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Override (G1)

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The name or term "Override" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Override (disambiguation).
Override is an Autobot Triggerbot from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Override doesn't know the meaning of the word "subtle". Announcing his presence with the deafening blast of his engines, he wants his enemies to know he's coming. The only thing he loves more than blasting Decepticons is charging full throttle, tearing up the roads. Override loves shifting into his powerful "Override Gear," joining battle at frightening speeds, Triggerbot guns blazing full volume (hopefully they hit something), with apparently no concern for his own well-being. But this is not true. Annoyingly vain, Override can spiral into depression at the mere sight of a scratch on his chassis. It's probably the only time he quiets down.

Muffler? What's that?



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

...I'm gonna ask my Dad if we can play catch.

Millions of years ago, Override was one of the Autobots under the command of a young, inexperienced Optimus Prime, then a junior officer. Leading them into neutral territory to meet with a wise Transformer known as Boltax, they encountered several booby traps along the way. Override in particular was helpful in using his particle beam cannons to deactivate the mercury minefield which threatened to boil them. When they reached the Temple of Knowledge, Override and the other Autobots were instructed to wait outside while Optimus Prime communed with Boltax. The Flames of Boltax!

Triggerbots nuclo deatomiser cannon race with the devil.jpg

Years later, in the present day, Override, the other Triggerbots, and the Sparkabots were imprisoned by the Decepticons. Three of their number were taken by the Decepticons to Earth, but Override was left behind. Ca$h and Car-nage! Eventually getting freed under undisclosed circumstances, Override and his fellow Triggerbots next worked for the Autobot Resistance. They were tasked to discover the identity of a mysterious package Darkwing and Dreadwind were hired to retrieve by an unknown party. While tailing the two Decepticon Powermasters near the Earth's Moon, however, they were spotted. Their targets tried to gun their shuttle down, and all attempts to outmaneuver the Decepticons failed. Out of alternatives, the Autobots decided to detonate their ship's supply of energon cubes, making it appear as though the Decepticons had succeeded in destroying them. Once Dreadwind and Darkwing headed down to Earth, Override and his teammates resumed tailing them covertly.

Making landfall in southern Peru, the Triggerbots learned from Hi-Test and Throttle, the Decepticons' Nebulan partners, that the Powermasters were hired to recover the dead body of Starscream after the Underbase fiasco. But no one had foreseen that Starscream would be putting up a fight; his body had remained animated beyond death due to the lingering energies of the Underbase within it. Backstreet had the team take an archeologist out of the line of fire before engaging the zombie, a decision that resulted in him getting severely injured.

Override race with the devil.jpg

Backstreet insisted that Override and Dogfight leave him behind to deal with Starscream while they got themselves to safety. Though Override outright refused at first, reminding him that nearby humans' lives also needed to be considered convinced him to follow Backstreet's orders. Override sped off, and found that Susan Hoffman, the archeologist they had encountered earlier, had a small team of assistants accompanying her. Said team had been captured by the Juluth tribe, who had mistaken Starscream for their god, and were about to perform a human sacrifice! Mid-rescue, Override noticed that Darkwing and Dreadwind had succeeded in collecting Starscream's body. He was tempted to try and intercept them, but Susan insisted he stay on task. The Juluth were soon driven off, and Override reconvened with Dogfight and Backstreet. Though the Triggerbots were disappointed over their failed mission, Susan assured them they had made the right decision in saving her group. Race with the Devil

During the Matrix Quest, the Triggerbots were sent to the planet Cheyne. They stayed with a family of Vrobians who were persecuted by the local law enforcement, but over a period of time, Override and the others forgot their original mission, their past, and perhaps even their names! Fortunately, Dogfight discovered that the Vrobians were psychic vampires, putting the Autobots under their mental control. The Triggerbots rebelled, killed the family, and left Cheyne when no leads on the Matrix's location were uncovered. Kings of the Wild Frontier.


Override was part of a squad assembled for a sting operation meant to capture two Decepticons delivering battle plans. Unfortunately, the ambush was botched when Backstreet, their lookout, fired his proton missile cannons prematurely, giving away the Autobots' presence and position. As a fire fight broke out in Rivers' Town, endangering its human inhabitants, Override drove up to Backstreet, enraged at his fellow Autobot's lapse in judgement. In his anger, he exaggerated Optimus's own disappointment towards Backstreet, and told him that the Autobot commander was calling for Backstreet's termination! Backstreet suffered a mental breakdown at the news, and fled from the scene rather than face the consequences of his actions.

