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Soldier (episode)

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The name or term "Soldier" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Soldier (disambiguation).
Transformers: Armada ep 5
Listen to me, you're a soldier now!
武人 (せんし)
"Military Man: Soldier"
Production code TF: A-05
Production company TV Tokyo, NAS
Airdate September 27, 2002 (English)
7 February 2003 (Japanese)
Writer Shōji Tonoike
Director Shigeki Awai
Animation studio Actas Inc.
Continuity Unicron Trilogy
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The Autobots and Decepticons battle over another Mini-Con and we learn about why nobody talks crap about Red Alert.



Who wants some?

At the Autobot base, Red Alert does some important technical work while Hot Shot plays tag with the kids and their Mini-Cons. They manage to outrun him until Hot Shot requests some aid from his Mini-Con, Jolt, who quickly apprehends Carlos. Carlos, upset at losing, calls Jolt an "overgrown eggbeater." The noise grabs Red Alert's attention, who chews out Hot Shot for playing around while he should be working. When Optimus investigates the commotion, both Red Alert and Hot Shot dismiss their conflict. Alexis feels the tension in the air and has a bad feeling.

Hot Shot apologizes to the kids for making them watch himself and Red Alert bicker. Optimus then explains to Hot Shot and the kids how Red Alert's dedication to preparation was integral to winning many battles on Cybertron. Hot Shot understands Red Alert is great but doesn't see why he won't let himself have a personality. Suddenly, the alarms signify that another Mini-Con panel has activated. The Autobots and their human friends quickly warp to the panel's location: Antarctica.

Say goodbye to this by 2010.

In the Mini-Con ship's ruins on the Moon, Megatron also detects the Mini-Con panel. Noticing Starscream's absence, Cyclonus speculates that Starscream has already left for Earth to rectify his lack of a personal Mini-Con and Demolishor calls Starscream dumb. As Megatron tells his goons to be silent, Starscream holds a blade close beside Demolishor's head, revealing himself. Megatron sends the three Decepticon minions to Earth.

At the Antarctic, penguins! Lots of them! Also, Autobots and Decepticons. The Autobots stop due to a drive system failure, and Optimus Prime's trailer converts into its command center mode in front of the astonished humans. Red Alert fixes Optimus's systems while Hot Shot is impatient and jerky. After Prime's repairs are complete, Hot Shot and Carlos leave together (with a bit of assistance from Jolt).

Oh, that's right. Prime has a trailer, doesn't he?

Starscream searches for the Mini-Con by chopping icebergs to no avail, so he flies to search in a different area. Megatron, seeing Starscream from a distance, instructs his henchmen to follow. Eventually, Starscream is the first to find the Mini-Con, embedded in an ice shelf wall. But before retrieving the Mini-Con, he notices Hot Shot nearby and attacks, forcing the Autobot into a massive ice-crevice. Jolt saves Hot Shot from certain death, and they ascend the ice wall to return to the battle, noticing the Mini-Con on the way up. The other Decepticons see the Mini-Con panel glowing and transform to retrieve it. Further away, the rest of the Autobots also notice the Mini-Con, and Optimus heads on over.

A good try, all things considered, but in the end, Carlos survived.

At the showdown between Starscream and Hot Shot, Hot Shot has the idea to jump his car mode directly into Starscream, air-bludgeoning the Decepticon. The other Decepticons attack Hot Shot and verbally attack Starscream. Hot Shot drives away with the Decepticons after him. From within Red Alert, Rad sees Hot Shot under fire and is concerned, but Red Alert tells Rad to relax. Then Carlos is tossed out of Hot Shot into the abyss, but Jolt, like during the earlier tag game, grabs onto Carlos and lifts him to safety. Cyclonus fires his "laser pulse attack" at Hot Shot. Hot Shot and Jolt return fire at the Decepticons, and Megatron fires at Hot Shot.

Eat this!

Red Alert drops off the kids and tells them to find a safe area, but the two instead decide to find Carlos. When Cyclonus is about to finish Hot Shot at close range, Red Alert saves Hot Shot by using his cable to pull Cyclonus backward. Megatron takes Hot Shot hostage, but Red Alert works his way out of the situation with his disc launcher, bouncing the flying disc off Demolishor and into Megatron's back. Optimus finally arrives, making the sides even, and the three Decepticons retreat.


