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The meanderings of clinically depressed black guy

What’s up? Felt like I needed to change this. I am a crusty middle aged black anarchist who has done a lot of activism and shit. I shit on Biden and the Democrats, and laugh at how hilariously cartoonishly evil Republicans are. You will see a lot of political commentary sprinkled with some comic book shit. Hope you enjoy.





Lyin’ Biden Part II: Reup for re-election

Part 1

Well here we are America. This fucking walking sundown syndrome is running for President again. And now, I choose violence.

I mean shiiiiiiid. Biden started his re-election already lying!

Is this where we at America? Y’all about to start pulling out all of the stops to vote for the decrepit old rapist for 2024. Lesser of two evils? Making the world less shitty? “Harm Reduction?”

Well I won’t let you.

Holding Biden accountable is impossible for y’all even if you truly actually meant it. So this is about holding you, pussy ass liberals accountable. How low would you really fucking go to appease the Democratic Party? What principle would you sacrifice to re-elect this monstrosity of a candidate in the wake of an incoming climate collapse?

You can’t hide behind abortion because Biden allowed Roe v Wade to be overturned and once it was, did absolutely fuck all about it when he had the ability to do something about it? Can’t lie about protecting the climate because Biden has been just as anti-climate as Trump if not worse. He has militarized the police, started another war while instigating another war with China, kept those kids in cages, and done everything they feared Trump would do. So what’s the play now?


He is just going to keep lying to your face about it to stay elected.

Are you going to cover for him, Liberal? And I mean liberal in a John Locke sense because I know you guys are ideologically illiterate so I have to make myself clear.

The man is unfit and before you ask, “What else should we do?”

Do literally anything else because voting for Biden does nothing. He is essentially a George Bush Republicans and a relic of the Clintonian/Dixiecrat past.

But it’s a Lyin’ Biden and that means it’s fucking go time.


I don’t know @sussexlavender, I just don’t think I’d support someone who supports two different genocides via funding them and supplying them weapons or offering to assist with their ethnic cleansing. I think my bar is higher than supporting a genocide enabler but I guess I am high maintenance.

But we will get to that. Because!!!!!!


BIDEN: "I never really thought that I would see...have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children"  — FJ (@Natsecjeff) October 11, 2023ALT

Here we have Biden saying that he has seen pictures of Hamas beheading children. Now this has not been confirmed at all except by Joe Biden. I wonder if he has actually seen these pictures of beheaded children.



So he heard from his best buddy, Benji who swore to him that it’s true. But of course, it goes without saying….BIDEN LIEEEEEEED!!!!

Are you fucking serious? But sure, nowhere in this post or the previous one have I ever supported voting for a Republican. I don’t know how you keep creating this figment of your comprehension. But I am pissed off and today, I am going to fulfill my promise to make an example out of you and dicapitoe

So of course Joe Biden supports Israel. He always has. Can’t hold him accountable for supporting genocide and apartheid when from jump has always championed Israel desire to do that. But sure, let’s list the broken promises, shall we?

He broke his promise to ban fracking.


He has lied about ending Family separation at the border.


Biden waives Federal Land Grants to continue to build the border wall.

He has continued Trump’s plan to privatize the USPS by keeping the guy who was actively tasked to take it down under the previous administration in the same position so he can continue to do so

But hey, at least I am not supporting someone who said this.


Maybe I am not a huge proponent of Bidenomics….


Source because I know you motherfuckers can’t read the small text.

Maybe I don’t like championing the fact that Ukrainians are being used to fight in US’s proxy war and while I do support Ukraine’s need for resistance, I find it particularly distasteful to see it as a good financial expense as Ukrainians lose their lives to trench warfare.

Maybe, as a black man, I don’t support giving the police more money so Joey Back the Blue can position himself to the right of most Republicans.


I think I am being reasonable here in that I don’t want to support Joe Biden because he is very similar to Trump. I’d get the same shit under Trump so why bother?

But yeah, keep assuming that I am this sock puppet account trying to discourage people from voting blue. I don’t need to do that. Biden does a terrific job at it by himself.

so fun how you’re throwing all this shade and proposing absolutely no actionable solution! “dont vote biden!” okay what should usamericans do then? “dont vote biden!!!”. cool. so smart. this is how progress gets made. /s

dont fall for this shit yall. remember; any post that tries to get you riled up about a problem without any actionable advice is not to be taken seriously.

if you can vote, vote. vote on every level of govt you can.

First, I’ll going to say this with absolutely clear transparency:

I am not your fucking organizer.

Figure it out, you fucking genocide apologist. If you actually cared about anything beyond voting.

