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Nine worm sabotaged says Ray

Ray Martin says someone sabotaged Nine's feed of the Leaders' Debate.

At the end of the telecast Martin apologised to viewers for a loss of picture, which was covered by switching to Sky News instead.

“So much for free speech,” he said.

The Nine Network superimposed the famous worm, registering viewer feelings on the two leaders, despite it being unwelcomed by Howard.

“Nine breached the conditions of the broadcast (agreement),” a Liberal Party spokesman said. “It’s a matter for the National Press Club.”

After a dull Debate, it's likely to cause more discussion on Monday than anything the two leaders had to say.



Anonymous said...

Channel 9 broke the rules and got punished for it...this should be another wake up call for 9 that they are no longer the dominant player in TV in this country and the arroagance they used to get away with when they were will no longer be tolereated...Craig

Anonymous said...

It was hysterical - the ONLY transmission to watch.

Everytime Howard mentioned those two words "Peter Costello" the 'worm' took a dive - off very low levels to start with!

Could the 9 'wormers' have all been undecided swinging voters? Rudd's numbers would jump before he spoke while Howards would just sit. I guess it is true that generally people are over him - whichever way they vote in November.

james said...

Anonymous #1, why should the government dictate to a television station whether they can or cannot show a silly little graphic at the bottom of the screen. We do enjoy freedom of the press, do we not?

Anonymous said...

Apparently the feed was lost TWICE,so no mistake. As Ray said so much for free speech. Nice to see Nine is still as arrogant as ever,it suits them.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the best editorial decisions Channel 9 has made for a long while.

'The worm' simply indicated to Australia, what we already knew - that it's time for an aging negative bigot to head for the history books of an Australian classroom.

No television network in this country, should be forced to comply with political pressure to withdraw any form of debate.

Last night was the first time I've watched Channel 9 for more than 5 minutes.

Dan Barrett said...

You complain it was dull? What were you expecting from the "debate"?

Anonymous said...

I've regained a lot of respect for Channel 9 over this. It's absolutely disgraceful for the Government to try and dictate to the media like this. The National Press Club was wrong to just bow down to Howard's requests like that. I thought we valued freedom of the press in Australia?

Anonymous said...

You had a choice, worm on 9 or no worm on ABC/radio/sky. According to the ratings, worm wins hands down!

Freedom of speech isn't that hard!

Anonymous said...

Whats with Ray giving the finger in that screenshot.

Anonymous said...

Channel 9 didn't break the rules. Howard wanted his way. I watch Today this morning and heard their and read other side story on the internet. Howard is a granky bastard and it showed last night. And I also saw and it was confirmed this morning on Today that Liberal ministers were talking last night during the debate. As Ray Martin said it is OUR ELECTION. Howard used his status to get his way.

josh said...

i really see howard's point in this arguement.

the wormers were so anti haoward that it puts him in a bad light. and he knew that it would be like that because chanell 9 have always picked a anti howard grouo of people

Anonymous said...

If Howard doesn't like something, he abuses his powers to get it. He's done this for 11 years how. Enough's enough.

To call the worm biased is ignorant; the fact Howard didn't want it, and caused such a fuss over it, shows he doesn't care about free speech.

Quite ironic how the new Citizenship test requires immigrants to UNDERSTAND that we have "freedom of speech" in this country, ....yet the Prime Minister won't even allow it if it makes him look bad.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it had anything to do with the PM and people saying it does are just stupid.

1. we don't no what happened
2. The PM was on the stage at the time so it not like he called up and asked for it to be taking of the air so stop saying he gets his way.

3. I think Kevin Rudd is a huge lier but i am not going to go around saying he is a lier as i don't no the truth.

4. The warm was bs when Kevin Rudd was not talking he was still at the top. When the PM was talking it was in the RED. People who where working on the worm are stupid.

5. If Kevin Rudd is saying the truth GOD HELP YOU as all of them lie at some point.

davnap said...

Oh please. Wake up people. The 'worm' is nothing but entertainment and it can be stacked soooo easily. People can react to how people are looking, not what they are saying. If they have sweat on thier brows or if, as is the case with John Howard who has a hearing aid , they stare as they are concentrating on a question - then the worm reacts. But why? They haven't said anyhing yet! It's all based on perception. Not reality. Did anybody notice that the worm actually started high on many occassions for both sides? What? Did the audience know what the answer was going to be? Or did they just default to a predetermined position on the matter and the person speaking?

They use the worm technology for testing films now. And I can tell you. It's a crock. It forces the filmmaker to question every choice he or she makes and in the end, if he or she chooses to follow it, a boring middle of the road picture results.

Let me spell it again W-O-R-M = E-N-T-E-R-T-A-I-N-M-E-N-T. Nothing else.

ps. If anyone truly believes the Government has the power to cut feeds to Networks which attempt to circumvent agreements they've made with the owners of the broadcast rights then you are sad, sorry, paranoid people. If Nine lied to the Press Club, then the Press Club has the right to withhold it's rights. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

To the person who said Kevin Rudd's a liar, do you remember children overboard? Apparently children were being thrown overboard, according to Howard, but it turned out to be a lie.

Perhaps you've found those WMDs Howard said existed when he sent out men and women off to fight in a war we didn't want.

If not, then it makes Howard a liar.