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Sure, the new packaging looks great, but the number of twisty-ties they use to hold it in that position is insane.

Scanning, or trans-scanning when it's a biological process, is how Transformers change their alternate modes into things native to other planets such as vehicles or animals on Earth.

Although the "original" or "Cybertronian" altmodes of the characters prior to scanning and reformatting are not always shown, they generally tend to be something roughly similar in size, form and function to their new mode (i.e. flyers tend to become planes, Cybertronian tanks become Earth tanks and small fast-moving land vehicles become sports cars or cheetahs), etc. This suggests that in most continuities the scanning process involves attempting to find the most similar compatible altmode available. Whether this makes the following reconstruction process easier or is merely a concession to the individual Cybertronian's personal preference is unknown.

They also have a funny tendency to be the same colors each time...[1]

A Transformer can turn into anything they can scan just by copying the object's data into their format files. Every time a Transformer rescans, they change form, and sometimes I have trouble recognizing even my own men!

Optimus Prime, "Optimus Prime vs Megatron: The Ultimate Battle"


Conceptual history

Starscream's body converts itself to Earth mode... or something?

Scanning, like many elements in the Transformers brand, has evolved over the decades. In particular, scanning has developed alongside the portrayal of transformation, going from a wartime invention to a natural aspect of Cybertronian biology.

The original Transformers cartoon and The Transformers (Marvel comic) showed scanning only briefly, performed by the Ark's Sky Spy, while the Ark itself performed manual reconstruction to provide the Autobots and Decepticons new Earth alternate modes. After the initial awakening on Earth, Transformers were either built with their alternate modes, or were reconfigured in an off-screen process.

Beast Wars would mainly follow in the steps of Generation 1, depicting the Maximals and Predacons requiring their ship's DNA scanner to provide them with beast modes, the Maximals entering the CR chamber to be reconfigured. The series also depicted stasis pods as having scanners, allowing individuals to gain new beast modes and identities.

While a British advertisement would depict Cheetor scanning a cheetah using beams from his eyes, the first major appearance of scanners built into a Cybertronian would be in 1998's Beast Wars II. In contrast to the ship scanners of the original Beast Wars, Maximals are seen scanning their alternate mode themselves, while the Predacons use an alien computer to provide the schematics, the strain of scanning rendering one Predacon briefly unconscious. In what was likely coincidence, 1999's Beast Machines would explain that a Quantum Cycle Upgrade that occurred while the Beast Wars characters were on prehistoric Earth provided every Cybertronian a built-in scanner. Following this, built-in scanners quickly became the standard method of Transformers acquiring new alternate modes.

During the first half of the 2000s, media such as the Unicron Trilogy would consistently depict characters scanning new alternate modes using without any additional equipment, even capable of storing multiple vehicle schematics to share with other bots. Beams from the eyes in particular would continue to appear and become the primary visual cue for the process.

This would continue into the live-action film series, which dubbed the process trans-scanning, and described it as a core aspect of Cybertronian biology, a natural and seamless process that they instinctively performed after arriving on new planets in their transition form. The process would take only a few seconds, the Cybertronian's body generating the new exostructure immediately after scanning.[2] Unlike in previous series, it was depicted as a far more organic process, with behind the scenes information by ILM elaborating that no character transforms the same way twice. Tie-in media would give Cybertronians the ability to assume impromptu alternate modes without scanning based on their memories, and some characters were described as having "hyper-reactive scanners" that allowed them to assume new alternate modes even faster than average Transformers. Almost every film in the series would depict a scanning sequence (Optimus has two across four films), making it a memorable and consistent part of the film's portrayal of Cybertronians.

One outlier during this time was Transformers Animated, which would split the difference in depictions by showing the Autobots using their ship and its scanner à la the G1 cartoon and Beast Wars, while the Decepticons used the built-in scanners that had become more commonplace in fiction.

The Aligned continuity family would follow with built-in scanners, continuing to treat it as a natural part of Cybertronian biology and something any bot could do at any time. With the general effort behind the Aligned continuity being to standardize Transformers lore, this depiction would be solidified as the method for scanning in all Transformers media since. The depiction of scanning as a natural aspect of Cybertronian biology has bled back into Generation 1 media, such as the first IDW series, and tie-ins with other properties.

