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Sideswipe (Movie)

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The name or term "Sideswipe" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sideswipe (disambiguation).
Sideswipe is an Autobot from the Movie continuity family.
Also known as "Stabby McWheelfeet".

Sideswipe is true to his function of Warrior. Though proficient with guns, he prefers melee combat to ranged weapons, and will employ any maneuver it takes to get close enough to the enemy to use his arm-mounted Cybertanium swords. His agile, wheel-legged form more than allows for this. His tactics are merciless and he's utterly unapologetic about this—war, after all, is messy.

Oh, and he's also not vain at all: those alt modes of his are chosen for speed only. It's a total coincidence that the fastest one just happens to be a sleek, sexy, concept model that's better than your car, honest! [1]

Damn, I'm good.Sideswipe, Revenge of the Fallen




Revenge of the Fallen film

Voice actor: André Sogliuzzo (English), Hisao Egawa (Japanese), Zhang Jie (Chinese), Salvador Reyes (Latin American-Spanish), Mário Tupinambá (Brazilian Portuguese), Claudio Fattoretto (Italian), İsmail Yıldız (Turkish)
Damn, he's good... at killing fleeing cowards.

Sideswipe was one of the Autobots sent to Shanghai when Decepticon energy signatures were detected, but he was initially held in reserve. As Sideways managed to flee from Arcee and the Twins in vehicle mode, Major Lennox ordered Sideswipe deployed. Sideswipe immediately sped in and quickly changed to robot mode. Catching up with Sideways by dexterously skating on his wheel-feet, Sideswipe somersaulted over the Decepticon, threw his right blade in the Decepticon's hood, and then dragged the blade in the opposite direction, tearing Sideways apart. Sideswipe took a moment to reflect on the success of his kill.

Afterwards, he returned with the other Autobots to NEST's base in Diego Garcia, where he witnessed Director Theodore Galloway air the President's concerns over the recent spate of Decepticon activity, and how the Autobots remaining on Earth might be the cause of it.

Sideswipe after he gets kicked out of The Avengers.

After the AllSpark shard was stolen by Ravage from NEST's secured bunker and Decepticons were detected heading towards Sam Witwicky at Princeton University, Sideswipe and the other Autobots were deployed to intercept, but arrived too late: Optimus Prime had died protecting the human boy from the resurrected Megatron, Starscream and Grindor. The Autobots and NEST arrived at a United States air base to discover that they were no longer welcome, following renewed Decepticon aggression after Prime's death, and that they were ordered to return to Diego Garcia. The emotionally overwhelmed Autobots nearly came to blows with their former allies but finally agreed to stand down and remain on Earth to honor Optimus.

The "Where's Sideswipe?" series of books never really caught on.

When Major Lennox learned Witwicky had come up with a way to possibly resurrect Optimus Prime, NEST travelled to Egypt instead. Sideswipe, who had been covered in a cargo net while being transported in vehicle mode, relished the chance to cut through his bonds when deployed from the air. He was then sent with a group of soldiers to provide fire against the approaching Decepticons to cover for Ironhide and Arcees teams' attempts to find Sam. He, along with Ratchet and Jolt, stayed with the rest of NEST and fought off many Decepticons during Operation: Firestorm. He himself spotted Sam making his way towards them, though announcing so left him open to be blasted in the back. He later bore witness to Sam resurrecting Optimus Prime with the Matrix of Leadership, the death of The Fallen and the destruction of the Star Harvester. Revenge of the Fallen

Dark of the Moon film

Voice actor: James Remar (English), Hisao Egawa (Japanese), Zhang Jie (Chinese), José Luis Orozco (Latin American Spanish), Domenech Farell (Castilian Spanish), Frédéric Norbert (European French), Mário Tupinambá (Brazilian Portuguese), André Beyer (German), Claudio Fattoretto (Italian)
Note to self, never solve a Rubix Cube while in Stealth Mode.

