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Revelations Part 4

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Transformers: Cybertron
"Revelations Part 4"
Publisher Fun Publications
Published in Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club #10
Plot by Forest Lee, Dan Khanna
Script by Forest Lee
Pencils by Dan Khanna
Inks by Terry Pallot
Colors by Rob Ruffolo
Letters by Robbie Robbins
Continuity Cybertron cartoon

A Mini-Con civil war erupts, and the Autobots arrive to help...but none are aware of Unicron's machinations that are behind it all.



RevelationsPart4 CybertronMini-Cons.jpg

Some gigacycles after Ramjet's defeat, the Autobots on Cybertron continue on with repairs. Skyfall, having been fully repaired, has begun to assist Sentinel Maximus with repairs for Vector Sigma, his knowledge in energon conduits and quantum circuitry helping to speed up the process. Skyfall merely sees it as a way to pass the time, until Overrun can find information on him, which the Mini-Con soon does, after a fashion. A carving dating back to twenty million stellar cycles was found about ten stellar cycles ago in the energon pools...artwork which seems to depict Skyfall, along with another figure! Overrun feels as though this might explain Skyfall's memory problems, but the revelation is cut short by a bored Ultra Magnus, who wants a mission to go on. While Optimus Prime disagrees with his brother's attitude, he concurs that while they're willing to assist, their forte is on the battlefield, not in repairs. Suddenly, an emergency transmission comes through from Anti-Blaze of the Mini-Con Council of Sages, requesting assistance, as their evacuation shuttles have been destroyed by rebels. Clearing up the signal, Overrun responds. Anti-Blaze sends footage of the rebel's attacks. While few in number, they are heavily armed, and footage from Perceptor shows their secret headquarters, along with several unknown Decepticon allies. Anti-Blaze sends in rendezvous coordinates, and pleads for them to hurry.

Soon, in the debris fields between Cybertron's moons, Omega Prime, Sentinel Maximus, Skyfall, and Downshift. meet up with Anti-Blaze, Checkpoint, Scythe, and Perceptor. Anti-Blaze informs them of his plan: they need to first take out the energon tanks, and then take out a cannon that has enough firepower to destroy a big chunk of the colony, which Anti-Blaze hopes the larger Transformers can deal with. Downshift is ready for a fight, but Sentinel advises for caution. Omega Prime splits the team up: Skyfall and Sentinel Maximus are to stay near each other, Downshift is with the Mini-Cons, and Omega Prime will take out the cannon. The Autobots begin their attack, and explosion rip through the battlefield. Skyfall attacks the lead Decepticon, but suddenly recognizes: he was the other figure on the carving! Meanwhile, out of site, Soundwave informs his master that the "anomaly" has brought another of "his" kind here, and asks him if he will join the battle. And Unicron, reborn once more, informs him that he will...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

*see "Errors", below


Continuity notes

  • This chapter is noted to be several gigacycles after the first one. Later chapters would show that it takes place around the same time as the midpoint of the Cybertron cartoon.
  • Back in "Revelations Part 2", Downshift is told by a repair drone that the damage to his Energon-series body required a full reformatting. Thus, he is now in his new Cybertron-series body.

Transformers references

  • An energon star (specifically the Autobot version) is depicted on the carving that Overrun finds.
  • This issue is the first fictional affirmation of the brewing Mini-Con conflict as written in the on-package bios for Cybertron's Mini-Con 2-packs.
  • Several Decepticon aligned Omnicons are seen, including Skyblast, Strongarm, and Signal Flare. Presumably, this is in reference their intended origin by Hasbro, where they were to be evolved forms of Mini-Cons.


  • Over-Run's name is misspelled Overrun again.
  • Leader-1 is depicted in his original color scheme instead of the Powerlinx upgrade colors used in the Armada episodes following "Puppet". This is likely a result of Leader-1's only appearances after "Puppet" being Powerlinxed with Galvatron, thus making it hard to spot him.
  • While it wouldn't be clear until later chapters, the Decepticon aligned Omnicons are supposed to be colored like the normal Autobot aligned ones. Throughout this chapter, though, none of them are colored correctly:
    • In the grainy footage of the rebel's secret base, Skyblast is colored red and blue, while Strongarm is colored olive green and grey, like Landquake's unnamed Mini-Con assistant.
    • In the scene of the battle, Strongarm is colored red, blue, and white.
  • Landquake is depicted with a blue energon weapon (the toy's weapon is red).
  • Monocle and Landslide should be Autobot-allied Mini-Cons, not Decepticon-allied ones. This mistake was probably caused by the Exploration Mini-Con Team and Lunar Assault Mini-Con Team's toy allegiances being swapped at the last minute.

Other trivia

  • Vector Prime's age is 25 million years.
  • Unicron is the same size as Soundwave—in other words, he's normal Transformer height, rather than planetoid-sized.


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