to them Tyrest's universal killswitch had incapacitated the rest of the team. Arm the Lonely

And then I fired, and I missed. This went on for several hours.

Misfire and the other Scavengers went on to have a series of adventures involving—amongst other things—being cursed to speak in song, getting threatened by Shockwave's gun hand emerging from a datapad, using holomatter avatars to blend in with the natives on Magisteria VI and somehow getting turned into toys. Between adventures they passed the time by vandalising Autopedia or playing "Shoot Shoot Bang Bang", which Misfire was surprisingly good at until he overindulged his own inner monologue and ended up getting shot by Crankcase, who was supposed to be piloting the ship. In short order, the Weak Anthropic Principle crashed into Tebris VII and Misfire used the lull in activity to try and teach Grimlock to write his name, though it wasn't long before the Dinobot had another one of his "fits", involuntarily emptying his tanks onto the floor and then going on a rampage through the ship.

Misfire and Krok began to get into an argument over Grimlock until Krok's contact Demus invited them to come and meet him at his scrapyard to discuss the deal they had arranged. Once the Scavengers had been filled with mode locks to appease his transformation phobia, Demus revealed that he wanted to offer them half a billion Shanix each in exchange for Grimlock. When Misfire objected, the matter was put to the vote in a rare display of Decepticon democracy and although Fulcrum backed him up, Crankcase, Krok and Spinister elected to sell him, carrying it by three votes to two. However, they would never get the chance to make the deal as Demus was then summarily executed by the Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord, Fortress Maximus. Some Of My Best Friends Are Autobots

And then I fired, and then I missed. And then I was out of bullets, and then I got sad.

On the run from Fortress Maximus in a warehouse full of Demus's "Roboids", Misfire began to lose his patience with Krok again, going so far this time as to take the Monoformer's "communicator" that he was always clicking in times of stress, and revealing the truth—that it was just some poor sod's finger. Krok revealed that it used to belong to his friend Radar who turned into a communications array and that it also detected hundreds of Decepticon sparks in the vicinity. Maximus announced that the innocent-looking toy pets were in fact lobotomised Transformers trapped in beast mode that were being sold to the galaxy at large as torture dolls and the Scavengers came to an understanding that they should look after each other and Grimlock. With Fortress Maximus now after Grimlock on the W.A.P. a hundred miles away and with Misfire and Spinister still mode locked, they were forced to unbox six Equinoids on which to ride to the rescue.

Having convinced Fortress Maximus that the other Roboids' lives were in danger thanks a series of bluffs (and Red Alert's reliance on Autopedia for information) the Scavengers escaped Tebris VII in the Weak Anthropic Principle and set out on a new mission: to find and help all the other Decepticons out there who had been damaged by the war... after just one more game of "Shoot Shoot Bang Bang". Animals

Some time later aboard the Weak Anthropic Principle, Misfire joined the other Scavengers on the sofa to watch a video that was being broadcast to the galaxy at large of Lost Light crewmembers apparently counting down the time to their deaths and making funerary requests. How Bright Their Frail Deeds

I had a Popsicle, and then I passed out in the snow. Then I woke up, and then I reloaded, and then I fired, and then I missed.

A few months later, the Weak Anthropic Principle touched down on Earth so that Crankcase could meet his online crush, a Decepticon known only as "CONS4EVA". While the other Decepticons helped Crankcase get ready for his date, Misfire found himself with his hands full after Grimlock broke loose and started rampaging through downtown Amarillo. The two Decepticons found an unlikely ally in G.I. Joe desk jockey and all-around loser MP3; passing themselves off as M.A.S.K. agents using holomatter avatars, the trio pursued the runaway Dinobot to Arlington before MP3's run-down "Action Van" broke down. When the Decepticons took their helmets off their avatars, Misfire's poor grasp of human facial structure caused MP3 to passs out; assuming that they'd killed him, they buried him and continued the chase. It took watching an EMT revive a woman before the Decepticons realized their mistake, so Spinister left to go resuscitate MP3 while Misfire continued on alone. Misfire finally caught up to Grimlock in Dallas, where he gave the Dinobot a stern talking-to before realizing that Grimlock had come this way to recover his old sword, which he'd lost on Earth years ago. Misfire was thrilled at this, taking it as a sign of Grimlock's slow recovery. The two returned to their ship in New Mexico just in time to leave; although MP3 wanted to join them on their adventures, they left before he could do so, citing Fulcrum's disgust towards humans. Nothing Will Ever Be the Same Again!

I missed again. I fired. I hit something, but it wasn’t what I was going for, so I guess I missed. I passed out again. Had another Popsicle.