In the three years since Operation:Firestorm and the demise of The Fallen, Decepticon activity was reduced to an all time minimal. The Autobots now assisted their allies in dealing with human problems around the globe. Sideswipe accompanied Bumblebee, Dino, and Que on a mission to an illegal nuclear power plant in the Middle East to destroy it.

Upon returning to base, he was called in for a weapons inspection in bay 37 and watched as Optimus explained the importance of going to the long-lost Autobot ship, the Ark on Earth's moon. Later, after the former Autobot leader Sentinel Prime was retrieved from the moon and reactivated, Sideswipe observed his explanation of how his pillars were key to controlling the Space Bridge, a teleportation device Sentinel had designed that was crucial to the Autobot war effort.

Does anybody else think we should have hats for this standoff?

Sideswipe and Dino joined Bumblebee, Sam Witwicky, Seymour Simmons and Dutch in following up on a lead to explain why humans were being killed by Decepticons. After the humans determined that the Decepticons were targeting Sentinel for his ability to control the Space Bridge, Sideswipe helped to escort the ancient Autobot back to base. Along the way Sideswipe helped fend off the Dreads coming to capture Sentinel on a highway in Washington, D.C., using his Stealth Force mode to help in attack down Hatchet. After he and Bee fired on Hatchet, Dino finished the con off. Nearing the NEST facility, Sideswipe ordered Dino to return to base while he distracted the Dreads. Then he and Ironhide subsequently confronted the remaining Dreads, Crankcase and Crowbar, forcing the Decepticons to drop their weapons after a "Mexican standoff". However, the two Decepticons attacked the Autobots with hidden spears, injuring Ironhide in the process. Sideswipe managed to avoid damage by cutting the spear thrown at him in half with a back flip, using the movement to kick one of his blaster to Ironhide. The veteran Autobot then used the gun to kill Crowbar. Sideswipe engaged Crankcase but was knocked down by the con, who in turn was taken down by Ironhide with a spear to the face and being tossed into a building with Ironhide telling Sideswipe that class was "dismissed".

Sideswipe and the Autobots arrived back at the NEST base to help set up a defensive position around the base. However Sentinel Prime betrayed the Autobots, killed Ironhide during his and Dino's absence and stole the Space Bridge Pillars, telling them that he made a deal with Megatron.

Sideswipe and the other Autobots were forced to leave Earth when the turncoat Sentinel Prime coerced the human governments to exile their protectors. As it was leaving Earth's atmosphere, the Autobot's ship, the Xantium, was destroyed by Starscream, and Sideswipe was presumably killed along with his fellow Autobots. However, knowing that Sentinel and the Decepticons wouldn't honor their promise that humanity would not be harmed, the Autobots hid themselves into the boosters of their ship, and safely splashed down to Earth before the ship was destroyed. Sideswipe and the Autobots rejoined their human allies from NEST and Sam Witwicky on the outskirts of Decepticon-controlled Chicago, now the center stage for Sentinel Prime and Megatron's plan to bring Cybertron to Earth.

"Autobots attack!"
"Who put you in charge?"

Sideswipe helped plan the Autobots' assault against the Decepticons, ordering Ratchet to cover high. The nine Autobots and their human companions made their way for the Pillar but were ambushed and forced into a building by a Driller controlled by Shockwave. Once inside he told Que to roll out already as he was giving the humans new toys. He and the Autobot's provided a distraction to allow the humans to get away.

Soon, five Autobots were captured by Decepticons commanded by Soundwave and Barricade. As Sideswipe struggled against his captors, the human traitor Dylan Gould convinced Soundwave to execute the Autobots, starting with Que. Sideswipe and the others would have suffered the same fate as the Autobot scientist if not for the timely intervention of Wheelie and Brains, whose commandeered Decepticon mothership rained down fighters on Soundwave's forces, allowing the Autobots to turn the tables and destroy their captors. Freed, Sideswipe led his comrades as they took the fight to the Decepticons and helped Optimus Prime against the traitorous Sentinel Prime. Eventually, the control pillar activating the space bridge was destroyed and, in the ensuing chaos, the Decepticon forces in the sky were dragged into the abyss created by Cybertron's destruction. Now, with Earth truly their home, Sideswipe stood triumphantly with his battle-worn comrades at the battle's end. Dark of the Moon

Sideswipe's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, were also chronicled in the novels "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" and "Transformers: Dark of the Moon: The Junior Novel," the comic mini-series "Transformers: Dark of the Moon Movie Adaptation," and the storybooks "Autobots Versus Decepticons," "The Lost Autobot," "Optimus Prime's Friends and Foes," and "Bumblebee's Best Friend."

