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Shipwreck is a member of G.I. Joe from the G.I. Joe portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
"I believe I knew your mother, son."

Shipwreck is a tough-as-nails sailor and a member of the G.I. Joe team. Imagine Jack Nicholson imitating Popeye the Sailor and you've pretty much got the character. His real name is Hector X. Delgado. And he's got a parrot! His name is Polly, and he's a pretty birdy!



G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

You best ship-check yo'self

After watching Snake-Eyes take out Quick Kick and Roadblock during a sparring session, Shipwreck and several other Joes dogpiled the ninja to show him that he wasn't all that. Shortly afterwards, he was skeptic to the idea of Cobra's transforming vehicles supposedly being aliens. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #2 He attended a video-conference where Dial-Tone explained that they had figured out Cobra's next target: the SPS Satellite system. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3 During G.I. Joe's attack on Cobra Island, Shipwreck was part of Mainframe's squad, and helped defend the SPS Satellite controls from Cobra troops. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6

Two years later, Shipwreck was part of a G.I. Joe team that attacked a Cobra facility in Boston, a mission which ended with everyone suddenly getting teleported to Cybertron and Shipwreck feeling seasick. After learning that Earth was on the brink of destruction due to issues with time travel, Shipwreck formed a team with Gung-Ho, Dusty and a Cobra Viper and was sent to retrieve a number of Transformers that had been lost in some point in Earth's timeline. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #1 The team ended up in Earth's distant past, where they found the Dinobots, although Shockwave's meddling briefly prevented them from returning to the present. They eventually came through, allowing the Dinobots to save the day by defeating Shockwave. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4

Transformers/G.I. Joe

My helmet is made of steel, Buster.

Shipwreck participated in an attack on a Cobra smuggling facility in New York City, and personally got to deliver a knuckle sandwich to Destro's smug face. Unfortunately, said smug face was covered in beryllium steel, so Shipwreck only succeeded in hurting his hand and getting mocked by Flint for it. Along with the other Joes, he was then driven off by Cobra's Flight Pods.

Back at base, Shipwreck tried to cheer Flint up after he got bawled out by the boss. When several other Joes returned from a mission, he checked out the new recruits, comparing Barbecue to Darth Vader and being generally impressed with Cover Girl's appearance. Targets of Opportunity

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Shipwreck attended a meeting in T.H.E. P.I.T., where the top brass of G.I. Joe discussed the approach of the planet Cybertron, and their plan if its inhabitants proved to be hostile. Sure enough, the Decepticons that came as envoys from the metal sphere confirmed the Joes' suspicions that they were facing an alien invasion. Shipwreck and the rest of the Joes evacuated their base when it became necessary to fire down a Coltonbolt from an orbiting defense satellite to deal with the Cybertronians. They retreated to the USS Flagg, where Shipwreck boasted that they just defeated "giant robot gods from outer space." I Saw Three Ships

In truth, the war was far from over. In preparation for whatever menace the Joes might be pitted against next, Doctor Venom, having defected from Cobra, was tasked with building a line of robotic troops. Shipwreck, Dial-Tone, and Polly guarded the Doctor and his "sicko science fair" while the rest of the ship's occupants laid out a trap to lure Cobra into the open. The Joes' bait worked, though they were pitted against not just Cobra, but Decepticobra; an alliance between their human foes and the evil alien robots! The Cybertronians tore into the hull of the USS Flagg, forcing Shipwreck, Dial-Tone and Venom to flee. Though he outran a blast from Shockwave, Shipwreck was gunned down by a Cobra platoon. As he struggled to stay conscious, Shipwreck was rescued from certain death by Doctor Venom, who blew the head off one of his former allies. Funeral for a Friend

Both Shipwreck and Polly survived the ordeal, though neither came out of it intact. Both needed to be fitted with some robot parts to stay active within G.I. Joe, Shipwreck notably receiving a mechanical eye. Polly, now codenamed "Seasick", was then shipped off to Cybertron as part of U.S.7. Shipwreck saw him off, telling his bird to take care of itself via videoscreen as they approached Cybertron's orbit. Form Follows Function He and Spirit then watched in horror as Cybertron edged itself closer and closer towards planet Earth. Everybody Hates Metroplex

During the final battle with Decepticobra, Shipwreck and Seasick went on an untold adventure that resulting in their boarding and hijacking of the Decepticon flagship, the Nemesis. They flew the ship back to Cybertron and rammed it into Mega-Megatron, destroying the Decepticon leader's combiner form and returning him to normal. After the war was won and a new space age had been ushered in, Shipwreck became a starship admiral who protected the trade routes in the asteroid belt from Zanzibar's piracy. The War Never Ends

2005 IDW continuity

IHWikiFavicon.png Main article: Shipwreck on the IDW Hasbro Wiki

While watching the induction ceremony of Earth, Scarlett threatened to punish any further fashion discussion with a month of kitchen patrol with Shipwreck. First Strike #1



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