Using his sword to climb the ice wall to the Mini-Con, Starscream begins punching the wall, making things hard for Carlos, who can barely hang on to stop himself from plunging to his death. A punch from Starscream disrupts the terrain enough to send all three kids falling to their demise, but Red Alert's colorful flying disc catches them. Starscream grabs the Mini-Con panel, but Red Alert swipes it away. Unwisely, Starscream opens fire but falls to the ice canyon's depth as a result.

Back at the Autobot base, the Mini-Con is shown to be Jetstorm, but he doesn't activate. Red Alert and Hot Shot make amends with each other, and Red Alert reveals that beneath his robocop-esque demeanor, he too appreciates Hot Shot's abilities.

Featured characters

((Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"I think I've pinpointed the glitch, sir."
"Good work, Red Alert. What was the problem with the CPU?"
"It seems the cold on this continent has caused a glitch."

Red Alert, who needs a thesaurus, and Optimus Prime, who has lousy microprocessor thermal protection.

"Ahh nuts, I knew I should've brought along snow tires!"

—Always on the ball Hot Shot, struggling to drive in snow and ice in the Antarctic.

"Oh, and hey, Hot Shot? Do you mind cranking up the heat in here a touch? It's cold."

—The ever-observant Carlos.

"Hellooooo... buh-bye!"

Cyclonus, as he prepares to execute Hot Shot.

"Red Alert! Thanks, pal!"
"Doing my job, and nothing more."

Hot Shot in Generation 1 Brawn butt-kisser mode, and Red Alert after the latter saves the former's life.

"I hope you like pain!"

Demolishor, reacting to the rescue as everybody else stands around.

"Hahahaha... go ahead, boys, give me a reason..."

Demolishor, as the two Autobots get cornered.

"Uhh... yes... soon I'll have my very own pet…."

Starscream, who we assume is talking about a Mini-Con.


