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Rampage (SG)

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This article is about the heroic Decepticon Predacon. For his evil counterpart, see Rampage (G1). For a list of other meanings, see Rampage (disambiguation).
Rampage is a heroic Decepticon Predacon from the Shattered Glass continuity family.
Rampage shattered glass.jpg

The mind of Rampage is constantly working, not stopping for anything. When he was one of Razorclaw's students, he would often not finish a project, instead moving on to something else. When the war came along, he viewed it as simply another creative outlet for his mind. Watching transmissions from alien planets calms him down. One day, Rampage presented transmissions from a certain planet, which inspired Razorclaw to adopt the predatory forms of the creatures in the transmissions when they joined the army of the Decepticons.



Fun Publications Shattered Glass continuity


Rampage and the other Predacons were present in the War Room when Megatron held a meeting to discuss how to best attack the Ark. At sundown, Rampage and Razorclaw opened the battle by dispatching the Autobot guards. Then, once the battle was joined proper, he helped Razorclaw and Divebomb attack Grimlock. Shattered Glass

When Ricochet kidnapped Megatron during preparations for the Nemesis' launch, Cliffjumper recommended that the Predacons and Whisper be sent to sneak into Ricochet's hideout at the Temple of Knowledge to effect a rescue.

Upon arriving at the Temple, Razorclaw led Rampage and Divebomb in a lesson on infiltration. Step one: find a way inside. Rampage helped scan for one, but it was Divebomb who spotted something first. Rampage was skeptical that Divebomb knew for certain that the tiny speck in question was really a vent, but Divebomb countered that he had good optics.

They needed a way to reach it without getting blasted by the Temple's defenses, however, and Whisper answered the challenge by rushing out and using his audio abilities to create the illusion of a fleet of airborne Decepticons approaching. Rampage and the other Predacons dashed between the distracted autoguns to slip inside the vent, followed soon by Whisper, who ran ahead of them. When Razorclaw asked what they had learned, Rampage noted that "Sometimes you have to be loud to go unnoticed."

Divebomb and Rampage progressed deeper into the Temple, and discovered Crosshairs. Rampage sneak-attacked the Autobot, knocking him down and pinning him. They tried convincing him to keep being too lazy to move, but Crosshairs instead ordered his partner Pinpointer to attack the Predacons for him. Pinpointer launched a trio of missiles at Divebomb, then he and Crosshairs moved to double-team Rampage.

Rampage was mostly able to dodge the two's melee attacks, though he was cranky at Pinpointer's constant loquaciousness and grumbled that the Autobot should shut up, and complained even more when Pinpointer said he liked the fact that his chattiness annoyed Rampage. When Pinpointer revealed that it was a distraction so Crosshairs could shoot at him, Rampage protested that was impossible since Pinpointer was Crosshairs's Targetmaster gun, until he was surprised by the reveal of Crosshairs's chest cannon. Fortunately he was saved from certain doom when Divebomb finally successfully tricked the missiles that had been following him all that time into taking out the two Autobots, by destroying the floor underneath them.

As Divebomb and Rampage looked down into the hole, Rampage noted that if Razorclaw were there, he'd be asking what they'd learned. Just then, a volley of missiles came up at them, and Divebomb concluded that you shouldn't turn your back on an enemy unless you know they're down for good, as the two Predacons ran for it.

They apparently were able to shake the missiles, as they and Razorclaw soon arrived separately in the chamber where Megatron was held captive. A fight ensued between them, Ricochet, and Optimus Prime, with Rampage and Razorclaw using a length of chain to clothesline Ricochet's ankles and trip him. Rampage almost found himself shot by his own leader when Megatron's attempt to steal Ricochet's Targetmaster caused him to start firing wildly, but Megatron eventually recovered and got the upper hand over Prime, and the Autobots retreated to deal with Rodimus making off with the Ark. Unfortunately, the Nemesis had also left, leaving the Decepticons also stranded. Do Over

At the Battle of Decepticon City, Rampage and the Predacons engaged Superion after Grimlock took a pounding. Memory's Splinter



My shoulder is my rectum.
  • Convention Souvenir 3-Pack (Multi-pack, 2008)
Timelines Rampage is a redeco of Classics Snarl, transforming into a robotic tiger. He has a molded "blaster" barrel on the inside of his kitty-mode mouth, revealed by opening his jaw.
He was only available as part of one of BotCon 2008's exclusive "souvenir" figure multi-packs, along with Blurr, Sideswipe, and Whisper.
Classics mold: Snarl
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:


  • The BotCon 2008 toy photography incorrectly shows Rampage as coming with Rodimus and Megatron.
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