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Nexus Prime

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Insert batteries where?!

One of the Thirteen, Nexus Prime was the first combiner, often associated with Rarified Energon.

He is sometimes, unfortunately, known as Nexus Maximus.



Fun Publications

When the Thirteen visited ancient Earth of some universal streams, Nexus Prime used a holomatter avatar which inspired the myth of the goddess Hera, trusted confidant of Zeus, who was Prima's holomatter avatar. Vector Prime shared many fond memories with his siblings, including Nexus, and noted that there were universal streams where Nexus was known as Nexus Convoy.

Nexus Prime, Vector Prime, Alpha Trion, and Solus Prime made the decision to split Nexus Prime into five pieces to conceal the location of the five fragments of Prima's Star Saber sword, a weapon that could destroy star systems, from their evil brother Megatronus. Using the blade of the Star Saber, Nexus Prime was cut into five other robots: Skyfall, Landquake, Breakaway, Topspin, and Heatwave, who were subsequently scattered across the multiverse and lost to the ages. Ask Vector Prime

But the skills of Nexus Prime are needed once again, and now that his components have been called together by Primus, he searches the multiverse for the components to the Star Saber sword, armed with his masterful control over all uses of energon, and ability to manipulate sparks.

They drew his limbs arranged incorrectly!

The Caretaker told its components that Nexus Prime was "designated a Prime", like the other original thirteen. Crossing Over: Part 6

When Landquake, Breakaway, Topspin, and Heatwave made an attempt to use their powers to revive the recently assassinated Megatron, they were transported—along with a revived Skyfall—to the presence of Primus in the "afterlife". He gave them a choice of living (or staying dead) as they were, or being reborn as what they were meant to be. After the gestalt members made their deliberations, Primus declared, "The choice is made. Arise, Nexus Prime," as they started the transformation. Reunification: Part 5

Behold the fingers my toy totally doesn't have!

Nexus Prime reformatted the dead Megatron into the powerful Galvatron, investing in him some of the power of the Thirteen. The two exited the Decepticon stronghold to counter Omega Doom's offensive, but they were forced to split up when Doom launched a starkilling missile into Cybertron's sun. Though his Decepticon components protested leaving the battle, Nexus Prime knew saving this Cybertron's star system was of more immediate importance. Regardless, he was too late in stopping the missile, and its energies began to destroy the sun. Nexus began to concentrate.

Nexus returned to Cybertron triumphant, having used his own powers to negate those of the starkilling missile, and he made short work of Omega Doom, saving Galvatron in the nick of time. Though there was more on this Cybertron to do, such as finishing Optimus Prime once and for all, Nexus Prime knew he had to depart this universe. After saying goodbye to Cliffjumper, he entered a portal with Aquarius, trusting fate to bring him to the correct destination. Reunification: Part 6

Nexus Prime and Aquarius traveled from world to world, but without finding what Nexus Prime was looking for. Eventually, the pair arrived on one universe's Cybertron, where they were attacked by a group of smaller Decepticons who thought they had an easy mark. Though Nexus Prime was unwilling to use his more supernatural powers, lest he draw unwanted attention towards himself, he was still able to easily beat their attackers. As they left the group of dazed Decepticons behind, Nexus Prime and Aquarius wandered through a Cybertronian marketplace. Finally, Nexus Prime began to drop hints about what mysterious artifact he was looking for; he hadn't yet clued Aquarius in. Ultimately, Nexus Prime spotted a shipping container with an Elite Guard symbol on it. This unlocked a memory in the ancient Transformer, allowing him to determine their next destination. He and Aquarius vanished through another portal to yet another dimension. The Coming Storm: Part 1

After several unspecified adventures, Aquarius ended up in Axiom Nexus and took charge of a shard of the Star Saber from a courier. In exchange, he promised to help her get home. Transformers I.Q. last issue review To their surprise, however, they ended up on the Cybertron of Aquarius's home reality. It soon became obvious that Nexus had transported them there in order to receive the Origin Matrix, the fifth and final piece, from Ultra Mammoth. Transformers I.Q. trivia bonus #12 Falling into Place

"...Transformers: Prime will never make a dozen episodes about finding you."