Originally just a minor aspect of the Transformers arrival on Earth, scanning has evolved into an iconic core aspect of the Transformers mythos.


Generation One

None of the various 1980s versions of the Generation One continuity show the original G1-era Cybertronians as capable of either scanning for new altmodes or reformatting themselves without the use of external technology and a drawn-out nuts n' bolts process of physical reconstruction. This technology appears to be standard-issue in ships and various facilities.

Marvel Comics continuity

Built to Rule!

Four million years ago shortly after the crash of the Ark, the Ark's computer detected Shockwave landing on the planet in the Antarctic land-out-of-time. The Ark used the last of its capabilities to revive five warriors and rebuild them to transform into the Savage Land's dominant lifeforms: dinosaurs. The Last Stand

Subsequently, in 1984 the eruption of the volcano reboots the Ark which sends a drone to scan the area for local life forms which it takes to be terrestrial vehicles. Damaged, the Ark does not distinguish between factions and repairs and rebuilds both Autobots and Decepticons alike with new altmodes. The 'Cons leave soon after. The Transformers

Later stories would refer to new arrivals to Earth having to take on new "Terran" altmodes, but the process was generally glossed over.

The Transformers cartoon

"Wake up, Prime! Don't make me use this to wake you up."

The Transformers aboard the Ark were damaged and went into stasis lock after the Ark crashed into Mount St. Hilary. Four million years passed, and then in 1984, volcanic activity stirred the half-buried Ark, awakening Teletraan I, the computer system aboard. Teletraan I sent out a Sky Spy satellite to reconnoiter the new world and scanned terrestrial machinery in order to repair the Transformers and reformat them into new altmodes. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1

Dreamwave G1 continuity

Being set quite some time after the initial awakening of the Transformers on modern-day Earth, the scanning and rebuilding process was never really detailed in this continuity, but can be assumed to have been along the lines of the fairly similar classic cartoon and Marvel comic scenarios.

Subsequent arrivals under Shockwave's banner of a unified Cybertron have been reformatted into Earth modes prior to their arrival to the planet. Again, the process is not shown. War and Peace

2005 IDW continuity

Much like the Dreamwave counterpart, the IDWverse shows the Autobots and Decepticons already on Earth albeit with higher emphases on disguise. The process of reformatting is not shown. Infiltration

TimeWillRust JazzArrivesOnEarth.jpg

Again, subsequent arrivals to Earth such as Optimus Prime, Megatron and Hot Rod make mention of having been modified to have new Earth-based altmodes but the process is similarly not depicted directly. Escalation Skar is said to be a pioneer of the "dynamic alt-mode adaptation" theory, which allowed him to scan the cyber-morphic predators that dwelt in caves beneath Cybertron and reformat his Dynobot comrades into new forms based on these creatures in the field. Again, however, the actual process was not depicted on-panel. Underworld

The first on-panel scanning was for the Dynobots and required the use of a CR chamber. Spotlight: Shockwave When Jazz first arrived on Earth however, he scanned a nearby Porsche by projecting a beam from his optics. Time Will Rust

In the jump-forward storyline All Hail Megatron, many of the Autobots and Decepticons have inexplicably been reformatted again, but merely into similar-but-different Earth altmodes. It is no surprise that in all cases these resemble their most recent real-world toy releases, particularly under the Universe line. All Hail Megatron Following the rebirth of Cybertron and the end of the war, Wheeljack and Shockwave worked to reformat their respective comrades into new Cybertronian vehicle modes. The Autonomy Lesson

Hearts of Steel

It's not fully clear how exactly Cybertronians scan their alternate modes. Bumblebee can, for instance, instantly reformat from his prehistoric beast mode into a nonexistent steamhammer locomotive. Hearts of Steel #1 On the other hand, Starscream and the other Decepticons need plans drawn up by Tobias Muldoon to reformat into flying alternate modes. Hearts of Steel #2

Whether or not Astrotrain is a living Transformer raises even more questions; he's one of several Decepticons to be made or refitted to function as a train. Some Decepticons are also manually refitted to make rail cars for Astrotrain. Hearts of Steel #3