I don’t care if you vote for Biden. But don’t fucking act like you are making some dignified stance when you are not. It’s not an act of lesser of two evils. It’s simply choosing the evil that doesn’t effect you in anyway. It’s not ‘harm reduction.’ It’s harm redistribution. And you fuckers are too comfortable to shame people from having any criticisms or reservations about genocide Joe in spite of knowing how unelectable of a candidate he is now.

Fam, this was last updated in December. And here is a variation of advice from a sign that held by an infant protestor.


If criticizing Biden for killing people and lying to his constituents bothers you, take that up with the Democratic Party who immediately ignored all polling that no one actually wants to vote for Biden and wanted an alternative and then refused to hold primary debates or even in some states, actually put any other candidate on the ballot.


This your genocidal denying grave that you dug for yourself liberal.


This is the racist segregationist candidate that you chose to boot out to replace another racist segregationist candidate.


This is the Genocide that Bitcher Biden, the nigga y’all want to cape for, is complicit in.


This is the redistributed harm that you chose as acceptable.

I am from a little school of thought that states no politician is entitled to your political vote. You fuckers are too fucking comfortable in shaming people and that’s what this is about.

You should be ashamed. You should be scared. You should be compelled into action instead of sitting there like a little armchair political strategist asking me, someone who works in a union and feeds homeless people on my weekends, on what political action you should take.

Fuck out of here.

Because every fucking Liberal has decided to piss me off…..

Iiiiitttttssss TIME! For the Final Lyin’ Biden!!!!!!!

Tumblr will want to call me the greatest Russian Chaos Agent!!! Nigga I’m still here!!! From Ferguson to George Floyd, this blog is still on its bullshit.

Let’s start with his foreign policy.

Biden’s legacy will be filled with death and chaos in the Middle East.


NEW: The Biden adminstration “strongly opposes” the @BernieSanders/@RandPaul resolution blocking weapons sale to Saudi Arabia.  — Tracking Biden From The Left | Newsletter 9/18 (@BidenTracking) December 7, 2021ALT

(This one contributed to one of many humanitarian crisis in Yemen btw)

Killing children is something of a past time Biden and BiBi have in common.

(I know Somalia is in Africa)

Don’t worry I am saving Israel for last.

But of course it has come to this. Biden literally chose Chicago’s worst to be an ambassador purely based on political favor.

Biden helped Rahm fail upwards from corrupt mayor who covered up footage of cops brutally murdering a black man to ambassador of Japan. He also made stop and Frisk Mike Bloomberg the chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Board. The man packed his foreign policy with political favors and yes, men.

Biden has perennially increased the military budget.

Not once.

Not twice.

But three times.

And the Pentagon’s budget as well.

I mean for fuck’s sake, he has spent more than 18 times on the Pentagon than climate change.

And with those budgets, he has sold and sowed nothing but death in chaos.

Like he continued Trump’s policy on exporting Land Mines.

And exporting Drones.

Proposed sending troops to Haiti after having the President assassinated. And yes, he did it.

Supporting a coup in Venezuela

Bombing Somalia

Licensing riot gear and weapons to Peru after ousting far left President to quell protests and riots.

Selling faulty munitions to Ukraine to continue the quagmire that is the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Biden is a regular death dealer.

I mean Guantanamo Bay, that torture camp that he promised to close down, is worse under him than Trump!

But let’s get to Israel because wooo boy.

Let’s start with the fact that Biden has spent more on Israel than Climate Change.

Biden himself once said you can always tell what a politician values when you look at their budget and this man values death of brown people and genocide.

Don’t even need to look at the financials as human rights don’t mean shit to Biden either. He will defend wholesale genocide from being prosecuted to defend Israel.

He will commit to his bestie BiBi and be Genocide Bros with him.

Israel wants to expand the illegal settlements into Palestinian Land? Biden backs you.

Israel wants to pull to some antidemocratic shit? Well the so called champion and defender of Democracy will invite his best friend over and has some tea.

He will even send an aircraft carrier to assist in the slaughter of Palestinians.


Ladies and fellas, get you a person who got you like Biden got Israel.

“But Ubernegro, that’s foreign policy. He has been Good domestically.”

Mass deportations of Haitians because he has always hated Haiti.

Using Title 42 to expel nearing 2,000,000 people in spite of court’s saying he can’t.

Holding over 22000 people in ICE cages, over 7000 more than Trump ever did.

Extending Trump’s Title 42 usage without due process.

Continuing Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy.

Refusing to compensate families separated by Trump. And then arguing that they don’t deserve compensation in court.

The infamous Horse Border Patrol Unit

Placing immigrants in a prison in Louisiana that’s described as having a culture of that can lead to abuse.

Finishing Trump’s Border Wall. Continuing to seize land for it. And never once trying put it a stop to it.

