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1 NannyState 423

Not only is Orange County not Upstate, it's practically New Jersey....

On November 13, 2008 5:54 AM in Extra, Extra

It is FREE. Do you notice how so many things are FREE since Obama was elected? Everything will be FREE soon....

On November 12, 2008 10:05 PM in Hop on the HoB (Free Rides in Brooklyn)
3 babyhitler 228

I think felix the cat's argument is "why can't you tolerate my religious intolerance of your sexual tolerance?"...

4 JacqueMehoff 222

the news mentions the Secret Service will be involved in the investigation because threats to Obama were written....

On November 12, 2008 11:06 PM in Racist Graffiti Hits Long Island Neighborhood
5 Snoopy 207

"The winner is All Time Low. Lamest. Seem like nice enough guys accepting the award, but nobody seems to care." With that last quote I am finished reporting on this event....

On November 12, 2008 11:42 PM in Liveblogging the 2008 MTVU Woodies!
6 felixthecat 201

(I dare you guys to protest rappers) A rapper who is best-known for his work with Eminem has warned gay and lesbian people that his new album contains extreme homophobic lyrics. In an interview with...

On November 13, 2008 2:48 AM in New Yorkers March Against Proposition 8
7 Spiritof76 172

The real Times has a point. If you want to make a fake paper, go ahead, but don't use the name of a real paper. It dilutes their trademark and creates confusion. It would have been quite easy to make ...

On November 12, 2008 1:22 PM in Read All About It: Fake New York Times Offered
8 ides_of_march 170

Too bad it didn't go under when Walter Duranty was still performing journalistic fellatio on Joe Stalin....

On November 12, 2008 8:39 PM in NY Times Stock Hits a 52-Week Low
9 r1b2 155

Where will the kids from The Real World hang out now?...

10 matty 152

^sorry about the above. Had one too many. Anyway, yeah, the woodies. ...

On November 13, 2008 4:37 AM in Liveblogging the 2008 MTVU Woodies!
11 Steven 147

The Valley Central school district has lifted the ban on scarfs.

On November 12, 2008 9:08 PM in Extra, Extra
12 Mr Mel 128

Another shot in the dark....

On November 12, 2008 12:37 PM in Paulson Now Wants to Focus on Consumer Lending
13 whitecastlerock 119

Drop dead Trump-you are evil in your own right. ...

On November 12, 2008 4:21 PM in In With Donald Trump: 50 Cent, Out: President Bush
14 Rocknrope 117

^ Do your sources prefer wet or dry food?...

On November 12, 2008 9:35 PM in Dow Falls Over 400 Points
15 edEx 117

And Batman is the name of a PERSON... reminds me of this conversation from the movie Stand By Me Vern: Do you think mighty Mouse could beat up Superman? Teddy: What are you, cracked? Vern: Why not? ...

On November 12, 2008 6:07 PM in Holy Crazy Lawsuit Batman!
16 Amanda Harlech 114

#23: perhaps you understand "maverick" better...

On November 12, 2008 2:16 PM in Palin on "Media Games," Campaign's Collapse
17 Kojak 104

Guys... guys..... I don't know who she is or what she looks like, but she aint worth it. "I feel pretty safe here. These things happen. It is scary, but what could you do? Stay in your house every da...

On November 13, 2008 8:24 AM in Staten Island Gunfire May Have Been Over a Woman
18 Felix Hoenikker 96

Great. Now I have the munchies....

On November 12, 2008 3:50 PM in Dumpling Masters Come to Town
19 jen 96

If there's an express train from Times Square to Coney Island, maybe it should be a tricked out carnival ride type of train car. ...

On November 12, 2008 5:28 PM in Visions for a New Coney Island
20 zodak 95

spnder: as someone on towelroad wrote: "However, in reference to a previous post here about the "rogue" Democrats in the NY State Assembly, who are trying to force the issue of gay marriage off the t...

21 Shinobi Shaw 93

Not everybody who voted against Obama was for Mc Cain nor were they racists. Many are just FED UP with the LEFT-RIGHT Paradigm fraud and voted for a 3rd party member. Of course aside from this group...

On November 13, 2008 12:15 AM in Dow Falls Over 400 Points
22 Politburo 92

jterry don't insult me with such a fucking stupid argument, and keep your posts on the correct thread....

On November 11, 2008 12:56 PM in Stocks Fall on Recession Fears
23 Wza 92

I took this quote from Steven...Oct. 23rd on another thread here about fare hikes because I always ask the same question: Let's see/understand the logic here More riders = complaining about not en...

On November 12, 2008 3:24 PM in Fare Hike Fears Hit $3 Crescendo
24 NYCSniper 78

Interesting headline. Wouldn't it be great if Gothamist had an anti-Gothamist headline week. (i.e - go with THE OPPOSITE of your gut reaction, Jen). And regarding the cartoons: I've never seen one li...

25 Future Taliban 69

Staten Island? Isn't that in Central America?...

On November 12, 2008 4:39 PM in Two Shot Outside Staten Island T.G.I. Friday's
26 Rob T Firefly 64

Norm Abram! I'm touching Norm Abram! I'm hugging Norm Abram! I'm holding Norm Abram over my head!...

On November 12, 2008 11:58 AM in This Old House Sets up Shop in Brooklyn
27 supernova 64

I don't think it's a bad initiative, but please put the off/mute back on. Like the man said, sometimes people are trying to talk on the phone, just don't wanna listen/watch any shit or it's just too...

