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The Skylark
Skylark image

The E. E. Smith Memorial Award

The Edward E. Smith Memorial Award for Imaginative Fiction (the Skylark) is presented annually by NESFA to some person, who, in the opinion of the membership, has contributed significantly to science fiction, both through work in the field and by exemplifying the personal qualities which made the late "Doc" Smith well-loved by those who knew him.

The award consists of a trophy with a large lens. The winner of the award is chosen by vote of the Regular members of the New England Science Fiction Association, Inc. It is presented at Boskone, NESFA's annual convention.  [†—deceased]

1966  Frederik Pohl
1967  Isaac Asimov †
1968  John W. Campbell †
1969  Hal Clement †
1970  Judy-Lynn Benjamin del Rey †
1971  No Award Given
1972  Lester del Rey †
1973  Larry Niven
1974  Ben Bova
1975  Gordon R. Dickson †
1976  Anne McCaffrey
1977  Jack Gaughan †
1978  Spider Robinson
1979  David Gerrold
1980  Jack L. Chalker
1981  Frank Kelly Freas
1982  Poul Anderson †
1983  Andre Norton
1984  Robert Silverberg
1985  Jack Williamson †
1986  Wilson (Bob) Tucker
1987  Vincent Di Fate
1988  C. J. Cherryh
1989  Gene Wolfe
1990  Jane Yolen
1991  David Cherry
1992  Orson Scott Card
1993  Tom Doherty
1994  Esther M. Friesner
1995  Mike Resnick
1996  Joe & Gay Haldeman
1997  Hal Clement †
1998  James White 1999  Bob Eggleton 2000  Bruce Coville
2001  Ellen Asher
2002  Dave Langford 2003  Patrick & Teresa Nielsen Hayden
2004  George R.R. Martin
2005  Tamora Pierce
2006  David G. Hartwell
2007  Beth Meacham
2008  Charlie Stross

Have you heard Jane Yolen's Skylark story?