Age of Extinction film

Sometime after the battle of Chicago, Harold Attinger's "Cemetery Wind" began hunting down Autobots in addition to the surviving Decepticons on Earth. Sideswipe received a message from Optimus Prime, instructing all Autobots to flee for their lives.

Five years later, Optimus questioned Sideswipe's absence, to which Hound replied that it was uncertain if anyone else evaded Cemetery Wind. Age of Extinction Hound's worries were proven true when Cade Yeager found footage of Sideswipe being hunted and killed by Cemetery Wind while examining the KSI drone he had captured and showed it to the Autobots, who mourned him.[2]

IDW movie comics

When Sideswipe joined the Autobots he trained under the veteran warrior Ironhide, learning the arts of war. After his training was complete, he went on to become the protector of a settlement of displaced Autobots. This settlement was found by the pitiless Demolishor, who slaughtered them nearly to a bot. Sideswipe was ashamed, not only over having failed to protect his charges, but also because he had lived to tell the tale. Tales of the Fallen #2

Phew, lucky the artist didn't put anyone in those cars or Sideswipe would be a bit of a git here!

After Optimus Prime's Autobots left Mission City, they left a homing beacon in a junk yard near the metropolis to attract any Autobots who might have heard Prime's rallying call to Earth. Alliance #3 Sideswipe was among those few that answered the beacon and arrived on the planet on the Wreckers ship, the Xantium. The ship and the Wreckers stayed behind in NASA, Dark of the Moon Dark of the Moon issue 3 and had hidden themselves in the junk yard. Once discovered, they were brought to Diego Garcia to train with the other Autobots and Major Lennox's soldiers in defense of their new home. Alliance #4

However, Sideswipe proved a loose cannon as he continued his vendetta against Demolishor when the Decepticon turned up in Montevideo, Uruguay. Showing little regard for humans in pursuing his quarry, Sideswipe reached Ezeiza International Airport, where his reckless actions caught up with him as Ironhide arrived on the scene to rein him in. The younger Autobot was openly insubordinate towards Ironhide, warning him not to get in the way. Ultimately all the old veteran could do was to serve as damage control during Sideswipe's singleminded pursuit into the city of Buenos Aires. Ultimately more reinforcements from NEST arrived, and Demolishor fled the scene. In the aftermath, Sideswipe saw the fear and mistrust the humans regarded him with because of his violent actions. Understanding this, he was forced to admit that Ironhide's admonishment of him was correct. Tales of the Fallen #2

Sideswipe didn't have long to wait for another shot at his nemesis. Soon enough, Demolishor had been sighted in Shanghai, China. Alliance #4


When Alice stole an RV and went on a rampage, Sideswipe was part of the NEST team sent to stop her. She attempted to ram the NEST roadblock, but Sideswipe decided to ram her first, and impaled her through the front windscreen. He was later seen carrying the RV over his head. He observed Ratchet examining Alice's corpse, and wondered why any Cybertronian would stoop to taking on the appearance of a lesser life form. Nefarious #1 He was sent with Ironhide to stop a Decepticon trio. Ironhide warned him not to get cocky, but Sideswipe merely responded that he really was that good, before chopping Brakedown in half. He was ready to finish off the apparently-surrendering Dirt Boss as well, but the surrender was just a ruse to allow Soundwave time to attack, and Sideswipe was caught in the explosion. He survived to see Optimus Prime swoop in and capture Soundwave. Nefarious #2