While waiting for Nexus Prime's arrival, Ultra Mammoth confronted his negative counterpart Ultra Magnus, who was wielding the Terminus Blade on Earth. After the Origin Matrix inadvertently supercharged the Blade, Nexus Prime's components arrived in time to combine the Matrix with the other elements to reform the Star Saber. Prima's great sword severed the evil Magnus's arm, and Nexus Prime banished the insane Autobot to a dimension suitable for his temperament. With the Star Saber and Terminus Blade in hand, Nexus Prime set about undoing what damage he could from Magnus's abuse of the weapon. Restoration

In multidimensional space, Nexus Prime found he could not undo the destruction of universes already caused by the Terminus Blade. Aware that his actions would not be without consequences to himself, Nexus Prime brought the Saber and Blade together. He strengthened the existing walls between dimensions to prevent further inter-universe decay. He bolstered dying universes that had not yet succumbed to Ultra Magnus, hoping they might still survive. In the process, however, the strengthened walls could no longer support the fluidity of multiversal singularities. Nexus Prime felt himself and his fellow Thirteen splintering, existing as independent beings in each reality they manifested in, instead of thirteen singularities. Out of the One, Many

Aligned continuity family

The Covenant of Primus


Known as the "Wizard of Forms", Nexus Prime was all about change and mutability. As the first and greatest combiner, he was able to merge any robots into new combined forms at will or separate himself into multiple independent components. When standing alone, his body seemed to shift or be overlaid with ever-changing forms and combinations he might take.

Powerful, proud, and frequently unpredictable even to those who knew him best, Nexus Prime was also full of good humor and can even be a bit of a prankster at times. He was the "mad experimenter" of the Thirteen and is fascinated by changing states of matter and the creation of new elements in solar forges. This shared affinity for creation led Solus Prime, the "Maker" of the Thirteen, to have special feelings for Nexus, which in turn seemed to have earned him the enmity of Megatronus and Liege Maximo.

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The Covenant of Primus

Aligned novels

Megatronus killed Solus Prime in an act of rage, one that drove a wedge between the remaining Thirteen.

After the defeat of Liege Maximo's schemes, Nexus Prime took custody of many of Solus Prime's creations, including the Star Saber, the Cyber Caliber, the Chaos Edge. the Blades of Time, and his own Omni Saber. The Omni Saber was a part of Nexus Prime's body, and he secreted the Cyber Caliber away inside his form as well before splitting himself into five component robots: Clocker, Mainspring, Chaindrive, Pinion, and Cannonspring. Each component held a fraction of the Cyber Caliber within themselves, and was also charged with guarding one of the Blades of Time. Only by assembling the Blades of Time and using them to open a gateway to the hollow realm of Vector Prime could the power of the Cyber Caliber as well be reassembled. What happened to the Star Saber is unknown (perhaps intentionally) but Alpha Trion believed that Nexus Prime left it in the care of another before separating himself.

The sub-selves of Nexus Prime scattered throughout the colony worlds of Cybertron. They remained apart for so long that each forgot their true nature, and no longer recalled being part of Nexus Prime or the Thirteen. All but Cannonspring even forgot their duty to safeguard the Blades of Time and the Cyber Caliber. Clocker and Mainspring wound up on Velocitron, where they remained slightly out of place as mechanics instead of the speed-driven racers who ruled the planet. Pinion ended up on Junkion, assimilating well into the culture (perhaps because the Junkion way of constantly reusing materials appealed to the subconscious preference of Nexus Prime for change). Chaindrive found himself on Cybertron, and eventually became part of the Autobot resistance movement alongside Ultra Magnus and Alpha Trion after the Ark's departure. Cannonspring ended up in a crippled ship in Cybertron's deep orbit, until the prospector Axer triggered some latent transwarp energy on board, transporting them both to Junkion. Cannonspring remained inert for over a million years inside his ship after they crashed.

