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Entries from Gothamist tagged with 'newyorkregion'

November 23, 2006

We wish you a happy Thanksgiving, however you may spend the day, whether it's on a cold, wet corner waiting to see the parade balloon and floats, traveling to your family's for a big meal, or staying in and watching football. It's our favorite holiday because it's about gathering - without any worry about gifts (maybe some worry about the sweet potatoes, though). Remember to give thanks - we're all very lucky. Here are Thanksgiving......

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April 8, 2005

Lately, it seems like the NYC subway system just likes fires. For what seems like the umpteenth time in the past few months, a fire in a substation caused a shutdown and New York Region > Harlem Subway Tunnel Fire Forces Evacuation of 600" href="">evacuation of riders on the A, B, C, and D lines, all the way from the Bronx to Brooklyn on some lines. A circuit breaker malfunction (far more serious than a......

Continue Reading "Subway? Check. Fire? Check."

April 8, 2005

Here's official word on the Flatiron Building's temporary H&M; ad: It New York Region > 15-Story Ad on Flatiron Building Must Go, the City Says" href="">must come down. The Department of Buildings and Flatiron Partners, which owns the 23rd Street icon, are squabbling over the legality of the sign; the DoB thinks it violates a number of things while the owners are counting their money. The sign won't come down until the city files notice......

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April 8, 2005

There's a really strange case about two 16 year-old girls being held because the federal authorities are suspicious that they might be suicide bombers. First reported in the NY Times yesterday, there are very few details, just that the two girls, one Bangladeshi, the other Guineanese, were arrested last month and have been held at a Pennsylvania detention center, and that they girls were Muslim and sympathetic to Islamic culture and causes. The Daily News......

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April 6, 2005

Taking a break from scoping out the candidates' attitudes towards New Yorkers' housing problems (property taxes, rising rents, the lower and middle classes being priced out, etc.), the NY Times looks at the New York Region > In New York Mayoral Campaign, It Seems You Are What You Rent" href="">campaign spaces candidates have been renting. Here are the highlights:Mayor Bloomberg: $55,000/month for 19,000 square feet near Bryant Park; notable features include flat-screen televisions and great......

Continue Reading "The Mayoral Race in Rent Terms"

April 5, 2005

The NY Times took the Excel spreadsheet of donors to NYC Democratic mayoral hopefuls and decided to call up the donors listed as "homemakers" and ask them about their contribution. The ensuing article, " New York Region > Homemakers Are the Fat Cats. Who Knew? Their Husbands." href="">Homemakers Are the Fat Cats. Who Knew? Their Husbands.," made Gothamist laugh, cry, and then grind our teeth in anger. An example:Another Ferrer contributor, Anna Cuneo of West......

Continue Reading "Desperately Seeking Housewives For Donations"

April 4, 2005

From the creepy news division: An NYPD officer was arrested for " New York Region > Police Say a Popular Officer Sought Boys in Chat Rooms" href="">attempting to engage minors in sexual exchanges over the Internet." And what's more, he was a youth officer, working with troubled youngsters in Queens. Officer Michael Costello's Internet activities were discovered when police were doing a routine investigation in Internet criminal activity; then Internal Affairs got involved. Officer Costello......

Continue Reading "Busting a Cop at the Local Starbucks"

March 31, 2005

Today's not so shocking news is that New York Region > The Long and Winding Road, to Work: Many Travel 90 Minutes or More, One Way" href="">New Yorkers have the longest commutes in the country, not to mention the fact that many commutes across the boarder are getting longer. Duh: Think urban sprawl into suburban sprawl, developers trying to find places for all Americans to live...people wanting more space for their money (even in......

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March 30, 2005

Gothamist usually loves the MTA. We love riding the subway because it's still the fastest and most cost-efficient way to get places - plus it's an experience. And we love taking the bus when we have the time, because we get to experience NYC almost like a tourist does in a tour bus. But it's when we hear about things like the MTA spending New York Region > For M.T.A., the Search for Savings Has......

Continue Reading "The MTA Gives Many Reasons To Be Pissy"

March 28, 2005

Yikes: An Astoria man was killed when he New York Region > Man Is Killed Trying to Fight Mattress Fire in Queens" href="">tried to put out a burning mattress over the weekend. Koji Takagaka had fallen asleep with a burning cigarette, igniting the mattress, and his older brother Hiroshi tried to get the fire out by taking the mattress to the bathroom. However, the bed's flames became unwieldy and Hiroshi died underneath the mattress. Some......

