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Last Updated: May 6, 2008 9:47 AM

Chapter VII: Hope And Sorrow (7 Bros/Asylum Records)

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01. Inside
02. Enough
03. Hope
04. Scapegoat
05. Fear
06. The Past
07. Prodigal Son
08. Lifeless
09. Sorrow
10. Contradiction
11. Walk Away

I should start out by admitting that I've never been a huge SEVENDUST fan. I don't outwardly abhor the band and have even caught myself enjoying their energy-fueled live set (which hits much harder than any of their albums ever have) on an occasion or two. The one thing I will say about the Atlanta-based rockers is that, after 11 years of industry ups and downs, the band has never once strayed from their own path in lieu of changing trends. The LINKIN PARK's, GODSMACK's and LIMP BIZKIT's of the world have come and gone, and come back again in some cases, but SEVENDUST has stubbornly continued to play the same hook-laden heavy rock that brought them to the dance in the first place.

With all that being said, there is one downfall to the group's steadfastness and that is, after seven albums, the wheels are beginning to spin a little bit. "Chapter VII: Hope And Sorrow" follows that same, custom-tailored for FM rock radio formula that the masses gobble up like candy on Halloween. To completely bash the band for this would be a bit unfair, as they have managed to put together another album's worth of solid tunes that can simultaneously catch the ear and bang the head. A semi-industrial intro almost leads one to believe that opening track "Inside" is going to offer a new level of heaviness where SEVENDUST is concerned, but ultimately, the output is conservative at best. After a few bars of snarled, F-bomb-filled verse, vocalist Lajon Witherspoon plays it safe and goes straight to the soulfully crooned chorus that he's become famous for. Breaking out of their own box a little bit, "Hope" (featuring ALTER BRIDGE's Mark Tremonti) starts out with a mournful piano that slides into a slightly creepy verse section that sees the musicians subtly playing off one another before climaxing with thickly-layered heavy guitars. While this could be the most refreshing song I can remember hearing on a SEVENDUST disc, its counterpart, "Sorrow", is a solid, yet standard rocker which sees Miles Kennedy, also of ALTER BRIDGE fame, make an appearance. Speaking of guest appearances, former "American Idol" alum, Chris Daughtry lends a rather sappy vocal track to the obligatory acoustic ballad, "The Past". Songs like "Scapegoat" and "Walk Away" are prime examples of why SEVENDUST is still a viable band today, while lead single "Prodigal Son" misses the boat; thanks in part to the extra helping of cheese slapped on the song's lyrics ("I'm coming on like an elephant gun??" C'mon dude, you can do better than that).

Compared to the rest of their discography, "Chapter VII: Hope And Sorrow" probably won't be remembered as either the band's best, nor its worst output. There are several above average moments here, but none that really jump out of the speakers with enough vigor to floor the listener. What it does do is prove that SEVENDUST haven't gone anywhere and don't intend to anytime soon; for better or worse.

- Ryan Ogle
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COMMENT | 'hmm'
posted by : Squeeky
4/28/2008 5:46:35 AM

Last album I heard from these guys was Seasons, it was such a horrible experience that I completely gave up on the band then and there. Still enjoy s/t and Animosity on occassion though.

posted by : Darkstar9
4/28/2008 10:03:41 AM

This album is probably there least favorite of mine but Sevendust is and always will be a great band. In my eyes this album was doomed from jump just b/c of the fact that their last album 'ALPHA' was so killer. It seems like in most cases when a band makes their ultimate album,their pennicle they just cannot follow-up with something that surpasses it. But never count this band out b/c now that Clints back in the band their next studio album definitley has me in anticipation.But I did not really like the fact that they put Chris Daughtry on the album, Sevendust has always stood for everything that I love about rock and rock musicians,The hard work and detirmination this band has faced to make it without the exposure and radio play, the way these guys have always stayed real and I have met them and these guys are REAL. I just think to mix that with american idol is dumb and careless, that show represents everything that is wrong with music today. But I wont give them too much shit about it b/c they did tour with Daughtry and when I saw them with Buckcherry Daughtry was on the bill as well and he did publicly show love for the dust and they had him on stage with them to perform 'Waffle" so a friendship most likely formed which is cool but I wonder if Lajon smoked as much weed with Chris as he did when him and Arron Lewis Made 'follow' or did Daughtry have to turn it down to uphold his pathetic AI, squeeky clean image?

