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Spotlight: Optimus Prime

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The Transformers: Spotlight #9
Spotlight OptimusPrime cvrA.jpg
Does your man have an ass like mine?
"The Transformers: Spotlight Optimus Prime"
Publisher IDW Publishing
First published August 29, 2007
Cover date August 2007
Written by Simon Furman
Art by Don Figueroa
Colors by Josh Burcham
Letters by Chris Mowry
Edits by Dan Taylor
Continuity 2005 IDW continuity
Chronology Escalation

Optimus Prime's search for answers about his predecessors leads to a dark discovery.



In the wake of his brush with death at Megatron's hands, Optimus Prime is pensive. To find out more about the sinister presence he felt while transferring his spark through infraspace, he takes Ark-32 and journeys to the Muta-Gaath Nebula—secret home of Omega Supreme. Unfortunately, another ship observes his transit, its inhabitants vowing to destroy whoever is inside the asteroid base that Omega calls home.

Optimus Prime quizzes Omega Supreme about Nova Prime. He believes that he encountered Nova while in infraspace, and was filled with a sense of dread, something only Megatron and Thunderwing normally cause. Omega explains that Nova Prime felt that Cybertronians were superior to other life forms and had a duty to impress their likeness on the rest of the universe. Optimus surmises that the Ark was not an exploratory vessel, but part of Nova's expansion, something Omega also suspected.

Seriously. Forget Sunstreaker or Prowl. Give this guy a Universe Generations toy.

But before they can further pursue the matter, Monstructor smashes his way in to Omega Supreme's domain. The enraged combiner robot has come for Omega Supreme; Monstructor makes short work of him, ripping off his cannon arm within seconds and nearly crushing him with a shuttlecraft. Optimus Prime's weapons are repelled by an energy-dampening field, so Prime blasts open an airlock, sucking all three of them into space.

Omega Supreme uses his rocket-engine arm to transport himself and Optimus Prime as far away as he can, but they both know Monstructor is hot on their heels. Prime demands answers, and Omega explains that Monstructor was an attempt by Jhiaxus, at Nova Prime's behest, to combine minds and bodies of a group of Transformers to enhance strength and intellect. But the process failed, and the combined form "devolved into a monster". After Jhiaxus and Nova Prime disappeared aboard the original Ark, Omega locked Monstructor away in a dimensionally-displaced prison, an act which Prime finds reprehensible.

Further debate is ended as Monstructor's ship arrives, and the monster dives at them. Omega Supreme tells Optimus Prime that Monstructor has one weak spot, an area of his chest; unable to reason with the giant, Prime strikes the area, and Monstructor breaks apart into his components. Prime swears to the fallen robots that he will help them.

An Autobot cleanup crew arrives later, to restore Omega Supreme and take the Monstructor team prisoner. Omega warns Optimus Prime that if the gestalt technology falls into Megatron's hands, the result will be an all-consuming war. Jetfire takes the combiner robots away, leaving Optimus to reflect on the tarnished legacy of the Prime lineage.

Featured characters

(Characters in italic text appear only in flashbacks.)
(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


Continuity notes

You two are not important enough.
Being Prime requires that your altmode has at least six wheels and a trailer. It's tradition.


  • A strange conversation occurs among the Monstructor bots:

Panel 1:

Unknown: Is it him?

Panel 2:

Birdbrain: Only one sure way to find out.
Bristleback: Which is?
Birdbrain: Smash our way in...

Panel 3:

Bristleback: ...and kill whoever and whatever we find inside!
  • It's possible that Bristleback did indeed chime in with his two cents' worth (particularly given the intertwined nature of this team), but considering IDW's history of mis-attributed speech balloons, it also seems likely that Birdbrain and Bristleback's speech balloons got switched in the second panel. Whatever the case, the conversation was not altered for the trade paperback version.

Other trivia

  • The issue includes 2 pages of sketches by Don Figueroa—one of Optimus Prime in several stages of transformation (though it's the transformation design of Masterpiece/Dreamwave Optimus, not the IDW one), and the other of the various alternate modes of Sentinel Prime and Nova Prime.
  • Colorist Josh Burcham made the vents on the butt of Optimus Prime's Ion blaster a sort of ammo gauge, based upon an idea from fandom. After each subsequent blast, the blue glow dips lower.
  • This issue further establishes that the Pretender Monsters are AWESOME and that Monstructor is a total bad-ass death machine. We already knew that, though.
  • This issue was reissued in December 2008 as a special 3-D edition, including a pair of cardboard unfoldable 3-D glasses.
  • Ironically, Monstructor, the final combiner released by Hasbro, predates Devastator, the first combiner released by Hasbro, in the IDW continuity.

Covers (4)



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