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This article is about the Energon Decepticon. For the Generation 1 Decepticon whose Alternators toy was named "Shockblast", see Shockwave (G1). For a list of other meanings, see Shockwave (disambiguation).
This article is about the Transformer. For the weapon, see Shock blast cannon.
Shockblast is a Decepticon from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
No, the toy doesn't have that hose. Or that arm joint.

Shockblast packs an incredible amount of strength and firepower inside his chassis, and he knows it. He's brash, arrogant, sarcastic, and fearless, even willing to challenge the might of Megatron directly, which, along with the fact that he seems averse to following orders, often puts them both at odds. He's also a sociopath, casually killing solely for the fun of it, whether it be someone on the other side, or someone he's supposed to be allied with. He revels in destruction, and he's not particularly bothered which side is doing the exploding.

Shockblast is the brother of Six Shot. He has an unspecified history with Tidal Wave; the two hate each other, probably because Shockblast is a jerk.

Don't trust Shockblast. Shockblast BAD.

Tidal Wave, "Shockblast: Rampage"



Toy pack-in comics

Energon V4 Decepticons.jpg

When Slugslinger and Sharkticon attempted to break into an Autobot island facility, Shockblast scrambled the security system with an electromagnetic pulse from orbit. However, when the plan went wrong, Omega Supreme nailed Shockblast with cannon-fire, despite the Decepticon being in low orbit. Energon Volume 3

Later, Shockblast was part of the Decepticon party that had cornered Optimus Prime and a wounded Hot Shot. However, Shockblast was blown away by the combined power of Optimus and the newly arrived Wing Saber. Energon Volume 4

Energon cartoon

Voice actor: Brian Drummond (English), Nobutoshi Canna (Japanese), Fredrik Beckmann (Swedish), Leopoldo Ballesteros (Spain - Spanish), Carlos Vitale (Latin-American Spanish), Ossi Valo (Finnish, unknown episodes), Veeti Kallio (Finnish, unknown episodes), Fabio Boccanera (Italian), Yoann Sover (French)
Plot points derived exclusively from the Super Link version of the Energon cartoon are in italics.
Minor setback!

Following the end of the war for the Mini-Cons, when the Autobots and Decepticons began working together, Shockblast and his brother Six Shot refused to lay down their arms, and began attacking their fellow Decepticons as well as the Autobots, leading to their capture and imprisonment. Alpha Q: Identity

Shockblast Breaks In.jpg

Shockblast was held prisoner deep inside Cybertron, under near-constant supervision due to his status as a dangerous Decepticon war criminal. During a Decepticon uprising following Megatron's return, Shockblast escaped and slaughtered most of the Autobot guards, and even a few Decepticons as he made his way to freedom. Alpha Q: Identity In the chamber of Primus he used Padlock as a shield to secure safe passage, then shot the 'bot dead from behind once he got free. This earned him the ever-lasting hatred of Wing Dagger, Padlock's partner. Shockblast radioed Megatron from the surface, offering his services in destroying Cybertron's energon towers in exchange for passage off the planet. Megatron decided to add Shockblast to his team, and dispatched Tidal Wave to Cybertron to retrieve him. The two immediately began to squabble, reviving their old enmity. Shockblast damaged Cybertron's energon grid before fleeing the planet, leaving a gap in the Autobots' defenses. Shockblast: Rampage

"Mush my slave, mush!"

Shockblast proved difficult to work with, and spent much of his time insulting and belittling the other Decepticons—so much so that when Unicron began attacking his "tenants", Tidal Wave initially blamed Shockblast. Survival Instincts Nonetheless, he was quickly given command of Megatron's troops and told to lead an assault on Cybertron to destroy the rest of the energon grid. Wing Dagger attempted to capture Shockblast during this attack, but Shockblast maneuvered him beneath a toppling Energon Tower. Unfortunately, Tidal Wave was severely damaged as the tower fell due to Shockblast's own carelessness, and the Decepticons under his command pulled back. Each One Fights...

