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Siren (G1)

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The name or term "Siren" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Siren (disambiguation).
Siren is an Autobot Headmaster from the Generation 1 continuity family.

Siren's (aka Loudmouth[1]) voice modulator goes to eleven—and stays there. Thanks to his ear-splitting upbringing in the Sonic Canyons, he operates at full volume all the time. While this may annoy his pals Nightbeat and Hosehead, it drives his partner Quig nuts. Eventually, Quig's efforts to teach Siren about the concept of an "indoor voice" may succeed, but for now Siren doesn't really listen to him, either because he can't hear him or because he doesn't want to.

Loud, brash... and totally brain dead!

—Nightbeat, regarding Siren, "On the Edge of Extinction!"



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Siren came from the Sonic Canyons, a region of southern Cybertron where the deafening sound of underground machinery echoed along the canyon walls, causing a constant deluge of scrap metal to come tumbling down. This deafening, dangerous environment taught Siren to be both loud of mouth and nimble of feet. Siren's Universe profile

Siren, you hypocrite, your motto is "Act first, ask questions later."

Shortly after being made a Headmaster and joining Optimus Prime's crew on Earth, Siren accompanied Nightbeat to Earth to investigate a mysterious robot corpse which had seemingly washed up on the California shoreline. At the scene of the crime, they found a pair of Transformers hovering over the body, who quickly burned rubber once they spotted the Autobots. Siren was sent to chase them down, and after he had cornered the two in an alley, he learned that the two were actually Autobots! Though Hosehead and Horsepower made their introductions, the latter exploded as the real culprit, the Decepticon leader-in-training Thunderwing announced his presence with his cyclone cannon. The two barely managed to escape, and Hosehead explained that the well-armed Decepticon was hunting down purposefully-released Autobot prisoners. Nightbeat and his partner Muzzle were able to detonate the inspected corpse's fuel core at close enough range to send Thunderwing packing into the waves to dose the flames. Hosehead then returned to the Ark with Nightbeat and Siren. The Big Shutdown! Rage!

AssaultontheArk a noble sentiment.jpg

Siren was reading up on the ancient Cybertronian myth of the "Deathbringer" when the Autobots received a distress call from Earth's surface. In response, Nightbeat assembled a combat team that included Siren, Landmine, Hosehead, Getaway, and himself. Under Optimus Prime's command, they rushed to Earth to help their fallen comrades, only to find what seemed to be mythology come to life: a Deathbringer had come to cleanse the planet of life! Ironically, the creature was powered by the energies of the Creation Matrix, over which Optimus had been lamenting the loss of beforehand. Siren and the others fought valiantly against the Deathbringer, but their efforts proved futile against the seemingly invulnerable foe. Using a plan hatched by Nightbeat, Optimus used the Deathbringer's own programming against it, and caused it to self-destruct, removing Siren and the others from danger. Deathbringer

Siren was relaxing on the Ark, playing a board game with Nightbeat, when the spacecraft came under attack from a small detachment of Decepticon lead by Thunderwing, who was hungry for revenge against Siren, Nightbeat, and Hosehead for his earlier defeat at their hands. Though shocked to see Thunderwing alive, Siren realized that the Decepticon had come for him and his friends, and was unwilling to let Optimus Prime risk his life in battle for him. Fortunately, the Autobots far outnumbered Thunderwing's team, and the villains were soon driven off with relative ease. Assault on the Ark!

Siren: Worst Green Lantern ever.

In search of the Creation Matrix, Siren, Nightbeat, and Hosehead took a journey to the planet Pz-Zazz. Nightbeat's zeal quickly got them in trouble with both local mobs, and in the midst of a skirmish, Siren found himself in possession of the artifact both mobs desired—the bird. Though with the help of Miss Fatale, Siren, Hosehead, and Nightbeat were able to use the artifact to restore the decrepit planet, they failed to find the Matrix. However, they did manage to get shot in the back and captured by Thunderwing and the Mayhem Attack Squad. Bird of Prey! Siren demonstrated remarkable self-control in not revealing information to Thunderwing while being tortured by his ship's Mind Leech, despite the incredible pain. Kings of the Wild Frontier.

