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User talk:Charles RB

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Hi, thanks for writing the Titan comics entries for movie characters. Could you please rewrite them ? We tend to write our fiction sections as they happened (in past tense) and only reference the issue itself as part of a story link or a note about some unusual occurance within the story that needed to be pointed out. Thanks! --FFN 08:30, 16 October 2007 (UTC)

Just a reminder - when we recap fiction, we do it 'in fiction', that is, we try to avoid saying things like "as happened in issue 24/in the movie", we generally prefer to do things like say "Centuries ago, Ironhide [[Transformers Awesome Comics 6|punched Megatron in the face]] starting a dispute that could only be settled with interstellar war." Thanks! --FFN 07:14, 22 January 2008 (UTC)
Hi, you're still having trouble keeping the fiction sections in-fiction by saying things like 'After the movie'. What movie? No movie exists within the fiction, it was an event, so a better way to say it would be "After the defeat of the Decepticons in Mission City". Also, I would suggest refraining from posting news of upcoming TF UK comics from Furman's blog inside fiction sections, because the way you've done it breaks from fiction and simply becomes the posting of news. --FFN 19:58, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
What's the usual format for mentioning upcoming stuff on Wiki page then? Is doing it in Note form fine (I've seen that done a few times)? --Charles RB 01:31, 31 January 2008 (GMT)
It's been my observation that we just don't bother mentioning them at all, unless something unusual or contradictory is known from the scant information released, in which cause you would probably use the note form. Otherwise, we'll add the information in once the issue has been published. --FFN 04:06, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
Just a reminder to you that we write our fiction sections in the past tense, as I noticed some of your recent edits have been in the present tense. --FFN 15:33, 21 May 2008 (UTC)
Actually, that's not entirely true. Issue and episode summaries are written in present tense, as standard for summarizing a piece of literature. (Unless it happened in the past within the context of the story itself, the story always takes place in the present every time you read it.) Character page fiction summaries are written in past tense. Sorry for the confusion.--Apcog 21:27, 25 February 2010 (EST)



Any chance of getting a scan of each of the Target characters from the comics? I'm really curious as to how they were rendered... plus their pages are a little light, images would spruce 'em up muchly. --M Sipher 19:02, 5 December 2007 (UTC)

Don't have a scanner atm, but I can try and do some over the holiday break. -- Charles RB, 05:37, 13/12/07 (GMT)

Scanned a group shot for Skyblast and Signal Flare's Movie entries - can't get a good enough one of Strongarm though. --Charles RB 16.51, December 20 2007 (GMT)

Copyright tags

Hi, can you use copyright tags when you upload images? We need to acknowledge images we upload legally belong to somebody. For example:

{{hastak}} for general Hasbro/TakaraTomy-owned images (character art, stock toy photos, publicity images)
{{fairuse}} for images that don't belong to Hasbro/TakaraTomy (such as fan photographs of toys)
{{comicinterior}} for comic panels
{{comiccover}} for erm, comic covers.

Thanks for doing our Movie Titan sections! It seems nobody else here has read them. --FFN 17:30, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

Just a side note - I would suggest more discriptive filenames in the future. 'Devastator-Roche' is rather vague, since there are a few characters named Devastator and Nick Roche could draw any one of them one day. It is always preferable to state the actual continuity in the filename itself. --FFN 17:37, 20 December 2007 (UTC)
Gotcha - I'll remember that next time. --Charles RB 19.44, 20 December 2007 (GMT)
Another note - the Devastator scan is *far* too large. I'll have to shrink it and reupload it under a new filename anyway. I also suggest that you lower the quality of your photoshop jpegs to around 7 or 8 to keep the filesizes managable if image resolution is not the main reason for the large filesize. We generally try to keep jpeg images up to (preferrably under) 100KB if it doesn't significantly impact upon image quality, though we will accept images over the recommended size file limit of the Wikia software if the image is large and complex and needs to been seen clearly and at high resolution. Sorry if I'm rambling, thanks. --FFN 00:18, 21 December 2007 (UTC)

TF Comic/Magazine cover sizes

Hi, is it possible for you to upload larger size images of these covers, because what you've essentially done is just upload thumbnail-size images of the covers, which isn't really very useful if anybody wants to look at the actual cover in detail. --FFN 12:37, 31 January 2008 (UTC)

Ampersands and dashes

When editing, can you please not use ampersands and use the em dash (—; use {{subst:m-}}) instead of the hyphen? —Interrobang 00:27, 16 May 2008 (UTC)

Image filenames

Could you please include the names of the fiction your images come from, as stated in our image image policy? Just saying "Titan" is far too vague. And "Allen2" is a pretty bad filename. --FFN 19:58, 25 March 2009 (EDT)

Remember what I said about filenames? Yeah. :) Remember to actually link to issues they are from, as well.

