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Results tagged “bosstweed”

Today on the Gothamist Newsmap: a shooting on Waring Ave. and White Plains Rd. in the Bronx, a water rescue at the foot of East 79th St. in Manhattan, and a pedestrian fatally struck at Cropsy Ave. and the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn. A Jewish family had to have their housekeeper call animal control to report a five-foot-long snake in their Brooklyn driveway. The definitions of midtown and the stress of establishing boundaries. New......

Improper construction that posed a serious safety threat to pedestrians led to the adjustment of three modillions from the Tweed Courthouse. The building just underwent an $89 million renovation six years ago, but someone forgot to properly glue the architectural ornamentation to the building's cornice. The safety problems on one of the city's most prominent landmarks went unnoticed until a city Buildings Department manager gazed at Tweed while walking to his office on Chambers St. in lower Manhattan. The Buildings Department manager was able to see the flaw from Chambers St.,......

Yesterday was the 38th Annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride March, and thousands of people participated - from shimmying and showing off their outrageous costumes to waving gay pride flags and hollering their support. The grand marshals of the parade were religious leaders Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum and Reverend Dr. Troy Perry; Kleinbaum said, "We stand for a progressive religious voice. Those who use religion to advocate an anti-gay agenda I believe are blaspheming God’s name.” However, Kleinbaum and Perry were upset that Mayor Bloomberg stuck to a script that......

The State Assembly voted in favor of allowing same-sex marriages in New York. Newsday said it was the first time a gay marriage bill was "debated publicly in one of the houses of the State Legislature Tuesday." However, the bill is not expected to make it pass the Republican-controlled Senate. Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno said, "We're not doing gay marriage by [tomorrow's adjournment], that's for sure." The Sun had a breakdown of how the NYC Assembly members voted:All 12 Manhattan Assembly members backed the legislation, including Speaker Silver, while support was weaker in......

The Puerto Rican Day Parade is supposed to draw 2.8 million spectators to 5th Ave. in Manhattan this Sunday, making it one of the most popular annual parades in New York City. It's the 50th occurrence, so expect lots of enthusiasm from marchers, who will be heading north from 44th St. to 86th St. and entertained by Parade King Ricky Martin. The size of the event is amazing, considering that the estimated population of Puerto Rico itself is just under four million people. Event organizers stressed that its a multi-cultural affair, however,......

Yesterday afternoon, hundreds of New Yorkers took to Fifth Avenue and participated in the first annual Dance Parade. From whirling dervishes to salsa dancers, from break dancers to hula hoopers, not even the rain could stop the two-hour celebration that started near Herald Square and ended in Wasington Square Park. Here's a brief description from the organizers about the parade's vision:To honor Dance's historical roots: New York has never celebrated the forms of dance that it has birthed until now: Voguing, Jazz, the Jitterbug, Punk, Gothic--even Salsa was birthed in the......

In less than a year and a half, former Brooklyn Assemblyman and Democratic party boss Clarence Norman was found guilty on corruption charges. This time, a jury found Norman guilty of five counts of coercion, grand larceny by extortion, and attempted grand larceny by extortion related to, as the Daily News put it, "shaking down court candidate Karen Yellen for $10,000" back in 2002. Norman's threat was that she would lose his support if she didn't use certain campaign consultants. Norman was acquitted of five other similar charges related to extorting another candidate,......

Boss Tweed uploaded video from September 12, 2001 to YouTube. The film shows how the World Trade Center's remains were still burning the day after, and how people posted "Missing" signs in areas that later became makeshift memorials. The NY Sun has an article about five places in the NYC area that have become memorials, as we wait for one to be built at Ground Zero. The NY Times also has some WTC-related present day videos: One is a tour of Ground Zero and the other is a......

The Javits Center isn't the only NYC convention center getting ready for a growth spurt. Though the Javits expansion has been hitting yet more snags of late (like, uh, who is going to pay for it?) the Times today reports on the Bloomberg administrations newest pet convention project, the smaller convention area currently on Pier 94. Because the city has been busy building other places for boats to dock it says it should be able to soon enough close Pier 92 to boats. When that happens the city wants to permanently......

- This week's New York has a story, not yet online, on the shocking and tragic execution-style murder of Tiesha Sargeant in which her drug dealing boyfriend admits to having sold $6,000 worth of weed the day of the murder. - What happens when the Department of Buildings decides the Bed-Stuy building you just bought a condo in is illegally built? "No bank will give a loan on this, you can't refinance or take out anything on the apartment." Ouch. - In other Bed-Stuy real estate news, the......