Sideswipe helped prepare a nuclear shelter in Odessa, Texas to house Soundwave. Nefarious #3 When Soundwave led them to the location of the Initiative base and it wasn't there, Sideswipe wondered why Optimus continued to trust the Decepticon. Soundwave traced the Initiative to Oregon, and the Autobots went there to launch an attack. Ratchet suggested Sideswipe stay behind him to avoid damage, but Sideswipe scoffed at the very idea. However the Autobots found themselves facing brainwashed Transformers, and Sideswipe even recognized one as Armorhide. Nefarious #5 Optimus sent Sideswipe, Skids, and Mudflap to assist Jolt's team, but came under non-physical attack when Carter Newell attempted to use a replica AllSpark to destroy all Transformer life on the planet. The Autobots ultimately triumphed. Nefarious #6

Sideswipe was present when a squad of Autobots returned from a mission with a captured Fearswoop in tow. He watched on as Ironhide escorted the prisoner into NEST headquarters. Rising Storm #1 When Sam called in that he was being attacked by a group of Decepticons, after the Brain Unit that he had stumbled onto, Sideswipe was deployed to help with the situation. Rising Storm #2 Sideswipe's group arrived in Philadelphia just in time to rescue Sam from being killed by Starscream's hand. Rising Storm #3 Though the battle went well for the Autobots at first, the tables turned once Shockwave arrived on scene. The Autobots managed to send Shockwave fleeing with his pet Driller, but only just barely. Rising Storm #4

Titan movie comics

Skids? Mudflap? Hhh. What have I ever done to deserve this?

—Sideswipe on his training position, Reversal of Fortune

"Look, you guys are the Jar Jar Binks of this franchise. There's always room for improvement."

Unlike most Autobots, Sideswipe—part of a younger generation built during wartime—was made to fight. He was born during the war and with full knowledge of the Cybertronian battlefield, designed solely for killing. He's master of the quick-change transformation! Sideswipe's profile

Sideswipe served as a combat instructor at NEST's Scottish base, and had to put Skids and Mudflap back through basic training—something he was fed up of. As far as he was concerned, they should've been put on charge for causing Grindor to escape and he should have better things to do. He dealt with this by putting the twins through simulated combat after simulated combat, finally cracking it up to maximum setting, before someone knocked him out.

When he came to, the twins were babbling about how a mysterious and long-vanished Decepticon working for another mysterious Decepticon had done it and tried to kill them! Sideswipe was having none of it, viewing this as implausible and believing the twins knocked him out in revenge for training and were covering themselves. Between this and Grindor, he was becoming suspicious of them... New Tricks

Following the training, poor Sideswipe took them to Diego Garcia and continued to be pestered by them for a meeting with Prime. Not trusting them and ignoring their babble about some "dude", he tried to discourage them, only for the two to sneak off behind his back. Sighing, he went in pursuit... and saw them distract Prime before a Decepticon attacked, Skids tripped over Prime before he could take charge, and Mudflap handed a weapon to an escaping prisoner! When Optimus remarked that someone must've compromised security, Sideswipe fingered the twins: their actions clearly showed they were turncoats! Reversal of Fortune

Sideswipe would be part of the team tracking down the twins Outlaw Blues, and would later be surprised when they were tracked down to North Carolina... and were fighting two Decepticons? Why, if he didn't know better, he'd think they were fighting the two 'cons they'd helped! Turnabout

After the Autobots tracked the twins to the Decepticon's base, it became clear they weren't traitors after all and had been framed. Did Sideswipe apologise? Hell no, he was too busy having a scary amount of fun slaughtering drones and had to be told off by Ironhide for excessive bloodlust. Back-to-Back

The Autobots, after some time in Glasgow.

Later, after the twins turned out to have told the truth about this "Fallen" guy, Sideswipe was with Ironhide cleaning up the remaining Decepticons on Earth, (rather worryingly) including Hoist!. Spare Parts!