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March 27, 2005

Some downtown residents mourned the loss of a two year old rooster who made friends with the Chinese and Puerto Ricans in the neighborhood (he was crushed by his "owner"'s car - accidentally). The NY Times New York Region > The City > Lower East Side: Rooster, 2, Is Killed by Car; Held Ludlow Street in Thrall" href="">said the rooster held "Ludlow Street in thrall". Gothamist found an exchange about what to do with the......

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March 25, 2005

An interesting look at Mayor Bloomberg's New York Region > Higher Costs Could Upset Trash Plan Mayor Favors" href="">struggles with developing a good waste plan in the NY Times. One of the main complaints about the current waste plan is that the streets are congested with trucks carrying garbage. The Mayor would like garbage to be carried by barge and train, and wants to reopen certainly garbage transfer stations, but his proposed plan seems......

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March 25, 2005

Aha: It seems that Cablevision bid for the MTA's West Side railyards is actually New York Region > Executive Says Cablevision Tops Jets' Bid by $40 Million" href="">$40 million more than the Jets' $720 million bid. But the most interesting - and aggressive - thing about the Cablevision bid is that it's for $760 million in cash, whether or not the city allows them to rezone for the development they'd like. Now, that's the "Damn!"......

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March 24, 2005

Yesterday's 1/9 line broken rail gave subway riders opportunity to complain even more loudly about the deteriorating state of the subways. Mayor Bloomberg complained as well, saying, "What you are seeing is a failure that comes about from years and years of not investing in new infrastructure in the subways...and other forms of mass transit and now it's coming home to roost." Gothamist agrees, but we'd like to make the point that the city and......

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March 21, 2005

While the Mayor and City Council Speaker Gifford Miller may seem similar - they are white...they live on the Upper East Side...uh... - they actually aren't, and the NY Times examined their extremely political spitting match. Gothamist liked how Mayor Bloomberg views Miller as unaccomplished and unambitious, because next to him, who can be (this does not bode well for prospective suitors for Emma and Georgina), but there was another quote that got us thinking:City......

Continue Reading "Bloomberg And Miller: So Not BFF"

March 19, 2005

While there are still 12 more days to the month, today's gorgeous weather is making Gothamist feel optimistic about putting away our layers and being able to walk in the streets without stepping into slush. The NY Times looks at New York Region > Street Signs of Spring" href="">the NYC signs of spring, including "Park Horses Are Out" and "Friday Night Critical Mass Bicycle Protests Get Crowded." Sigh, we can't wait. And at the Museum......

Continue Reading "March Is Starting to Feel Lamb-like"

March 18, 2005

Before it goes into pay-for-article land, Gothamist recommends you read last Sunday's awesome City section New York Region > The City > The Collectors" href="">article about the Department of Sanitation. Reporter Field Maloney got to work with "san men" and learned where the sewer rats are (Broadway, from the Garment District to Union Square), what "mongo" is, and why you should turn your head when garbage is being put through the hopper. But it......

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March 16, 2005

Electronic key cards are at the New York Region > East Side Tenants Oppose Electronic Entry System" href="">center of proposed rent strike and lawsuit at Peter Cooper Village. The NY Times reports that tenants are upset that MetLife, who manages the buildings, will require all residents to use electronic key cards, because "the system would make it easier to identify and remove people who illegally sublet apartments, since only those who can show they have......

Continue Reading "Peter Cooper Village Wants Old School Keys"

March 15, 2005

On Sunday, the NY Times said that many New Yorkers are New York Region > On the Whole, They'd Rather Fly From Philadelphia" href="">taking flights out of Philadelphia to save money, because the NYC area airports are really expensive. The cheaper fares are mainly coming from US Airways, which slashed its fares. While this may be true, Gothamist is still really surprised. Mainly because it takes about two hours to get to Philly (it's not......

Continue Reading "Laguardia, Newark, JFK...and Philly?"

March 11, 2005

Gothamist loves how "secret meetings" become unsecret. For example, the NY Times reveals that former Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer and Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields, both eyeing a run against Mayor Bloomberg this fall, secretly met last week and allegedly agreed not to attack each other. Part of the reasoning is probably because each candidate has support from attractive blocs of voters (Latinos for Ferrer; blacks and women for Fields), they want to......