Universe (2008) promotional video

Optimus Prime emits the scanning beam from his optic sensor to scan a truck. Action Blast 1 Part 1

Transformers vs. The Terminator

When the Ark rebooted, a Sky Spy probe scanned a commandeered truck that happened to be nearby before the T-800 shot it down, Enemy of My Enemy Part One later justifying this act to Arcee as the probe having also scanned him. Enemy of My Enemy Part Three

Transformers/Back to the Future

After finding himself unable to tolerate Megatron's brutality any longer, Gigawatt trans-scanned the impounded DeLorean time machine, hoping to use its replicated power to alter history and undo his master's reign of terror. Transformers/Back to the Future #2

Beast Era

Protoform Transformers are able to get new alternate modes by using the DNA scanned from the lifeforms of the nearby environments.

Beast Wars cartoon

When in operation, the "scan beam" emitted from the DNA scanners built into Cybertronian ships can analyze DNA data scanned from lifeforms immediately. If the device scans a corpse or fossil, it is able to reconstruct the lifeform's appearance during its lifetime. Examples of this include the alternate modes of Megatron, Dinobot, Terrorsaur, and Nightscream.

Once the scanned DNA data is retrieved, it is sent to CR chambers or CR tanks. The Transformers have to enter the CR chambers or tanks to get their new altmode.

There is also a DNA scanner mounted on each stasis pod in order to get the DNA data from the lifeforms of the planet on which the stasis pod lands. The stasis pod itself then reformats the occupant—or perhaps just "formats", since protoforms are generally considered to be newborns.

Beast Wars II cartoon

Beast Wars II featured the first instance of built-in DNA scanners and self-reformatting technology allowing the Transformers to adopt alternate modes on the spot without the need for external machinery. Only Tasmania Kid is seen using it, The New Forces Arrive! while the Predacons obtained vehicle modes by accessing an ancient computer and scanning the recorded data within it. White Lion, Run!

Beast Machines cartoon

After falling into a hole, Nightscream became unconscious. During that time, a DNA scanner inside his body was activated and scanned the fossils of a big bat once native to Cybertron, giving him a bat alternate mode. Forbidden Fruit He explains to Rattrap that all Cybertronians now have built-in scanners by this slightly later point in history, having been equipped with them in the planet-wide Quantum Cycle Upgrade that evidently occurred after the Axalon and Darksyde crews departed Cybertron for the Beast Wars. Forbidden Fruit

According to Botanica, she and her crew scanned the DNA from the plant on the planet on which she landed. Home Soil

2001 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Skid-Z was able to scan Auggie Cahnay's racing car and reformat after arriving on Earth using a built-in scanner. The scan also seemed to pick up parts of Auggie Cahnay's personality causing him to experience the urge to enter races. Skid Z's Choice Stasis pods with in-built scanners also appeared in the series enabling the Predacons to select alternate modes which the contained protoforms would take. In the case of Scourge the scan beam took in a fuel tanker, Optimus Prime and Kelly causing Scourge's robot mode to bear a resemblance to Optimus and adding a human tinge to his bio-signature. The Decepticons

Unicron Trilogy

Upon arriving on Earth, both Autobots and Decepticons display the ability to scan and reformat for new alt modes without requiring the aid of any external reconfiguration technology. Metamorphosis When the Unicron Singularity was threatening the universe, Transformers even displayed the ability to scan multiple alternate modes in addition to the one they chose for themselves, storing the data on other vehicles and passing it on to other Transformers to scan. Scanning didn't even require the presence of the actual vehicle—a mere photograph or illustration of the vehicle would do. Fallen

Live-action film series

2007 Transformers film

I'd better find something to wear, pronto!

