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Showing posts with label Snowdrops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snowdrops. Show all posts

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: February, 2013

Every month on the 15th I shake my head and say 'already?' Yes, it's already time, once again, for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day over at May Dreams Gardens. *(In fact, it's past time, now, as I'm getting this post published a day late). While I don't have tons of flowers in bloom, I have to say there are quite a few more than were available for January's bloom day post.

Hellebores are still in bud and bloom. Some still look very similar to photos from last month, while others have opened and continue to do so. I will probably have Hellebores in my blog posts in March and April, perhaps even beyond that.

H. x ballardiae "Pink Frost", a little less direct sunlight in this photo

Helleborus x nigercors (Winter Rose)
HCG "Green Corsican"

H. hybridus

Helleborus niger 'Jacob' (blooming since November and still producing buds and blooms)

H. hybridus "Red Lady"

Several varieties of Galanthus are scattered throughout the yard, all opening at various times through the winter and early spring--so they will continue to pop up when I least expect it. There are 'Giant Snowdrops', 'Common Snowdrops' and some that truly look like miniatures that are only now beginning to show the teensiest sign of a bud.

Galanthus nivalis (Common Snowdrop)

G. nivalis (Common Snowdrop)

G. elwesii (Giant Snowdrop)

Here is the only Scilla that began to pop out a tiny blue blossom a couple of days ago--so it shouldn't be too long until the whole flower begins to unfold. I planted a few more of them last year...

...also known as Squill

Crocus 'Romance' surprised me yesterday afternoon in one area of the garden, although like the Scilla, there is only one that showed its pretty head. The rest are all still in hiding.

And this one particular Hyacinth has been pushing out a bud for over a week and there is the faintest hint of blue.

Hyacinth (blue)
Golden Groundsel has evergreen foliage, generally in the heart-shaped leaf form. However, when it gets ready to form buds, they develop in longer, toothier-edged leaves. The buds start out reddish-purple, as they are right now (below):

Senecio aureus aka Packera aureus (Golden Groundsel, a native groundcover)
Last year, Golden Groundsel's buds looked like this in mid-March:

Golden Groundsel March, 2012

Later in the spring, they will turn bright yellow and look like an entirely different plant. Pretty cool! Here is a photo from last spring, the end of April:

Native Packera aureas (Golden Groundsel), April 28, 2012
Lastly...I found this mushroom/fungi growing on the edge of a small treestump in the yard. I thought it could be considered a 'bloom' so I'm including it :)

Narcissus have yet to flower in my yard, but foliage has been up for some time. I seem to have some late blooming daffodils...I guess I need to add some earlier bloomers.

I've been noticing all the Monarda foliage spreading throughout an area of the side garden. Maybe it will put on a good show this year, as I don't remember having so much of it in past years.  See all the squirrel holes (or deer tracks?)...they are all over the gardens.

Native Monarda didyma (Beebalm) foliage
Be sure to stop over at Carol's May Dream's Gardens to see what other gardeners around the world have blooming in mid-February.

What gifts have you discovered today? Until next time,

Words and photos ©Thanks for today.™, by Jan Huston Doble @
Not to be reproduced or re-blogged without express permission of the author.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Galanthus Order from Carolyn's Shade Gardens

I ordered some Galanthus (Snowdrops) from Carolyn at Carolyn's Shade Gardens. Carolyn owns a nursery in Pennsylvania and is shipping bare-root Galanthus for a limited time. I've never had Galanthus and have often admired them on blogs around the world, especially on many of the blogs in England, where Snowdrops are native. When I saw that Carolyn was shipping I realized this was my chance to get some for this season. Otherwise, I'd need to wait and order bulbs somewhere, for fall planting--and I just can never seem to remember to do that. It was exciting to receive the package of Galanthus yesterday, which I divided into 6 plantings.  I went right out and planted them all and took photos to document the occasion. With the massive amount of rain (and flooding) we were experiencing I went back out this morning and covered each plant so they'd be protected from getting flattened. So far they all look great and I couldn't be happier!

Galanthus nivalis is the Common Snowdrop. Here's the 1st bunch....
The 2nd bunch....

And the 3rd bunch...

Galanthus elwesii is the Giant or Turkish Snowdrop.  Here's bunch 1...

Bunch 2...

And bunch 3...

Why did I call them 'bunches'? It's not a gardening term that I'm aware just seemed appropriate as the sweet little plants were all bundled together in a damp wrapping and I pulled bunches of 3 or 4 at a time to put into plantings. 'Bunch' just seemed to work;-)

If you haven't visited Carolyn's blog you really should. She writes about shade loving plants as well as natives that she grows and makes available at her nursery. She's very knowledgeable and shares so much great information on loads of plants. Two posts on Galanthus that you might find interesting can be found by clicking these links:  Snowdrops: Further Confessions of a Galanthophile and Are Snowdrops Thermogenic? You can also find more information about her Galanthus orders, as well as look at her plant catalogue and find out about seminars she is offering:

"Nursery Happenings: I am currently accepting orders for snowdrops, including  mail orders.  For the catalogue and order information, click here.  I am taking reservations for my March 18 & 19 Hellebore Seminars.  For the brochure and registration information, click here.  The March 6 session of Charles Cresson’sSnowdrops and Other Winter Interest Plants Seminar has been rescheduled for March 13 and has a few spaces left.  For the brochure and registration information, click here"

Thanks again Carolyn! I'm happy to have something from you to plant in my garden;-)

Words and photos ©Thanks for today.™, by Jan Huston Doble @
Not to be reproduced or re-blogged without express permission of the author.
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