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David Carvajal
  • Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales - Universidad de Valladolid
    Avda. del Valle Esgueva 6, 47011, Valladolid (España)
Research Interests:
Resumen: El desarrollo fi nanciero castellano a fi nes del siglo XV e inicios del XVI fue un fenómeno extendido del que pudieron participar gran parte de los castellanos. Tanto legisladores como teóricos-moralistas trataron de orientar la... more
Resumen: El desarrollo fi nanciero castellano a fi nes del siglo XV e inicios del XVI fue un fenómeno extendido del que pudieron participar gran parte de los castellanos. Tanto legisladores como teóricos-moralistas trataron de orientar la expansión del crédito a través del desarrollo de un marco legal y ético que ejerció como referente de una conducta deseada. No obstante, los problemas derivados del impago de muchos préstamos o ventas al fi ado y el consiguiente pleito por deudas llegaron a suponer un confl icto que, en muchos casos, pudo ser encauzado gracias a la acción de las nuevas y reformadas instituciones castellanas. Palabras clave: pleito; deuda, crédito, impago, Castilla.

Abstract: In the late 15 th century and early 16 th century, Castilian fi nancial development was a widespread phenomenon in which a large part of the Castilian population took part. Both legislators and moralising theorists endeavoured to guide the expansion of credit through the development of a legal and ethical framework as a point of reference for a desired behaviour. Nevertheless, problems arising from unpaid loans and credit sales and the consequent debt litigation developed into a confl ict that, in many cases, could be channelled thanks to the action of new and reformed Castilian institutions.

SUMARIO 1. Introducción.-2. Sobre la importancia del crédito.-3. La concordia: cuando el crédito se convierte en deuda.-4. El confl icto: el impago y la desconfi anza.-4.1. La teoría sobre el impago y los remedios para evitarlo.-4.2. La práctica ante el impago: los pleitos por deudas.-5. La conclusión del pleito y las repercusiones del impago.-6. Conclusiones.-7. Bibliografía citada.
The Daza’s: Aragonese Merchants in Medina del Campo Despite their vicinity, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Castile and Aragon occasionally appear as two distant realities. The aim of this work is to show the relevance of... more
The Daza’s: Aragonese Merchants in Medina del Campo
Despite their vicinity, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Castile and Aragon occasionally appear as two distant realities. The aim of this work is to show the relevance of economic contacts between these regions, in particular through the arrival of Aragonese merchants to the Duero surroun- dings at the end of the fifteenth century. On the basis of the case of the Daza family, and thanks to its archive, we intend to study the settling of these mer- chants from Calatayud, their integrations and the formation of an important patrimony, focusing on its transmission and the inversion in companies.

Keywords: Merchants, Castile, Crown of Aragon, Patrimony, Daza.


La familia Daza: mercaderes aragoneses en Medina del Campo
A pesar de ser territorios vecinos durante los siglos XV-XVI, Castilla y Ara- gón aparecen como dos realidades en ocasiones distantes. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en mostrar la relevancia de los contactos económicos entre ambas regiones, en particular a través de la llegada de mercaderes aragoneses al entorno del Duero a fines del siglo XV. Partiendo del caso de la familia Daza y gracias a su archivo, se pretende estudiar el asentamiento de estos mercaderes de Calatayud, su integración y la conformación de un importante patrimonio a partir de su transmisión y de la inversión en compañías.

Palabras clave: mercaderes, Castilla, Corona de Aragón, patrimonio, Daza.
The transition between 15th and 16th century was one of the most intense periods of institutional change in Castilian and Spanish history. The impact of institutional changes affected all spheres (administration, society and economy) and... more
The transition between 15th and 16th century was one of the most intense periods of institutional change in Castilian and Spanish history. The impact of institutional changes affected all spheres (administration, society and economy) and boosted important activities such as commerce and finances. The development and the improvement of legislation, together with the institutional reform of notaries and civil justice, demonstrate how the combination of institutional changes was profitable for the major part of Castile. The present article aims at showing the bases of these reforms and its relation with the economic performance. The main objective is to analyze to what extent law, notaries and civil-royal justice exerted influence over the improvement of property rights and contract enforcement. In addition, these topics must be understood within a social and cultural framework ruled by moral principles that, in concordance with the reforms, made possible the assimilation of institutional changes by Castilians and foreigners, which favored the intense economic growth until the second half of the 16th century.