Autobots and Decepticons from the live-action films have the most fluid abilities to date regarding scanning and reformatting their bodies at will without any apparent need for external assistance whatsoever. Although there is some ambiguity, it even appears that the transformational abilities of Movie Cybertronians are so fluid that they can re-scan and reformat as often as they wish and not even use the same "transformation scheme" twice, possibly suggesting that they can generate new parts such as additional weapons at will independent of a full reformatting cycle. How permanent a trans-scanned alternate form becomes, as well as how easily a Transformer can scan and adopt a new one, are somewhat open to debate. There is much evidence to suggest they are quickly able to adopt new forms at will. Certainly Bumblebee was able to alter the features of his Camaro mode from an older to newer model with ease, but this is not the same as taking an entirely new form According to one source, any Transformer can trans-scan a new, appropriately massed alternate form at will, and their inner protoform core will generate a new exostructure or alter an existing one to that new appearance almost instantaneously.[2] However, other sources seem to disagree. The main evidence against this ease in switching forms being universal is the fact that it is treated as a "special power" for several Transformers. The Autobot and Decepticon Create-A-Bots, for instance, were able to switch between alt modes as diverse as trucks and helicopters on the fly, but this was apparently the result of some form of enhancement (installed by Wheeljack, in the case of the Autobot), though this seemed more like being able to remember multiple alt-modes at once, rather than the usual one. Moreover, the Decepticon spy Frenzy possesses a similar ability, being equipped with a special "hyper-reactive" trans-scanning and reformatting processor, which allows him to scan and transform into anything at any given moment. Skids and Mudflap possess a similar aptitude for changing disguises, though whether this is the result of some upgrade or just part of their hyperactive personality is debatable.

We build excitement! Pontiac!

The fact that these few are singled out as having the ability to re-trans-scan at will would seem to suggest that once your average Transformer has selected an alternate mode, they can't take on an entirely new one under their own power. However, this is again contradicted in the prequel novel, Ghosts of Yesterday: Bumblebee transforms to a previously scanned mode on an empty alien world to escape an attack by Starscream, and he does so "hastily", indicating that his change from protoform was extremely swift. Prime himself transforms to cometary form on board the transport ship before launching down to aid his subordinate; again, this is indicated to be swift and not requiring a lot effort. Neither of these Transformers are noted with the above-named "special ability". Also, Laserbeak is shown taking several different altmodes, from a computer to a photocopier machine to a pink, door-kibble-less human-sized Bumblebee to a plasma television set (but never the vehicle his toy turns into), but since he is a case of reengineered Cybertronian wildlife rather than a true Transformer, it isn't clear if this applies to all Transformers.

It gets contradicted again in Titan's Transformers title (#11 and #12). In one instance, Ratchet and Ironhide trans-scan Payload, using his alternate mode as a disguise. Here, however, they sacrifice their weaponry in the process and have to absorb nearby iron ore to rebuild them.

To further muddy the matter, Age of Extinction demonstrates that Cybertronians can at least partially control the nature of a scanned altmode; Optimus Prime scans a white truck but alters his corresponding paint scheme so that his new truck shape possesses the blue-and-red flames of his previous forms.

Ultimately, no precise conclusions can be made, but traditionally, the Transformers mythos has long been peppered with such contradictions as this.

Movieverse scanning can even replicate the appearance of rust and scratched and faded custom paintwork when imitating an old beater, apparently.

Bumblebee film

Upon arriving on Earth, Autobot scout B-127 scanned an army jeep to escape the United States Armed Forces before a battle with Blitzwing left him damaged and he scanned a Volkswagen Beetle as he fell into stasis lock. After defeating Shatter and Dropkick, he scanned a Camaro. Bumblebee


In the Animated universe, Optimus Prime and his crew use a Sky Spy-type probe from their ship to scan new alt modes for them. They are then very quickly reformatted into their new forms by taking turns stepping inside a device similar to a CR chamber.

However, upon arriving on Earth, the Decepticons Starscream, Lugnut, and, memorably, Blitzwing, are capable of scanning new altmodes directly from their own bodies and immediately reformatting themselves without any such chamber, although the actual reformatting is not shown onscreen. This may suggest that while Animated Decepticons appear to have the ability to scan and reformat themselves unaided, Animated Autobots apparently do not. Transform and Roll Out

When Megatron rebuilds himself with the assistance of Sari Sumdac's AllSpark-powered key, he is reconstituted with a newly reformatted helicopter-altmode body straight away rather than in his original body which had a Cybertronian jet-altmode. He had presumably scanned the design while his disembodied head still had access to Issac Sumdac's computers.