Continue Reading "Movements in NYC Mayoral Race"

March 10, 2005

The most awkward photo op of the week award might have to go to 50 Cent and The Game during their "we've made peace, yo" press conference yesterday, which happened to be on the 8th anniversary of Biggie Small's death. While this is great news for the music community, not to mention the streets of NY and LA, the event seemed to have been extremely...tense. The two rappers, who had been fighting a war......

Continue Reading "Have Big Check, Will Donate"

March 10, 2005

Short of naming saffron the Big Apple's color, Mayor Bloomberg bestowed The Gates masterminds Christo and Jeanne-Claude with the Doris C. Freedman award for enriching the public environment. Interesting facts: Freedman was the founder of the Public Art Fund, and Mayor Ed Koch created the "Percent for Art" law, "which requires the city to spend 1 percent of its budget for eligible city-funded construction projects on art for city facilities." The AP said that Christo......

Continue Reading "This Week's Post About The Gates"

March 7, 2005

In today's NY Times article about New York Region > Lots of Neon, Yes, But Try to Buy a Table Lamp" href="">improving Times Square for residents, there is an incredible quote from Times Square Alliance director Tim Tompkins (left):"We used to focus on fewer whores. Now we are focused on more stores."Now that is a slogan, though not necessarily one that will bring in more business of a certain kind. The Times Square Alliance is......

Continue Reading "Times Square is Great for Tourists, But Not For Residents"

March 4, 2005

While it's clear that NY Times New York Region > Public Lives: Seeking Courtroom Drama, From Every Angle" href="">Public Lives profilee Henry S. Schleiff, head of Court TV, is a smart man, he betrays any illusion of being in touch with pop culture. Sure, he may have attempted to get a job at Saturday Night Live, but we can pretty much see why. Check out this from the article:"Thanks to Michael Jackson, one can no......

Continue Reading "Celebrity Umbrellas"

February 25, 2005

City Council Speaker, and mayoral hopeful, Gifford Miller, gave his State of the City address yesterday, and he New York Region > Miller Vows to Block Plan on Stadium" href="">promised to block the West Side Stadium. Miller accused the Mayor of using city funds like a slush fund, and will be trying to rezone the West Side for other purposes. He said, "The bottom line is that I have fought and will keep on fighting......

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February 24, 2005

Wal-Mart has decided not to New York Region > Plans for a City Wal-Mart Are Dropped" href=";=1109221200&en;=3a35e2cb160fc5df&ei;=5094&partner;=homepage">continue plans to be in a Queens shopping mall after a lot of community and political opposition. According to the NY Times, Wal-Mart and Vornado Realty Trust, developers of the Rego Park project that would include other retail space and apartment towers, thought that Wal-Mart's continued presence would jeopardize the entire plan. What Gothamist found interesting is that apparently......

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February 18, 2005

Gothamist loves the NY Times article about the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge New York Region > A Bridge Too Fat" href="">being too fat, because for a moment, we thought, "Hey, that's not nice, calling a bridge fat!" But then it was actually an interesting (and a little scary) look at how the suspension bridge is being re-engineered, with new technology and materials, to make sure it can support the traffic in the future. For instance, Robert Moses......

Continue Reading "Do These Steel Trusses Make Me Look Fat?"

February 17, 2005

Gothamist must put our cynical hat on, after hearing that Mayor Bloomberg is New York Region > Mayor Intervenes in Plans for Condo Conversion of the Plaza" href="">siding with the hotel workers union who are opposed to the conversion of the Plaza into mostly condo, but also a tiny hotel and retail stores. While there are 900 jobs at stake, Gothamist wonders if this is an effort of the Mayor to be on the side......

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February 14, 2005

The Gates delivered this past weekend: Rave reviews (well, as rave as you're gonna get in this town - here's one semi-pan from Newsday) from all corners (Post, Daily News, NY Times). And, happily, business is New York Region > Park Visitors See Saffron, and Businesses See Green" href="">brisk for most everyone, from hot dog vendors to hotels, just as the city had hoped. However, there may be some casualties in the wonder that......

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February 11, 2005

New York is in a tizzy because it's the day before The Gates in Central Park officially open. Gothamist must say, we love how there's so much excitement about public art. Honestly, there hasn't been this much excitement and anticipation from photobloggers in New York since...the Republican National Convention last summer. Wow, Mayor Bloomberg, you really know how to push New Yorkers' buttons! The finishing touches won't be put on The Gates until tomorrow......

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