Keywords: Institutional Reforms; Justice; Law; Notaries; Castile.
RESUMEN: El interés actual sobre la desigualdad, acentuado como consecuencia de la crisis económica, no es algo novedoso entre los autores vinculados a la Historia del Pensamiento Económico occidental. El presente estudio realiza un... more
RESUMEN: El interés actual sobre la desigualdad, acentuado como consecuencia de la crisis económica, no es algo novedoso entre los autores vinculados a la Historia del Pensamiento Económico occidental. El presente estudio realiza un recorrido, desde la Antigüedad a nuestros días, en el que se expone la visión que los principales representantes del pensamiento económico mantenían respecto a la desigualdad. En particular, el trabajo trata de establecer si en este largo camino existe una vinculación clara entre la desigualdad y el triunfo de la propiedad privada en los sistemas económicos occidentales. A través del análisis de textos originales, así como de las consideraciones de los especialistas en el estudio del pensamiento económico, el trabajo muestra una relación, más o menos evidente, entre ambas realidades. Aunque no faltan críticas contra la consolidación de la propiedad privada y la existencia de desigualdad, la primera ha sido plenamente aceptada e integrada en los sistemas económicos contemporáneos, apenas hay debate o cuestionamiento sobre ella. Por otro lado, la desigualdad presenta un panorama diferente. A pesar de reconocer su vigencia y de ser uno de los temas de mayor interés entre la academia, existen diferentes posiciones sobre su origen, su evolución y sobre el nivel de desigualdad de nuestro mundo. El debate en torno a la desigualdad, lejos de agotarse, supone una propuesta atractiva para futuras investigaciones.

ABSTRACT: he current interest about inequality, heightened as a consequence of the economic crisis, is not new among authors linked to the History of Western Economic Thought. This study explores the views that leading authors of economic thought have held about inequality from Antiquity to our days. In particular, the paper is an attempt to establish a link between inequality and the triumph of private property in Western economic systems in the long term. Through the analysis of original texts and previous works of specialists in the field of economic thought, the study shows a relationship, more or less evident, between both aspects. Although criticism against the consolidation of private property and the existence of inequality abound, the former has been fully accepted and integrated into contemporary economic systems and therefore there is hardly any debate or questioning about it. On the other hand, inequality offers a different outlook. While accepting its presence as a fact, inequality generates great interest among the academy, whose members defend diverse positions regarding its origin, its evolution and today’s level of inequality. The debate on inequality, far from being exhausted, is an attractive proposal for future research and reflectio.
In recent decades, international historiography has made a great effort to understand the role played by private credit in medieval and modern economies. The viewpoints analysed by historians include the study of legal, social and... more
In recent decades, international
historiography has made a great effort to
understand the role played by private credit
in medieval and modern economies. The
viewpoints analysed by historians include
the study of legal, social and economic
aspects of credit. In this respect, seizing
on the social and economic situation in
Castile at the end of the Middle Ages,
this paper aims to set forth some keys to
understanding private credit in the Crown
of Castile. The combined analysis of the
theoretical bases of credit, its application
and its impact on the development of
social ties constitutes a fi eld of research
with great potential.
Keywords: credit; debt; litigation; fi nan- cial history; crown of Castile.
ABSTRACT: Since the late 15th century, Valladolid went through a period of prosperity that strengthened its position as one of the most significant towns in the Crown of Castile during the 16th century. This propitious context, favouring... more
ABSTRACT: Since the late 15th century, Valladolid went through a period of prosperity that strengthened its position as one of the most significant towns in the Crown of Castile during the 16th century. This propitious context, favouring the development of commercial and financial businesses, prompted the appearance of individuals who, alongside their families, began to increase their economic power and to reinforce their social links, leading them to occupy a position among the urban elite. The aim of this paper is to trace the figure of Antonio de Paredes, a moneychanger, considering both his financial activities and his growing presence among Valladolid’s urban elite. This greater presence, along with his economic status and his well-earned reputation, paved the road for his sons to become part of the town’s local council.