Later still, Sideswipe stood guard at an excavation in Fiesole, though he was highly ineffective, being sucker punched by Starscream and only coming to once the subsequent fight was over. Fight for Fiesole

Toy bios

Before the war, Sideswipe was a major competitor in the gladiatorial games. Years of training made him a master at fencing, something he viewed as an art to be celebrated through battle. When war broke out, he was sickened by the Decepticon's slaughter and vowed to use his fencing skills to defend the innocent. Robot Replica Sideswipe

Before he enlisted with the Autobots, Sideswipe traveled the galaxy in search of the most proficient warriors and devastating martial arts he could find, leading to him becoming an Autobot combat instructor.[3] For example, he is such a hardcore master of Metallikato, he dismisses Bludgeon as a master because of his reliance on guns.[4]

Sleek, fast, and accomplished in battle, Sideswipe was built to fight. Focusing on his enemies with absolute attention, his blades were a shining blur as he leaped through the air while avoiding enemy fire. As he drove at blazing speed, he would use every trick in the book to get close to his opponent and put his powerful swords to work. Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Sideswipe In fact, he spent years perfecting his swordsmanship. Though no one has ever beaten him in a fair fight, he is searching for an opponent that can give him a true challenge. Cyberverse Sideswipe

Sideswipe has preferred to confront Decepticons with blades honed and at the ready because he finds projectile weaponry too easy. Other Autobots have sought him out for lessons on the ancient art of Cybertronian swordplay just in case they wanted to get up close and personal. Dark of the Moon Deluxe Sideswipe

Sideswipe practiced for years to become the swordmaster he is today. Proud of his blades, he treats them better than any other part of his body. They get constantly sharpened and polished so that they are always ready when Decepticons appear. Battle Blade Sideswipe His swords once glowed with a boosted power, causing them to hum with energy. With the edges sharper than ever, nothing in the world could keep Sideswipe from victory. Night Blades Sideswipe

Sideswipe likes pummeling Decepticons and fast cars more than anything else in the galaxy. When he arrived on Earth, he chose to scan a vehicle that would allow him to enjoy both. Disguised as a stylish cutting-edge sports car, Sideswipe was ready to junk any Decepticon that would dare put a scratch on his paint job. Scan Series Sideswipe

Sideswipe is light on his wheels as he pursues Sideways, complimenting his own handiwork as he slices the Decepticon in half. Studio Series Sideswipe


Used to battling alone before coming to Earth, Sideswipe was given over to Robert Epps to be trained as a team player. The two have become good friends, and Sideswipe is now more dangerous than ever. Human Alliance Sideswipe & Tech. Sergeant Epps Though Sideswipe prides himself as a good driver, he admits that he's not as good as Mikaela. Her instinctive driving ability is so silky smooth that it allows Sideswipe to focus purely on his blades. Human Alliance Shadow Blade Sideswipe & Mikaela Banes He has also worked well with Jazz.[5]

At one point, Sideswipe taught Mudflap everything he needed to know about defensive driving. Strike Mission Sideswipe When the hooligan Fearswoop gained new powers and threatened Earth, the pair were dispatched to take the giant Decepticon down. The Fury of Fearswoop When going after Wreckloose, the fast and intelligent Decepticon was the sort of challenge that Sideswipe loved, allowing him to match wits as well as arms. Sideswipe VS Wreckloose

When Ironhide convinced him to use guns again, Sideswipe eventually realized that they would be perfect against Axor. (Gonna apologize to Bludgeon now, Sideswipe?) Sidearm Sideswipe

Sideswipe and Barricade had been stalking each other for a long time, each of them determined to catch the other by surprise. After a days-long game of cat-and-mouse, they came together in inevitable combat where only the most skillful warrior would walk away. Hunters Rumble

As a master battle tactician, Sideswipe developed a method of dispersing mobs of Decepticons with his blasters before screeching into the fray with his blades at the ready. His special race-tuned vehicle mode allowed him to enter the battle faster than ever before, the thought of which caused the Decepticons' sparks to dim. Dark of the Moon Deluxe Sideswipe (Walmart Redeco)

