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Forecast for Tue, Aug 07

It�ll take a few days to absorb the effect of yesterday�s main events: The favorable trine aspect between establishment-friendly Saturn and regenerative Pluto that may eventually fix some of the disasters taking place around the globe. Jupiter�s change of direction, from retrograde to direct, will take a few days to gather steam, but the expansive nature of the planet may have an effect on financial markets, foreign relations, sports and the media, anyway. However, the one aspect that could touch your heart, or stick a knife through it, is the testy square between affectionate Venus and aggressive Mars this afternoon. Some folks will get off on the friction, others won�t. The Gemini moon, per usual, fosters conversation or, if you are so inclined, way too much gossip.

Curious about the future? Order a personalized Transit Forecast (30 to 40 + pages) detailing the major themes and issues that will arise over the next 12 months. Send name, date, time and place of birth, with a check or money order for $40 plus $3.50 s&h;, to ROCKIE GARDINER, 6701 Colbath Ave., Valley Glen, CA 91405.

Also: Free Will Astrology, a weekly horoscope by Rob Brezsny
Rockie Weekly Horoscope August 3 through 9
General Forecast

If it�s easy come, then while the celebratory Leo sun and generous Jupiter trine in fire signs, it�s sure to be easy go. Not as easy, probably after an extended struggle, Saturn and Pluto, the heavy-duty planets, form their long-awaited supportive trine this weekend. Jupiter comes out of retrograde at 10 Sag on Monday, but doesn�t inch forward for another two weeks. Meanwhile Mercury, after almost 10 weeks in watery Cancer, begins two weeks in Leo drying off. Militant Mars advances into Gemini late Monday; retrograde Venus beats a hasty retreat out of Virgo on Wednesday.

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Aries: Mar. 20 - Apr. 19

Anticipate a change of tone and technique as your Mars ruler switches signs. Come Monday, the red planet exits from trustworthy Taurus and enters Gemini, the sign of the generalist. While slowly and steadily may have described how you approached matters during the past six weeks, in the sign of the Twins, you�ll tend to take a quick look at both sides of every issue, deliberating the pros and cons with everyone you know. Gathering information can be important, but you shouldn�t let all that chattering get in the way of a romantic encounter midweek.

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Taurus: Apr. 20 - May 20

Relax. Shortly after the weekend is over, macho Mars leaves your sign, not to return for another two years. So much for the surge in productivity you�ve enjoyed, not to mention bossing other people around. Now you can go back to being the artist and gentle soul we know and love. But with Mars moving into your Gemini money house, you could assume a more active role in financial matters over the next seven weeks while your retrograde Venus ruler revisits your Leo house of domesticity, redecorating as she goes.

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Gemini: May 21 - Jun. 20

You might need the boost of physical energy or increased motivation you�ll get after Mars enters Gemini late Monday, but some Twins are already antsy enough. They may have to curb the urge to undertake more than what�s on their plate; otherwise slash-and-burn Mars could do them bodily harm. If you�re known to be accident-prone, you�ll need to be even more aware of your surroundings and the tools you�re using. On the other hand, sometime during Mars� seven-week transit is a good time to have elective surgery, dental work, laser resurfacing, etc., done by someone else.

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Cancer: Jun. 21 - Jul. 22

Get ready to reassess your assets. After Venus returns to your Leo house of values and valuables on the 8th, you could wind up spending the next two months focusing on what you have, what it�s worth and what you want to do about it. Acquire, divest or trade? It all depends on how you feel, which is what changes whenever Venus changes signs and direction. Just keep in mind that the planet of love and beauty will leave Leo in October, the same week the Libra new moon presents the Moon Child with a fresh family or housing concern.

