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Six Shot (Energon)

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The name or term "Sixshot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sixshot (disambiguation).
Six Shot is a Decepticon from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
You may think you're smart, but your entire vendetta was based around something Snow Cat said.

Six Shot is the younger brother of Shockblast. But where his brother is a berserker, Six Shot is more of a shifty weasel who prefers to lie, connive, and back-stab rather than confront foes directly. This not only earns him the enmity of the Autobots, his nominal enemies, but it also causes the Decepticons to hate him, too; Galvatron can't stand the little twerp, and his peers avoid him like a plague. This doesn't bother Six Shot, though. A mechanical engineer who's almost always gone tinkering away at his control panel, he's mainly out for himself and enjoys the chaos and frustration he sows. Despite their drastic differences and Six Shot's selfish nature, he and Shockblast appear to be incredibly loyal to each other.

Don't let his sneaky habits fool you, Six Shot is actually a startlingly formidable opponent; he's even been credited with the destruction of two Guardian Robots. Crushing anything beneath his treads in tank mode, Six Shot's armor is impervious to most attacks, which makes it a shame that he rarely steps out onto the battlefield. Using both his intelligence and brutal power, he hopes to one day destroy Optimus Prime, the one who killed his brother!... at least, the 'bot he thinks killed his brother.

In his off time, Six Shot enjoys reading comic books about catgirls.

I will destroy my enemy's spirit as soon as I crush his body.

—Six Shot's bio quote.



Energon cartoon

Voice actor: Terry Klassen (English), Nobutoshi Canna (Japanese), Daniel Bergfalk (Swedish), Vesa Hämes (Finnish), Eugenio Barona (Castilian Spanish)

Six Shot designed many weapons systems on Cybertron, including the large particle cannons that he and his brother Shockblast used so effectively. Wishes

Six Shot was incarcerated between the Unicron Battles and arrival of the Terrorcons for his continued attempts at prolonging the civil conflicts between the Autobots and Decepticons even after the two sides reached a truce. He happened to share a cell block with Megatron's flunkies who were captured after the destruction of Unicron. Eager for news on the outside, Six Shot asked Snow Cat about his brother, Shockblast, who had escaped months earlier. Snow Cat told him that Shockblast was killed in battle fighting against Optimus Prime. (Whether Snow Cat deliberately misled Six Shot or just wasn't paying attention during the final battle was unclear.) Swearing eternal vengeance on Prime for his brother's death, Six Shot buddied up to Snow Cat when sounds of a jailbreak reached their cells. Ambition

He's the one-eyed freak with the gun arm, not the tower.

With leave from Starscream, Six Shot and Demolishor broke into the Autobot command center in order to take control of the energon towers. During a battle with the Autobots, Six Shot spotted Optimus Prime and planned to strike him down from a distance, but a falling tower blocked his aim and gave Prime time to unwittingly escape his attacker. Wishes

Six Shot tried to demonstrate his usefulness to Galvatron, and initially seemed successful in winning favor in the eyes of his new leader. Six Shot quickly learned, however, that Galvatron doesn't tolerate free-thinking and initiative among his troops, and suffered a beating for trying to act without Galvatron's express command. Despite this warning, Six Shot's desire for vengeance against Optimus Prime led him to intervene in a Decepticon attack on the Miranda II. Taking advantage of the planet's surface-to-air weapon systems, Six Shot shot the Autobot ship out of the sky, ruining Galvatron's plans to defeat Optimus Prime in single combat. Galvatron!

Distribution ShockShot.jpg

At some point, (a digital?) Six Shot participated in the Autobots' training program along with a digital copy of his deceased brother, Shockblast. They won several rounds thanks to Shockblast's power and Six Shot hacking the game's code to disable his opponents. When they started to lose a battle against Hot Shot and Rodimus, though, Six Shot grew tired of his boorish brother and eliminated him from the program as revenge for a small slight. Hot Shot and Rodimus then managed to defeat him, and booted Six Shot out of the tournament. Distribution

At the command center, Six Shot detected the Autobot efforts to create a blockage in the energon gas pipeline, and Galvatron dispatched his Decepticons to interrupt them. Seeing an opportunity to wipe out all his rivals and take over, Six Shot remotely opened the valves on the pipeline, releasing a cloud of deadly energon gas over the battle field.Break Through Galvatron grew tired of Six Shot's insubordination, and gave up the personal joy of hunting Optimus Prime in order to make sure Six Shot followed instructions and guided Cybertron through the Space Bridge. Six Shot continued to disobey Galvatron to search for Optimus Prime, however, despite Galvatron literally standing over his shoulder and throttling him every time. The Omega Train

(Caption left intentionally blank).

