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A free arcade game series from Vivaldi.

Download Vivaldi

Vivaldia 1 is only available through the Vivaldi browser.

Play Vivaldia 2

Vivaldia 2 is also available on Steam.

Vivaldia game video

Heya rojekê her tişt bi aramî bû…

Vivaldia wakes up to discover that her peaceful city has been taken over by the big evil machines who want to steal everyone’s identity and turn people into numbers. If the humans don’t fight back, their future looks bleak.

Li ber zor û zehmetiyê, Vivaldia xurt dibe û li dijminên xwe digere. Ew ji bo rizgarkirina mirovên bajêr bi wan re şer dike.

Vivaldia siwar dibe yek-tekera xwe ya nînja ya sîbernetîk, ku jê re dibêjin CyclePunk û berê xwe dide makîneyên mezin ên xerabkar. Car carinan, ji wê re wiha xuya dike ku ne pêkan e kudi vê şêerê de mirov biserkeve lê bi wêrekî û hêzê, Vivaldia bi ser dikeve. Xerabî winda dike û mirov dikare doza bajêr û paşeroja xwe bike. Vivaldia dilê mirovan xweş dike.

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Vivaldia game video

The story continues…

Vivaldia is transported to a Lost Valley where she must continue her fight against evil. Embarking on a thrilling adventure, facing robots and prehistoric dinosaurs, Vivaldia has to save a new world, this time from the clutches of the malevolent Robot Overlord.

Pitted against relentless robotic foes and navigating through dense and perilous jungles, scorching lava-fields, and treacherous swamps, Vivaldia once again seems faced with an impossible challenge.

With the fate of the land in her hands – will Vivaldia rise to the occasion?

Play Vivaldia 2

Download the Vivaldia theme

Ji bo listîkvanan geroka herî bihêz

Vivaldi bi hemû taybetiyan tijî ye yên ku tu ji gerokekê nûjen hêvî dikî, lê di heman demê de gelek alavên jîr ên cihgirtî jî hene ku gerokê hêsantir, bilez û bi kêftir dike.

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Meet the developers

Vivaldi is proud to partner with Porcelain Fortress, a game development company from Reykjavík, Iceland. Porcelain Fortress looks to the arcade games and consoles of yesteryear for inspiration. They build new and exciting experiences from those roots with the technology of tomorrow.

The Porcelain Fortress team was born and raised in the vibrant decades of the 80s and 90s and we all share a collective nostalgia for the pixelated magic of those times. The first Vivaldia game drew its inspiration from Atari games like Pitfall and Jungle Hunt but for the sequel we wanted to create an ode to DOS Shareware games and the old Sega and Nintendo console games we played in our youth.

Derbarê Vivaldiyê

Vivaldi is a powerful, personal, and private browser that adapts to you, not the other way around.

With a flexible, and fully customizable interface, we strive to offer the best Internet experience on any device and currently cover platforms such as Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, iOS, Android, and Android Automotive.

Mîsyona bingehîn a Vivaldi ev e ku bi du rêzikên bingehîn re geroka herî çemînbar û tijî taybetmendî ava bike: taybetî berdest e û her tişt vebijarkek e. Di pratîkê de, ev tê wateya avakirina nermalava çemînbar a ku nihêniya te diparêze lê di heman demê de naşopîne ka tu yê wê çawa bi kar tînî. Vivaldi bawer dike ku nermalava taybet û parastî divê rêzîkek be, ne îstîsna.