In a similar vein, mere moments after upgrading himself, Soundwave was capable of transforming into a brand-new vehicle mode without any scanning whatsoever. Wreck-Gar could also transform into a vehicle mode without having done a single scan beforehand.

Shattered Glass

Hey, this isn't a light cycle!

After arriving Earth and finding Soundwave in stasis lock, Heatwave reactivated the systems and the on-board scanner of Soundwave's stasis pod. It scanned a familiar vehicle nearby for Soundwave and reactivated him. The Desert Heat!

Aligned continuity family

Aligned novels

Scanning new vehicle modes based on the current locale is not something that every Cybertronian enjoys; some pride themselves on retaining the same vehicle form that they have had since learning to assume it. During his stay on Junkion Prowl briefly contemplated scanning a new vehicle mode to better suit the treacherous terrain of the junk planet but ultimately decided against it. Exiles

Prime cartoon

Perfect! No one will ever suspect such a big spiky truck of actually being an alien robot in disguise!

For some reason that has yet to be explained, many Cybertronians seem to lose the ability to assume a vehicle form after arriving on Earth. While they are perfectly functional in robot mode their inability to transform into an alternate mode puts them at a disadvantage regarding mobility, though there are some exceptions. However, Cybertronians are readily capable of scanning local vehicles for alternate modes. This appears as the Cybertronian in question shooting what appears to be green or blue beams from their eyes. The beams scan the vehicle which even appears to cause some electrical interference as well providing the Cybertronian with a complete schematic of their chosen vehicle after which they can immediately transform into said vehicle.

Curiously, Cybertronians here seem to display kibble that hints to an Earth-based vehicle mode before they actually scan one.

Agent Fowler has inadvertently provided some Decepticons their new vehicle modes with the vehicle he's currently riding in much to his irritation. Masters & Students Crisscross Loose Cannons

A Transformer's scanning ability is enabled by their transformation cog component. Operation Bumblebee, Part 1

Optimus Prime scanned a new alternate mode that would better integrate his new jetpack. The vehicle chosen by Agent Fowler was an experimental M.A.S.K.-division vehicle. Project Predacon

Rescue Bots cartoon

"Om mani padme hum."

Upon arriving on Earth, Optimus Prime provided the members of Rescue Force Sigma-17 with a choice of vehicle modes based on the native machinery. After choosing their new alternate modes, the members of the force immediately assumed alternate form and began to integrate into human society. Family of Heroes After some time on Earth, Optimus Prime instructed Heatwave on how to gain a third form which involved intense concentration and focusing a lot of energy, a process Optimus described as “an ordeal” in which few succeeded on their first try. It involved a form of prone meditation so deep that Heatwave was apparently unable to hear an embarrassing conversation going on right next to him. When his energy focusing was complete his Rescue Bot insignia glowed blue similar to when using energize tools and he himself glowed briefly. It glowed blue again when he scanned a fireboat and he told Blades that he was still exhausted later that day or a day or two later. He also told him that Blades would not be allowed to attempt to scan a third form, since Heatwave did it only with Optimus' permission and help. Changes In accordance with uniqueness decay however, Optimus later scanned Trex to gain a Dinobot form without the same fanfare being given to the difficulty of scanning a third form, Land Before Prime and in order to test a cure for Optimus' rampaging dino mode on himself Boulder scanned a third form with only a few moments of focusing and no apparent fatigue. Big Game When Quint Quarry demanded more dinobots in addition to Boulder and Optimus, Heatwave gained a fourth form and Chase and Blades scanned third modes all with no apparent preparation or fatigue. The process did strain Blades' T-cog to the point that it was several hours before he could use it again, though this strain was attributed partially to the bio-organic nature of the new forms they'd scanned. Quarry's Quarry

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

After arriving on Earth, Strongarm and Sideswipe scanned new vehicle modes at Denny Clay's scrapyard. Noticeably, Fixit and Grimlock did not adopt compatible Earth forms possibly due to personal preferences or physical limitations. Pilot (Part 2)

Most, but not all of the Decepticon fugitives aboard the Alchemor also chose to scan new alternate modes while hiding out on Earth.