Differences with Legends of the Microns

  • Rad's opening narration is Armada-exclusive. Alexis gives it during a later scene in the Japanese dub.
  • During the tag game, when Jolt intercepts and catches Carlos, Carlos shouts at Hot Shot for being unfair and cheating.
  • The primary reason for Red's annoyance with Hot Shot messing around is the same in both dubs: He thinks Hot Shot should be working instead of wasting time, but he expresses it differently. In Legends of the Microns, he worries the kids might get hurt playing tag with a giant robot; in Armada, he's mad about Hot Shot actively evading work he's meant to be doing, which Red has had to pick up the slack on for the last two hours. The task isn't mandatory, but Red Alert thinks it's putting their downtime to better use in Legends of the Microns.
  • In Legends of the Microns, after Optimus interrupts Red and Hot Shot's argument to ask what's going on, Hot Shot addresses the kids and suggests they all leave since they're "getting in the way." Armada has him respond to Prime's statement, saying he and Red were "just talking." Armada has Optimus follow up this exchange with an order to return to work; he is silent in the Japanese dub because the work isn't mandatory, as already noted.
  • This scene's last moments, where Alexis looks at Rad and then Red Alert, differ between the versions: Armada adds an extra line with Alexis asking Rad, "What's up with Optimus?" in response to his somewhat curt, Armada-exclusive order for the 'bots to get back to work. During her internal monologue, Alexis concludes that the Autobots are rushing to resume their Mini-Con hunt, and she worries the Decepticons will soon strike back. In Legends of the Microns, this acts as Alexis giving the opening narration; it connects to the Red Alert subplot that Armada ignores, in which she observes how he becomes so immersed in his work.
  • Immediately after this, Carlos and Rad wonder what's the "big secret" like Optimus is keeping something from them that made him act that way in Armada. In Legends of the Microns, they're just openly fretting that Red Alert doesn't like them.
  • The following conversation is Prime telling Hot Shot and the kids to appreciate Red Alert more because he's a great warrior whose true capabilities they haven't seen yet. It's something Optimus knows well since he and Red Alert fought together long before Hot Shot was "born." Armada warps the entire conversation to become about how Hot Shot is overeager and should be more prepared like Red Alert, despite how unglamorous it makes him seem.
  • In Legends of the Microns, Carlos alerts everyone about the new Mini-Con signal, but Armada gives the line to Optimus and extends it to fill the silence in the scene since the Japanese dub has Carlos say the line as the shot pans out.
  • The Japanese dub removes the transformation noise from the Autobots preparing to warp. Armada adds extra dialogue as the Japanese version is mostly silent.
  • When Starscream places his blade by the laughing Demolishor's head, he threatens to make it so Demolishor can never laugh again. In Armada, the first part of his dialogue where he says that Demolishor and Cyclonus seem to be having fun—delivered off-screen—is replaced with Megatron telling Demolishor and Cyclonus to be quiet. The second part is replaced with Starscream merely laughing, so he never speaks in the scene's English version. Consequently, Megatron's subsequent order for them to find the Mini-Con plays a little differently: In Armada, he's giving a command to the whole group; but in Legends of the Microns, in response to Starscream's anger at Demolishor and Cyclonus ridiculing him for not having a Mini-Con, he's essentially telling him, "Well, go and get one, then."
  • When the Autobots arrive in Antarctica, Armada adds Carlos's line as the kids look at the penguins to cover the Japanese dub's silence. When they later stop, Carlos wonders if it's because of the Decepticons before Optimus says his drive suspension stopped working and tells the kids to go outside in Legends of the Microns. Armada adds lines for Alexis and Carlos to remove the silence before Rad asks why they've stopped. Then Armada gives the kids extra lines after Prime's trailer finishes transforming into a base.
  • For Prime's drive system failure, Legends of the Microns blames a problem with the original Earth truck he scanned, while Armada shifts the blame to the Antarctic cold. In Armada, as Red Alert does his repairs, Hot Shot is generically impatient. In Legends of the Microns, he proposes that Optimus use his robot mode to get around, but Optimus refuses since doing so means he can't carry the kids in his cab and protect them.
  • When Hot Shot and Carlos ditch the others, the scene's purpose differs between the dubs: In Legends of the Microns, Hot Shot's going for a quick high-speed test drive to make sure he can handle the frozen environment, only to reveal to Carlos that was just an excuse to distance himself from Red Alert, whose attitude is wearing thin on him. In Armada, the loud rev of his engine that aggravates the kids is the only "test" he performs, and his departure is then played as him genuinely splitting off from the others to look for the Mini-Con. Armada adds filler dialogue to remove the silent bits from the Japanese version.
  • When Carlos and Hot Shot reach the ocean, Legends of the Microns has Hot Shot observe that it's as good a time as any to turn back since he'll get it in trouble if he's gone too long. In Armada, he mentions detecting a signal before saying how there's no way he'll be taking a dip in the freezing water. Armada also adds Carlos's line about him asking Hot Shot to turn up the heat.
  • Armada adds some filler dialogue to the scene of Starscream finding the Mini-Con.
  • In Legends of the Microns, Starscream doesn't say anything to Hot Shot before shooting at him. Armada changes Starscream's line about not letting Hot Shot get the Mini-Con and gives him an extra line about locking onto the Autobot, replacing Hot Shot telling Carlos to hang on. Armada also moves Hot Shot's line to come just as he and Carlos go off the ice's edge.
  • Carlos and Hot Shot don't thank Jolt for saving them, and they don't talk again until spotting the Mini-Con panel. There's no dialogue between them when they return to the top of the ice wall and find Starscream waiting.
  • When Demolishor and Cyclonus spot the light from the Mini-Con, they still don't know where Starscream is in Armada, while they spot both him and Hot Shot in Legends of the Microns.
  • The transformation noise is removed from Red Alert transforming to take Rad and Alexis to Carlos and Hot Shot. It's also gone from when Optimus joins the fight near the end.
  • Legends of the Microns has Megatron subtly announce his presence by calling Starscream a fool off-screen before firing at Hot Shot.
  • Armada changes Megatron's line of telling Starscream to "just watch from over there and don't get in the way" to him telling Demolishor and Cyclonus to focus on capturing the Mini-Con. After this, Hot Shot speaks to the Decepticons before driving off, but he addresses Carlos in Legends of the Microns.
  • When Red Alert, Alexis, and Rad see Carlos and Hot Shot under attack, Red doesn't say Hot Shot knows what he's doing and instead tells Alexis and Rad that they're moving in.
  • When Hot Shot ejects Carlos, Carlos says, "Oh, shoot!" in Legends of the Microns but Armada removes it and has Carlos scream the whole time until Jolt saves him. After this, in Legends of the Microns, Cyclonus doesn't refer to Carlos and instead tells Hot Shot that it's the end of the line for him.
  • Hot Shot doesn't thank Red Alert for saving him, and Red asks Hot Shot if he's alright.
  • Instead of swearing revenge on "bolts for brains" Red Alert for sneaking up on him, Cyclonus says, "You wouldn't dare get in the way! Surrender, or we'll pay you back ten, A HUNDRED TIMES over!" Legends of the Microns also changes Megatron's line from asking Red Alert what Hot Shot is worth to asking where Red Alert's previous momentum went. In Armada, Demolishor dares Red Alert to show him what he's got, an addition that the Japanese dub removes as Demolishor says his line about Red worrying about injuring Hot Shot during the overhead scene.
  • After Red launches his flying disc, Armada has Cyclonus remark, "Sorry, you missed!" which, of course, Red didn't, as the disc successfully slams into Demolishor a second later. In Legends of the Microns, Cyclonus says, "Your opponent is over here!" merely exploiting the fact Red has chosen to strike at Demolishor to get in a blast of his own.
  • The moment where Demolishor chuckles and tells Red Alert and Hot Shot to "give him a reason" is silent. The only sound heard is Optimus approaching from off-screen. Armada plays the Transformers theme when Optimus returns, while Legends of the Microns plays "Cybertrons, Transform!".
  • The scene of Jetstorm's hologram appearing is silent.
  • Red Alert is virtually mute during the episode's final sequence, preferring to deflect Hot Shot's gratitude by merely asking him how he's doing after the fight. He's more vocal in Armada, repeatedly telling Hot Shot the thanks are unnecessary.
  • For the ending narration in Armada, Rad reflects on Hot Shot learning a valuable lesson and how everyone? learned better teamwork after that day. Then Alexis says it's nice to see the two Autobots finally getting along and how, even though future battles will test them, they should all enjoy the moment. Legends of the Microns only features Alexis, and it has a sincere tone, unlike the lighthearted English version. It connects to her opening narration and closes the Red Alert subplot Armada overlooks; she states that maybe Red Alert focuses on repairing things so much because it's his own "grieving requiem" for those who fall in battle.

