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TV Lounge

UPDATE: October 2007: The second TV Lounge will now replace the first which is archived here.

The TV Lounge is an open forum for you to add comments or ask questions on topics that you can't see anywhere else on the site.

So if there's something you've been meaning to get off your chest, or there's a question that doesn't seem to fit anywhere else, or comments on the site.... here is where it goes!

Comments policy: Keep it nice people. There's nothing worse than a site where people anonymously sledge off others. I'm moderating the site still so comments may not appear immediately. If you cross a line that is defamatory I may opt not to approve it. Know that I can only approve or reject comments, I can't edit. Please also refrain from promoting websites that aren't TV related and contain spoilers.

Other than that, pull up a beanbag, lay back and fire away!

This section will delete earlier comments as a way of housekeeping.


Anonymous said...

Why is Gilmore Girls not on this Sunday at 4.30 (it usually is) and do you know if they're going to put it back on?
It was replaced by The Boatique..

David Knox said...

Joan of Arcadia and Gilmore Girls eps vary from state to state all due to Nine's football commitments.

This week they are not in Melbourne because of Trans-Tasman Test earlier, and very likely elsewhere too.

Next week (21st) is the final ever Joan of Arcadia in Melbourne. Gilmore is back with it, with plenty of eps to go.

Anonymous said...

Any ratings info Daivd? We haven't had anything since Friday.

David Knox said...

Ratings are always pretty limited on the weekends, and my sources are probably sleeping in! As soon as I have 'em you will.

Anonymous said...

Do you know if the American teen drama TV series "Greek" will ever be on Australian tv?

David Knox said...

I haven't heard anything, but the majority of ABC shows end up on Seven.

TelevisionAU said...

David, is there any word from Seven about The Amazing Race? They've still not shown the series that immediately preceeded the All-Stars. They seem to be into 'fast tracking' shows but this is one they seem intent on sitting on as long as possible.

David Knox said...

The newest Amazing Race isn't til next Jan or Feb in the US.

As for Season 10 here, no idea, cross your fingers it may be summer filler?

Jake said...

I saw an add for a program on 7HD during City Homicide in Sydney tonight (Monday 15 Oct).

I thought the 7HD channel hadn't launched yet, and couldn't find the channel? Any details?

David Knox said...

News to me.

Luke said...

hey david

is weeds and playboy mansion going to be shown the week after next week?

David Knox said...

Frankly its TBA, which isn't a good sign.

More news once its resolved.

Anonymous said...

Hey David

I notice Weeds is not on the schedule Monday night - is this a once-off or another example of Nine's 'we'll give it 3 weeks and then rip it off the air' policy?

David Knox said...

Not in Oct 22 as reported a while ago.

Oct 29 is TBA see above.

Anonymous said...

Will Seven HD and Nine HD be availble on Foxtel in April 2008 like Ten HD will be? I know that this is the date that Foxtel will start High Definition transmissions.

Thanks, and I love your blog. It gives me everyhting I need to know!

David Knox said...


Everyone is still jockeying for position re HD TV.

At an early guess I would say no for Seven, yes for Nine.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see Rove tonight?

After he asked his usual, "who would you turn gay for?" Ozzy Osbourne said he would turn gay for his dog,

Rove then went on to say, implying being gay was creepy, that bestiality was "doubly creepy."

So being gay is creepy, Rove?

Anonymous said...

Oh here we go again...getting offended by everything...i guess comedy shows aren't for you my friend!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever considered doing a gossip section at all?

David Knox said...

I'd never run an open forum for anonymous gossip because it would just be open season and probably lead to the word defamation.

I'm open to tips via email where I can contact a source and make a judgement about its newsworthiness.

Nathan87 said...

Dave, just wanted to ask a question regarding Ten's broadcast of Letterman. How come for the majority of the time i see fresh current episodes from the day before and then there's some weeks like last night, where i see episodes that are 3 weeks old. I dont get it, can u explain it to me?

David Knox said...

Yes it's very frustrating but also very easily explained.

In the US when the hosts take a week out the networks run repeats there too. So TEN actually shows what they receive.

Check Letterman's own website to see when re-runs are scheduled.

Nathan87 said...

Cool thanks mate for the quick response!

Anonymous said...

hi there David, would u b able to tell me whether or not sbs will b airing the second series of 'Big Love'. i hope so, its such an interesting show.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch the morning show with Larry Emdur and Kyle Gillies?

They had on 3 young members of Hillsong church, but there was no "alternative"point of view. Simply 3 members praising their church as "not a cult" and claiming they do "good in the community."

I wonder if this includes spending members' money to vote for Idol contestants, or the money they spend to counsel women out of abortions, or how they run "restorative" therapies to "cure" homosexuality.

Is that the love and good they do the community?

Come on channel 7, have various points of view, otherwise it's simply one sided propaganda.

Anonymous said...

just wondering if anyone else watched are you smarter than a fifth grader last night. if so, did darcy get picked.

in every ep i have seen she has not been piciked. its like she is being excluded. even in the 'i believe' ad she is cut off by rove

Anonymous said...

Gilmore girls was on at 3.30 last sunday but this sunday, it is not on. Is it going to be replace permanantly by Farmer wants a wife?

David Knox said...

I have to say the outlook isn't bright for Gilmore on Sunday arvos. This week Nine has a repeat of Farmer Wants a Wife, but it is actually replacing what was scheduled: Wildlife Man Featuring David Ireland.

Gilmore wasn't even scheduled.

The week after there is FINA Swimming.

My reading of this is that as Joan of Arcadia ended it left Gilmore out on its own as a drama in the middle of sport and lifestyle shows.

Jake said...

Loved Friday Night Download. I thought the clips were hilarious, as were Mike, Bree and Fitzy.

Great addition to Ten's schedule.