Due to a system malfunction caused by Ruckus colliding with the machinery when he was "disciplined" by Thunderwing, the machine holding Siren and his teammates short-circuited, Dark Creation allowing the trio to break free. Learning that Thunderwing had successfully found the Matrix in their absence and was planning to sneak aboard the Ark in a stolen Autobot shuttle, Siren and pals stowed away on the shuttle in the hopes of disrupting the Decepticons' schemes somehow. Finding themselves on the Ark in the middle of a fierce battle against Thunderwing, who had become possessed by the Matrix, Nightbeat quickly hatched a plan. After Nightbeat harpooned Thunderwing to a shuttle, Hosehead released the artificial gravity, and after Thunderwing and the shuttle had been sucked out, Siren pulled Nightbeat back into the Ark's ship bay. Thunderwing was cast out into the void of space, where the shuttle self-destructed. All Fall Down

Do you not understand? It's Over! Finished!

With the Matrix Quest having come to an end, the Autobots enjoyed some much-needed downtime. Siren and Hosehead spent time watching mystery films on one of the Ark's monitors; Siren was even able to guess that the servo-droid was the culprit. Later, Siren told Hosehead a joke he'd already heard. Eye of the Storm This holiday was interrupted when the gruesomely-combined Ratchet/Megatron went on a rampage through the Ark, and Siren expressed displeasure when Optimus Prime made the unpopular decision to spare the creature. The Pri¢e of Life!

After the second Decepticon Civil War, Siren and the rest of the Earthbound Transformers were teleported to Cybertron by Primus. There, the Transformer's creator-god told them of his eternal struggle against Unicron, and of their imminent destiny to oppose the Chaos-Bringer. The Void! During this costly battle, despite the incredible foe he and his race faced, he raced recklessly on his sky-sled for his personal amusement. Despite Nightbeat's warnings, this resulted in him colliding with Jazz. On the Edge of Extinction!

With Unicron defeated, the Autobots secretly followed the Decepticons to Klo, but their presence became known, and they were ambushed upon arrival. Siren managed to survive the first round of the massacre, desperately grabbing for his weapon under the feet of Bludgeon, but he was noticed and put out of his misery. The Last Autobot arrived to revive all the Autobot casualties magically, and Siren was presumably revived as well. End of the Road!

Marvel UK future timelines
ShadowofEvil siren blasted.jpg

In an alternate 2009, Siren was one of the Autobots who had to abandon Cybertron to Galvatron and the Decepticons after the Time Wars rebooted history. To make matters worse, their ship crashed on Earth after their leader, Rodimus Prime, was possessed by Unicron's corrupting influence. Siren was seen being blasted around the landscape by his fearless leader after impact. Shadow of Evil

Transformers Comic-Magazin

Siren was present when Powermaster Optimus Prime led the Autobots against the joint Decepticon leaders Shockwave and Megatron, who had tried to hijack the oil reserves of Alaska. Siren was hit by a laser, causing him to transform into vehicle mode. The Autobots drove off the Decepticons, but not before Quickmix shot a Minibot because he turned off his targeting computer. Optimus then sat his troops down and explained to them the differences between Autobots and Decepticons. Attack at Dawn

Siren was among the Autobots who responded to a Decepticon attempt to steal the United States military's Nevada Alpha arms cache, making a path through traffic for his team-mates with his lights and sirens. During the battle, his right leg was badly damaged by Snarler, but the Autobots soon triumphed and Siren and the other wounded were taken to receive medical treatment from Ratchet. Save Nevada Alpha He wasn't so lucky during later battles, falling alongside Bumblebee. He Who Laughs Last...

Recordings of the attack on Alaska, along with Optimus Prime reviewing Siren's characteristics to Bumblebee, were used in a wayward simulation experienced by Goldbug. Memories of Bumblebee


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
Yet to discover the fine art of whispering.