Animation and technical errors

Greenpeace won't be happy.
The most boring Triple Changer ever?
  • When Jolt intercepts Carlos during the tag game in the opening, Alexis and Rad in the background are drawn with shoddy jagged lines. Plus, Alexis's hair and shirt are miscolored to match Carlos's. Carlos's mouth doesn't move as he tells Jolt to put him down because his line in the Japanese version is shorter, and Carlos finishes it before entering the frame.
  • Pretty much all the weapons fire effects in this episode are colored yellow instead of the standard red-for-Autobots and purple-for-Decepticons.
  • During Optimus Prime's flashback lecture, he and Red Alert look very jagged and pixelated.
  • When Starscream holds his sword at Demolishor, he has both wings; this is irregular as Starscream's left wing becomes his sword. This mistake continues for the rest of the episode.
  • When Demolishor, with Starscream's blade at his neck, turns to look back at Megatron, the "uhhh" he lets out is delivered by Starscream's actor rather than Demolishor's. This mistake doesn't happen in the Japanese dub.
  • When the Autobots stop, for some reason, Rad asks Hot Shot what's up, but it's Optimus who answers. Legends of the Microns corrects this with Rad asking Optimus since the kids are riding in his cab.
  • After Prime's container transforms, Alexis asks what "he" just transformed into though Optimus technically didn't change. She asks what happened instead in Legends of the Microns.
  • When Carlos tells Hot Shot, "It's pedal to the metal time!" the snow kicked up by Hot Shot's tires is miscolored black and grey, making it appear that the jerkface Autobot is polluting the area.
  • During the first face-off shot between Starscream and Hot Shot, a faint circle is seen around Jolt's rotors as though they're moving, although they aren't. It's gone in the next shot of them.
  • Depending on the dub, when Demolishor and Cyclonus notice the Mini-Con panel's light, they either don't know where Starscream is, or they do see him and Hot Shot. However, neither Starscream nor Hot Shot is visible, although they should be, given their location in the previous shot and the explosion in the background.
  • When Starscream tells Hot Shot and Carlos to look behind themselves, Carlos is miscolored like Rad (a light-brown-haired Caucasian!) and calls the Autobot 'Hot Rod', Hot Shot's Japanese name.
  • After Hot Shot flies into Starscream and knocks him back while in car mode, the Decepticon symbols on the back of Starscream's wings disappear.
  • As Starscream lies against the rock, the Decepticon symbol is seen on his miscolored arm. When he grabs the Mini-Con, the insignia returns.
  • The stock footage of Hot Shot Powerlinxing with Jolt is silent. Legends of the Microns corrects it as he shouts, "Evolution!" before the stock footage.
  • Numerous times throughout the episode, Decepticons appear with purple Autobot insignias.
  • Starscream's forearm is miscolored red when Demolishor scolds him for "trying to be a one-man army."
  • In the beginning, Jolt carries Carlos by the barrels of his gun, but while saving Carlos later, Jolt has an entirely different helicopter design with landing gear he doesn't have.
  • For two shots after taking fire from Hot Shot, Megatron's cannon is miscolored dark gray and red as he fires back.
  • Two of Cyclonus's chest windows are miscolored dark gray before the shot of him sneaking up on Hot Shot.
  • When Red Alert's rainbow disc hits him, the part of Demolishor's chest with the symbol on it is miscolored purple with a pentagon outline around the insignia.
  • When Optimus slides into the frame of Red Alert and Hot Shot, Hot Shot's neck is colored dark gray instead of yellow. The color changes back in their next scene.
  • When Starscream is in the fissure going after the Mini-Con, his right arm's raised spot is miscolored purple in one shot.

