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Bill Maher Talks Balloon Boy, Interviews Rep. Alan Grayson (VIDEO)

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The Huffington Post
First Posted: 10-17-09 03:42 PM   |   Updated: 10-17-09 07:50 PM

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On "Real Time" this Friday, Maher began his show with a monologue about the the "balloon boy" saga surrounding the Heene family.

Maher made some funny observations. Among them, the misnomer "balloon boy."

"They're calling him balloon boy, which is so stupid" Maher said, "because the one thing we know about this kid, is that he was not in a balloon."


Maher's first guest Friday was Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL).

Grayson made a national name for himself over the past few weeks with his simple analysis of the Republican Party's health care plan: Don't get sick and if you do, die quickly.

Rep. Grayson came prepared for Maher and the show's format. They went back and forth, and talked about health care reform, medical malpractice suits, President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize, and the Afghan War (Grayson is opposed to the war). Each scored some good one-liners.

Rep. Grayson's most quotable line was a joke about President Obama conspiracy theorists:
"I understand what the president's doing, and you know, people attack him and he turns the other cheek, just like a good Muslim would do."


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On "Real Time" this Friday, Maher began his show with a monologue about the the "balloon boy" saga surrounding the Heene family. Maher made some funny observations. Among them, the misnomer "balloon...
On "Real Time" this Friday, Maher began his show with a monologue about the the "balloon boy" saga surrounding the Heene family. Maher made some funny observations. Among them, the misnomer "balloon...
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If we leave Afghanistan, we'll be leaving Pakistan to the Taliban and giving them nuclear weapons. America cannot abide that, I'm sorry.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:32 AM on 10/20/2009
- Cactusman I'm a Fan of Cactusman 2 fans permalink

Alan Grayson is awesome!

The best way to disarm the fear-mongering reptilian brain-stem impulses that the Republicans are trying to tweak in our minds is to use humor to aggressively frame the debate in an unfavorable light for them. Grayson seems to have mastered big aspects of this. He's quotable, pithy, uses memorable sound bites to devastating effect, and times his one-liners with a smile after a bit of deadpan pausing. This is rare in a politician, although Barney Frank and Al Franken can do this too.

And for friggin' once he's a Democrat who isn't afraid to show some spine!

Go Grayson! Take control of the debate and reverse the lies of the party of Palin. Sic 'em!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 12:26 AM on 10/20/2009
- Veganie I'm a Fan of Veganie 3 fans permalink

Thousands of years of wisdom from a very few people. Make it simple; eat just raw foods and you won't need health care unless you fall down.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:48 PM on 10/19/2009

Americans everywhere: vote with your pocket book. Remember that has power! Leave your bank and go to a credit union if your bank doesn't do the right thing by you; don't take unnecessary drugs; eat healthy food; exercise, etc. Don't wait for the FDA, the EPA or the CIA. Just start looking after yourselves. That way companies will start to provide what we want not what THEY want you to want. And if one company treats you like s#!* then go to another one. Can't wait to hear Alan Grayson's next comments - what a hoot of a guy!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:11 PM on 10/19/2009

Strange how no one with wit, intelligence and insight has popped up from among the withering Republican harvest.

I trust it is not for the most obvious reason.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:22 PM on 10/19/2009
- elr50 I'm a Fan of elr50 18 fans permalink

I am surprised to find anyone with a brain and a conscience in Florida!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:43 PM on 10/19/2009
- FunPie I'm a Fan of FunPie 13 fans permalink

Maher was right about a lot that night! Especially the stupidity surrounding "Balloon Boy".