Just "Galloway'sscarysmile" and "Jolt bringiton" is descriptive, yes, but it doesn't indicate what media form they came from. I suggest naming them like you did for Image:Titan2-8 ransack intheback.jpg for "Back-to-Back" in Titan 2.8. --Lonegamer78 15:35, 30 January 2010 (EST)

Image descriptions

Most of our images uploaded since July 2008 have lost their image descriptions. Since you seem to be the only contributor for Titan's stuff on the wiki, can you go back to your post July 2008 images from Titan and redo the descriptions? Thanks. --FFN 19:25, 3 April 2009 (EDT)

Will do. Might take a while to get them all done though. -- Charles RB, 16:14, 5 April 2009 (GMT)

Ratchet issue 3

I don't know if you ever noticed the fact that Titan, using about a billion different artists who aren't coordinated with each other leads to different styles and interpretations, but why did you name this Ratchet image as off-model and declare it as off-model on two different articles? Technically, it's still a right model for Ratchet, because it's IDW's cybertronic Ratchet, as designed by Don Figueroa for the first issue of the first movie prequel and Defiance issue 1. --FFN 17:32, 7 April 2009 (EDT)

The simple answer is, er, I forgot he looked like that in Prime Directive. Whoops. :( --Charles RB 22:35, 7 April 2009 (GMT)
This is what you get with comics that come out biweekly - too many artists working at once (but not together) leading to inconsistent art that would make IDW's frequent colourist changes proud :p --FFN 17:46, 7 April 2009 (EDT)
You have to wonder what the editor DOES if not try and keep the artists in line... --Charles RB 23:05, 7 April 2009 (GMT)

Titan comic titles

Relevant to you: Transformers Wiki talk:Community Portal#"Transformers Comic" - SanityOrMadness 21:20, 16 June 2009 (EDT)


Just a friendly reminder that if you add <ref> stuff, you have to make sure there's also a <references/> or {{Reflist}} at the bottom of the page, or they won't actually display. --Jeysie 17:34, 26 August 2009 (EDT)

Some notes on how to get good screencaps of non-cel animation

1) If at all possible, don't try to take screencaps while something actiony is going on! For example, your screencap of Bulkhead ripping out the wires from that Terroradicon's chest, or the one of the zombies clawing up from the ground.... those don't "read" as static images. They don't help the wiki because they're blurry and confusing and thus uninformative. Unlike in comics or cel animation, things don't move legibly from one pose to another, nor are there big thick lines to help somebody understand where one thing starts and another begins. Things are almost always in motion, so getting a screencap is always a very calculated decision.

2) Wiki screencaps are best when they help us learn something visually... perhaps the best thing at this point in Prime is to know what people look like. What their face looks like, what their body looks like, what the back of them looks like, what their altmode looks like. There's a limited number of images per page, so it's best to think of how to get the most economy out of them. "Cool moments" should be neglected in favor of seeing, for example, what a character's pop-out weaponry looks like. The latter makes a better reference, while the former usually doesn't turn out legible anyway.

3) Photoshop gadgets are your friend! Especially when we're not dealing with HD video files. If a scene is lit darkly, play with the curves so that we don't just see eyes and a face floating in darkness. Don't over-expose anything, of course, but use curves wisely. Use the sharpen tool to get some of the fuzziness out and bring out some of the detail.

--ItsWalky 23:30, 3 December 2010 (EST)

Thumbs up on the caps you've uploaded today! --ItsWalky 17:24, 7 December 2010 (EST)

ALTernity Today stuff

Are you adding things from the website? Because that's not official and outside our jurisdiction. —Interrobang 19:30, 30 November 2011 (EST)

-Oh bum. —Charles RB 00:30, 1 Dec 2011 (GMT)

Prime Titan comics?

Hey, Charles, do you have the other Prime Titan issues? We're lacking information on them, because Abates can't get them anymore, and you seem to have the latest issue. Escargon (talk) 16:43, 25 April 2014 (EDT)

Nah, I just saw the current issue in a newsagents and bought it on impulse; that's the first one I've had since 2011. —Charles RB 22:26, 25 Apr 2014 (GMT)
Darn. Escargon (talk) 17:29, 25 April 2014 (EDT)


I saw your comment on the Allsark, and I wanted to apologize for being a dick. I often let my passagg from other parts of my life run unchecked here because I don't think anybody here really cares about anything I say, so I'm sorry for not really considering the person on the other side of the screen. Saix (talk) 09:45, 29 July 2016 (EDT)

Thanks - apology accepted. :) Charles RB (talk) 16:27, 29 July 2016 (GMT)

Silas-Breakdown source

Hi, do you have a source for the note you added about Cylas/Silas on his page? Forgive me if it's just me on my devices but I tried hitting the source link and it wouldn't take me anywhere. --Chopperface (talk) 18:11, 19 August 2016 (EDT) still works for me - might be your device? --Charles RB (talk) 12:17, 20 August 2016 (GMT)

Facebook fiction

Buddy, maybe calm down until we actually find out what all this is building up to? The "two week delay" rule may be defunct, but it was put in place for a reason. --Riptide (talk) 16:01, 31 December 2016 (EST)

Henry Orenstein

How does

He sings all the time,” Susie says. “He sings himself to sleep!”

become "His wife says sometimes sings the Transformers theme song in his sleep"? The only direct connection with the Transformers theme was made by how the interview is written and edited. From his wife's words alone, she's only talking about him singing in general, and he sings himself to sleep, not in his sleep.--Nevermore (talk) 08:00, 20 June 2017 (EDT)

My bad, I misread it at the time. --Charles RB
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