Chasing a lead on some ununtrium, Misfire and the Scavengers visited Frayus and an abandoned Decepticon Conclave station. They found nothing except a three-way war between the Galactic Council, Black Block Consortia and the forces of Deathsaurus. Seeing no good reason to stay, the Scavengers bolted for their tele-portal back to the W.A.P., but couldn't locate it. Instead, something else went "VOOOOSH" and a new portal opened. Journey's End

They found themselves on Troja Major with Agonizer, a curator looking to hire. In exchange for obscene amounts of money, he asked the Scavengers to retrieve the Magnificence from the ex-Autobot Flame, who stole it from one of his rivals. The Magnificence was supposedly an omniscient search engine, and Misfire hoped they could use it to fully restore Grimlock. Along with Nickel (an accidental stowaway from Frayus), they took the job and traveled to Confluence looking for Flame. What they discovered, though, was far worse than they bargained for. Flame was working for Scorponok, whose Worldsweeper and experiments were responsible for Grimlock's condition in the first place. Scorponok was even able to put Grimlock to sleep with a wave of his claw, making the Scavengers easy to capture.

I had a dream that I was firing at something. I missed.

Misfire was distraught about bringing Grimlock back to the one who tortured him, albeit accidentally. Inside a cell on the Worldsweeper, Krok suggested Spinister open up the unconscious Grimlock. If Scorponok had planted some kind of device on Grimlock to control him, they needed to remove it. While they were working, Scorponok showed up at the cell door and explained his evil plans. He also reactivated Grimlock who, in his diminished state, finding his chest surgically opened and surrounded by Decepticons, reacted instinctively and began tearing a path of carnage through the Scavengers. Hours later, it seemed there was nothing left of Misfire and the Scavengers. The Ties That Bind

Long story short? Missed.

OR WAS THERE?! Nickel was a doctor by trade and had worked out Grimlock was more coherent in dino mode. She forcibly triggered his transformation, which gave Misfire the opportunity to reason with him. With Nickel's medical knowledge and Spinister's surgical skill, they improvised a procedure that fully restored Grimlock's faculties. The Scavengers played dead to get Grimlock out of the cell and surprise Scorponok and his guards. Scorponok monologued about his grand and glorious plan to implant Decepticon sparks into organic bodies, make them procreate, and repopulate the species. The Scavengers stole his prototype organic Decepticon baby and tried to escape. Misfire was swarmed by goons, but actually managed to shoot the right targets when they were literally all around him.

They made their way to a transmat suite and prepared to beam to Garrus-9, hoping the spark extraction tech and discarded bodies could be used to restore the baby to techno-based life. However, Misfire recognized transmat tech wasn't calibrated for organic life, and the baby wouldn't make the journey. Grimlock volunteered to stay behind with the baby and escape some other way while the others proceeded to Garrus-9. Misfire refused to leave them behind and called for an emergency huddle with Nickel and the other Scavengers. The huddle was right on top of the transmat pad, though, and so Grimlock pushed them all through to safety. The Scavengers arrived in what appeared to be Grimlock's cell on Garrus-9...only the cell was still locked and they had no way to get out or call for help. Kill All 'Cons

Would you care for a popsicle? Just don't bring it into the sauna.

OR DID THEY?! Believing herself to be dead and inside a metaphysical temple in the Afterspark, Nautica of the Lost Light somehow opened a door from there into Grimlock's cell. The God War Confronted with their conflicting perspectives of their surroundings, Nautica and the Scavengers soon realized they were neither on Garrus-9 nor in the Afterspark. Exchanging stories (Misfire being one of Brainstorm's contacts among the Decepticons), they learned they were all actually on Mederi, a euthanasia clinic that used pacifying imagery and holomatter to lull its patients to death. The imagery was produced by a collection of comatose organic telepaths maintaining the fiction. Moreover, Mederi was actually the fabled "Cyberutopia", end point of the quest Nautica and the Crusadercons had been on for years. You Are Here

"Did we just become best friends??"