As Six Shot continued to take pot shots at Optimus Prime with the energon towers and disrupted Galvatron's personal vendetta, the Decepticon leader wailed on his subordinate yet again. Sick of being constantly mistreated, Six Shot decided to do exactly what Galvatron authorized him to do: nothing. He shut down the energon tower defenses and refused to answer Galvatron's call when he needed the gas strategically deployed against the Autobots. Decepticon Army Although he suffered another beating at Galvatron's hands back at the command center, Six Shot continued to laugh because he knew he had the upper hand. As Starscream discovered, the energon towers were code-locked so that no one but Six Shot could access their systems. Begrudgingly forced to allow Six Shot to continue functioning, Galvatron allowed him to return to his consoles. Ironhide Team

During the battle with the Autobots, Six Shot continued to monitor Galvatron's progress. He moaned loudly over the radio about how he had this great plan for destroying the Autobots, but was restricted from doing anything without his mighty leader's permission. After making the Decepticons beg a little, he agreed to unleash his plan, and warned them to get a safe distance. By manipulating the build up of pressure in the energon gas, he arranged for a blockage right underneath the Autobots to erupt, creating a country-sized blast visible from space that knocked the Autobots into orbit. Despite his success, Six Shot nearly killed Galvatron and the Decepticons in the process, and was once again banned from taking any action. Formidable

Despite only being six years old, Six Shot got into his hormones at an unnatural pace.

Under guard by Snow Cat, Demolishor and Mirage, Six Shot duped the trio into leaving their post to make another play for the super energon pool. After trapping them in the base's corridors, Six Shot left to get to the Super Energon chamber himself, racing Galvatron to reach the super fuel inside. By sniping him with his particle beam cannon, Six Shot caused Galvatron severe injuries and nearly destroyed him. Scorponok intervened and fought Six Shot to a standstill, just long enough for Galvatron to repower himself in the Super Energon pool. Six Shot was furious at Scorponok for delaying him, and remarked on how Scorponok was a brainwashed stooge with no freedom, and he didn't even know it. Now several stories tall, Galvatron emerged and forced Six Shot to face up to his treason. Six Shot tried to lie, beg, and plead his way out, but Galvatron was sick of his treachery and stomped the Decepticon flat. Before he died, Six Shot told Scorponok that he was finally free, but Scorponok felt that the price for his freedom was too high.

Six Shot died at the hands (feet?) of his brother's betrayer and murderer, never learning that Galvatron, not Optimus Prime, was truly responsible for Shockblast's demise. Galvatron Terror

Kre-O online comic

KreO-webcomic-10-Six Shot.jpg

Six Shot was among the Decepticons that invaded Metroplex. Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight!



1, 2, 3... Hey! Where are the other three?
  • Six Shot (Mega Class, 2005)
  • Accessories: Missile
  • Known designers: Marcelo Matere (packaging artist)
Released in the fifth wave of Energon Mega Class toys, Six Shot is a redeco of Shockblast, transforming into a Cybertronic laser-tank, as well as a satellite-cannon. His cannon-arm contains a spring-loaded missile launcher and an electronic sound gimmick, which is activated by a sliding switch. Advancing the switch down the cannon activates a droning laser sound effect that does not stop playing until the switch is moved to either end of the slider. The switch also activates clear-plastic prongs along the side of the cannon, which stick up as the switch is moved down the gun. His right arm features a cannon and claw with a moveable thumb. His head has a small port for light-piping.
Many specimens of this toy have the same problem: in satellite mode, a peg on one of his legs will not fit into the corresponding slot to hold the mode together. The waist hinge's quality on some copies varies since some are loose and causes the figure's upper torso to wobble and some don't. The cause of the wobbling issue is the pinhole for the hinge is badly deformed on the inside, which leads to the hinge breaking.
Despite his prominent role in the Takara-run Energon cartoon, Six Shot was not available in Takara's Super Link toyline in any capacity, not even as a "USA Edition" import.
This mold was also used as the basis for the non-toy pre-beast version of Cryotek as seen in "Theft of the Golden Disk", and for Shattered Glass Shockwave.


  • Even though initially announced as "Six Shot", an early version of his bio card posted at Hasbro's official Transformers website listed his name as "Scattorshot" instead, previously a working name for Blight. The name was soon changed back to "Six Shot", however, and the toy was only ever sold under that name. The name "Scattorshot" was ultimately used on a character from the follow-up series, Cybertron.
  • Six Shot is the only one out of himself and his brother to use his tank mode in the cartoon.
  • Six Shot's color scheme in the Energon cartoon does not actually match his toy, adding green (on his shins and in his camo patterns), and having more black (in place of the purple on his chest, thighs, and feet), and more red (on his shoulders and crotch). His cartoon appearance might have been based on a non-finalized toy deco.
  • In the first Hungarian dub of Energon, Six Shot was voiced by an actor in his late sixties—discounting his introduction episode, where he was dubbed by another actor who was nearing fifty. Both used their regular talking voices, which kind of messed up his "younger brother" issue.
  • Just how like Energon Six Shot is a redeco of Shockblast, Kre-O Six Shot reuses the Kre-O Shockwave helmet and arm gun. He also wears a Starscream arm blaster on his right arm (although the rectangular section of the blaster seems much shorter than the physical part) and what appears to be a 1x1 round brick instead of his left hand in order to increase its size.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Sixshot (シックスショット Shikkusushotto)
  • Arabic: Shock Shot (شوك شوت Shwk Shwt)
  • Hungarian: Hatlövetű ("Sixshot")
  • Russian: Revolver (Револьвер Revol'ver)
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