Shockblast led a group of Terrorcons on another raid to Cybertron, blasting open the energon core so that the Battle Ravages could feed off Primus's power directly. The raid was largely successful, and Megatron even complimented Shockblast on a job well done, but Shockblast regarded Megatron with a high level of contempt. Unicron Unleashed As the Autobots invaded Unicron during his reactivation phase, Shockblast openly declared his desire to overthrow Megatron to anyone who would listen. Megatron heard his boasting echo through the bowels of Unicron, but paid it little mind. Shockblast then ran wild throughout Unicron, blasting Optimus Prime as he was about to approach Megatron for personal combat. Shockblast stormed into Megatron's throne room himself to take control, but faced Starscream's blade instead. Open Fire! As Optimus and Megatron clashed again, Shockblast interrupted them once more, but soon fell into the spatial rift that had opened due to the conflict over Unicron's power. Ripped Up Space

Still a minor setback!!

On the other side of the rift in space, Shockblast crashlanded alone on Iron Planet. Surrounded by Autobots, he was confronted by the reborn Wing Dagger, now known as Wing Saber. The former detention guard was given the opportunity to fulfill his duty, and Shockblast and Wing Saber fought an extended one-on-one duel until Wing Saber ultimately triumphed, securing Shockblast and avenging Padlock. Shockblast was chained to a rock and held prisoner by the Autobots. Protection Shockblast whiled away the time imprisoned insulting his guard Inferno. For a time, Megatron refused to rescue him, ignoring Shockblast's radio calls for help. He finally freed Shockblast, but subsequently demoted him to the bottom of the ranks for his treachery. Imprisoned Inferno This left him in the unenviable position of relying on the likes of Snow Cat for keen, tactical observations in combat. Shockblast churned with anger at having to deal with his nit-witted commanding officers. Jungle Planet Still, Megatron continued to offer him opportunities to blow stuff up, so Shockblast wasn't completely depressed. He destroyed Bulkhead's shuttle while the Autobots prepped an energon tower from Cybertron to defend Jungle Planet. Bulkhead Bulkhead got his revenge, though, when he beat Shockblast up and down Ocean Planet like the amateur whippersnapper he was. Farewell Inferno

Shockblast was painfully schooled by Bulkhead again on the rebirthed Planet Q. Bulkhead just casually leaned on his staff giving orders while pinning Shockblast helplessly to the ground. Return! Our Scorponok

Another minor setback!!

Shockblast's habit of muttering insults to Megatron came back to haunt him when the Decepticon leader overheard the quips. He spent the next little while kicking Shockblast's aft up and down Unicron until Starscream stepped in and reminded Megatron that Shockblast was still a useful pawn. Crash Course

When Megatron dispatched the Decepticons into battle for one last supply of energon, Shockblast secretly remained behind aboard Unicron. He seemed to have mischief in mind, but a shockwave caused him to stumble out of his hiding place in Megatron's throne room before he could carry out any plots against his leader. Omega Supreme Shockblast briefly appeared in the battle on Unicron's surface with the Autobots, inadvertently showing Ironhide an entrance passageway into the Chaos-Bringer's interior. A Heroic Battle

'Tis but a scratch.

Shockblast eventually tricked Megatron and attempted to assume control of Unicron in his stead. The full power of Unicron proved too much for him to handle, however; it drove him insane, sending him on a mindless rampage under Unicron's control. He crashed on Blizzard Planet, where Optimus Prime battled him while trying to reach past Unicron's influence to reawaken the real Shockblast. Prime's words worked, and Shockblast managed to free himself. He turned his firepower on Unicron, but the Chaos Bringer brought one fist down on the surface of Blizzard Planet, and Shockblast was crushed to death before Prime's horrified eyes. The Power of Unicron

Sometime later, a virtual copy of Shockblast appeared in an Autobot training simulation alongside his brother, Six Shot. Distribution

Energon comic

Shockblast intercepted the Ocean City schematics Slugslinger used to infiltrate the Autobot installation. Perspective

Energon ceased publication before the story could conclude. The following would have taken place in unpublished issues.

