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Pizza Pi Party

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Transformers: Rescue Bots ep 94
PizzaPiParty Kade eats a giant pizza.jpg
At last, Kade found true love.
"Pizza Pi Party"
Season 4
No. in season 16
Production company Hasbro Studios
Airdate July 26, 2016 (UK)
August 6, 2016 (US)
Writer Carin Davis
Director Kevin Altieri
Animation studio DHX Media
Top Draw Animation
Yt icon rgb.png Watch this episode on YouTube

While at Griffin Rock's Pizza Pi Festival, Doc's new super-yeast causes chaos and the Bots have to find an unconventional solution to the rising problem.



"'s for school?"

Cody and Kade haul up outside Mr. Marcello's pizzeria as Kade is ready for lunch. Mr. Marcello is keen to show off the remote-controlled pizza-cutting bot that he's invented. While he's demonstrating its ability to chop up pizzas, it gets doused with liquid and immediately goes out of control, chopping up everything in sight. While everyone takes cover, Cody calls in Heatwave who manages to destroy the device. Kade continues eating pizza off his own jacket because he's Kade.

Chief arrives at the firehouse to find it littered with junk, but he's too busy trying to get ready for the next day's Pizza Pi Party to deal with it. As he and Boulder explain, it's a festival combining pizza and math, and Blades has been asked to be judge in the bake-off. Blades's excitement is cut short as the fire alarm goes off, though it merely turns out to be Dani practicing her cooking for the bake-off. Chief suggests she focus on the math.

The Burns siblings complain about Cody's stuff being spread out all over the fire station, but Cody says he's having trouble finding places to keep everything. Chief recalls Woodrow had the same pack-rat problem and Cody resolves to come up with a solution after the party.

PizzaPiParty Doc unveils the yeast.jpg

The festival starts complete with cheerleaders, and Dani observes that Kade is buying pizza despite the fact he's going to take part in a pizza eating competition later. Meanwhile Frankie is cleaning up in the math competitions and is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Boulder later so they can team up — Boulder and Graham are currently busy installing the town's new solar panels, but they'll be by later so Boulder can team up with Frankie. Doc Greene announces the start of the bake-off and unveils the new ingredient he's developed for the event — a super yeast which will vastly increase the amount of dough that can be made. Unfortunately the cheerleaders' routine gets out of control, knocking the yeast into Dani's mix and the dough begins rapidly expanding. As often happens in Griffin Rock, the party ends with everyone running in terror and Kade has to pull Mr. Sharma out of the dough. The park is swiftly evacuated.

PizzaPiParty super yeast engulfs the town.jpg

Elsewhere Boulder spots the increasing mound of dough in the park and points it out to Graham. With the park clear, the rescue team scrambles to escape the dough themselves and brainstorm ways to stop the dough — Frankie comes up with the idea of adding salt. They head for the town's supply shelter where there's a stockpile of salt. Cody continues to puzzle on where he's going to put all his stuff, and points out to Dani that she's still holding on to her toy elephant Lumperooni. The team starts gathering up salt and adding it to the expanding dough which stops it expanding in one direction, however the other side is still expanding into Lookout Canyon where the Rubios are hiking. Dani and Blades pick up the family, and though Blades gets his tail rotor caught on the dough, Heatwave is on hand to rescue him. Salt is soon added to the canyon as well, and the growth slows down.

That can't be sanitary...

Blades suggests baking the dough to stop it growing, and Cody points out they can use the new solar panels, which can be set up to reflect the sun, though the dough will need to be made thinner. The Rescue Bots are covered in flour and put to work rolling the dough out into a thin-crust pizza shape. The solar panels succeed in baking the huge pizza base, and while they're puzzling over what to do with it, Dani makes a point to Cody about the fact she got rid of a ton of her childhood stuff. They finally settle on eating the pizza and the entire town sets to work putting a topping on it. Once the topping is also cooked, the pizza is cut up via chainsaw.

Unfortunately once the crowd starts eating, it turns out the pizza tastes terrible because it's Dani's recipe. Kade doesn't seem to care and ropes Heatwave into hauling several giant pieces home.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"It's a constant throughout the universe, even on Cybertron."
"What do we call it there?"
"Pi. I told you, it's a constant."

Boulder and Blades

"I'll be the judge of that. Let me see. Mhmm mhmm, nice stark coloring, burnt evenly throughout, strong smokey aroma. Was charcoal the secret ingredient?"
"I think it's the only ingredient."

Blades and Chief judge Dani's cooking.

"Sand? Yes! I totally practiced that one."

Dani on Doc Greene's surprise ingredient.


Continuity notes

  • (tbd)

Transformers references

  • Among Cody's many possessions spread out around the dining room is a cardboard box made to look like Optimus Prime's head, likely from when the statue of Horace Burns was dressed up to look like him in honor of All Spark Day.

Real-world references

  • Maine police code 10-70 is a civil disturbance while a 10-95 is a disaster.
  • Upon learning that he will be a food judge, Blades asks if he should wear a bow tie or orange clogs: the clogs likely refer to Anne Burrell, and the bow tie almost certainly refers to Alton Brown, both of whom have served as judges in food competition shows. Additionally, Blades says he cannot wait to tell someone to "Please pack their pies and go," a reference to Padma Lakshmi, who uses the phrase "Please pack your knives and go" as a judge on the cooking competition program Top Chef.
  • While the show Blades mentions, Chic Chef Showdown doesn't reference a specific cooking program, it does seem to be a general reference to Food Network programing.
  • While spreading the cheese on the giant pizza, Blades at one point breaks the fourth wall by singing along with the show's Italian-themed background music.

Animation and technical errors

  • (tbd)


  • Gender-swapped aprons are apparently a Burns family tradition. Dani's apron is a print of a well-muscled man's chest and shorts.

Foreign localization


  • Title: "La Pizza Pi Party !"
  • Original airdate: ?


  • Title: "La festa della pizza" ("The pizza party")
  • Original airdate: 4 October 2017
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