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Skomiloch Territories

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The Skomiloch Territories are in a region of space with an unusual local environment. The whole area is enveloped in a gas cloud over 9000 light-years long. The sun there is dying, and the color spectrum in the area is skewed, leading Transformers operating there to adopt unique camouflage to blend in.


2005 IDW continuity

Skyquake led a force to the Skomiloch Territories to put down local resistance to the Decepticons' star harvesting efforts. After crushing the resistance, Skyquake set up a mini-empire there, ruling the area while managing to stay on good terms with Decepticon High Command and Megatron himself. While there, Skyquake's team, the Predators, made adaptations to their bodies to suit the unique local environment. Snare's personnel evaluation

Ask Vector Prime

The Multiforce explored the Skomiloch Territories after they were displaced from their native time by a dimensional shock. Ask Vector Prime, 1/6/2015

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