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To be replaced by THIS?

Big Brother to be hosted by Kyle and Jackie O?

I know I wound my clock forward, but I didn't wind it to April Fool's Day did I?

This has to be the the worst decision by TEN all year.

Removing Gretel Killeen is one thing. But THIS?

I can see some logic in moving on from Gretel. The show has been tired and woefully miscast its housemates for years. It clearly needed the axe or a major re-vamp. This will be a last-ditched attempt to revive its form. Sadly for Killeen she too closely represents the show as we know it. TEN had to cut her in order to say to the audience BB 2008 is not the show as you know it. And in truth it has probably served Killeen as much as it could ever deliver her. Where else is there for her to go with the show?

But Kyle and Jackie O?

To assume the BB viewing audience are all the Austereo generation is to underestimate the show's capacity. One of the problems has been its stubborn refusal to move beyond housemates who are all under the age of 30. Here is a chance to show that the social experiment that was BB can be so much more. Installing these two does not give me any faith TEN can move beyond this demographic. Other reality shows from Survivor to The Biggest Loser all cast beyond the tweens with considerable success.

Unless you count the Logies Red Carpet Arrivals, Jackie O is yet to host a hit TV show, although Kyle has managed to make something of his Idol inclusion. But judging isn't hosting, which requires an enormous degree of likability.

But like her or not, Killeen has set the benchmark for intelligent questions on Big Brother.

I'll leave it at that.....


Anonymous said...

i hated gretel but at least she was better than kyle who just seems to swear and abuse people all the time. absolutely irratating that i would now have to put up with him for 5 months of television!!!

i might just have to ditch eviction shows all together!

Anonymous said...

Its Time To Go..........................BB!!

Seriously, I don't really care who hosts this show (and Gretel is one annoying host in my book) i think its time this show was no longer in the 'TV Curriculum'.

Anonymous said...

The Big Brother website is now confirming these hosts

I love that they are finally making some changes but I'll reserve judgement on hosting until I see them at work.

I haven't seen Jackie's various hosting efforts before - but understand she is a big fan of the show - especially the UK version which is more mature.

It can't be as bad as the US version who has absolutely no personality as still a great show!

Nathan87 said...

Love or Hate Kyle and Jackie they are popular... I think this is a brilliant decision, revamp it with people who have television experience and are proven ratings winners on the radio and bringing this into a television format will put BB on top again. I can see how alot of Melbourne and other states may not agree with this, thats because they dont listen to Kyle and Jackie everyday and have a habbit of stereotyping them to little teeny bopper former Hot 30 hosts, but they have moved on from that and have the biggest mixed audience in Australian radio.

Anonymous said...

Yet another reason not to watch this pointless garbage. YUK!

David Knox said...

Interesting angle Nathan, although their TV experience is not a great track record yet.

Kyle and Jackie O are both broadcast on Fox in Melbourne.

Dodge said...

Oh god, what an awful decision. I'm just glad I'm not a huge BB fan.

But yet again, it's "If you're big in Sydney, you must be big everywhere else"

Rating well on radio doesn't mean you're popular TV personalities.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't be happier to hear this news!!!

Jackie O is the kiss of death when it comes it TV shows- Australian Princess, The Nation and Surprise Surprise Gotcha. So hopefully she can make it fourth time lucky and kill off Big Brother once and for all!

I love the idea of two hosts, it may actually make it a little bit more interesting (not that the show is all that good in the first place), but to put these two in place is just a horrible idea....

Anonymous said...

Come on, Gretel was bad, but not as bad a Kyle and Jackie O. What "talent" does Jackie O have again? Oh that's right, none. She incredibly ignorant and annoying and this will surely be the nail in the coffin for the show.

Ten have themselves to blame for approaching a talentless "hosts" like O and Kyle.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more David..have some older Housemates!!Also Kyle and Jackie O are just not watchable in disliked here..I'd like to see Hamish and Andy instead..

Anonymous said...

Didn't the obnoxious pig claim he was moving to america shortly

Neil said...

this may sounds like a shock for a Victorian, but i actually LIKE Kyle & Jackie O...i know, wat a shock, but they arnt THAT bad

Nathan makes a good point - they do have the ability to pull a large mixed audience on radio,and that could translate to TV...i know they've been pretty lame by themselves, but i think makes them work is that TOGETHER they click, where's when their apart they kinda suck

i loved Gretel, and after wat Dave said, kinda makes sence for her to go....dosnt mean im in love with this announcement,but i'll wait and see the results...

still, i would have prefered to see Fitzy he is stupid!

Anonymous said...

Well what can i say. by by big brother!! there is noway that jackie and kyle will gain ratings!!! im the biggest big brother fan but not anymore!! they have lost me as a viewer!! DONT WATCH IT PEOPLE!!!!

TelevisionAU said...

Nathan: Kyle & Jackie O have been on drive-time radio in Melbourne before and now we get edited highlights in the evening - so we're aware of their so-called achievement in Sydney radio.

Also Kyle is now more known as a bully on Idol, and Jackie O is known as a princess of failed TV shows. Hardly endearing qualities when trying to boost Big Brother's popularity. Maybe Ten just need an excuse to get Kyle off Idol next year?

Anonymous said...

Who watches this show for the host? In the end it's about the soap drama that the housemates provide and engage audiences.

If they don't get the housemate selection right and don't kick the censors out then people will turn off.

Anonymous said...

It's also a pretty dumb move considering Kyle's on Idol. He's not that liked to begin with, so why put him on two reality shows for 3/4 of the year???

Very bad move....

Jake said...

Kyle and Jackie O? They are not experienced enough to host a show like BB, and are just plain annoying.

Give Mike Goldman a go at hosting the big shows. Anyone really, just not Kyle and Jackie O!!!

Anonymous said...

An interesting decision by Ten because it basically means that no other radio network will touch BB next year. This is what happened with Australian Idol in series 2 when the 2DAY network took exclusive advertising during the show - the other radio networks in particular Nova didn't talk about the show as much.

The upside of this announcement is it will mean that Kyle won't be involved in Australian Idol next year and we will be back to the original 3 judges - unless Marcia has another hissy fit and leaves!

PJC said...

I think that last comment by 'Anonymous' (29/10, 10.11am) is probably closer to the truth than we think. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but don't be surprised if Radio had a bit of influence with who the host (or hosts) of one of TV's most talked about programmes would be for next year.

The large metropolitan radio networks have always tried to align themselves with the reality TV show of the moment. Austereo (owners of the Today Network) and DMG (owners of Nova) have been in a constant tussle as to who gets first crack at a BB evictee or Idol cast off.

This year in particular, Nova had invested a lot of interest in BB with a BB themed weekly radio show (hosted by 2003 runner up, Chrissie Swan) and regular chats to Gretel Killeen and each evictee. On the other hand, with Kyle Sandilands a judge on Australian Idol, Austereo invested plenty in that franchise and were none to pleased when Nova hired the other 'controversial' judges Ian 'Dicko' Dickson and Mark Holden to host a weekly radio show unofficially based around Idol (incidentally, also co-hosted by Chrissie Swan).

By having Kyle and Jackie O hosting a revamped BB, Austereo cement themselves as the radio home of all things BB going forward. As 'Anonymous' rightly stated, no other radio network will touch it, especially Nova.

There's nothing like a bit of pay back between radio network rivals!

Jack! said...

Can't blame Jackie O for Surprise Surprise or The Nation ... both shows were tottal dogs regardless of her!
I just don't want to have to tolerate Kyle on BB ... he is a pain in the ass.

I want Gretel back! She is fabulous!
