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Scorecard: Fast-tracked shows

So we're an average of 4 - 6 weeks into "fasttracking / direct from the US / streaming direct" depending on which network spin you listen to.

And how are they faring?

There are about twelve major dramas and comedies on our screens on quick turnaround (discounting chat shows). As a relatively new exercise in Australian programming there have been some tough-love lessons for networks. Viva Laughlin would never have aired and fallen over if Nine was programming the old-fashioned way. Damages fumbled through too many encores. Californication has attracted right-wing protests. Bionic Woman isn't getting the word-of-mouth it might have enjoyed.

After all is said and done what's the lay of the land?

TV Tonight has assessed the batch based on the turnaround time between US - Australian airing, the critical reception, local audience ratings, reviewed how sensibly the networks have programmed shows and stuck by the audience, and thrown in a "wow" factor - whether the show has its own intangible buzz.

Each show has been scored out of 25 points.

Screening turnaround: 4
Critical reception: 4
Audience ratings: 5
Network commitment: 5
Wow factor: 4
Dr Cranky only misses top marks because he’s without his sidekicks and TEN waited 3 weeks before launching it.

Screening turnaround: 4
Critical reception: 4
Audience ratings: 3
Network commitment: 4
Wow factor: 5
TEN has stuck by this candid, sometimes shocking, drama amid a wall of criticism, only occasionally dropping the ball. A drama about apathy and the disintegration of the American family.

Screening turnaround: 4
Critical reception: 3
Audience ratings: 5
Network commitment: 4
Wow factor: 3
Consistently funny with a loyal following in a generous timeslot. But we actually started with the tail end of the last series.

Screening turnaround: 5
Critical reception: 4
Audience ratings: 2
Network commitment: 5
Wow factor: 2
Good reviews for Jason Lewis haven’t yet locked in local audiences yet. But Wednesday nights have been a nightmare for hot competition.

Screening turnaround: 5
Critical reception: 3
Audience ratings: 3
Network commitment: 5
Wow factor: 2
Everyone came to the party, but they have been disappointed by cliché dialogue and soapie storylines. Losing ground fast and potentially a missed opportunity.

HEROES (Seven)
Screening turnaround: 5
Critical reception: 3
Audience ratings: 2
Network commitment: 5
Wow factor: 3
Season 2 is slow-going with lots of unresolved and elongated plots. The series equivalent of a superhero changing outfits in the phone-booth.

K-VILLE (Fox8)
Screening turnaround: 5
Critical reception: 3
Audience ratings: 1
Network commitment: 5
Wow factor: 2
If it wasn’t for the fact that this cop show was set in post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans it would be just another cop show. Foxtel dabbles with fasttracking while everyone waits for Gossip Girl.

Screening turnaround: 4
Critical reception: 3
Audience ratings: 2
Network commitment: 3
Wow factor: 3
The show that re-packages itself every season is struggling in Season 3. Off air this week while Seven plays catch-up.

Screening turnaround: 3
Critical reception: 2
Audience ratings: 3
Network commitment: 5
Wow factor: 2
Teeny spook show that plays it safe and sexy. Hard to pick the difference from the last season.

Screening turnaround: 2
Critical reception: 5
Audience ratings: 1
Network commitment: 2
Wow factor: 4
The reviews have been stunning but Nine shot itself in the foot with too many encore episodes and twice-weekly premieres which only confused the audience. To do so on a complex, multi-layered thriller was a major blunder. Even the US audience has shown it’s hard enough to stay focussed without added scheduling tricks.

Screening turnaround: 4
Critical reception: 2
Audience ratings: 2
Network commitment: 3
Wow factor: 2
Anthony LaPaglia comes to Nine’s rescue as it bumps Damages. Otherwise it wouldn’t be here yet.

Screening turnaround: 5
Critical reception: 1
Audience ratings: 1
Network commitment: 2
Wow factor: 0
Nine could have protected itself from the media flak over this if it hadn’t been aired direct to screen. It has learned the hard way there can be a downside to being so quick off the mark.

Thursday = Strike

Only two more days to go before the Writers' Guild of America goes out on strike creating havoc in the film and television industry.