When the war ended with the Decepticons' defeat on Klo, Siren and Quig nearly undid the binary-bonding process that connected them, only to realize they had come to rely on one-another to balance out their clashing personalities. Classcs Quig profile Together, they joined Nightbeat and Muzzle to form their own team. They then picked up Lug from Nebulos Classics Lug profile before being joined by Sludge, Slag, and a new human recruit, Minerva. Together, they formed a detective agency and scoured the galaxy for mysteries to solve. At Fight's End Cheap Shots

Nightbeat's crew once had to set their ship down on the planet Azure for repairs, and they were stranded there for the interim. After a barroom brawl initiated by Nightbeat's crew (and aggravated by Siren), Nightbeat found that he was a person of interest to a potential client, a sentient ship named Amory. Amory required the services of Nightbeat and his team in finding her pilot, Phyrion. However, the entire arrangement was a setup put together by the Decepticons Ruckus and Needlenose, who had assembled an alleged "new Mayhem Attack Squad" by promising payment to Octopunch and Stranglehold for their assistance. Ruckus wasn't very smart, however, and had brought his hostage with him. Soon after Siren disoriented Ruckus with his sonic-screamer pistols and Slag separated Ruckus from the hostage by chopping off his arm, the Decepticons were defeated and Phyrion was returned to Amory. Regretting her involvement, Amory paid the Autobots for their services.


Despite their short run-in with good luck, Siren and the rest of the crew were still stranded on Azure without a working ship. In the meantime, surely someone was in need of a detective... Cheap Shots Siren and his team managed to survive the destruction of their universe and ended up in Axiom Nexus. Epilogue

Regeneration One

Regeneration One continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
LessThanZero yow siren.jpg

Twenty-one years after the battle on Klo, Siren was stationed on Cybertron and alongside Grapple, Perceptor and Hosehead was charged by Hot Rod with keeping the renegade Grimlock in custody. They managed to keep him for about thirty seconds before he apparently infected Perceptor with Scorponok's Gene Key and escaped to look for his Dinobots. Natural Selection, Part Two Siren presumably fell victim to the Gene Key around this time; when Grimlock met up with Grapple, Hosehead, Blurr, and Crosshairs later, they believed themselves the only Autobots to escape conversion.

When Rodimus Prime was sent on a journey through space and time via Zero Space, he was transported back to the time of the Deathbringer's attack on Earth, and narrowly avoided being struck by Siren when the loud-mouthed Autobot was sent hurtling through the air and smashed through a window. Less Than Zero

During the invasion of Cybertron by Bludgeon's Blitz Engines, Siren found himself fighting on the front line along with Hound, Huffer, Chromedome, Mirage, and a horde of other Autobots, most of whom were slaughtered in the first action. Destiny, Part Four Siren, by contrast, survived and was seen after the battle arresting Krok. The War to End All Wars, Part 1

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

We'd tilt back too if we were carrying those things around.

Siren was part of Perceptor and Blaster's organized resistance to Decepticon rule during the Age of Internment. Along with Nightbeat, Hosehead, Slapdash, Getaway, and Joyride, he participated in a bait-and-capture mission in Nova Cronum to disable one of the Aerospace Extermination Squadron and bring it in for study. Curiously, they engaged a group of three of the Air Warriors, disabled the first two, and the third just shut down. The Age of Wrath Pt.2 However, when Nightbeat tried to apply an inhibitor claw, the Air Warrior automatically upgraded into enhanced attack mode and began to attack them again. The ensuing onslaught was overwhelming, but while Siren ended up being blinded by one of the Air Warrior's blasts, he and Joyride latched their alternate modes together, rammed their opponent into a spike on the wall, and finally attached the inhibitor claw. The Age of Wrath Pt.3

2005 IDW continuity

First appearance: Transformers: Stormbringer #1
It seems somebody better be careful.