COMMENT | '7/10'
posted by : numina
4/28/2008 11:52:28 AM

Not disagreeing really at all with the review. But this is the only album of the last three where I've kept all the tracks on my itunes and listened more than 3-4 times (I'm at a surprising 10 right now), even there's no classic "Pieces" or "Confessions of Hatred" here.

It has that same nighttime feel of the first album, actually, with a lot of dark intros. The spacey tempo-drop in "Fear" is amazing. It's a slower, moodier album. I think it's their fourth-best after self-titled, Home, and Animosity.

I'm heartened with this evolution, and especially heartened with the return of Clint L. I truly think we can expect an album on the level of Home for Chapter VIII, but darker.

posted by : RiotAct666
4/28/2008 1:45:38 PM

Good album. I gave it a 8/10

COMMENT | 'whoops....'
posted by : RiotAct666
4/28/2008 1:46:15 PM

make that 10/10

COMMENT | '7/10'
posted by : Namelessking
4/28/2008 2:31:01 PM

I mostly agree with the review. The album is not bad, by any means. But, I find myself putting Alpha back on, more often than not. I have high hopes for the next record, since Clint is back in the fold, but we'll see.

posted by : raymon
4/28/2008 3:07:29 PM

They should leave the nu-metal gimmick alone and get with the times. The simple riffs worked in 1999. Kse stole their thunder long ago.

I would like to see 7dust try some techincal stuff.

COMMENT | 'raymon'
posted by : Nu-Metal Chick
4/28/2008 3:36:55 PM

Shut up, no one likes you and your silly opinions. This band still staying true to their sound, unlike sell outs like korn, SOAD and Machine Head who were bangdwagoners.

COMMENT | '^^^'
posted by : Raz0rx
4/28/2008 5:41:31 PM

More like, staying boring, instead of evolving with the times.

COMMENT | 'Darkstar said it...'
posted by : Stutzx
4/28/2008 6:09:09 PM

"Alpha" grabbed you by the ear canal and slammed you into the wall a few times before it was over. And thats a hard act to follow.

But Sevendust offers it's fans an album a year (almost), which you can not get from many other bands. BLS did the same thing there for a while and though not every CD is going to be a musical masterpiece at that rate. It's still always cool to hear " NEW ALBUM FROM { your fav band} IN STORES {whateverdate}" I think so anyhow. There ain't to much to get excited about these days.

When a band doesn't produce new material year after year after year after year after year after year, then expects a big reception when they come back ..................well lets just generalize here and say that it sucks. Leaves me looking at a CD case with hundreds of CD's and no desire to play any of them. You spit out a new CD consistently and it keeps me hungry for your music.

This is yet another solid album from 7D. I'm glad to hear they're not using a 5 gallon bucket for a snare drum or experimenting with a Hurdy Gurdy for that "new" sound and that they are sticking to what made them who they are.

Plus their live set is pure fuckin' demolition. Anybody says different, like em' or not, was never at their show.

All hail the Dust.


COMMENT | 'I wasn''t big fan of Sevendust'
posted by : MODULATOR
4/28/2008 6:19:45 PM

but this album is very good!


posted by : ']['hrAsh4u
4/28/2008 7:08:37 PM

This album is one of their best. very good!

posted by : draqza
4/28/2008 7:46:32 PM

Yeah, this was not their best CD. Experimental, and a bit of a failed one I'd say.

My full review:

COMMENT | 'its ok'
posted by : btbam666
4/28/2008 7:52:10 PM

its not there best album but way better than seasons and next but not better than alpha


posted by : madeinquebec
4/28/2008 9:30:40 PM

I don't know these guys but this is acceptable, I wouldn't mind listening to a track if I was in a bar...

COMMENT | 'Nu-Metal Chick'
posted by : Tattoo_Jobu
4/29/2008 9:43:28 AM

"unlike sell outs like korn, SOAD and Machine Head who were bangdwagoners."


COMMENT | 'I never, ever Post on here, however. . .'
posted by : Hell F'in Yeah!!!!
4/29/2008 2:22:31 PM

I used to be a HUGE 7Dust Fan! Self-Titled, Home, Animosity, Seasons = All great Albums, solid. Next & Alpha, made me less of a fan, I thought those 2 Albums would cause the demise of the Band but now, Chapter VII: Hope and Sorrow = Solid Album! This one made me believe that they may be back and can once again bring the ROCK!!!!