As previous reports have noted, the strike with producers and studios is over "out-dated" agreements that do not reflect new technology and writers angry they are missing out on due reimbursement. Webisodes, mobile and reality television remain a sticking point (yes reality still has writers, who concoct situations, events and dramatic arcs). Producers argue that anything streamed online is promotional only and not up for residual payments.

The last strike stretched on for 22 weeks.

Most studios have been stockpiling scripts in readiness for The Big S and have contingency plans, many of which ironically involve padding out their schedules with more Reality TV.

But if this strike lingers what are the real-term effects for viewers?

  • Late night talk shows will be the first to feel the pinch. All those introductory gags from Letterman, Leno and Conan that are penned on a daily basis? Gone. Or at least changed. This should become obvious in Australia on TEN and the Comedy Channel within the week.
  • American soaps. Within a month these would run out of fresh scripts. Aussie networks have an advantage of being further behind the US before this would be noticeable.
  • The American Awards season would be hit next. The Golden Globes due on Jan 13 would have crap Host patter (as opposed to....?).
  • 'Mid-season' season shows like 24 and Lost may need to delay their return, due in the new year.
  • Series drama would be next after their stock of completed eps and new scripts starts to trickle out in the new year. In Australia 'fasttracked shows' such as Heroes, Supernatural, Without a Trace and House would be the first to falter. Shows that are currently on air in the US but not in Oz (Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy) would have a longer buffer zone.

The science of TV marketing

The Australian Research Council is funding a research project to work out how just people hear about new TV programs.

It will be conducted by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute at the University of South Australia which specialises in market research.

"The nightmare for programmers is the show that could have been a hit, but flops, not because it isn't a great show, but simply because people didn't know about it," said Senior research fellow Jenni Romaniuk.

Yeah, like Damages perhaps?

An interesting problem, but one which should be fairly well understood by our networks already, surely? And if not, one would hope they are helping to finance this, along with the advertising industry.

But I'll give them an answer for free: word of mouth.

Despite all the money spent on marketing in newspapers, billboards, radio, bus shelters, internet and magazines nothing has the influence over word of mouth.

And while we're at it, let's throw messageboards and blogs in there too, something Aussie networks are slow to recognise. In America every new show that is launched has a blogging toolkit on its official website so that fans can add the latest info to their wesbites, MySpace and Facebooks with ease. Ok now I'm just being biased. Back to the story at hand.

"We all miss quality programs because we fail to hear about them and end up watching some programs we wish we hadn't," Professor of Marketing Science Byron Sharp. That's pretty sharp, Professor Sharp.

And as readers of this site will tell him, if networks bothered to advertise some of their other content (Weeds), or didn't confuse audiences with encores (Damages) or didn't drop their shows (Smallville) or didn't bring them back (Veronica Mars) audiences might know where to find their favourite shows in the schedule too.

Otherwise they will find them somewhere else: on downloads.

Source: Herald-Sun.

Dexter slices up Oz

Actor Michael C. Hall tonight impressed an avid gathering of Dexter fans at a Melbourne Q+A screening of the hit Showtime series.

Hall, better known as "David" from Six Feet Under, is in Australia for the week to help launch the series, screening here on the new Showcase Channel in December.

Hall was in Melbourne today, visits Sydney tomorrow for the channel launch, attends a Sydney screening then heads to Brisbane for more media engagements before having a few days off.

Hall was very thoughtful and articulate in his fireside chat with Age journo Paul Kalina at the Kino Cinema.

He had lots to say about the challenges of creating a sympathetic character who also spends his time murdering people. He also did not expect to gravitate from one long-running television series directly into another -but the script and character was just too strong.

Based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeffrey Lindsay the show has attracted gushing critical acclaim and his launched into its second season in the US. Hall plays the title character, a police "blood spatter" forensics expert who also makes it his habit to bump off other serial killers. It is at once gory, confronting and light, a curious mix that has seen it win a strong following.

Tonight's capacity audience questions seemed to indicate many had seen a lot more of the show than the two episodes that were being screened (Ed: not necessarily a great political move given the launch was to encourage everyone to subscribe to Showcase, gang!).

In any event, Dexter looks a ripper.

NB. Please avoid spoilers in all comments.

TEN under censorship pressure

As promised, the TEN Network made edits to tonight's Californication episode which it says was "to adhere to Australian Broadcasting Standards."