Though he was a highly skilled fighter, Sideswipe found himself at a disadvantage during a fight against Icepick and Sergeant Chaos. First of all, he was fighting without a human partner of his own. Secondly, he was driving on a road slick with ice. As Icepick and Chaos closed in for the finish, Sideswipe snapped his blades out for the fight of his life. Freeze Flash Assault

Cyber Missions

Voice actor: Bronco D. Jackson (English), Milton Wolch (Latin American-Spanish), Reginaldo Primo (Brazilian Portuguese)
Trading swords for guns? He's Bizzaro-Drift!

Tracking Megatron to a disused factory with Optimus, Sideswipe complained about the dust until Optimus told him to be quiet. Optimus's scans turned up nothing, but Megatron soon revealed himself, batting Sideswipe aside. The young Autobot quickly recovered and joined Megatron in sword combat, even stabbing the Decepticon leader in the foot mid-sentence. Megatron subsequently brought the roof down on the two Autobots and escaped, though neither Autobot was harmed. Cyber Missions 4

Later, Sideswipe was pursuing Barricade and Frenzy in Scramble City, and took a turn to let the Decepticons think they had lost him, in truth following them to the facility they were heading for. After crumpling Frenzy into a ball and batting him back at Barricade, Sideswipe engaged the larger Decepticon, but was stopped with fire suppression equipment that froze him to the databanks. As the Decepticons were able to escape, Sideswipe broke free and learned that they had stolen NEST's defense deactivation codes. Cyber Missions 6

Soon after, he was able to discover a wounded Ratchet back in Mission City and took him back to Diego Garcia to be repaired. While Ratchet was getting fixed up, Sideswipe traded in his shattered blades for new blasters. While they did that, Lockdown arrived and threatened Sideswipe during target practice. Apparently, he had enough- he was able to shoot the EMP blaster off Lockdown's wrist and back to Ratchet, who was fully operational. Lockdown, now without a blaster weapon, pushed Sideswipe aside and fled, much to Sideswipe's dismay, but Ratchet assured him that he was headed straight for the medical bay. There, he saw an out-cold Lockdown laying on an operating table, all the while stating he couldn't look. Cyber Missions 7

Sideswipe and Ratchet were transporting some energon to a secure location when they were attacked by Starscream and Mindwipe. Mindwipe assaulted them with his hypnotic powers, but at Ratchet's suggestion, Sideswipe used his satellite radio to play some loud music, breaking Mindwipe's concentration. The Autobot turned on Starscream, yelling at Ratchet to secure the energon, but as Ratchet pointed out, Starscream was a bit more formidable than Sideswipe had counted on. As Starscream was on the verge of dismantling Sideswipe, Ratchet threw the energon trailer from the nearest cliff, and Starscream broke off his attack. In the aftermath, Ratchet and Sideswipe went to find somewhere safe to hide from the enraged Decepticon. Cyber Missions 10

Optimus later requested backup to help fight Megatron and Starscream in the Arctic Circle. Sideswipe, Ratchet, Ironhide,and Bumblebee arrived to help their leader, and all four fought Starscream. The Decepticon was swiftly defeated by the Autobots, but Optimus allowed Megatron and Starscream to flee. Cyber Missions 12

Optimus later laid a trap for a final confrontation against Megatron, and had a hologram of the imprisoned Soundwave as bait. Megatron tried to retrieve his soldier, but the image shifted to a hologram of Sideswipe. Sideswipe calmly taunted the Decepticon leader as he swiped at the illusion, but Sideswipe did not take part in the ensuing battle. Decepticons Attack

I Can Read! books


Sideswipe met up with Optimus, Ironhide and Bumblebee in a desert to train. He raced Bumblebee, only for their training to be interrupted by a large boulder tumbling towards a nearby town. The two Autobots destroyed the boulder before resuming their race. They met back up with Optimus and Ironhide afterwards, and Optimus revealed the they had encountered a "natural disaster" as well. The source of the disturbances soon revealed itself to be Megatron and Starscream tunneling underground. Though the two Decepticons attempted to ambush the Autobots, Sideswipe and the others were able to send them running thanks to the training they had gone through that day. Training Day