Thousands of people (WNBC says 500,000!) lined Fifth Avenue and Greenwich Village streets to enjoy this year's Gay Pride Parade, in spite of a bit of rain. In fact, one performer on the "Carnival in Rio" float told the NY Times, "Today is our day. The rain won't stop us. Mother Nature is a drag queen." One of the stars of the parade was Kevin Aviance, the drag queen who was brutally beaten by some teens in the East Village. A parade parade spectator deemed Aviance, who was wearing red high......

- A drunk college senior fell on the third rail for two minutes and lived to tell the tale. - Yankee Stadium might get a Metro-North station so Shea wants a direct LIRR connection. - Bloomie, for reals, reopen City Hall park. - Roach bomb + pilot light = boom. - The links are getting greener on Staten Island. - "Fat Nick" wants to go clubbing with his victim. - A flight to Puerto Rico had to return to JFK after......

Last night, there was a knit-in to honor Jane Jacobs' spirit. Per massive knit nyc, the event was to knit together a structure in the park and to remember "Jane Jacobs, who was crucial in preventing an expressway from being built through Washington Square Park." Boss Tweed sent us this photograph of knitters starting - did anyone participate or see the structure at the end? And here's a site on more recent park issues: Preserve Washington Square Park. ...

- The guy who stabbed a 10-month-old baby in Washington Heights last September has been found mentally unfit to stand trail - The drug-dealing boyfriend of Tiesha Sargent, the bright and beautiful young woman (truly, we met her back when she was at Brearley) who was murdered in cold blood last weekend, has decided he won't take a lie-detector test after all. - Spitzer gave back $124,445 to an indicted lawfirm yesterday. - The Manhattan Supreme Court ruled that class size won't be on the ballot this fall. The UFT......

- Bizarre Kenneth Cole ads get the work over from Animal magazine - Howard Stern says he's staying on satellite radio which means his Sirius contract must be really ironclad - The Village Voice on the Worldwide Marijuana March: "We're here, we're high, get used to it!" the stoners shouted at baffled shoppers. "What do we want? Pot! When do we want it? Now!" - A new tape of the White Castle cop beating is released - So, if we become a famous writer,......

Gothamist is getting reports from all over that the anti-war protest currently going on down Broadway is a shockingly large one. Though it is only supposed to go from Union Square down Broadway to Worth Street, we're hearing reports of protesters backing up all the way to Madison Square! Anybody got any photos? Reports? Etc.? Put 'em in the comments and we'll update this post as more info becomes available (i.e. when the rally actually finishes). Photo by Adam Rountree for the AP Update Here are some more photos sent in by......

Today, between 3PM and 7PM, many people are planning to attend an immigration rally at City Hall. There are a couple different plans (the Daily News says some are marching over the Brooklyn Bridge again while others will start at Washington Square Park), with students, taxi drivers and other service workers will walk out or leave work in order to attend the rally. Yesterday's rally in Dallas had hundreds of thousands of people. For more information about protests regarding the country's immigration bill, check out There's an......

- The Villager reports there were only 4 arrests in last weeks Critical Mass - THe Times examines the Department of Education examining itself. - There was a memorial service for Imette St. Guillen last night. - The Randalls Island water park is one step closer to charging you $40 admission. - As the suburbs get richer, the volunteer firefighters disappear. - Yikes! A 14-year-old was busted in Queens with a loaded Uzi. - Anybody got a picture of the advertecture covering 2 Columbus Circle? Carlyle......

- With friends like these: A Staten Island man did some reno work on the bathroom of a friend in Long Island - and installed a camera to watch her (ew ew ew) - Meg Ryan is adopting a Chinese baby - she's really getting into the spirit of celebrating Chinese New Year! - The NY Sun looks at Arquitectonica's addition to the Bronx Museum of the Arts - An elderly woman was killed by a bus this morning - The Department of Education is giving......

- No more district superintendents for 200 public school - Police issue tickets because of quotas - big surprise! - Five Queens students were hurt by the same men in separate attacks - As is the property, parking spaces at the Time Warner Center are $$$ - Don't take the Holland Tunnel Sunday morning - there will be sign installation (though it might be good for pictures) - And the AP interviews the blogging taxi driver, Melissa Plaut, who is awesome......



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