Meanwhile the Festival of Light is delighted that a review of the show is being undertaken by the Australian Communications and Media Authority. Anyone else notice we're in election mode?

So don't be surprised to learn that the edits made by the network cut two "in your face" moments.

The deleted images were as follows (adult content):

1. Charlie giving a young female oral sex. His face was firmly in her groin. No genitals were evident in the original, but the moment was unmistakable.
2. The female ejaculates in his face. In TEN's version we saw the after effects.

Significantly, these were also part of the "Oh My God" scene the network happily promoted.

You can see the entire unedited scene here, if you're game.


Foxtel fasttracks American Idol

Foxtel has announced it will screen the next American Idol just 7 hours after it airs in the US.

Both the live sing-off and verdict show will air twice weekly from mid-January on Fox8.

“American Idol will truly screen day and date. Australians will now be able to tune into this smash hit series at the same time that Americans will," said Foxtel Exec Brian Walsh.

Press Release:

FOXTEL today announced that the world’s most-watched television program will join FOX8’s top-rating line-up in 2008.

AMERICAN IDOL hits the airwaves in mid January 2008 and will be screened exclusively on FOX8, within hours of the US audience getting their twice-weekly fix.

Brian Walsh, FOXTEL’s Executive Director Television and Marketing, said: “We are thrilled to add American Idol to FOX8’s dynamic 2008 schedule. The history-making series, that had unparalleled global success, will be a sure-fire hit for our viewers.”

“What is most exciting for our subscribers is that American Idol will truly screen day and date. Australians will now be able to tune into this smash hit series at the same time that Americans will”.

The record-breaking hit show will showcase seven US cities and tens of thousands of hopeful singers until 12 wannabes set their sights on the big time.

From Fremantle Media, AMERICAN IDOL 7 reunites “Mr Nasty” Simon Cowell, sharp-tongued and chart-topping artist Paula Abdul and peacekeeper record-producer Randy Jackson. The series is hosted by Ryan Seacrest and continues to rank as the highest-rated series in the US with an average of 29.6 million last season.

American Idol is credited with turning the US FOX Network into the number one broadcaster in the US and consistently beats programs such as Grey’s Anatomy, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Lost and Desperate Housewives. Season 6 (2007) kicked off with an incredible 29 per cent of the viewing audience (37.4 million Americans) with the finale attracting an audience of over 30.7 million viewers.

Returning: Commercial Breakdown

Nine is returning Commercial Breakdown to its screens in a new timeslot, 7:00pm Sundays from November 11.

It will replace Dirty Jobs hosted by Jo Beth Taylor and Ben Dark which concludes next week.

At only 5 episodes long, it would appear the show is being taken out of schedule earlier than expected.

Last night it averaged 818,000 viewers against National Bingo Night's 1.34m and ARIA Red Carpet Night's 956,000.

Significantly it also lost viewers from The Singing Bee's lead-in of 911,000 -not the trend you want to see on the all-important Sunday night. Clearly it isn't what most family viewers want to watch when sitting down for the evening meal.

The clip show of ads from around the world was first fronted in the UK by Jasper Carrott but in Australia is hosted by Getaway's Dermott Brereton.

Kindly link to this website when sourcing or posting in messageboards, thanks!

Catriona wants a Farmer

No it's not a celebrity putting herself on another show.

Getaway's Catriona Rowntree is engaged to a Victorian farmer.

There's no name announced for the man concerned, but he doesn't appear to be one of the participants of Nine's other show Farmer Wants a Wife.

Bet the honeymoon location will be fantastic. Congrats.

Source: ninemsn

Idol singer furious with judges

Australian Idol's Tarisai Vushe has blasted judges Dicko and Mark Holden for calling her "fake" after her performance last night.

Tarisai sang The Veronica's "When It All Falls Apart" for the Australian-Made show, giving more grit than her usual performances. But the two judges didn't buy it.

“It was not enough real rage," said Holden. "Brilliantly crafted, brilliantly sung, but still too much fakeness”.

“I hate to put the boot in, but I thought it was fake too. You were like an angry rap star to me … I don’t believe it," added Dicko.

According to Vushe screamed at the judges backstage, accusing them of sabotaging her chances in the show. Former contestants have also had a bit to say her being less friendly behind the scenes.