Continuity notes

  • When the Autobots transform before going into the warp gate, the animation sequences are the same ones from episode two's climax, played in reverse.
  • As Hot Shot slides toward the ice canyon during the Decepticon attack, he ejects Carlos into the canyon to transform! Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on the viewer's perspective), Jolt rescues Carlos. So, the maneuver Hot Shot pulled with Jolt during the tag game at the start later pays off during the mission, as it thankfully saves Carlos's life.
  • In Legends of the Microns, Hot Shot calls Red Alert "old timer," as he did at the end of "Metamorphosis."
  • This episode features the second appearance of Optimus Prime's rarely seen stock transformation sequence after debuting in the last episode.
  • The Autobots recover Jetstorm, the first of the Air Defense Mini-Con Team, subtly beginning the Star Saber arc, season one's primary focus.
  • Gadgets and powers:
    • Red Alert is seen using an extended welding tip from his laser scalpel hand.
    • Red Alert also uses his Point Blaster as a handheld weapon, which isn't usually typical for him to do without Powerlinxing with Longarm first.
      • This is also visible in the flashback scene with Optimus Prime. Optimus also carries two of his rifles in the same scene.
    • Red Alert uses a grapple-claw from somewhere on his back? Given the use of his Point Blaster (as mentioned above), he was probably supposed to be Powerlinxed with Longarm at the time, and the grapple line coming from his back is Longarm's crane line. However, since Longarm isn't ever shown Powerlinxed at all this episode, it's hard to know for sure. To make matters even more confusing, the moment he retracts the grapple line, the scene cuts back to him holding his gun. Maybe it's the grapple-claw from the gun? Who knows!
    • Red Alert uses his chest Energy Blast, and it fires fancy rainbow discs!
    • Red Alert uses a capture missile to snatch the Mini-Con panel out of Starscream's hand. Why not the grapple-claw line he just used earlier in the episode? And how come he never uses it again after this episode?
    • This is the first time we see Optimus Prime's container trailer transform into its base mode.
    • Optimus Prime uses his forearm smokestacks as guns; this will become more common in future episodes.
    • Hot Shot deploys his chainsaws/robot feet in vehicle mode again after debuting them in the previous episode as emergency breaks. This time he uses them to knock Starscream over.
    • This episode reveals that Starscream's jet engines are in his kneecaps.
    • Starscream fires lasers from his shoulder intakes in robot mode. He also fires lasers from the yellow circles on his chest intakes later in the episode.
    • Cyclonus calls out "Laser Pulse Attack!" before firing lasers from his left arm cannon.
  • Powerlinx forms:
    • Jolt Powerlinx with Hot Shot in vehicle mode for the first time. This episode is also the first time Hot Shot shows off the flight capabilities he gains in this form.