Sideswipe is Ratchet's best friend. Sideswipe and Bumblebee had a nasty run-in with the Decepticons. Thankfully, Ratchet came to their rescue and repaired both of the Autobots. Ratchet to the Rescue

Hunt for the Decepticons storybooks


Upon learning that Buzzsaw and Ratbat were causing trouble, Optimus ordered Sideswipe and the rest of the Autobots to roll out to face the Decepticons. Thanks to Soundwave's tampering with their communications, however, the Autobots arrived at an abandonned warehouse instead of where the trouble was taking place. Thankfully, Sam and Bumblebee met with the Autobots, and led them to the correct location. The Decepticons were defeated and the Autobots cheered Sam for his help in the mission. Satellite Meltdown

Spot the 'Bots

Optimus called in Sideswipe to help him give chase to Megatron, as the Autobot leader considered the mission to be too much for a single 'bot. A small group of both factions then met at an old warehouse, and they began to duke it out for the fate of the Earth! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Spot the 'Bots

Transformers Annual 2011

When Decepticon activity was detected in Tokyo, Sideswipe headed there with Optimus, Ironhide and Ratchet. He was the first to spot Barricade and wrestled with the Decepticon until Optimus intervened. The arrival of Grindor sent Sideswipe scrambling for cover, but he and Ratchet subsequently covered Optimus, as their leader took Grindor down. Sam in Danger

Unite for the Universe

Together with Sea Spray, Sideswipe located Starscream's base in the Aegean Sea and defeated its guards, Ravage and Lockdown. Bludgeon's Revenge When Optimus Prime arrived, Sideswipe reported that Starscream had already disappeared, apparently planning to use Project: Unite technology to take control of the Decepticons. On the Road of Destruction


Transformers: The Game (PSP)

Sideswipe movie psp.jpg
Voice actor: Fred Tatasciore

Sideswipe arrived on Earth some time after Optimus Prime and his team, apparently at the same time as Wheeljack and Hoist. He accompanied the other Autobots on their mission to Hoover Dam, and was seen escaping the complex when the Decepticons attacked. Transformers The Game

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - The Game

Voice actor: Nolan North (English)
Silver or red, yer dead.

Xbox 360/Sony PS3/PC

Sideswipe was absent from the released game, but on August 27, 2009, was made available as a playable character (for multiplayer games) as optional downloadable content for Xbox 360 and Sony Playstation 3 owners. The pack also included a red alternate colour scheme for Sideswipe, as a homage to his Generation 1 counterpart.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Xbox 360/PS3/PC)


MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (PSP)

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots/Decepticons

Sideswipe is one of several Autobots that can be played with during the campaign mode of the game, and thus has no real story of his own apart from the events mentioned below.
Autobot campaign

Sideswipe managed to get ambushed by the Decepticon forces during the battle in Shanghai, and the Autobots had to move out to save their comrade, leaving the AllSpark fragment in the Decepticons' hands. Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots/Decepticons

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Hunt for the Decepticons

Once you were welcomed into the Autobots, Sideswipe trained you in order to improve your speed, in order to prepare you for your fight with Megatron. Once the Decepticon tyrant was defeated, Sideswipe and the rest of the Autobots thanked you for your contribution to the Autobot cause. Hunt for the Decepticons

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - The Game

Voice actor: Fred Tatasciore (English), Bernard Bollet (French), Carlos López Benedí (Castilian Spanish), Luca Sandri (Italian)

(Xbox 360/PS3)

Sideswipe was absent from the released game, but on July 19, 2011, was made available as a playable character (for multiplayer games) as optional downloadable content for Xbox 360 and Sony Playstation 3 owners.

