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dużo krąży zbiórek dla Palestyny, ale pewnie niektórzy z Was mają problem z przelewami zagranicznymi, a nawet jak nie, to tutaj zbiórka chłopaka z Gazy, który studiuje w Warszawie (na ewakuację rodziny do Egiptu)

co jeszcze można zrobić w Polsce:

  • UJ i UW właśnie prowadzą strajk okupacyjny, możecie do nich wbić i przynieść wodę czy jedzenie albo po prostu pogadać, mają też różne spotkania/wydarzenia
  • demo solidarnościowe, jeśli mieszkacie w dużym mieście na pewno jest tam społeczność arabska/palestyńska, protesty odbywają się regularnie i są spokojne
  • zaobserwujcie i udostępniajcie treści polskich Palestyńczyków i organizacji, które pomagają/nagłaśniają temat: np. na instagramie Emil Yahya Al Khawaldeh, tumarianina, Akademia dla Palestyny, Salam Lab

sa jeszcze kiermasze czasem


please don’t reject care and compassion because you feel like you don’t deserve it. no matter how small your wound is, it is worth being tended to. please don’t let your brain tell you otherwise. you deserve love and care.

(via marcepanna)










Weird peeve time. Calling lab grown gemstones “fake” is stupid because it’s the same shit just not formed naturally. An artificially grown diamond is the same shit as a natural diamond it is the exact same material bro it’s all fuckign carbon

It’s carbon it’s pretty and it didn’t involve slave labor what’s not to love??? Hi I’m having geology opinions tonight apparently. And I’m right

There is so much bullshit in the diamonds industry to be mad about tbh. It also ties into the bullshit of the wedding industry as a whole but we don’t have the time to unpack all that

not even going to lie, the day i learned i could get like 15 lab grown rubies the size of dimes for $20 is the day i spent $20 on rubies, and i have never once said to myself “man, i wish this cost $1,600 and the lives of eight children to produce”

We are a pro-lab-grown mineral blog here, not only is it massively cheaper but massively more ethical as well in many cases.

another very cool lab grown gem is Moissanite. It has a 9.25 on the mohs hardness scale where diamond is a 10. Moissanote also has a 2.69 refractive index in comparison to diamond’s 2.419 and here is the difference 


and the best thing about moissanite? It is all lab grown and it costs only a fraction of what diamond costs. So fuck the diamond indsutry and buy lab grown gems which cost significantly less

Also it’s just cool to think of some mad scientist lookin person doing shit against the law of the universe and making pretty gems for you. Like cmon. This shouldnt be allowed probably. But humans really be like on gOD i want some shiny an just started MAKIN em

for years people wanted alchemy, well now we have alchemy and we’re making gemstones out of it and suddenly “it doesn’t count” anymore

(via marcepanna)

elon musk parents dont like this post


The British colonization of Australia and Tasmania in particular was probably one of the most brutal and yet less known crimes of the British Empire. The extinction of the Tasmanian Tiger is well known and widely regarded as tragic; it’s very interesting that ‘experts’ at the time regarded it as a basal mammal condemned to extinction, so they did not lift a finger to save it until it was too late, and why would they anyways? It was in the way of the British farmers, so it had to be destroyed.

But it was not the only one against towards such arguments were used. The native Tasmanians, hunter-gatherers and as such percieved as “lower” in the “evolutionary scale” (which, as a biologist, I can tell you is a non-sensical concept, there is no such thing as an evolutionary scale), were also considered “destined towards extinction”, and the British colonists did their best to accomplish that. sometimes quite literally hunted as the British colonial goverment offered bounties for them. I will spare the most gruesome details, but it was a concerted attempt to wipe out an entire people from the face of the Earth, and they very nearly did it. Few other empires in modern times can be claim to be as 'successful’ in genocide as the British.

As an added insult, as a last spit on the face, there was also this:


“To see the ladder of evolution from fish to humans, you didn’t have to visit the American Museum of Natural History; the same racism in a lab coat appeared on book covers, too. William King Gregory criticized his old mentor, Henry Fairfield Osborn, for "pithecophobia” — a fear of apes and monkeys in the human family tree. But Gregory (like many people) shared Osborn’s views of race. This dust jacket includes six stylized faces and one real one. The Tasmanian face, apparently not quite human in Gregory’s view, is from a 19th-century photograph of a woman who may have been the last remaining member of Tasmania’s native population. Her name was Trucanini, and at the time her picture was taken, she was one of just five survivors in what could be termed an internment camp, established by the British. All of her companions were so ill that they would soon die. Trucanini died in 1876.“

(from Strange Science: The Rocky Road to Modern Paleontology)

(via marcepanna)

also. the bison politics history






Tom Cox @cox_tom Almost certainly the best thing I was ever told about owls was when I met an owl handler and he told me that the wild owls in the sanctuary where he worked worried about the tame show owls there and sometimes stopped by to leave them shrews and mice as presents.ALT

i used to work for a nature center and we would constantly have wild owls come and call out to the owls in their cages and try to 1.) get them to follow them or 2.) they were looking for a mate

in the spirit of this post: when you live in areas with wild horses, the number one culprit for horse theft is actually other horses, because the young stallions that get chased out of the herd wanna start their own, and oh, look, look at all those cute mares in just,,,,a fenced off grassy area,,,how easy would it be to lure them over the fence,,,like some four-legged yodeling pied piper,,,

i think about this a lot


This is so cute wtf

Social animals will see another animal amd be like: Is anyone going to befriend this? And then not wait for an answer.

Humans are, delightfully, nowhere near the only ones who do this.

(via akindplace)


watching a video about nth rooms. its way worse than i thought. my heart goes out to all south korean women


I was looking at the Garden of Earthly Delights earlier and??? Bosch painted a weird little seal-esque thing???



(via imiserabili)

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