The Autobots were forced to hound down their fugitive comrade, for fear that in his panic he might endanger either himself or more innocent bystanders. Override withheld mention that it was his over-reaction which had led to Backstreet's flight from justice. He eventually owed up when, following Backstreet's seemingly unprovoked attack on a human military convoy, Optimus started considering Backstreet's termination to put an end to his rampage after all. Override was reprimanded, but Optimus thankfully managed to approach Backstreet and convinced him to return home before further damage was done. Trigger-Happy!

Transformers Comic-Magazin

Override was present when the Decepticons unleashed a robotic hell-beast known as 'King Con' on New York; however Optimus Prime rented a helicopter to fly a banner announcing huge raw oil deposit finds in the Rocky Mountains. After a short hesitation, the Decepticons retreated to pursue these findings. New York — A City Sinking in Terror

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The Transformers' Grand Hour: Headmaster of the Dimensions Transformers in Action: He Who Laughs Last ... The Energon Trap

Marvel Generation 2 comic

C'mon, Override, pull yourself together!

When G.I. Joe sent word to Optimus Prime that Cobra had rebuilt Megatron, he sent a group of Autobots that included Override to fight him. After several of them were destroyed, Override's job was to distract Megatron while Skydive was loaded into the Ark. He succeeded, but Megatron tore him apart, so it was a somewhat pyrrhic victory. Final Transformations

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
Autobot security team natural selection.jpg

Twenty-odd years after the end of hostilities between the Autobots and the Decepticons, Override, Dogfight, Crosshairs, Sureshot and Backstreet formed a security team that accompanied the new Autobot leader Hot Rod to apprehend the errant Dinobot Grimlock upon his return to Cybertron. Although offered the choice to come quietly, Grimlock chose to do things the hard way, resisting all the way to Bastion-five lock-up, where he managed to escape by apparently infecting Perceptor with Scorponok's Gene Key. Natural Selection, Part Two Later, Override also fell victim to the Gene Key Natural Selection, Part Three and assisted Scorponok and Perceptor in constructing a large-scale version of the device at the Sonic Canyons. Thankfully, Perceptor was only bluffing and managed to reverse the Gene Key's effects, shouting at Override and the other Autobots to get clear while Grimlock and Scorponok battled for the last time. Natural Selection, Part Five Destiny, Part One

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

When Megatron took over Cybertron during the Age of Internment, Override and his Triggerbot partner Dogfight managed to evade capture and hooked up with a resistance cell headed Perceptor and Blaster. The Age of Wrath Pt.2 When one of their away teams was having trouble apprehending one of Megatron's Aerospace Extermination Squadron drones, Override fetched Perceptor out of a meeting so the brainier 'bot could help coordinate the mission. The Age of Wrath Pt.3

The Age of Wrath ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Override and the Triggerbots accompanied Blaster as he used an ancient map of Cybertron's depths to infiltrate Megatron's slave camp, only for them to be discovered by Megatron himself. The Age of Wrath Pt.4

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Stormbringer #2
Good thing they all have magnets in their feet.

Override worked on the Ark-27, bringing Optimus Prime back to Cybertron to battle Bludgeon and his Frankenstein-recreation, Thunderwing. Stormbringer #2 Stormbringer #3 His crew later transported Optimus to Earth to join up with Prowl's infiltration unit. Stormbringer #4

Later still, Override helped haul Omega Supreme away after his fight with Monstructor. Spotlight: Optimus Prime

Override was one of the many bots surprised to hear of Blaster's miraculous return. Spotlight: Blaster

Wings Universe


At the dawn of the Machine Wars in 2013, Optimus Prime was attacked and left comatose by Jhiaxus's forces. This news was relayed by Rewind to Override, who then helped Obsidian coordinate the war effort against Jhaixus and his clone army as they invaded Cybertron. Termination Override had to abandon his post and join the battlefield proper when Obsidian and Strika organized all of their troops into attacking the enemy's stronghold in Iacon. Near the beginning of the battle, the clone Sandstorm beat both Override and Mirage down. A Common Foe


The Transformers

John Woo was on the design team.
Released in the fifth year of the original Transformers toyline (fourth year in the European toyline), Triggerbot Override transforms into a somewhat abstracted blue and red 1980s Suzuki GS1100GK motorcycle. As part of the Triggerbots subgroup, he features flip-out weapons available in both modes. Pressing the trigger on each saddlebag/robot-mode arm deploys his chromed, spring-loaded particle beam cannons.
All three Triggerbots were released in the fifth year of the Chinese Transformers toyline, over half a decade later than in the US/Europe. These releases have rubsigns, which the originals lacked as they had been phased out for the 1988 line.


Foreign names

  • French: Furio (France), Autopilote (Canada)
  • Hungarian: Gázoló ("Wader")
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