On November 11, 2008 8:04 PM in More Malfunctioning Taxi TV Screens Are Always On
28 Ronkonkoma Ondinnonk 63

Hey, Jen S -- Why no love? Whadd I do? Did you contract herpes in Ronkonkoma? Hrrrumpf....

On November 12, 2008 2:59 PM in Herpes Lawsuit Drama
29 emilydickinson 61

I hear many things classified as ironic, but this...I'm on the phone withe O.E.D. people right now....

On November 12, 2008 10:05 PM in Barneys Goes Hippie for the Holidays
30 blablanyc 61

Oh please. Every week we hear of another NYU student dealing illegal drugs from their dorm room. NYers need more NYPD to save us from these NYU brats. Who is the reckless NYU bus driver I always see...

On November 12, 2008 12:27 PM in Will the NYPD Be Enough to Keep NYU Safe?
31 thefacts 59

The Mormons don't give a shit about these silly protests. They were murdered and hounded out of the east coast for their beliefs in the 19th century. Think they care about a few demonstrators? The or...

32 EastRiver 58

One source I read says Robbins registered in 1997 under the name Tim Robbins with an address on West 15th Street. In February 2004 he registered again as Timothy F. Robbins listing an address on West...

33 HowBoutDemCowboys 55

Wait until you hear the sound of brokers going *SPLAT* on the sidewalk. Then, it's time to buy....

On November 12, 2008 4:49 PM in Dow Falls Over 400 Points
34 Pull My Finger 55

The MTA could not manage a news stand without losing money....

On November 9, 2008 10:29 AM in Tolls for East River Bridges Freak Drivers Out
35 jterry121 53

"African_Americans went 70-30 for Prop.8, which passed 52-48. Why don't those gay "Pink Panthers" attack a Harlem Methodist church instead? Pussies?" Maybe because California is 76% White, and only ...

On November 11, 2008 11:20 PM in Upper West Side Prop 8 Protest Planned for Tomorrow
36 longacre 52

Shouldn't New Yorkers be celebrating what happened in Connecticut today rather than protesting something in a state we have nothing to do with? Not only that, but NY itself will likely legalize gay ma...

On November 13, 2008 1:58 AM in New Yorkers March Against Proposition 8
37 nyc_toby 50

@ skyhook: There are several other State Parks in the city, such as Gantry Plaza in LIC, and Empire-Fulton Ferry in DUMBO. They aren't as nice or open as much as city parks. It would make more sense ...

On November 12, 2008 11:05 AM in Williamsburg Park Will Close for the Winter
38 Dirk 49

many of you seem bitter.....perhaps you got rejected from NYU??? couldn't get enough financial aid? or you just hate 18-22 year old students? Yeah, that's it. We're all jealous.......

On November 12, 2008 1:15 PM in Will the NYPD Be Enough to Keep NYU Safe?
39 Think twice 49

Love him or hate him; we need Al Sharpton....

On November 11, 2008 12:24 PM in Upper West Side Prop 8 Protest Planned for Tomorrow
40 cucarachita 48

Oh, please. Herpes is everywhere. For that matter, that little old cold sore? That's herpes! And more often than not, these days, it's genital herpes that you caught from oral sex. Actors are requir...

On November 11, 2008 11:50 PM in Herpes Lawsuit Drama
41 Clarice City 47;=8998 Just wanted to know what he looked like.......

On November 12, 2008 8:25 AM in Herpes Lawsuit Drama
42 sinisterteashop 47

Simon Doonan is a sweetie and someone who's become more of a New Yorker than a Londoner since opening his stores. And yes, the store windows are awful....

On November 12, 2008 9:34 PM in Barneys Goes Hippie for the Holidays
43 Splicer 47

I despise religion and religions of all kinds. To me they are exercises fantastical thinking that ignore the reality of the world and the way things work. For me religion = bullshit. The Mormons are ...

On November 13, 2008 6:01 AM in New Yorkers March Against Proposition 8
44 everyAframe 46

Hmm, stabs chicks? I say tazer and sodomize combo....

On November 6, 2008 4:10 PM in Cops Have 13-Hour Standoff with Man in Undies
45 chris lee 44

What's in a name? That's what the problem is here. Society identifies the marriage institution as a practical and symbolic manifestation of it's desire for regeneration and projection into the future....

On November 13, 2008 7:46 AM in New Yorkers March Against Proposition 8
46 dooWOP 44

What's the big deal? Just supply each student with a whistle and a can of mace......

On November 12, 2008 11:44 AM in Will the NYPD Be Enough to Keep NYU Safe?
47 JRod5417 44

Here's a good question: If she is looking for an open door in 4 to 12 years, why would she need to plow through a door? Please, discuss amongst yourselves....

On November 12, 2008 12:31 PM in Palin on "Media Games," Campaign's Collapse
48 JenChungsBra 43

I met Kristen. She has the softest hands. But I'd want Shazia Khan as my tight end....

49 Novanglus 42

Aww, I love racism that gets covered up when it's against white people. ...

On November 4, 2008 6:15 PM in Rangel on Voter Turnout: "This is Beautiful"
50 glennQNYC 41

How do you think the vast majority of food and drink gets into Manhattan? Hint: It isn't using the subway......

On November 10, 2008 3:40 PM in Tolls for East River Bridges Freak Drivers Out

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