The Decepticons really knew that they were in trouble after Optimus learned how to Warp Digivolve.

While training in the Realm of the Primes Optimus Prime learned how to control and fine-tune the scanning process so that he could merely adopt one characteristic of an appropriate vehicle. While searching for a Decepticon in the Arctic members of the Bee Team scanned suitable camouflage from a nearby truck Overloaded, Part 2 and during the trip south they adopted desert camouflage by scanning an offroad jeep. Cover Me

The Bee Team repeated this when visiting the ruins of Autobot Outpost Omega One, History Lessons while Steeljaw's Pack used the trick to pass off as hazardous waste disposal vehicles. Prisoner Principles

EarthSpark cartoon

The Terrans created by the Emberstone lacked alternate modes, and each protoform must choose an alt-mode to scan. Secret Legacy, Part 2 Choosing their alternate modes became an important rite of passage among the group, with both Twitch and Nightshade attaching a lot of personal significance to their choices, with Twitch considering the creator of her drone mode to be a second father. Traditions Missed Connection Jawbreaker in particular pushed back against pressure from Hashtag to choose an alternate mode until he found one that truly suited him, instead of scanning a random vehicle. Outtakes


Transformers (2007)

The Optimus Prime of your nightmares.
  • Trans-Scanning (2008)

Japanese-only releases, these figures are spindly skeletons referred to as "core bodies". To these skeletons, two sets of armor pieces can be attached to create one of two forms for either character: their protoform mode or their Earth mode.

Dark of the Moon

Toys"R"Us exclusive Scan Series Ironhide
  • The Scan Series (2011)

Exclusive to Toys"R"Us' Mission Earth, these redecoes represent each character trans-scanning their vehicle mode. As such, nearly all of their vehicle mode parts (and thus, most of their robot modes) are cast in translucent clear plastic, with the rear of their vehicle modes being left unpainted, their middle portions having painted scan lines, and their fronts having a heavy amount of paint operations in order to cover the clear plastic.


The PETA gonna SUE!!

Behind the scenes

One piece of metatextual evidence which could be argued to support the fluidity argument indirectly is the fact that in the actual film, no two transformations by the same character were ever remotely identical. Although the vehicle and robot mode models were obviously always consistent, ILM animators have admitted that the actual transformations from mode A to B (and vice-versa) were unique every time they were performed, with the thousands of transforming parts moving around in significantly different orders and via different internal and external routes around the body each time a transformation took place. This was largely due to the fact that the transformations were not automated, but had to be "manually" animated each time, with the main focus being what part of the Transformer in question was facing the virtual camera and what would look interesting and "believable", rather than maintaining the consistency of any transformation method.

Thus, unlike most past depictions of Transformers (or, for that matter, all Transformers toys) individual Movieverse Transformers actually have no fixed "transformation scheme". This could be argued to support the suggestion that Cybertronians from the Movieverse have such fluid transformational abilities that they do not require set patterns or methods by which to change form, but rather move their parts around in an almost instinctive manner, possibly as determined by factors such as their current speed, terrain, or intent of action at the moment of transformation. The ultimate extension of this logic is that some of their additional transformational abilities (such as Bumblebee's previously unseen shoulder-mounted missile launchers used against Devastator) may not even be "designed in" when they trans-scan and reformat, but might even be spontaneously generated as needed.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Scan (スキャン skyan)

See also


  1. Animated is one of the first continuities to show multiple cases of characters scanning Earth altmodes with explicitly different (i.e. more "realistic") coloration or paintwork and yet having their reformatted bodies stick with their original deco schemes instead of conforming to the scanned example. Lugnut, Blitzwing, Starscream and Bulkhead all do this which is particularly odd in the last case since the mudflap rather seems to be using Hound's deco which is based on a vintage U.S. Army Jeep. Mind you, the idea goes all the way back to "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1" in which an orange tractor trailer was scanned for Optimus Prime and yet he retained his red and blue coloration.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Transformers: The Movie Guide, by Simon Furman
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