Nexus Prime began to come together once more thanks to the Matrix, which directed Optimus Prime through space to the various colony worlds. As the Ark came to Velocitron, Optimus discovered two pieces of the Blades of Time and fatefully agreed to bring Clocker and Mainspring on the next leg of his journey when they asked. On Junkion, Prime encountered Pinion while recovering a third Blade, and the fourth was retrieved from Axer. Meanwhile, back on Cybertron, Alpha Trion and Wheeljack concocted a method of sending a scout after Optimus Prime by keying residual Space Bridge energy to the signature of the Matrix. Instinctively, Alpha Trion decided Chaindrive was the proper choice, and he brought with him the fifth Blade. Once all five Blades and the other four components assembled on Junkion, the combined energy was enough to rekindle the inert Cannonspring, bringing him back to full functioning and allowing them to reassemble into Nexus Prime.

Displaying the ability to hold more weapons than an armory, Nexus Prime pulled forth both his Omni Saber and the Chaos Edge, and also passed the Cyber Caliber over to Optimus Prime. Although he refused to kill anyone, Nexus Prime essentially held off the Decepticons and the Star Seekers for a time, on intimidation alone. As Megatron and Thundertron left to pursue other goals, Nexus Prime reclaimed his swords and gave some last words of encouragement to Optimus Prime before splitting himself once more. Reduced to a new set of five protoforms, Nexus Prime vanished into space and the annals of history once more. Exiles

Prime cartoon


According to legend, at the beginning of time, Unicron and Primus battled each other for eons, with neither side remaining victorious for long. Till, that is, Primus created the Thirteen. These Thirteen defeated Unicron and cast him into space. One Shall Rise, Part 1

Generation 1 continuity family

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Robots in Disguise #30 (mentioned); #34 (depicted)
Love child of Silverbolt and Wheeljack.

In the primitive age that followed the departure of the Knights of Cybertron, Nexus Prime joined his tribe with those of Solus, Vector, Alchemist Prime and Alpha Trion in Crystal City. Like the other four, he knew Onyx Prime but he himself was disgusted by Onyx's bestial horde and took time to become acclimated to them. He had a brother in the east who ruled his own kingdom. Origin Myths Nexus was the first recorded owner of the mysterious artifact known as the Enigma of Combination. He evidently chose to keep the artifact's true nature as a physical object a secret, with most believing the "Enigma" part of the name referred to a puzzle that had to be solved to allow for combination. The Crucible

One evening, Vector Prime barged in on a meeting to announce the approach of Onyx and a crony, as well as the news that Septimus Prime had perished and that the conqueror of his lands was on the warpath across Cybertron. Despite Solus and Onyx's dismissal, Nexus felt Septimus had still been a Prime such as they were before he asked who Onyx's minion was, the newcomer introducing himself as Liege Maximo, who had also lost his lands to the army of Darklanders. At Alpha Trion's urging, the Primes allowed Onyx and Liege Maximo into their alliance. When the time of battle came, Nexus wished to join his followers in combat but remained behind at Solus's urging. After the Titans arrived, Onyx leapt into the fray only to recognize the enemy commander as his old friend Megatronus. Nexus was shocked at this development, before the eight Primes joined forces. In the aftermath, Arcee expressed the belief that the alliance would attract Nexus's brother to him. Origin Myths Unbeknownst to the Primes, the 'bot they believed to be Onyx Prime was in fact a time-travelling Shockwave from ten million years in the future who had engineered the entire conflict to bring the Primes together as history recorded. The First Who Was Named

My Enigma don't go to none if they're lowborn, hun.