Later on, Shockblast and Mirage expressed concern that Megatron was losing his edge, after ordering a series of attacks on minor energon installations instead of going after greater scores. Armageddon Part 2

Q-Robo Transformer

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Q-Robo Transformer

Precursor World

A Warrior of the Seven Lights resembling Shockblast was a member of the Purple Order of the Primus Vanguard. Through a screen, he oversaw the containment of interdimensional warlord Ultra Megatron Omega and his turncoat Straxus followers by the Order's Pretender Monster creations such that his commander Purple Wicked Convoy could propose an alliance. God Neptune comic 1



I transform into nothing!
  • Shockblast (Mega Class, 2004)
  • Takara name: Laserwave
  • Takara ID number: SD-14
  • Takara release date: May 27, 2004
  • Accessories: Missile
  • Known designers: Takio Ejima (TakaraTomy)
Released in the third wave of the Shockblast transforms into a Cybertronic laser-tank, plus has a third satellite-cannon-thing mode (which the cartoon depicted as a kind of jet mode). His cannon-arm contains a spring-loaded missile launcher and an electronic sound gimmick, which is activated by a sliding switch. Advancing the switch down the cannon activates a droning laser sound effect that does not stop playing until the switch is moved to either end of the slider. The switch also activates clear-plastic prongs along the side of the cannon, which stick up as the switch is moved down the gun. His right arm features a cannon and claw with a moveable thumb. His head has a small port for light-piping. His design is obviously a homage to the Generation 1 Decepticon Shockwave.
Many specimens of this toy have a problem in satellite mode wherein a peg on one of his legs will not fit into the corresponding slot to hold the mode together. Additionally, the waist hinge's quality varies; some are loose, causing the figure's upper torso to wobble. As it turns out, the pinhole for the hinge is badly deformed on the inside, which is the cause of the looseness and can eventually lead to breakage.
Shockblast was released in the eighth wave of Takara's Super Link toyline (and was the only item in said wave) as "Laserwave", without the electronic sound gimmicks, and with some small deco differences. His gray plastics are now a more stony-blue shade rather than the Hasbro version's warmer gray, and some parts that are black plastic on Shockblast (like his antennae, twin-blaster barrels and missile) are now dark purple. He loses a significant amount of black paint on his twin-blaster-cannon, but gains silver paint on all four of his treads, along with a few other bits of extra silver here and there.
This mold was also used to make Energon Six Shot, and was the model for the non-toy Cybertron-mode Cryotek and Shattered Glass Shockwave.


  • Evidently designed as "Shockwave", Shockblast received his final name due to Hasbro not having the trademark for "Shockwave" at the time. This issue would also affect the Alternators Shockwave toy, which was released as "Shockblast". Hasbro has subsequently reclaimed the "Shockwave" trademark and uses it for Transformers, while the "Shockblast" trademark is maintained for new toys of a G.I. Joe character who was previously named "Shockwave". Shockblast is considered part of the Shockwave archetype, regardless of his name, and is featured alongside other Shockwave incarnations in Hasbro media.
  • There is an older, pink color variant of the Shockblast's character model used in a few short instances in the cartoon, most notably in the episode "Shockblast: Rampage". This same variant appeared in an issue of TV Magazine in Japan around the time of the character's debut (see right).
  • Shockblast never uses his tank mode in the cartoon, unlike his brother, Six Shot.
  • Shockblast's right shoulder-armor was used for the shoulders of the Autobot nurse generic model in the Energon cartoon.
  • Shockblast's design was also used as the model for Cryotek's pre-beast body in "Theft of the Golden Disk" and Shattered Glass Shockwave.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Laserwave (レーザーウェーブ Rēzāwēbu)
  • Hungarian: Pöröly ("Sledge"), Sokkoló ("Optimus Prime vs Megatron: The Ultimate Battle", "Shocker")
  • Mandarin: Zhèndàngbō (China, 震荡波, "Shockwave")
  • Russian: Vzryvala (Взрывала, "Exploder")

See also

You look familiar...

Versions of Shockblast have appeared in other continuity families, including:

For more information, see Shockwave (disambiguation).
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