While still digesting this information, the Scavengers and Crusadercons were confronted by a horde of Sparkeaters raining from the sky. Their collective nemeses Scorponok and Getaway had teamed up and used a virus to turn most of the Lost Light's crew into walking bio-weapons. As they fled, Grimlock arrived in a Q-class ship, having survived Scorponok's Worldsweeper and reconnected with Agonizer on Troja Major along with several other displaced Lost Light crew members. Misfire was thrilled that Grimlock was back and the baby was safe with the Curator. He also met his match in the verbal arts by making running commentary with the Autobot Swerve. The heavy hitters took the Q-class ship up to the Lost Light for a direct confrontation while Misfire, the doctors, and the comic relief barricaded themselves inside a medical center to block out the Sparkeaters. A Dance Before Dying

Inside the med center, First Aid discovered a treatment using concussive medicine to transmit a kinetic program code and technobabble the Sparkeater virus into submission. Misfire raised a concern over whether the effect would hurt the organic telepaths in the room, but Nickel forced the activation regardless of those consequences. Lūstrāre The Sparkeaters were disabled and the Lost Light recovered, allowing everyone to regroup aboard the ship. However, Scorponok's boss the Grand Architect had opened a rift in space, drawing the ship back into the Benzene Cluster, surrounded by a quintet of artificial Cybertrons. The Architect brought them aboard his Worldsweeper for an audience, just as space ripped open entirely to allow the Functionist Universe to reach out into their own. Farsickness The Lost Light's old captain Megatron emerged from the Functionist Universe, on the run from "Primus"—a sick and sacrilegious reformatting of Functionist Cybertron into a humanoid dreadnought guided by the fanatical Functionist Council. Megatron's own Last Light broke Misfire and the others out of the Worldsweeper, and he greeted his fellow Decepticons with open arms when they reconnected. The Return of the King

ASparkAmongEmbers SwerveMisfireOpenMatrix.jpg

After Rung was revealed to be the actual Primus and everyone had convened on the Lost Light's bridge, Misfire urged him to smite the giant fake Primus that was attacking them. However, before anyone could take further action, the Lost Light had to escape Functionist Primus as it destroyed the artificial planet they were parked on. The Unremembering After Functionist Primus was forced back into planet mode, a plan was hatched to overload its hot spots with Matrices created by Rung. The crew debated who was "worthy" enough to overcome the morality lock on each Matrix and open them, with Misfire cheekily venturing that he might be a candidate. Krok pointed out that Misfire was hardly a good person, and Misfire admitted he had done "loads" of bad things. Misfire and Grimlock were dispatched to the hot spot at Warrior's Gate to protect Swerve as he tried to open a Matrix, quickly being surrounded by Functionist soldiers. Swerve couldn't open the Matrix himself, especially after his arm was blown off, but Misfire stepped in to lend a hand. With the help of a Rodimus pep talk and both of them pulling together, Misfire and Swerve opened their Matrix and ultimately the Functionists were defeated. A Spark Among Embers

I'll miss you.

Misfire went along on the Lost Light's final "lap of honor" before the ship was to be decommissioned. The crew voted on a risky stunt to attempt a quantum duplication upon their jump back to Cybertron, possibly allowing one version of the Lost Light and those aboard to continue adventuring in another universe. Upon returning to Cybertron, Misfire attended a farewell party in Swerve's where he was more interested in admiring Fortress Maximus' leg-guns than in hearing the Enforcer of the Tyrest Accord apologize to the Scavengers for trying to kill them back on Tebris VII. The Scavengers left the party together, bound for Troja Major, with Misfire bidding farewell to his new "loser" friends from the Lost Light.

In another universe, a quantum duplication of the Lost Light and its crew materialized, with Misfire and the rest ready to explore the unknown. How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2


During the conflict between the Screaming Eagles and S.K.A.R. in Primax 806.30 Gamma, Misfire was binary-bonded to Inferno, using technology derived from the old I.R.O.N. Army. The Decepticons and their human allies were ultimately defeated by Sgt. Savage's Screaming Eagles and the Autobots. Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News, 2016/05/01

2019 IDW continuity

Misfire attended an illegal skitter race at Swindle's. Swindle's

My Little Pony/Transformers


Misfire was among the many Decepticons transported to Equestria. Intent on proving the superiority of Decepticons over both Autobots and ponies, he and the Rainmakers attacked Windblade and Rainbow Dash during their race. However, their overconfidence proved their downfall, as Rainbow Dash first baited them into a trap before she and Windblade used the "Flyin' Fox Trot" maneuver to turn their own heat-seeking missiles against them. The Decepticons wound up piled in a defeated heap while the two heroes shared their victory at the finish line. The Flyin' Fox Trot

Commercial appearances


The Transformers (PS2)

"Missfire" is a non-playable character. He appears among the legion of Decepticon duplicates in the Autobot campaign.