Power turned Nexus into something of a git really, believing that all non-Primes should serve their Prime masters. The Crucible Among the members of his court was a Titan Master by the name of Infinitus, who wholeheartedly believed in his master's elitist approach to social engineering. White Heat The Thirteen Primes ruled their planet peacefully until Liege Maximo and Megatronus conspired together, goaded on by Shockwave's machinations, and started the First Cybertronian Civil War via the murder of Solus Prime. While Megatronus fled Cybertron, Nexus and Quintus managed to restrain Maximo, before trying and exiling him aboard Vigilem. Heavy The First Who Was Named

Nexus allied himself with "Onyx Prime" during the war and used his Enigma of Combination to create the Headmasters: humanoid Transformers combined with beasts. The Crucible Galvatron found the whole concept disgusting and single-handedly slaughtered the Headmasters before coming after Nexus himself. Nexus sneered that Galvatron was a "lowborn" that couldn't kill him, and Galvatron responded by doing just that. The realization that a Prime could be killed by someone other than another Prime caused most of the remaining Primes to flee the planet. The Crucible

He was survived by Infinitus, who vowed to keep his master's teachings alive and eventually apply them to all of Cybertron–especially the parts about forced servitude to the Primes. White Heat Nexus's Titan, Devisiun, also survived the war and colonized a planet in honor of his master which the younger Shockwave eventually seeded with Ore-5. The Lost Colonies of Cybertron

Prime Wars Trilogy cartoons

Victorion claimed to only follow the will of Nexus Prime, though she admitted he hadn't given her any new guidance in some time. Desperate Actions

Power of the Primes marketing material

Nexus Prime's Spark passed into the possession of one of the twelve Prime Masters; hidden within a suit of decoy armor, they safeguarded the abilities of the Primes until the present day. By uniting with a larger Transformer, the Prime Master could channel the powers of Nexus's Spark and grant them unique abilities that varied with each new partner. Power of the Primes

For a list of every permutation of Nexus Prime's abilities, see this link.

2019 IDW continuity

Nexus Prime, the holder of the Enigma of Combination, was one of the Thirteen Primes. Sea of Rust I It was said that Primus had created Nexus as a being of controlled chaos, introducing necessary change into Cybertronian society to prevent stagnation. Enigmatic

Cyberverse cartoon

Nexus Prime was one of the Thirteen. Dweller In The Depths Silent Strike The Other One

Nexus Prime eventually passed, being buried with all of his worldly possessions on another planet. Following the Quintesson invasion of Cybertron, Grimlock and Arcee grave-robbed him. The Immobilizers

One film

Spoiler jazz.gif

Spoiler warning: Plot details for Transformers One (film) follow.

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Wait, am I supposed to combine with someone else?

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Transformers Roleplaying Game

At the dawn of history, Nexus Prime received the Enigma of Combination. Some historical texts instead remembered him instead as "Nexus Maximus". The Enigma of Combination


Cybertron, Classics, and Timelines

Remember to use the instructions! You don't want to put something in the wrong hole.
Nexus Maximus is composed of his five team members, with Heatwave forming his central body component. His limbs' energon weapons form his hands and feet. Conisisting of redecos of components of the Energon combiners, Nexus Maximus, just like Superion Maximus, Bruticus Maximus, and Constructicon Maximus, features universal connection points for the limbs, allowing many different combinations and even swapping of limbs from different teams, in a fashion very similar to Generation 1's "Scramble City"-type combiner teams. Unlike the other Maximus-style combiners, Nexus Maximus features four unique molds for his limb pieces, rather than two redecoed to fit both the legs and arms, due to him using both Destruction Team and Air Team molds. Whereas the individual components' robot modes still feature the same head sculpts as the Energon figures they're redecoed from, the combined form of Nexus Maximus himself was given an entirely new, unique head sculpt, which is an amalgamation of visual elements of its components' own heads: Skyfall's eyes, Landquake's chin, Breakaway's forehead, Topspin's "mohawk", and Heatwave's "ears".
Nexus Maximus is the combined form of the first five Transformers Collectors' Club freebie toys, which were released over the span of five years.