Initially stationed on the Autobot Orbital Command Hub, Stormbringer #1 Siren was requisitioned into action on board the Ark-17 for a mission to rescue Kup from Tsiehshi. Unfortunately, Kup had been driven mad by the planet's Ore-8 radiation and, unable to recognise his would-be rescuers thanks to the antique anti-rad armor they were wearing, believed they were zombies and attacked them. Siren was the only one to escape alive (minus an arm), and loudly berated both Perceptor and Springer on the foolhardy rescue mission, which had cost loyal Autobots their lives. Though Springer reminded Siren of how valuable Kup's training had been to all the Autobot soldiers, the Wreckers commander was silenced when Siren stated that no Autobots deserved to die at the hands of their comrades, especially by the hand of somebody as revered as Kup. Spotlight: Kup

Sometime later, Prowl had hatched a plan to boost Autobot morale by rebuilding and rehabilitating Kup using Thunderwing's Pretender technology that Jetfire and the Technobots had perfected. To maintain Kup's mental stability, it was agreed that he would never be told what he did to the ground teams from Ark-17, and survivors such as Siren and Sizzle were sworn to silence. Everything in Its Right Place

After Cybertron was reborn in the wake of D-Void's attack, Siren joined Rodimus's mission to use the map within the Matrix of Leadership to find the Knights of Cybertron at Cyberutopia. Their departure aboard the Lost Light was interrupted by an explosion within the ship, sending it into premature quantum jump. The resulting hull breach sucked Siren out of the ship, How to Say Goodbye and Mean It but he survived the experience and was soon recovered and repaired. Hangers On

You know you're loud when you can make Blaster cringe.

Someone thought it was a good idea to give Siren the PA system and let him do the ship-wide announcements. He reported on the hostage situation taking place in Rung's office. Interiors Later, he was invited to Rewind's first attempt to awaken Rung from his coma with a storytelling session alongside Blaster, Perceptor, Gears, Sunstreaker, and Bob, though his piercing voice caused his fellow Autobots to shield their ears. An Intimate Beheading

Some time later, Siren and the rest of the crew of the Lost Light returned to Cybertron to help thwart the machinations of Shockwave's "Dark Cybertron" prophecy. The Becoming In the aftermath, Siren was a spectator at the trial of Megatron on Luna 2. Towards Peace Six months after that, once the Lost Light was back on its quest, Siren sat in rapt attention as Tailgate related the story of how he saved the universe. Predestination: A Beginner's Guide

OurStepsWillAlwaysRhyme TailgateHoverboard.jpg

A while afterwards, Siren was walking through the Lost Light's corridors when a hoverboard-riding Tailgate almost knocked his head off. Our Steps Will Always Rhyme

Siren was among the members of the Lost Light crew present when Rodimus gave a speech before Thunderclash's prewake. The Sensuous Frame

At some point Siren was approached by Getaway and Atomizer and vouched that he would support them in the event of a mutiny against their "co-captains" Megatron and Rodimus. When the time came, Siren stood alongside Getaway on the Lost Light's bridge as he stranded Megatron, Rodimus, and their supporters on the Necrobot's planet. How Bright Their Frail Deeds

After Getaway took over the Lost Light, he maintained his control by bargaining with the mnemosurgeon Sunder to rewrite the crew's memories. Siren and the others soon came to believe that Rodimus and his cohorts left the Lost Light willingly, abandoning the rest of the crew to seek Cyberutopia on their own. Filling in the Blanks Siren was seen loudly socializing with the fraught Gears after the Protectobots caught up with the Lost Light. Full Circle

When Cyberutopia turned out to be a fraud, however, Getaway sold out his crew to save his own neck. Siren and the others were turned into Sparkeaters by a virus and used as cannon fodder on behalf of the Grand Architect. They attacked Rodimus and his people when they found Cyberutopia as well. First Aid was able to undo the effects of the Sparkeater virus using concussive medicine. Lūstrāre

Titans Return marketing material

Loudmouth was an extremely loud ancient Titan Master who crewed the giant Titan robots at the dawn of time. His special Spark gift that he was meant to share with peaceful races he met across the galaxy was the ability to damage enemies with a devastating Circuit Shock Disruptor. Titans Return Loudmouth online bio


Transformers Roleplaying Game

Siren was a charismatic Autobot. The Enigma of Combination

Commercial appearances

They didn't have any dialogue, but then again they probably couldn't afford BRIAN BLESSED to voice Siren anyway...