Continuing family separation at the border and keeping kids in cages while keeping them in inhumane conditions

Continuing the law that punishes immigrants by deporting them for petty offenses like broken taillights.

Using ICE to hold more than 30,000 migrants in detention centers which is the most since 2020

Deporting over 25000 Haitians, including children back to Haiti

Absolutely allowing red states to commit gross violations of human rights on migrants such as kidnapping. No wonder he blocked media access to the Border.

Expanding Title 42 to five more countries.

And funding the fuck out of ICE with more money than any of the Trump years

And having no intention of providing vaccine access to the over 20,000 migrants detained by ICE

Who needs Trump when you got Joey Genocide?

But that’s just immigration.


Only canceling student debt for those making above 125k. Trying to means test student debt relief.

Cutting federal unemployment benefits to make his unemployment numbers look better(and that’s why you can’t tout his unemployment rate being low, ya libs)

Approving over 3000 driving permits on public land and doing so at a higher rate than Trump

Demanding the Supreme Court that federal agents cannot be held accountable for retaliating against free speech

Sending more military equipment to Police than Trump

Labeling BLM protesters as terrorists like Trump

Allowing oil to continue to flow through the Dakota Access Pipeline. Approving the Willow Project. Defending a mining project that cut through Apache land.

Outpacing Trump for new Oil and Gas Permits.

Refusing to call for a climate emergency during multiple climate crises.

Refusing to order the Pentagon to recall the billions of dollars of weapons they loaned to police

Breaking yet another promise and defending huge Trump oil project to continue

Not passing the promised $15 minimum wage(or failing to use a bully pulpit on Sinema or firing the parliamentarian)

Lying about those $2000 stimulus checks(that nigga owe us money)

Allowing Congress members to continue insider trading through their family members by not choosing a side

Openly championing to fund the police more and using copaganda talking points to exaggerate crime. And granting law enforcement over 300 million to hire more police. Even vetoing DC crime bill

Attempting to block a lawsuit declaring that there is no constitutional right to a stable climate system.

Stopping a policy that forces American think tanks to disclose public spending.

Allowing the Covid death toll to exceed 1 million and even hiding the spread by changing Covid map parameters and even saying the pandemic is over prematurely.

No more coming around these parts talking Vote Blue No Matter Who or how Trump is worse. Hush on all that shit. Shut the fuck up.

If you want to vote Biden, do it knowing that it’s not because of some sanctimonious justification that you are protecting people from a greater harm. You demand absolute fealty of others to support anyone with a D next to their name expecting things either become worse or the same. It’s not expecting Biden to be perfect. Voting is a tool and when that tool is going to enable and enact genocide no matter what…


Time to use a different tool.

So this is it. The big bonanza. No more of this shit. Fuck out of my face.

And now niggas are being racist against Haitians now. Wow.

I wish bourgeois black liberals would have some self-awareness and stop being openly and vocally supportive of Kamala by being dismissive of what’s happening in Palestine, Congo, and Sudan, and pitting your interests against their humanity. South Africa has been Palestine’s greatest international ally and they spent a year ensuring that Israel’s actions get recognized as genocide. Every African diaspora community save for Liberia is behind Palestinians and you uppity ass pick me’s really want to see a black woman at the helm of this imperialist machine for what? To feel validated.

If you want to vote for Kamala, fine but don’t be proud about it or act like this was some moral choice. It wasn’t. Stop getting into arguments defending Democrats who are now campaigning on more police funding and criminalization because it’s exactly the same playbook except with more complex routes. Fuck out of here.

Lol they framed the whole conversation about racism around Trump’s racist ass remark. Nothing about issues affecting black people. Nope, just a feckless discussion about Trump’s racism and why it’s bad. Fuck.

And do not come to me about Kamala being better than Trump for Palestinians anymore. She is literally trying to compete on whom would allow Israel to kill Palestinians more.

And do not get me started on immigration because Democrats allowed the Republicans to reframe this issue so much that Kamala is campaigning on more border security than Trump.




So can anybody name a single policy that Kamala was laid out and written as part of platform because she is going by just vibes right now?

She has no policies listed on her campaign website.

This is crazy. She is just going by vibes. If she wins this November, I really do not know what to say.

now she finally fucking added some yesterday, and at the bottom of every single section she goes “ohhh but watch out for Trump’s 2025 agenda!!!!!!!!!!! it’s soooo scary!!!!!”

Okay. It took her over a month but yeah

Kamala getting endorsed by Dick Cheney is not the rallying cry you think it is, liberals.





