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Over-Run (Armada)

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The name or term "Over-Run" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Over-Run (disambiguation).
Over-Run is an Autobot-allied Mini-Con from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
Turbo! Scooter! I'll see you avenged!

Over-Run is a Mini-Con from another universe, another Cybertron. Carrying the Mini-Con Matrix, he has fled from Unicron in the hopes of finding a way of defeating the world-devouring monster and saving other Cybertrons from the fate his homeworld suffered. Since then, Over-Run has become something of a sage, integrating himself into his new home and becoming a leading figure among its Mini-Con population. His brilliant mind has brought forth many advances, including the evolution of the Omnicons. As his intellect has grown, Over-Run has shown an increasing affinity with the planet, and he has slowly retreated into its secrets. Optimus Prime worries that his new partner may be slowly losing touch with his fellow Transformers.

Other than his vast capacity for knowledge, several additional attributes aid Over-Run. As a Triple Changer, not only can he transform from robot to jet form, but he can also become a hand-held high-energy photon blaster. He is surprisingly powerful in this mode.



Legends of the Microns intro

The Mini-Con Who Never Was

Over-Run Powerlinxed to Optimus Prime's back and let him perform an incredible power punch. Legends of the Microns title sequence

Dreamwave Armada continuity

Dreamwave Armada comic

my precious

Over-Run came to this universe after his own was destroyed by Unicron. With himself, he brought the Mini-Con Matrix, an artifact into which all the Mini-Cons of his universe had placed their spark essences. Armada #13 Upon arriving, he immediately set up a beacon which attracted the attention of Autobots and Decepticons alike. Hot Shot and Mirage arrived first but were shot down by Starscream, who attempted to claim Over-Run for himself, seeing him merely as another Mini-Con to be used for battle and not realizing his origins. As Starscream bent over to capture him, though, he was attacked by Galvatron, one of Unicron's heralds who the chaos bringer had sent to destroy Over-Run and the Matrix. Mirage took advantage of Galvatron's distraction with Starscream and cloaked both himself and Over-Run. Believing his quarry to have eluded him, Galvatron left, and Over-Run was brought back to the Autobot base. Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4

He doesn't ever let go of that thing.

When Over-Run arrived, he learned that his appearance in this universe had shunted Optimus Prime into another reality. Over-Run suggested using his inter-dimensional pod to retrieve him, but it was now in the custody of the Decepticons. Over-Run and several other Mini-Cons departed for the Decepticon base at Silver Ridge to retrieve it. Worlds Collide, Part 2 of 4 There, they spied on Unicron's other heralds. Worlds Collide, Part 3 of 4 After evading them and locating the pod, Over-Run, Sparkplug, and Comettor activated the pod and transported themselves to the dimension of the Cybertron where Optimus Prime was trapped on, which was mere moments away from becoming Unicron's next meal. They located Optimus Prime (as well as Jetfire, who had arrived on this Cybertron as well by jumping into a space bridge portal), and used the Mini-Con Matrix to power up all five of their forms. Optimus Prime and Jetfire combined, and the Mini-Cons linked with them, and they blasted Unicron hard enough to make him notice them before warping back to their universe. Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4

After bringing together all of Earth's Mini-Cons, Over-Run led them through a space bridge portal to Cybertron, where they channeled all of their spark essences through the Mini-Con Matrix, allowing them to defeat Unicron. The End

Over the following years, Over-Run had connected himself directly to Cybertron. He left a device containing the records of the Transformers for Alexis to find, hoping that cooperation between the key players of the future would avert a looming threat. More than Meets the Eye: Armada #3

Energon comic

Man, bet that stores so much porn.

Over-Run created the Omnicons by nurturing the natural evolution processes on Cybertron. This Evil Reborn He had them trained to learn to access their true potential. Omni-Potent When Optimus Prime was unable to convince the Council that Unicron wasn't destroyed, Over-Run told him how he could interface with Cybertron himself to learn the truth. This Evil Reborn

Energon ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Over-Run tapped into the Hub, where he was treated to a vision of Alpha Quintesson's origins and his need for the Initiator and the Conduit for his plans to bring a Quintesson armada to Cybertron. He confided his fears to Avalon, who was secretly in league with Alpha Quintesson. Doomsday Redux! The plotting duo sent Starscream to deal with the Mini-Con. Over-Run detected his arrival and summoned the Omnicons, but they were too late, Armageddon Part 1 as Starscream killed Over-Run and shattered the Mini-Con Matrix. Armageddon Part 2 But Over-Run endured on, having uploaded himself to Cybertron's core moments before his "death." He informed the Omnicons of their role in defeating the Quintesson invasion. Armageddon Part 5

Cybertron comic

The continuity of the flashback is weird since it seems to take place in the Dreamwave continuity while the rest of the story occurs during the Cybertron cartoon. A Wizard did it.
Wait, what timeline is this, again?