RESUMEN: Desde finales del siglo 􀀀􀀁, Valladolid atravesó un período de florecimiento que terminó por consolidar a «la villa del Esgueva» como uno de los centros neurálgicos de la Corona de Castilla durante el siglo 􀀀􀀁􀀂. En este contexto tan propicio para el desarrollo de los negocios comerciales y financieros, nuevos personajes y sus familias comenzaron a acrecentar su poder económico y a reforzar sus relaciones sociales, para terminar ocupando un lugar entre la sociedad urbana. El objetivo de este trabajo es trazar el camino seguido por el cambiador Antonio de Paredes a partir de su actividad financiera y de su creciente presencia entre las elites vallisoletanas. Una presencia que, junto a su capacidad económica y a su bien ganada reputación, acabaron por impulsar a sus hijos hasta formar parte del regimiento de la villa.
Abstract The expansion of the Castilian economy at the end of the Middle Ages and in particular the development of business encouraged both international and regional trade. In this context, the possibility to diversify investment in... more
The expansion of the Castilian economy at the end of the Middle Ages and in particular the development of business encouraged both international and regional trade. In this context, the possibility to diversify investment in companies and the existence of new forms of labour organization were the two pillars that sustained the growth of commerce and the supply of different products. Moreo-ver, the increasing demand from urban centres and the use of inland waterways consolidated some businesses like the wood trade, a scarcely known activity that will be the focus of this study.
Research Interests:
This chapter describes the key changes in terms of money, credit and banking in the 1000 to 1500 period within the various kingdoms. It highlights how after a period of late monetization, each Christian kingdom transitioned to centralized... more
This chapter describes the key changes in terms of money, credit and banking in the 1000 to 1500 period within the various kingdoms. It highlights how after a period of late monetization, each Christian kingdom transitioned to centralized models that were well-articulated with their European counterparts while keeping important distinctive traits. Nevertheless, the demand for means of payment on behalf of kings, merchants and other agents stimulated the development of credit. The need for credit spanned the entire Peninsula and the urban/rural divide. Thus, all countries saw the emergence of lively credit markets for (mostly private) borrowers, buttressed by functioning courts and regulations. These markets involved both specialists and non-specialists, but it was only in the Crown of Aragon where financial agents transitioned to institutionalized banks.
This paper explores how Valladolid, one of the main urban nodes in the early 16th, took part in the fiscal policy of the Crown through extraordinary payments for the "Servicio" granted to the kings. In particular, the paper focuses on... more
This paper explores how Valladolid, one of the main urban nodes in the early 16th, took part in the fiscal policy of the Crown through extraordinary payments for the "Servicio" granted to the kings.
In particular, the paper focuses on the quantitative evolution of the "Servicio" in Valladolid, on the role of the council and its members, on the sources of financing the payments and on the members of the oligarchy in charge of managing the collection and payment system.
The work focuses on a period of important economic and social development, marked by the fall of the local fairs and culminating in growing unrest prior to the conflict of the "Comunidades" in 1521.
In 1495 the «Concejo» of Valladolid accepted the Monarch’s appeal to the cities and villages of the Kingdom to take on the control of the royal tax collection by means of an «encabezamiento». The introduction of this new system of... more
In 1495 the «Concejo» of Valladolid accepted the Monarch’s appeal to the cities and villages of the Kingdom to take on the control of the royal tax collection by means of an «encabezamiento». The introduction of this new system of administration and collection of the «alcabala» in Valladolid brought along the reorganization of the vast majority of the fiscal activity, an opportunity for several local and foreign financiers to settle and increase their participation in the taxation business. The present paper aims at characterizing the main actors in this process. From the description of the events, we try to comprehend the strategies of dispute and cooperation developed both among those actors and with other local businessmen in order to control the administration of the main taxes and to intervene in the local taxation business.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
The present book offers a catalog of over 7000 documents regarding merchants in notarial registries from the province of Valladolid from 1486 to 1520.
Open access: Despite their vicinity, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Castile and Aragon occasionally appear as two distant realities. The aim of this... more
Open access:

Despite their vicinity, during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Castile and Aragon occasionally appear as two distant realities. The aim of this work is to show the relevance of economic contacts between these regions, in particular through the arrival of Aragonese merchants to the Duero surroundings at the end of the fifteenth century. On the basis of the case of the Daza family, and thanks to its archive, we intend to study the settling of these merchants from Calatayud, their integrations and the formation of an important patrimony, focusing on its transmission and the inversion in companies.