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:38 PM on 10/19/2009
- helpusa I'm a Fan of helpusa 12 fans permalink

I have a feeling that Rep. Grayson doesn't care if he gets re-elected and we are the better for it because he can speak his mind. I do understand that he is not a pauper and that he may very well have run for Congress because he wanted to be a true patriot and help the people. See, not all rich people are greedy and/or liars. I'm just glad he's on my side. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:48 PM on 10/19/2009

In ancient China, it was the physician's job to keep people from getting sick. If they ever had to treat someone because they had become sick, the physician had not done his job and had to return his payment (in addition to doing whatever was necessary to return the individual to health). Now that's health care.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:10 PM on 10/19/2009

They've had thousands of years of wisdom of what constitutes food. We've screwed that all up with the FDA, and USDA in 230 years

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:25 PM on 10/19/2009
- swimbiker I'm a Fan of swimbiker 38 fans permalink

Sorry, cannot agree. The US has the best system of labeling ingredients that you will find. Don't be too quick to praise the Chinese. After all, they're the ones who adulterated the pet food and then sold it to other countries.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:57 PM on 10/19/2009

Finally, A DEMOCRAT WITH CAJONES. Grayson is my new hero. Not only is he tough, he's damn smart too. Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Harvard and John F. Kennedy Lawschool, was the president of a multi billion dollar telecom company, and is a multi millionaire. The man has brains as well as guts and more Democrats (including the president) should emulate him.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 05:18 PM on 10/19/2009
- saus I'm a Fan of saus 2 fans permalink

Alan Grayson for president in 2016

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 04:45 PM on 10/19/2009

I second that!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 05:56 PM on 10/19/2009

His stance on healthcare is nothing compared to his tilting with the Fed Reserve Board. Either he is a true man for the people, or the proverbial wolf...

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:26 PM on 10/19/2009
- StayinLeft I'm a Fan of StayinLeft 6 fans permalink

Ahhhhhhh...... Alan Grayson my new hero. Perhaps he will light a fire under the rest of the dems out there who have chosen to sit on the fence on important issues while their hands are firmly in the pockets of special interest groups.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:54 PM on 10/19/2009
- jdrourke I'm a Fan of jdrourke 10 fans permalink

Let's hope so. Nicely said!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:05 PM on 10/19/2009

Something not mentioned in this interview, or virtually anywhere in regards to U.S. healthcare - the DISASTROUS decision to permit pharmaceutical companies to advertise on television. Have you noticed the increasing fraction of TV commercials that are now devoted to selling expensive and frequently unnecessary drugs? Drugs for impotence, for depression, for indigestion, for anxiety, for lack of anxiety...

Now that this box has been opened, how can we ever close it again?

See Mother Jones article, "Prime Time Pushers", by Lisa Belkin:

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:40 PM on 10/19/2009

Note that this article is from 2001. It's gotten much worse since then.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 04:21 PM on 10/19/2009

Yeah, with the melodic, comforting tunes when they reveal all the side effects. It's disgusting and they all should be pulled.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 04:55 PM on 10/19/2009
- Jetling I'm a Fan of Jetling 4 fans permalink

The majority of the commercials are the disclaimers, which are even more ludicrous.

"If you have an major issues from using ____, including skin rash, bleeding from your eyeballs or sudden heart stoppage, please consult your doctor."

I'm paraphrasing...but not by a lot.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:27 PM on 10/19/2009

What really gets me: they sound so HAPPY when they're telling you about all the terrible side effects.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:34 PM on 10/19/2009

We've been down this road with tobacco. If you have the money to pay for a service, then it should be legal to buy it.

If you don't like the ads on TV
A) change the station
B) write to the station expressing your dislikes
C) vote with your dollars

This is not the govt's job to fix this crap, they only screw it up. It is the job of each of us to learn that there is a better way through nutrition than what these people are offering as "Cures" for the most over-fed yet undernourished nation in history.

It's not 30% that is unnecessary. More like 80%

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:34 PM on 10/19/2009
- swimbiker I'm a Fan of swimbiker 38 fans permalink

I think that what Kilgore Trout was alluding to was that patients are showing up in doctors' offices demanding to be treated with some medication simply because they saw it on television. And, the doctors are put in a bind because if they don't comply, they see the patient leave and find a doctor who will comply. This drives up healthcare costs in its own way and causes all of us in the pocketbook.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:59 PM on 10/19/2009
- FunPie I'm a Fan of FunPie 13 fans permalink

Wait. So, "Don't get sick and if you do, die quickly" ISN'T a good health plan? ;-)

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:28 PM on 10/19/2009
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