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Leo: Jul. 23 - Aug. 22

The weekend starts on a high note as your sun ruler and enthusiastic Jupiter perfect a rewarding trine in heartfelt fire signs. After you milk this joyous connection for all it�s worth, shift your attention to the power inherent in another supportive trine, this one between ambitious Saturn at the tail end of Leo and persuasive Pluto in Sagittarius. With these two potent forces at your beck and call, you literally can move mountains, e.g., the mountain of crap piling up in the basement. Midweek retrograde Venus revisits Leo to redo your current �look.�

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Virgo: Aug. 23 - Sep. 22

Three of the personal planets change signs this week, and they all could affect you. On Saturday, your Mercury ruler leaves watery Cancer, where it�s been since Memorial Day, for a quick two weeks in cheery Leo before it reaches your sign. Late Monday, energetic and, when necessary, abrasive Mars enters Gemini, the sign governing your career. More work in the next few weeks, perhaps more aggravation as well. Next Wednesday, affable, albeit retrograde Venus exits Virgo, backtracks through Leo for another two months and doesn�t return until Columbus Day.

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Libra: Sep. 23 - Oct. 22

You get to be both the judge and the guinea pig. Take notes. Are you a more erotic creature when your Venus ruler teeters on the edge of Virgo? Or is the goddess� proximity to Saturn in late Leo the cause? How hot and bothered were you during the July Fourth holiday when the two planets first merged? Might there be a repeat performance this month when Venus crosses the cusp between Virgo and Leo on the 8th and meets up again with Saturn on the 13th? Will you report back to us after Venus and data-driven Mercury conjunct on the 16th?

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Scorpio: Oct. 23 - Nov. 21

It might be a little late in coming, but the rewarding trine between prosperous Jupiter in your Sag money house and the Leo sun in your career zone can make this week more profitable than you imagine. Plus, there�s a backup trine involving your Pluto co-ruler and Saturn that�s less about money than power and position. Either way, not too shabby. Meanwhile Mars, your other ruling planet, leaves earthy Taurus, where it�s been stirring up allies and opponents, for Gemini, the knowledgeable air sign that could get you airborne.

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Sagittarius: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21

The closer to the winter solstice you were born, the more you�ll benefit from the positive trine between transformational Pluto in late Sag and constructive Saturn in Leo. Monday is also the day that your optimistic Jupiter ruler comes out of retrograde and turns direct. And before you wake up Tuesday morning, sexy Mars will have entered Gemini, the sign of your cosmic mate, hell-bent on juicing up significant relationship until Sept. 28. If you�re still looking for that summer romance, keep your eyes open and take off the shades.

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Capricorn: Dec. 22 - Jan. 20

Read for Sag. It�s your Saturn ruler that is finally forming a favorable aspect with regenerative Pluto. Goats who�ve been asking for their guardian angel may feel its divine presence all week long. Although the rewarding trine has been a long time coming, its effects can last a long time as well. Also this week, Mars enters your Gemini house of work, service and health, to invigorate that part of your life. If you haven�t been exercising, now would be the time to take up an activity that�s both good for you and good fun.

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Aquarius: Jan. 21 - Feb. 18

If patience is the key to heaven, a door may crack open during the rewarding trine between powerful little Pluto in your house of colleagues and status-seeking Saturn in your Leo house of partnership. Lord knows it�s been a long two years since Saturn started overseeing the course of your significant relationships; however, that stewardship is coming to an end. Over the Labor Day weekend, the not-so-gentle giant will move on to Virgo, not to darken the Leo doorstep for another 29 years. But before then, another romantic encounter with loving Venus next weekend.

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Pisces: Feb. 19 - Mar. 19

It�s the old, traditional rules and rulerships that mean a lot this week. Before Neptune was discovered in 1846, Jupiter governed the Fish. So as the jolly giant changes direction on Monday and faces forward once again, you could feel that your fortunes are changing as well. Another indication that there�s a payoff in the works for your consistent approach to a career matter would be the supportive trine to Pluto at the top of your chart from industrious Saturn in Leo. At long last, approval from your co-workers.

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