Three years after the Fallen's defeat, Sideswipe provided backup with Optimus for Bumblebee after the yellow Autobot inserted a virus in the Decepticon transmissions. Sideswipe went on a mission to investigate Decepticon activity in Central America afterwards and got captured. Later, Mirage and Bumblebee came and rescued him only to be informed that Starscream was trying to launch a ship in the area. Sideswipe assisted the Autobots (not really) in fighting off Starscream but failed to prevent the ship from launching.

Sideswipe is available in multiplayer to those who pre-ordered from GameStop or downloaded his DLC. He has the Scoped Burst rifle as his primary and blade spin as his special ability. He is the fastest character in robot mode and has a noticeably quieter turbo boost than any other character.

Dark of the Moon

MechTech Weapons Challenge

Bumblebee could use Sideswipe's Cybertronian sword to aid him in his missions to retrieve MechTech weapons technology stolen by the Decepticons. MechTech Weapons Challenge

Cyberverse Battle Builder

Sideswipe joined the rest of the Autobots in combating the Decepticons on battlefields on Earth, the Earth's Moon and on Cybertron. Sometimes there were many of him! Cyberverse Battle Builder

Web Wars

Sideswipe Web Wars.jpg

Sideswipe battled the Decepticons across the digital frontier, defending numerous websites across the internet from their encroachment! Web Wars

Transformers: The Ride – 3D

Voice actor: James Remar

Sideswipe provided backup for the rookie, Evac. He fought off the Decepticon, Bonecrusher, long enough for Evac to give the Decepticon a head-shot and kill him. He was last seen being sucked into Devastator's vortex, so his ultimate fate is unknown. Transformers: The Ride – 3D

Transformers: Human Alliance

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Human Alliance

Transformers: Shadows Rising

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Shadows Rising




There was a time he would have had feet.
... Swerve?
  • On June 11, 2008, blurry camera phone photos from the set of Revenge of the Fallen offered the first look at Sideswipe's vehicle mode, which was believed to be a 2009 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 at that time.[6] Ten days later, leaked photos offered a better look at the car being painted by Saleen, which was now revealed to be a never-seen-before Corvette model.[7] On August 7, 2008, Jalopnik claimed having received information that the car was a so-called "Corvette Centennial Concept".[8] General Motors finally admitted the car's existence at the Chicago Auto Show in February 2009, now confirming that it was, in fact, a new Corvette Stingray concept.
  • Rumored names for Sideswipe in the early days of the movie shooting were "Hot Rod"[9] (which might have been a case of fans simply suggesting a random name and other fans subsequently treating it as gospel) and "Stinger". The latter originated with a (real) call sheet leaked in June 2008, which suggests that "Stinger" was an actual working name.[10] Funnily enough, both Hot Rod and Stinger ended up becoming characters on their own accord in the movies.
  • An unreleased red and white redeco of the Robot Powered Machines Sideswipe mold was displayed at Toy Fair 2010, amongst a mix of cancelled RPM and planned Speed Stars vehicles. Nobody knows what its deal is, and with the wholesale cancelling of the segment, probably never will.
  • The only thing more important to Sideswipe than looking good while being awesome... is God.[11]
  • For Dark of the Moon, Sideswipe's alternate mode as a Chevrolet Corvette Stingray concept car was changed from the hardtop version as seen in Revenge of the Fallen into a convertible. He does still sport a hardtop when he changes into his Stealth Force mode, however.
  • Sideswipe is the only character aside from Bumblebee in the movie series to have been recast between films. Unless you count Leadfoot (see his page for more on that little hiccup).
  • While Sideswipe goes completely unmentioned in the film proper, it appears that Sideswipe was intended to be killed off by the time of Age of Extinction, going by the Topps Europe cards which describe a scene in which the surviving Autobots learn of and mourn his demise.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Sideswipe (サイドスワイプ Saidosuwaipu)
  • Mandarin: Swipe (Taiwan, 斯韋伯 Sīwéibó), Héngpào (China, 横炮, "Horizontal Cannon")



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