Kind of insane to see multiple reports that Israeli army mass killed their own people being dismissed as conspiracy for almost a year, authors smeared and harassed, — only for mainstream media now to publish this like a completely new information.

pro palis can’t take one day off to not be antisemitic

are you going to tell me the same people thay cheered and screamed free palestine while israelis and jewish bodies were counted and recovered suddenly care so much about this ,,whyte colonizers”?please

and also if this is true then that’s for israelis to call out not for you

“that’s for israelis to call out” is a wild thing to say about mass murder of the citizens by their military in general, but especially when said murder, along with atrocity propaganda about beheaded babies and mass rapes, is used to propel an almost a year-long US-backed genocide.

Not to mention that Israeli media has came to the same conclusion multiple times: 1 2 3 4 5

@wwanca you are full of shit and shameful











Thank you everyone who contributed to @mohammedhaboubsblog GFM and got them enough to stay housed for the month.

Now they are hoping to raise $10,000 USD to evacuate himself and his twin sister so they can resume their college education.

If you donate to their campaign, go here and fill out this quick survery (contact info and proof of donation) to be entered into a raffle to win this handmade, crocheted watermelon bag. anywhere in the US is eligible (if you pay shipping i can probably make international work as well)


Remember $10USD is about kr103 SEK and $18USD is about kr184 SEK.

Please donate now!

Details i love:


No donations since yesterday!! its crucial they make their goal this month so please donate!

if you donate and have trouble entering the raffle, leave me a comment or shoot me a message. thank you everyone who has already assisted, lets keep it up for Mohammed and Farah!

tagging under cut

Keep reading

Momentum is picking back up again, so lets keep it going! theres only a handful of raffle submissions at this point so you have a decent chance of winning if u enter!

Mohammed sent me this message earlier today. Please contribute to his fund to get safety. Please


Mohammed’s twin sister’s condition is deteriorating because of the horrific conditions she has been exposed to after her surgery. She needs to be able to evacuate This Week to seek propper medical care. Please dont let Mohammed loose his twin sister. He is risking his own life to get her help. Please dont let him down

They have currently raised kr145,928 SEK and need to reach kr190,000 SEK

That is equivalent to $14,211/$18,503 USD. $4,292 To Go

Until, his sisters evacuation is covered, all submissions to the raffle will be counted twice to encourage yall to donate


We have 5 Days to raise a little less than $4000. We can do this! reach out to your friends and families! You can post the raffle on other social media sites ! just please share and donate

Very little movement.Please keep sharing and donate if you can (remember the conversions)

Keep reading


Black liberalism, Palestine & US Imperialism

@ubernegro @el-shab-hussein

I think me, @vague-humanoid, and @el-shab-hussein could start a podcast talking so much shit about the Democrats. Just two anarchists and a dude just shitting on all varieties of liberals, but each one of us would be cautious of the topic of black liberals because you have to be conscious about what you are talking about. There are tiers to that. I can’t speak to vh, but I used to be considered one of the talented tenth and then depression and homelessness humbled my ass. I was like a black liberal for like a year and then I started going further left. It’s hard to approach compulsory black democrats let alone the divine nine super K-Hive that Kamala has cultivated. What we do have is experience of learned lessons with Obama and that will be difficult because niggas will swear up and down that Obama was literally heaven sent.



So can anybody name a single policy that Kamala was laid out and written as part of platform because she is going by just vibes right now?

She has no policies listed on her campaign website.

This is crazy. She is just going by vibes. If she wins this November, I really do not know what to say.

People think I am being a crusty leftist as if an Anarchist like me really gives a shit about this.

No, I am being as liberal as I can be. So much so that this shit hurts my soul. I keep bringing this up because Democrats typically are expected to have proposed policy on their platforms. They are supposed to give us something or announce it because that is their plan. Every fucking presidential candidate had a plan. And to those who ask, why does it matter, candidates typically go by their platform and attempt to fulfill those promises at a higher rate than what they say during campaign speeches. It’s their real agenda so to speak.

What is bothering my liberal side, let’s call him fubernegro, is that Kamala is foregoing an actual policy and is running on just vagueness on her record. Every progressive is leaning on her Senate voting record as signs that she is amenable but I don’t think that’s a good idea because Kamala has always been a chameleon in terms of her political record. The best way I can describe her is that she is 150% unbridled political ambition. This is a black woman who was part of the talented tenth. She has ridden every wave, ruined thousands of people’s lives, and will say or do anything to be where she wants to be. And I am factoring her race into this because black people know that we got to go 3 times as hard to get half the respect. She has to be put through bullshit of tolerating mediocrity and the best way for her to succeed is to let people ascribe what they think about you. Don’t be about shit. Don’t actually stand for anything particularly polarizing. That’s a survival tactic and I get the feeling that’s the plan.