COMMENT | 'I like it but not their best'
posted by : chronis1420
4/29/2008 5:05:34 PM

With Clint rejoining the band it's actually making me looking forward to a brand new album. I checked out this cd and i enjoyed it but it doesn't have the same power and punch as next or alpha. I feel the cd was a step down but prodigal son and lifeless are the best. As far as them not being technical. In my opinion every metalcore band has ripped off sevendust in some shape or form and a good example is Bury Your Dead. Killswitch Engage is great but has gone downhill since Jesse Leach left them.


COMMENT | 'gr8'
posted by : Mudvayne76
4/30/2008 7:34:43 PM

album, not as good as Animosity but overall its great!

COMMENT | 'come on guys'
posted by : My Godless Endeavor
4/30/2008 9:09:37 PM

anyone who gave this 8 or higher is being very unrealistic. I mean I dont hate sevendust, but this is, at the very best, their 4 best album they have. I havent been a fan of these guys in a long time, but I loved s/t and Home so much i owed it to them to give this a shot. Not a terrible album, but they are still far from their prime.

posted by : metalhenkie
5/1/2008 4:35:41 PM

anyone who likes this album and does not give it a 10 is being unrealistic. this is BB dude. you either rate a 1 or a 10. nothing in between. just to balance the score because there are always a lot of people who like to rate albums with a 1. and (almost) no album is worth that.

normally i'd say this album is worth like a 7,5 for me. a few very good songs, and for the rest enjoyable but not very special. but a 10 it is for reasons explained earlier.

posted by : checkoutbookout
5/1/2008 5:50:44 PM

a 10 because they havent strayed like godsmack and linkin turd...some of their stuff is catchy too. arrived too late to see them play live, but i will give them credit for sticking to the same style

posted by : Shakezulah
5/1/2008 9:35:15 PM

Can't say I agree with this review at all. I love this album. Home still remains my favorite, and until Chapter VII, Alpha was my second fav. Although this album is not heavier than Alpha, it's a lot more diverse and creative. However, Contradiction is by far one of the heaviest and most badass songs they've ever done. This is a superb album, and the best work they've done with Sonny. I'm looking forward to Clint being on their next album, though. I think him coming back is going to prove to be a big step forward in the song-writing for the band. Personally, I'd say this is a 9.5/10, but I'm rating it a 10.

COMMENT | 'insert clever title here'
posted by : mrzumm
5/1/2008 10:18:10 PM

on my first listen i was a little turned off, "hope and sorrow" had a different sound than their other albums, it was kind of all-over-the-place. but by the third listen i was really enjoying it. i don't care much for the track "sorrow" because Miles Kennedy just sounds too much like every other radiofriendly/postgrunge/melodicmetal singer out there, i feel like he drags the song down to mediocrity. but all the other tracks are kick-ass. i give it a 9.5

posted by : Shakezulah
5/2/2008 12:10:03 AM

I actually though Sorrow was one of the best songs on the album. Then again, I am a huge Alter Bridge fan and I love Myles Kennedy's voice. He's got a great fucking set of pipes on him. Please point me out to other vocalists that sound like him, because I certainly haven't heard any. Either way, his collaboration was far better than Daughtry's, which was only okay.

posted by : What what what what
5/4/2008 4:56:10 PM

Morgan needs to shut the hell up. He ruins songs.

COMMENT | 'Another Good Sevendust Album'
posted by : jotto
5/5/2008 9:06:40 PM

I've been a Sevendust fan since their first album and will be a fan until their last. This album isn't as heavy as Alpha but it has more melodic and slow parts than the last 2 albums. I disagree with the review for the fact that Lajon can actually sing where most bands today don't even attempt to, so what's wrong with singing in a chorus? When they want to play heavy stuff they play as heavy as anyone else except Meshuggah, and I think their melodic moments are great. With every Sevendust album you are going to get some great tunes no matter what. I think these guys are one of the most underrated bands in a long time. They deserve more respect than they'll ever get.

COMMENT | 'Shakezulah'
posted by : guitarrob81
5/6/2008 3:47:20 AM

I gave this album a 10/10 and it will probably be my album of the year. This is my favorite 7D cd. Mark Tremonti's solo on hope should tell this band how much better they would sound with a killer guitar player. This cd has everything you can want and more. Myles Kennedy has the best voice in rock and someone above me said he sounds like e1 else haha shows how much he knows...

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