At this point it's probably worth pointing out three facts:

1. This girl is 20 years old.
2. Reality shows are generally about manipulation. Occasionally the contestants can manipulate that back but it usually lays beyond their reach.
3. The "story" wouldn't have leaked without most of the key players complicit with it. TV shows don't have publicists without good reason. At the end of the day is this really any different to any other incident over the life of the show? It's timed to boost the verdict show tonight. That's about it.

UPDATE: Tarisai was booted from the Verdict episode.


Mike, Bree and Fitzy back for BB too

The Big Brother news on the weekend was all about Gretel being replaced by Kyle and Jackie O.

Meanwhile in confirming the series for 2008, TEN has also confirmed Mike Goldman, Bree Amer and Ryan Fitzgerald will also return to Friday Night Live. There had been some speculation that Fitzgerald might leave.

What's also interesting in TEN's Press Release is the wording that gives the impression it was Killeen who decided to move on from BB. Not the other way round.

Programmer David Mott said, "We thought long and hard about whether there could even be a Big Brother without Gretel, so synonymous has she become with the franchise in Australia. Gretel's wish to concentrate on new projects gave us the opportunity to start at the top in making BB08 a completely different show."

But it is a Press Release. Networks are champions at spin after all.

Press Release:

Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O, hosts of Australia's highest-rating FM radio show, will host Big Brother 2008, replacing Gretel Killeen who has decided to move on to other projects.

Network Ten (TEN) and Endemol Southern Star (ESS) made the announcement today and confirmed Big Brother's return to TEN in a tighter, re-energised format that will be more interactive than ever before.

Gretel Killeen said: “Working on Big Brother has been an extraordinary, challenging and rewarding experience. I’m really proud of what we’ve achieved but I now have the ‘seven year itch’ and am busting to get on with a million new things, including my first feature film which we’re shooting in the new year."

David Mott, TEN’s chief programming officer, thanked Gretel for seven exceptional years as Big Brother host, saying: "We thought long and hard about whether there could even be a Big Brother without Gretel, so synonymous has she become with the franchise in Australia. Gretel's wish to concentrate on new projects gave us the opportunity to start at the top in making BB08 a completely different show."

Southern Star Group chief executive officer, Hugh Marks, said: "Gretel has played a pivotal role in bringing Big Brother to Australian audiences, and we can’t thank her enough for seven wonderful years as host.

"Next year with new hosts, a re-energised format and greater levels of interactivity than ever before, I’m confident we will attract a larger share of the target audience for many years to come.”

Mr. Mott added: "Although we'll retain the elements fans know and love best, we're making a number of changes towards what we hope will be one of the strongest series yet.

"For example, for the first time the Australian public will have a real chance to influence who goes in to the Big Brother house."

Kyle Sandilands said: "I'm excited to become a part of the Big Brother phenomenon at a time of some exciting changes in the format. Over the years, The Kyle and Jackie O Show has been one of the most vocal commentators on Big Brother, so coming on-board to host only seemed natural."

Jackie O said: "I absolutely love Big Brother. I'm used to having to keep Kyle in check every weekday morning but this is another challenge altogether!"

"Over seven years, Big Brother has been a consistent winner in the target 18-49 audience and delivered more than 100 hours of compelling content annually," said TEN's chief executive officer, Grant Blackley.

"We're delighted to announce these exciting changes to Big Brother and return one of Australia's most keenly-followed programs to our line-up."

In another big change this year, anyone can submit a video audition via the Big Brother website.

Hopeful housemates need simply record a one-to-two minute video about themselves to provide insight into who they are and why they deserve one of the coveted places.

From Tuesday, October 30 2007, housemate wannabes can upload their video to

Then, in December, the Australian public gets to choose! Fans can view eligible videos at, rate them and vote for their favourite online.

The candidates behind the three most-voted eligible videos will win a place in the 2008 Big Brother house.

Producers will also be guided by how the Australian public voted in selecting the rest of the housemates. Watch closely Australia – this season it's your choice!

Big Brother is one of the most enduring and successful Australian television shows ever. Even in its seventh season this year, every regular Big Brother program won its timeslot in 18-49, often with commercial shares in excess of 40% in the target audience.

The 2007 Big Brother Winner Announced program peaked at 2.3m viewers and remains number two in the year's top shows in 18-49, with The Biggest Loser finale at number one.

Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O are Sydney's top-rating breakfast radio team.

Kyle has also risen to national prominence as a judge on Australian Idol since 2005.

In addition to her radio commitments, Jackie is well known to television viewers across the country. Her most recent project with TEN was as host of Australian Princess.

Friday Night Live hosts, Mike Goldman, Ryan Fitzgerald and Bree Amer return to Big Brother for another year of madcap antics in Friday night games.

Ratings Week 44

1. Border Security Seven 1.677
2. City Homicide Seven 1.583
3. Seven News Seven 1.424
4. Home and Away Seven 1.391
5. Today Tonight Seven 1.326
6. National Nine News Nine 1.227
7. Australian Idol Ten 1.171
8. ABC News ABC 1.133
9. A Current Affair Nine 1.131
10. Criminal Minds Seven 1.116
11. Enough Rope with Andrew Denton ABC 1.041
12. Movie: Two Weeks Notice Nine 1.009
13. Who Wants to be a Millionaire Nine 0.994
14. The Force* Seven 0.936
15. Supernatural Ten 0.925

Futurama 0.838m
Californication 0.709m
Surf Patrol* 0.659m

* select cities

Seven: 32.7
Nine: 23.3
Ten: 19.3
ABC: 18.1
SBS: 6.6


1 Kath & Kim Seven 1.530
2 CSI Nine 1.457
3 Australian Idol Ten 1.387
4 National Bingo Night Seven 1.342
5 Seven News - Sun Seven 1.333
6 My Name Is Earl Seven 1.309
7 60 Minutes Nine 1.295
8 Movie: Fantastic Four Seven 1.180
9 ABC News ABC 1.171
10 CSI: NY Nine 1.152
11 Nine News Sunday Nine 1.150
12 The 21st Annual Aria Music Awards Ten 1.121
13 Aria Red Carpet Ten 0.956m
14 Captain Cook: Obsession And Discovery ABC 0.938m
15 Singing Bee Nine 0.911m

Rain Shadow 0.826m
Dirty Jobs 0.818m
Celebrity Weddings 0.705m

Seven: 28.3
Nine: 26.5
Ten: 24.3
ABC: 15.8
SBS: 5.1

Melb Freebie: 'Chandon Pictures' screening

Sydney viewers have had their screening now it's Melbourne's turn.

There is a free sneak peek of the new Foxtel comedy Chandon Pictures this Wednesday October 31 @ 7pm screening (and 6:30pm drinks!) at Hoyts Maribyrnong.

The comedy is a spin-off from a Tropfest win by Rob Carlton and Alex Weinress. The series follows the misadventures of struggling video production company, 'Chandon Pictures.' It also features actors Josh Lawson, Darren Gilshenan and Rebecca Massey and guest stars who will include Graeme Blundell, Angus Sampson, Peter Phelps and Justine Clarke.

The free screening will be introduced by director Rob Carlton.

If you are interested RSVP [email protected] by Tue Oct 30 -mention TV Tonight sent you!

Chandon Pictures premieres on Movie Extra Saturday November 10 6:30pm.

Chaser screens globally

That APEC stunt by The Chaser may have ruffled feathers here, but it's sure bringing in the international sales according to the ABC.

An edited version of the show is already screening in Israel, South Korea, New Zealand, Norway and Finland.

And at the MIPCOM TV trade fair, they were lining up to check out the show. "The Chaser really hit a chord because everyone had heard of them from APEC," said ABC international sales chief Karen Dacey.

"Our Middle Eastern clients especially loved them and the Iranian buyers thought they were hilarious and they could be seen there."

Latin America, eastern Europe, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Japan, Thailand, Spain, Canada, Holland and the US are all in discussion with the ABC. Summer Heights High also fared well with MIPCOM traders.


Angry fans chase Lilley

On Friday a charming Chris Lilley was deemed a local hero for meeting fans and signing autographs at a DVD sale of Summer Heights High.

But by Saturday there were more than 1000 to meet him at Chadstone Shopping Centre. After 2 hours Lilley was forced to retreat.

According to fan Donna McGindle said the crowd began booing him, then started to chase him.

Lilley reportedly took refuge at Centre Management while security guards threatened to call police.

An ABC publicist explained it was impossible for everyone to get an autograph.

Life's hard at the top!

Photo: The Age