Over-Run spent the 20 years in silence, having uploaded his internal spark into Cybertron; just as Starscream killed his physical form, he managed to complete the upload and integrate his consciousness into the planet. Revelations Part 2 Through this existence, he assisted Vector Prime and Sentinel Maximus in their battle against Dark Scorponok by activating the nearby autoguns at the Kalis Primary Energon Reserves Control. Balancing Act, Part 4 He also diverted the inter-universal portal Omega Prime went through after the Universe War to bring him to his Cybertron.

Over-Run made his presence known while the dimension-hopping Autobots tried to find a way to keep the damaged Vector Sigma online. The Mini-Con coordinated efforts to help restore and protect Cybertron. Revelations Part 2 Through his investigation, he discovered that Skyfall shared traits with the ancient combiners depicted on the walls and ceiling of the Energon temple below Cybertron's surface. He also brought Anti-Blaze's plea for assistance in the Mini-Con Civil War to the Autobots. Revelations Part 4 He later contacted Omega Prime during the battle with Unicron to inform him of Cybertron's transformation into Primus. Revelations Part 5 When all was said and done, Over-Run, with Alpha Trion, pledged to assist the Mini-Con Council of Sages in hunting down the remaining Mini-Con insurgents. Revelations Part 6

Legends World

Over-Run was among the Mini-Con toys stolen by Megatron in the Legends World. Bonus Edition Vol. EX


In the 15-MD Spacetime, Starscream sought out Over-Run's panel, which had been detected somewhere in the jungles of South America. He ran into a version of himself from the Cloud World and the two agreed to hunt down the Mini-Con together. They narrowed down its location to some ruins, where they were ambushed by Autobots from the same world as the strange Starscream. Encounter SARA, who was brought to this world by Cloud Starscream, resonated with the Mini-Con panel, revealing it. However, Cloud Starscream, after failing to acquire the panel for himself, destroyed it. Hammer After the murderer was taken care of, SARA was able to summon Over-Run's lingering soul, and he agreed to become part of SARA's being so that she could access Mini-Con energy and return to her homeworld. Return



Armada-toy OverRun.JPG
  • Optimus Prime (Super-Con Class, 2002)
Available in the third wave of Armada Super-Cons, Over-Run (Surge in Japan) transforms into a Cybertronic starship. As a Mini-Con, he has a Powerlinx socket on his vehicle mode underside (which ends up on his robot mode chest), which allows him to attach to any toy with a Powerlinx-style 5 mm post. Some toys have special Powerlinx posts that activate/unlock gimmicks when a Mini-Con is attached. He also has a third "rifle" mode held by most toys that use 5 mm accessory pegs.
He was only available with the Super-Con Class Optimus Prime figure.
This toy doubles as the Beast Wars: Uprising character Overrun. Run-Over was made using this mold.

Armada CrystalConvoy.jpg
  • Crystal Convoy (Lucky Draw figure, October 2003)
"Spark Surge" was cast in entirely clear plastics (but retained his standard paint applications) and came with the clear-plastic version of STD Convoy (Super-Con Class Optimus Prime), a mail-away offer from the Japanese TV Magazine, limited to 5000 pieces.

Universe (2003)

Probably one of the least-surprising guys to find in the middle of a multiversal conflict.
  • Ultra Magnus with Over-Run vs. Treadshot with Nightbeat (Battle in a Box, 2004)
Over-Run was redecoed as part of a Universe "market six" Battle in a Box multi-pack along with his larger partner Ultra Magnus, and the Decepticons Treadshot and Nightbeat.
Like Magnus, he is also slightly misassembled: his wings are swapped and thus upside down. Unlike his partner's misassembly, this is easy to fix just by removing them and putting them on correctly… though it may leave the wings a tad loose.


Over-Run's gun mode concept art.
  • According to Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003, Over-Run was planned to appear as Optimus's second partner Mini-Con after Sparkplug, complete with an intriguing storyline. Despite his figurine being released in its early stages and production drawing some episodes featuring Over-Run, he unfortunately never appeared in Armada's main story. Over-Run's only appearance in the Unicron Trilogy shows is in the first Japanese title sequence, during his Powerlinx sequence with Optimus, connecting to Prime's back like his Super-Con toy.
    • For some reason, Over-Run is computer-animated rather than traditionally like the other Mini-Cons.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Surge (サージ Sāji)
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