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December 15, 2008

Well, that felt good. After years of futility against the ertswhile Oilers, the Texans smacked down Bud Adams' boys on Sunday in a game where the 13-12 final score didn't do justice to the dominant performance by the Texans offense.

Andre Johnson once again proved that he may not (mathematically speaking) be from this planet. How do 207 receiving yards sound? Inhuman? Exactly. Matt Shaub was firing bullets all day, and if it hadn't been for some questionable play-calls in the red zone, this would've been a hefty blowout. As is, the Texans had to rely heavily on Kris Brown's FG capability, and save for one chip-shot miss, Brown came through.

The other main story on Sunday was a questionable coaching decision by Tennessee's Jeff Fisher. Facing 4th and 3 while solidly in Texans territory in the fourth quarter, Fisher elected to go for it, rather than taking a 49 yard field goal and a possible lead. Kerry Collins blundered a pass downfield, thus turning the ball over to the Texans who were able to run out the clock for the win.

Whether Fisher's mustache-powered hubris or a strong offensive performance was the deciding factor, a win is a win. The Texans now stand at 7-7, with the very real possibility of winning their two remaining games on the road against the Bears and the Raiders. A 9-7 season would be the best record in team history, and set the stage for a productive 2009 season. Texans fans are reacting with joy and more than a little gloating over the hillbilly-traitors from Nashville and their reprobate owner.

A cocky Texans team? Who woulda thunk it. But it has a nice ring to it.
photo: Flickr user mrp1001

Star Wars Holiday Special (also featuring the MST3K guys)

121508_StarWarsHS.jpgOkay Star Wars nerds, do you know the names of Chewbacca's family members?* No? Not as big a fan of the series as you thought, huh. Pay no mind, because you can meet the Wookiee's clan and more at Domy Books Monday Movie Night tonight during a screening of the Star Wars Holiday Special.

This 1978 made-for-TV episode in the Star Wars saga featured the original cast of the film acting among cheap sets, an awful script and even worse special effects in yet another attempt by George Lucas to cash in on the popularity of his creations. What results is less sci-fi and more variety hour. Kind of like Chewbacca: Home for the Holidays. Guest appearances include Art Carney, Bea Arthur, Jefferson Starship and Diahann Caroll. You read that right: Jefferson Starship.

Snark will be pre-provided during the screening with the help of Rifftrax (a.k.a the Mystery Science Theater 3000 guys).

*Their names are Malla, Itchy, and Lumpy.

Star Wars Holiday Special
Admission: FREE!
Date and Time: Tonight, 8:30-10:30 p.m.
Location: Domy Books, 1709 Westheimer

Reaching to Heaven

Reaching to Heaven
by J. Evins

Here's a great view of downtown with wonderful color and perspective.

If you have a passion for Houston and photography, consider joining a whole bunch of Houston's best photographers in the Houstonist Flickr Photo Group. Each day, Houstonist chooses a Photo of the Day and if Houstonist uses your photo, submit it here.

For more great Houston photography, check out the Houston Photobloggers.

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December 15, 2008

Texans win! Ricardo Rachell, convicted in 2003 of sexually assaulting a boy, was cleared last week based on DNA evidence The Coast Guard on Saturday suspended the search for victims of a helicopter crash off the coast of Sabine Pass Wondering what Mayor Bill White's next political step will be? Looks like we might find out this week when Hizzoner makes a public announcement The Center, hit by thieves who stole......

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December 14, 2008

It's no secret that Weingarten Realty has given a big F-you to its Houston market with the much protested redevelopment of the River Oaks Shopping Center, but it just keeps getting better. A group named Stop Shepherd Noise was organized to bring to light issues concerning the River Oaks Shopping Center, and is described as a "group of concerned......

Continue Reading "Setback what? Where?"

December 12, 2008

The Dynamo continued their youth movement today by sending midfielder Dwayne DeRosario to Toronto FC. DeRosario has been a cornerstone of the Dynamo for four years, providing valuable field leadership during their dominant '06 and '07 MLS Cup seasons. In exchange, the Orange will receive defender Julius James, a highly regarded young player coming off his first MLS season, as well as......

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Last week it was reported that Houston-based contracting giant KBR had been awarded a $6.4 billion contract to build an oil refinery in Angola, one of the world's richest countries in terms of petrochemicals (the US imports more oil from Angola than it does from Kuwait) but one of the poorest in terms of population (70% of Angolans live below the poverty line). Much of Houston's wealth owes a debt to developing......

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::St. Arnold's Christmas Pub Crawl:: That's right, Daily-ist is back with a vengeance, and today we have a holiday challenge for you. Successfully complete all five stops on the St. Arnold's Christmas Pub Crawl tonight and get a commemorative Christmas glass. Here's how it works: get to the first bar (it doesn't matter which one you go to first) between......

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IMG_5330_is_this_parthenon by lodidadee2007 You can almost feel the dew of the early morning fog in this image. Is that a Parthenon replica? Does anyone know where this photo was taken and if that is a replica of the Partenon? ________________________________________________________________ If you have a passion for Houston and photography, consider joining a whole bunch of Houston's best photographers......

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Handmade gifts are always a great idea. But why go through the endless hours of knitting an ill-fitting sweater when you could give handmade art instead. You aren't a very good artist? Well, that don't matta, it's the thought that counts. And besides, practice makes perfect, which is why you should attend Dr. Sketchy this Sunday. Dr. Sketchy is a monthly......

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Photo by Adam Baker Did you know the Space Shuttle Endeavour made a flyover Houston yesterday as it was headed to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida? Roughly between 11:45am and 12:45pm the shuttle passed over Johnson Space Center and Adam Baker got a great shot! We'd like to share this one shot......

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December 11, 2008

Billy D. Washington is performing this weekend, starting tonight at The Laff Stop. Who is Billy D. Washington? Well, for starters, he's a homeboy, a local Houstonian who used to be a Houston police officer. After spending a few years on the force, Billy embarked on a journey into the entertainment industry that found him writing songs, parodies, poetry......

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Making your orders come true. by Nanyaar? This is where the magic happens. ________________________________________________________________ If you have a passion for Houston and photography, consider joining a whole bunch of Houston's best photographers in the Houstonist Flickr Photo Group. Each day, Houstonist chooses a Photo of the Day and if Houstonist uses......

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Flickr photo by: Deji_01 Were you dreaming of a white fortnight before Christmas? Houstonist sure was and we got our wish. Lo and behold, snow fell from the heavens above yesterday. Most reports of snow started in the late afternoon around 4 pm. The snow would come and go, be mixed with sleet......

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