Siren raced across the surface of an unknown planet in alternate mode alongside Nightbeat and Hosehead. Small Headmasters commercial


The Transformers

G1Siren toy.jpg
Siren transforms into a grey Toyota Supra with "Fire chief" markings. The roof is hinged and can be opened to reveal an interior in which his Headmaster unit, Quig, can sit, with the helmet portion of the head forming a seat of sorts. His head guns can be stored on the hood while his rifle can be plugged onto the roof.
In robot mode, like all Headmaster toys, Siren has a flip-down panel on his chest which covers a spring-loaded mini-Tech-Spec-meter which gives reads for Speed, Strength and Intelligence. The tumblers are activated when Quig (or any other Headmaster unit) is plugged into his neck socket. Quig has Siren's face plainly visible on his back because, as a smaller Headmaster toy, he lacks the flip-down panel featured on larger Headmasters.
The same mold was redecoed into Japanese Headmaster Junior Goshooter. A Siren-colored version of Shūta was also offered in Japan via Robot Point offer.

Titans Return

  • Loudmouth (Titan Master, 2016)
    • Accessories: vehicle partner
Part of the first wave of individually-packed Generations Titans Return Titan Masters, Loudmouth (renamed for trademark reasons) transforms from robot to a head based on that of the original Siren toy. In this mode, Loudmouth can serve as the head of any Titans Return Deluxe, Voyager, or Leader Class figure. He also features ports in his feet that allow him to peg onto a wide variety of Titans Return figures. Loudmouth is packaged with a small vehicle that can transform into three modes: a hovercar that Loudmouth can ride, a tank that Loudmouth can transform and become a part of (although you can let him ride in Titan Master mode by bending his knees), and a 5mm weapon for larger figures.
Unlike most of the Titan Master vehicle accessories, Loudmouth's vehicle's gun mode handle does not seem to easily pop off when wielded by many 5mm-compatible closed hands. However, the handle is slightly thin for both open and closed hands to wield, some Titan Masters like Nightbeat do not fit to the clamp piece well.
The upper portion of Loudmouth's legs has been installed backwards in every sample, but it can be fixed by lightly knocking off the pin, flipping the leg piece, and reassembling it.
Loudmouth was originally designed by Emiliano Santalucia as a new character, and sported an original head mode design. Loudmouth's head was redecoed as Legends Goshooter and came packaged with Legends Wheelie, while his vehicle was redecoed as Cargot, packaged with Legends Highbrow.
Titans Return mold: Loudmouth

Titan Master:


  • HasbroTitans Return Loudmouth's partner drone
  • TakaraTomyLegends LG33 Cargot


Clockwise from top left: Toy Nightbeat, toy Siren, comic Nightbeat, comic Siren.
  • According to the Deluxe edition of Transformers Generations, Siren was originally conceived as either an upgrade or homage to Red Alert. While the robot mode was largely blue, unlike Red Alert, its head was similar to that of the earlier Autobot. The car mode featured a near carbon copy of Red Alert's paint scheme. The Red Alert references were dropped early in the design process.
  • For the animation/comic book models, the face/Nebulan and helmet/seat pieces of Nightbeat and Siren were inexplicably switched. (It is difficult to tell for sure, but they may have kept the correct antennae/guns judging by the basic shapes involved.) This switch gave comic book Nightbeat the "shades" he's remembered for, as well as the crest on his forehead, while comic book Siren ended up with his trademark combined brow/nosepiece. How or why this switch happened, and in what stage of development it occurred, is unknown.
  • Siren's box art has a peculiar deco on his legs compared to any other depiction; the box art gives him entirely red shins (the car hood) with a fire chief insignia instead of the final's two red stripes running under the fire chief logo.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Siren (サイレン Sairen)
  • French: Sirène (Canada)


  1. "Loudmouth" is a substitute name used by Hasbro for a Titan Master figure from the Titans Return line released in 2016 that represents the Generation 1 Siren character, presumably because the name "Siren" is currently not available as a trademark.
  2. TJOmega: Titan Masters Nightbeat & Loudmouth (Random Review)
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