Power of the Primes

  • Throne of the Primes (Leader Class, 2018)
    • Takara ID number: PP-43
Power of the Primes Nexus Prime is a retool of the Alchemist Prime/Submarauder inner robot with a new Prime Master sigil/backpack, packaged in the Throne of the Primes set.
This toy has identical features to the other Prime Masters in the line. The Titan Master-like robot can store inside decoy armor or ride Legends Class figures in vehicle mode, and is fully compatible with toys from the previous Titans Return line. The "Power Swap" gimmick means its spark form can plug onto any decoy armor's weapon form (which has a 5 mm post to be held by larger figures), Deluxe Class figures' chest armor, Voyager Class figures' bucklers, Leader Class figures' Matrix (in place of their Matrix core), combiners' torsos (in place of their Enigma of Combination), or the included Scepter of Sparks or Halo of Primus accessories. With the power of your imagination, this bestows the Prime Master's unique power on the larger figure.
While Nexus is a retool of Alchemist Prime (gang-molded with his included Submarauder decoy armor), it is unknown what gang-molded decoy armor Nexus would have had as a hypothetical mass-retail Prime Master.
This set debuted at San Diego Comic-Con 2018, and was later sold via Hasbro Toy Shop online. It was also available at general retail in Taiwan.


  • It's hard to say what toyline Nexus Prime is from, as his components are from multiple franchises. The only other time this has happened since then was Orthia.
  • Nexus Prime's backstory bears a noticeable similarity to that of Voltron.
  • Fun Publications stated at BotCon 2009 that the official limb arrangement for Nexus Prime is that of the configuration in his instructions. With Landquake as the right arm, Breakaway as the left arm, Topspin as the right leg, and Skyfall as the left leg. Why he was depicted in a different arrangement in the caverns around the Caretaker no one knows.
  • Ironically, despite being labeled as an Autobot, a majority of the Transformers that make up Nexus Prime are Decepticons, albeit ones that are disenchanted by the Decepticon cause, misled by deceitful leaders, or a completely different kind of Decepticon.
  • Nexus Prime's TFCC magazine profile mentions that he "no longer has an alternate mode", due to being split apart for so long and then reassembled.
  • With his components released one at a time, one per year, he's the combiner toy it took the longest to complete in an official capacity.
  • Like other members of the Thirteen, Nexus was originally established as a multiversal singularity who existed as one being across all space and time, but that is no longer the case.

Naming issues

Fun Publications originally submitted the possible names Prime Nexus and Maximus Prime to Hasbro for the character (reflecting the fact that the character is a Prime in-fiction), Hasbro rejected these, apparently because they were feeling protective towards the use of the name Prime (despite previously having approved the fiction that named him a Prime, written by their own Forest Lee). Hasbro suggested merging the non-Prime segments of the two names instead... oops.

Apparently neither Hasbro nor Fun Publications did their research when naming Nexus Maximus, because there is another product which shares that name and was, as of May 24, 2009, the top Google result (websites relating to this character have since surpassed it). While it is definitely a "toy", it is most assuredly not intended for ages 5 and up. According to the Fun Publications Club panel at BotCon 2009, Hasbro did a search for the name with "safe search" on, causing them to not see... well, this. NOTE: DEFINITELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK.

When he finally appeared in fiction his name was in fact given as Nexus Prime, which makes much better sense story-wise but deprives us of many cheap and easy joke opportunities. Pete Sinclair posted an image on the Transformers Collectors' Club forums of Aquarius blaming the "Nexus Maximus" name on a bad translation by Beta Maxx.

(The debate is still on as to whether Nexus Maximus constitutes a choking hazard.)

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Nexus Prime (ネクサスプライム Nekusasu Puraimu)
  • Mandarin: Jīng Tiān Wěi (经天纬)

The Thirteen
Primary roster

Alternate members
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