The Transformers

Transformers Legends

At some point Misfire teamed up with Cyclonus and Wheeljack to combat Overlord and his allies. Fan Favorite Later, Misfire was part of a group of Decepticon scavengers holed up on the planet Clemency. He was killed when the DJD arrived to deal with Black Shadow, who had recently joined the scavengers while on the run from the Decepticon Justice Division. Rules of Disengagement

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Misfire was partnered with the lazy Targetmaster Aimless. The Enigma of Combination


The Transformers

Ready... aim... aim... please for the love of god AIM...
  • Misfire (Targetmaster, 1987)
Released in the fourth year of Hasbro's US The Transformers toyline (third year in Europe and in Takara's Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers line), Targetmaster Misfire transforms into a Cybertronian jet fighter. In this mode, he has a 5 mm post-hole just behind his canopy with which to place his pack-in Targetmaster partner Aimless.
In robot mode, Misfire is one of the best-articulated Targetmasters due to his clearly defined legs with hip and (however awkward) knee articulation coupled with good arm articulation, making him one of the small number of toys of this era that isn't a brick.
Like the other Targetmasters, his Takara release lacks a rubsign.


His aim's so bad he missed his proper faction!
  • Misfire (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2014)
  • Collection: Age of Extinction Collection 1
  • Bag number: ***** 47
  • Accessories: logo brick, 2 clip-on blasters
Part of the first assortment of Age of Extinction-branded Kre-O blind-bagged Kreon Micro-Changers (the sixth assortment overall), Misfire can be rebuilt from robot mode into a Cybertronic jet. He sports Sentinel Prime's helmet.
This series, like all of the Age of Extinction Kre-O, was functionally a Toys"R"Us exclusive in the US, as the other major chains had dropped Kre-O altogether by this point. This assortment would later make its way to discount chains, notably Five Below.
Kre-O Misfire is identified as an Autobot by both his chest insignia and the packed-in leaflet. But we all know who he's supposed to be so we're listing him here anyway because come on.

Titans Return

"Why can't I slagging hit you!?"
"I would most likely get hit if I move."
  • Aimless & Misfire (Deluxe Class, 2017)
  • Accessories: left & right cannons, Aimless Titan Master
  • Known designers: John Warden (Hasbro)
Released in the fifth wave of Hasbro's Titans Return line, Misfire is a heavy retooling of Triggerhappy, only reusing the legs while being a completely new figure from the crotch up. He transforms into a reinterpretation of his original Cybertronian jet mode. He has two new guns that can combine together to form a larger gun, either of which can attach as armament for his jet mode. His partner Aimless now transforms into a head based on Misfire's Marvel comic model, and can be used on any Titans Return Deluxe, Voyager, or Leader figure. Unlike Triggerhappy, it is not entirely necessary to remove Misfire's head to transform him, as unfolding Aimless while still attached to Misfire's neck socket will grant enough clearance to lower the nosecone.
This wave had incredibly spotty distribution in the US, making some of the figures in this wave considerably more costly on the secondary market than much of the rest of the line.
The legs shared between Misfire and Triggerhappy were also used for Slugslinger. The Misfire version was also heavily retooled into Legends Sonic Bomber.


That's "Miss Fire" to you.
  • Targetmaster Missfire [sic] (Deluxe, 2017)
  • Release date: November 25, 2017
  • ID number: LG52
  • Accessories: Headmaster unit, Aimless Targetmaster
Released in the twenty-third wave of TakaraTomy's Legends toyline, "Targetmaster Misfire" is a redeco and slight retool of the Titans Return Deluxe Class mold above, featuring slight paint changes accurate to Misfire's appearance in The Headmasters anime. He features a new 5 mm post-hole on his vehicle-mold cockpit for mounting weapons, plus he sports the crotch-piece from Titans Return Slugslinger for unknown reasons.
Instead of the Hasbro relases's twin combining guns, this Misfire comes with a new-mold Targetmaster Aimless, thus his new centered vehicle-mode weapon-mount.
His name is misspelled in English on the packaging and instructions as Missfire.
Titans Return mold: Blowpipe
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:


  • At one point the 1987 product binder calls him Mishap. This could just be a typo rather than an early working name though.
  • Misfire's design was used as a "generic" Decepticon in "Linkage" Part 5, in a flashback showing Redline and Flat-Out's former Decepticon masters. This fits in with the general theme of using Generation 1 character models as unnamed extras in the Armada cartoon, in which generic Misfires ALSO appeared. Of course, his actual appearance fits in with artist Hirofumi Ichikawa's general theme of using the toys as a visual reference rather than the character models used in animation; that is so not Misfire's Headmasters design.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Misfire (ミスファイアー Misufaiā)
  • French: Longfeu (Canada, "Fizzled")
  • Italian: Aletto
  • Mandarin: Huǒtàn (China, 火炭, "Charcoal")
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