Continuity errors

  • During the Cybertron flashback, Red Alert correctly appears in his Cybertronic body, but Optimus incorrectly appears in his Earth-based design without the wheels on his legs.
  • After Starscream slices the iceberg in half and takes off in jet mode, Demolishor and Cyclonus speak as if Starscream had previously separated from the other Decepticons, and they tracked him to that spot. This nonsensical bit seems to be a corruption of the Japanese dialogue, where they observe Starscream now going off on his own without orders out of desperation to claim the Mini-Con.
  • After he and Hot Shot escape the ravine, why would Carlos be bothered by Starscream still being there? It's not like a Decepticon would leave an Autobot alone after finding a Mini-Con. Carlos doesn't say anything upon seeing Starscream waiting for them in the Japanese dub.
  • When Red Alert proposes investigating the light from the Mini-Con panel, Rad replies, "What about Carlos--?" but his inflections make it clear the sentence was cut short in editing, removing something from the end of it. He was most likely going to say "--and Hot Shot?" since Red answers, "I'm sure they'll be all right," using a plural after Rad refers to the singular Carlos. In Legends of the Microns, Rad correctly refers to "Carlos and the others," the others being Hot Shot and Jolt.
  • After Optimus, Red Alert, Rad, and Alexis spot the light from the Mini-Con, Optimus says he will go in for a look though he does nothing of the sort. Red Alert, Rad, and Alexis are the ones who spring into action first, with Optimus joining the fight later. Legends of the Microns fixes this error by having Prime tell the others to investigate while he catches up with them later.
  • When Starscream opens fire on Red Alert for snatching the Mini-Con out of his hand, why does he laugh after losing out on another Mini-Con? He rightly curses the Autobots instead in Legends of the Microns.
  • Rad's section of the ending monologue about everyone learning better teamwork makes no sense since the episode mainly focuses on Hot Shot and Red Alert being at each other's throats.
    • Also, why does Rad narrate at all when he's barely a focal character in this episode?

Real-world references

  • Arriving in Antarctica, Rad identifies the penguins as Emperor Penguins in the Japanese dub.


"I thought Antarctica would be—you know—bigger."
  • The kanji 武人 would usually be pronounced as "bujin," while "senshi" is used for the kanji 戦士.
  • When Optimus tells the kids to put their seatbelts on, only Rad and Alexis comply. Tsk tsk, Carlos.
  • There's a nice touch when the Decepticons warp to the south pole—when Megatron materializes, the iceberg they are all standing upon suddenly sinks in their direction due to the weight.
  • This is one of the few episodes where the right music plays during each scene transition.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of the title sequence with the opening monologue by Rad.
    • For the Japanese dub, this episode has the series' first variation of the title sequence mentioned above, intercut with scenes from the first three episodes and featuring narration from Optimus.
  • According to Legends of the Microns Year Book 2003:
    • This episode features Red Alert as its protagonist; it's the first where he's the most active, and he takes advantage of his toy version's gimmicks like his Energy Blast.
      • Shinya Ogura helped adapt the toy's gimmicks for the anime, but some didn't make it into the show. He also designed the monitor for "Swoop" and the ending.
    • The episode begins and ends with an Autobot base maintenance scene; the only difference between them is Hot Shot's attitude toward Red Alert.
    • Sound director Yoshikazu Iwanami gave some keywords to describe each character's "basic line," .e.g. Hot Shot is the "youngest"; Starscream is the "narcissist," and Demolishor is the "coward." It may also be the first episode where Demolishor gets called a coward.

Foreign localization


  • Title: "Un travail d'équipe" ("A Teamwork")
    • In the dub, when Hot Shot informs Carlos that he spotted a very weak signal further away, one of the voice actors can be heard briefly trying to hold back a laugh for some reason, just before Carlos speaks.



  • Title: "Hideg nyom" ("Cold Tracks")


  • Title: "Gioco di squadra" ("Teamwork")
  • Carlos's line: "And look! It even got a chopper pad and everything!" is changed to: "Look! There's even a chopper robot!", like if he had never seen Jolt before.


  • Title: "진정한 전사" ("True Warrior")


  • Title: "Żołnierz" ("Soldier")


  • Title: "Soldado" ("Soldier")

Home video releases

All releases listed are in English audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan 2003 — Transformers: Legends of the Microns — Volume 2 (Columbia Music Entertainment) — Japanese audio only.
United Kingdom 2003 — Transformers: Armada — Vol:02 (Universal)
Australia 2003 — Transformers: Armada — Vol:02 (Warner Music Video)
United States of America 2004 — Transformers: Armada — Power of the Mini-Cons (Rhino Entertainment)
United States of America 2004 — Transformers: Armada — Season One: Part One (Rhino Entertainment)
France 2004 — Transformers: Armada — Volume 1 (TFou Vidéo) — French audio only.
United Kingdom 2005 — Transformers: Armada — Triple Collection (Universal)
United Kingdom 2008 — Transformers: Armada — Bumper Double DVD Collection (Universal)
Germany 2008 — Transformers: Armada — Volume One (New KSM) — English and German audio.
United States of America 2014 — Transformers: Armada — The Complete Series (Shout! Factory)
United States of America 2014 — Transformers: Armada — Volume One (Shout! Factory)

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