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Have a lend of us

Jacqui Taffel
October 29, 2007
Wayne Hope and Robyn Butler

Wayne Hope and Robyn Butler

Pulling up outside the Middleton Interactive Learning Centre in South Melbourne, the taxi driver gets excited. "I didn't know there was a library here," he says. "I'll have to come back."

Unfortunately, I tell him, this is not a real library, even though the word "library" is printed in various languages on the glass facade, through which bookshelves, sofas, internet terminals and a borrowing desk are clearly visible. It's a very convincing set for the ABC's new comedy The Librarians.

The front door is locked because early in the shoot a local wandered in with his child and sat down in the children's area. When an ABC crew member approached him he said he'd been waiting years for a library to open in the area.

Their set may have dashed other people's hopes but for the show's creators Wayne Hope and Robyn Butler it was a dream come true. "We'd go down on weekends while it was being built and every time I walked in there, I'd burst into tears - 'I can't believe these people are making our vision!"' Butler says.

She and Hope, who are married, co-wrote and co-produced the six-part series. Hope directed while Butler stars as head librarian Frances O'Brien. Both are familiar faces in Australian comedy, having worked regularly with Shaun Micallef. Butler's credits also include Thank God You're Here, while Hope has appeared in Stupid Stupid Man and the films BoyTown and The Castle. They met on the set of Small Tales And True and have two daughters - Molly, 12, and Emily, 5.

A library might not scream comic potential but Butler and her friend Roz Hammond, who plays trampy children's librarian Christine, had been toying with the idea for a while. It was partly the broad spectrum of people libraries attract and the unspoken understanding that everyone behaves politely. They thought it might be funny to see someone's life unravel in this hushed environment.

When Hope and Butler talked to real librarians for research, they were warned about two stereotypes: "We don't say shoosh and we don't wear cardigans." So there are no cardie-wearers or shooshers among their fictional librarians. Neil (Bob Franklin), a former postie doing community service, yearns to be a jockey. Dawn (Heidi Arena) is good-natured, a bit dim and still getting used to life in a wheelchair after a disastrous teambuilding exercise. Ky (Keith Brockett) is bright, helpful and gay while Lachie (Josh Lawson) is sweet, good-looking and dyslexic. Matthew (Stephen Ballantyne) has artistic pretentions and writes the worst poetry in the history of the (non) rhyming couplet. And Lebanese-Australian Nada (Nicole Nabout) is highly competent and keen to assist the library's Muslim members.

Overseeing them all is Frances, a sexually repressed, passive-aggressive control freak. In a deft twist, Hope plays a small role as her husband Terry, a downtrodden shadow with an atrocious haircut. "This isn't my normal hair," Hope is quick to say, indicating the bald top and rat's tail.

On paper the comedy sounds broad but The Librarians has a cutting edge, the laughs underscored by rueful recognition. Who hasn't seen staff meetings go off the rails, been betrayed by a friend, fallen for the wrong person? As Butler says, the story isn't specific to a library. "It could be set in a petrol station or on a farm."

As the director, setting the comic tone was important for Hope. He knows what it's like to be directed by others. "They'll go, 'Can you do it again but just make it a lot bigger?' And it goes against every part of your instinct, to go 'Oh, I'm about to make an arse of myself' but you're not in the position not to do it. For us to have creative control over that tone was incredibly liberating."

He trusted his cast to underplay rather than overdo the comedy - he and Butler are fans of shows such as Arrested Development, The Office and Curb Your Enthusiasm - "things that are played from a truthful reality," Hope says. "You don't chase laughs."

Hope says that, despite his confidence in the show, arriving on set for the first time was nerve-racking. "The ABC crew have been around for 214 years, so looking at them and saying [his voice goes high and squeaky], 'OK guys, let's bring some equipment over here and set it up thanks' ... I'm glancing at them for clues - OK, when are they going to smirk or go, 'You're a fraud', but they didn't."

"You're underselling yourself a little bit," Butler says. "You were very prepared."

Butler and Hope work well together, partly because, being married, they don't have to be too polite. "With someone you don't know as well and who you're writing with, you might be a bit reluctant to disagree," Hope says. "We just go, 'Nuh, it doesn't work."'

Discussion can get heated, Butler says, "but we wouldn't throw things or get shouty. We'll keep disagreeing about a point until I win." She laughs, yet later happily admits she was wrong the few times they disagreed on set. "You think, 'I know how it's said because I've written it' and Wayne would say, 'Just try it this way.' 'All right, I'm doing it but have you got the other version because that's the one you'll use.' And of course it ended up he's right."

"We called them the Golden Couple," Arena says. "They were amazing, absolutely professional."

Arena loved her role, partly because it involved sitting in a wheelchair all day while she was eight months pregnant. "I was having a ball. I didn't hop out unless I had to go to the toilet, I missed it when I came home," she says. "My swollen ankles went down."

There were challenges, too. "It's really technical because if I'm going to move and talk to you at the door, usually I'll just walk there and talk but in the chair I've got to time it - get there too fast and I've got nothing to say, get there too slow, I've missed my line."

Arena, who has appeared in dramas such as The Secret Life Of Us and Blue Heelers, says she finds comedy harder. "I can work up to a cry in drama but you either get the comedy right or wrong," she says. She full of praise for Hope's direction and the scripts. "Often when you do a comedy you've got to try and make something out of it but it was all in the writing," she says. "It's all really funny before you do anything."

Hope and Butler are happy with their collaboration and look forward to more. "We've never worked harder in our lives and we've never had so much fun," Butler says. But she admits her stint as head librarian has left a mark on their happy home life: "When Molly thinks I'm being mean or unfair or cruel, she says, 'Thanks Frances!"'

"That stings," Hope says solemnly. "It cuts like a knife," Butler says.

The Librarians begins on the ABC on Wednesday at 9.30pm.

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