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Building on what dbcurrie said: What if students took the food and gave it directly to people on the street? I don't know anything about your community but we have panhandlers and people sleeping on the street. Get some disposable containers at a dollar store and some cutlery and portion up the leftovers. I sometimes give restaurant leftovers to homeless people sitting on the street.

From Serious Eats

In-Flight Drinks: Spicy Tomato Juice

@Paula Maack: You're right about salt. You'll also find "rehydration tablets" or "rehydration salts" that are mostly sodium and sugar.

Wisegeek has a page about it in relation to electrolytes. It applies the theory to diarrhea but if you Google around you see that it has wider application. I took rehydration salts when feeling dizzy while hiking in the Andes.

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Making ketchup

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Sprouts (NOT Brussel sprouts)

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Bugs in the cupboard

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Cooking with Quail Eggs

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Serious Eats Turns Three: Happy Birthday To Us

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Food-Themed Ties for Father's Day

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Legal Help Needed

Building on what dbcurrie said: What if students took the food and gave it directly to people on the street? I don't know anything about your community but we have panhandlers and people sleeping on the street. Get some disposable containers at a dollar store and some cutlery and portion up the leftovers. I sometimes give restaurant leftovers to homeless people sitting on the street.

From Serious Eats

In-Flight Drinks: Spicy Tomato Juice

@Paula Maack: You're right about salt. You'll also find "rehydration tablets" or "rehydration salts" that are mostly sodium and sugar.

Wisegeek has a page about it in relation to electrolytes. It applies the theory to diarrhea but if you Google around you see that it has wider application. I took rehydration salts when feeling dizzy while hiking in the Andes.

From Serious Eats

In-Flight Drinks: Spicy Tomato Juice

I've ordered tomato juice on flights because my mother used to. Or maybe still does. I never drink tomato juice otherwise. What is it about tomato juice? I need to ask my mom. I may have asked her in the past but forgot the answer.

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I don't eat any of that Vegetable Crap

I like tongue.

I'm determined to find olives that I like in my lifetime. They're so harmless and prevalent. I almost feel freakish for not liking them. Yesterday I ate dinner at one of those "nose to tail" type restaurants when the server described a dish that involved ground beef cheeks, jowls and other miscellaneous bits over vegetables that included olives. I quipped that the most offensive part of that dish to me was the olives.

I also don't like most cottage cheese but occasionally try. There's only one brand that I like. Apparently there's a difference between regular stuff in the containers at supermarkets and the fresh stuff.

From Recipes

French in a Flash: Apple and Pear Beignets with Vanilla Bean Sugar

Doh! I forgot that I needed eggs. Won't be making them this time. Disappointed.

From Recipes

French in a Flash: Apple and Pear Beignets with Vanilla Bean Sugar

@GretchinF: Looks awesome. I'm going to make them tomorrow.
I like that they don't require many ingredients and they're cheap ingredients. I'm out of sugar but it was on my list anyway. I think I have 1 apple and 1 pear left in my fruit drawer.

From Recipes

French in a Flash: Apple and Pear Beignets with Vanilla Bean Sugar

These are going on my menu for my day-after chanukah party, and possibly on the menu for Sunday's family celebration. Thanks for the granita reminder. I'd bookmarked it last year & forgot about it. It's gone on my menu too.

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Serious Chocolate: Homemade Hanukkah Gelt

I'm SO making this for my chanukah party! (Or parties.)

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Easy Protein at a Hannukah Party??

I agree with peanutbutter, SavtaShayna and nalega. How about adding a bean salad? You can make a lot with legumes. This way you can have your "dairy meal" (we don't really call it that - at least, no one I know does).

Think like a lacto-ovo vegetarian.

From Serious Eats

Handicapping Tonight's 'Top Chef Las Vegas' Season Six Finale

I think that my choices in order are: Bryan, Kevin, Michael. Bryan really impressed me with his grape version of "nose to tail" cooking. I was surprised that neither of the others did that. It was so obviously in the spirit of the challenge (then again, I wasn't there, under pressure).

This season has been the least interesting but the most talented. When Tom said, "I'd be happy to eat at any of your restaurants but someone's got to go" I could feel that it was a tough decision.

People online have theorized that the brothers were kept on the show for the brother angle ("family bragging rights", as Tom quipped in last week's episode) but the other side of that is that if they're the most talented, dismissing one out of fear of it looking like they were working the brother angle would be just as bad. They're lucky that they had two talented brothers to make for good TV.

I'll take talent over entertainment.

From Serious Eats

That's Nuts: The Easiest Chocolate Peanut Butter Mousse Pie

Sounds good except for the Cook Whip. I just put myself in my time machine, transported myself to after the weekend, and had the same reaction as Amandarama. At least, I imagine that I would. If I had the freezer space. I might actually try it.

From Recipes

Meat Lite: Quinoa Pilaf with Sweet Potatoes, Kale, and Bacon

I rarely rinse my quinoa, and don't notice a difference in taste.

I like these Meat Lite recipes. I tend to make them without the meat. For recipes calling for bacon I tend to add a little bit of Liquid Smoke. Obviously it doesn't replicate the texture, but you get some of the flavor.

From Serious Eats

What Is Ice Cider?

Last month someone offered me a whiff of Prince Edward County ice cider. It smelled like baked apples. I tried some a few weeks later and it was delicious.

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Is this a novice pseudo-vegetarian problem?

Meat takes 1-3 days to be completely digested and eliminated from the body. Some people find that it takes a lot of energy. Your system's likely no longer used to it.

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What do you use maple syrup for?

Maple-mustard glaze for salmon or chicken.

My brother lived abroad for many years. I remember one visit home when he opened the fridge and took a swig of maple syrup from the bottle.

Canada: Known for maple syrup, hockey and Tim Horton's.
(Resisting the urge to make a How I Met Your Mother reference.)

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Does one need a microwave?

This actually came up in conversation with friends yesterday. Two friends, a couple, recently moved and haven't yet used their microwave. They don't know if they will. They agreed that their gas stove often reheats things more quickly than a microwave. I've often found that my electric stove is pretty quick too. A microwave feels quicker, maybe because the stove element needs to heat up first.

From Serious Eats

Eggo Mini Muffin Tops Should Not Exist

And Eggo keeps making money while people buy this crap.

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Making ketchup

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Sprouts (NOT Brussel sprouts)

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Bugs in the cupboard

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Cooking with Quail Eggs

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Help Me Perfect My Stovetop Espresso Maker Coffee

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Leftover salted caramel and salted caramel frosting

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Wanted: Quick and efficient tips for chopping chocolate

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Vegetarian Crock Pot recipes

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Small Mexican themed potluck ideas

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Serious Eats Turns Three: Happy Birthday To Us

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Miso...Beyond soup

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Help Me Perfect My Stovetop Espresso Maker Coffee

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What to do with all this Miso?

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The Seventh Night of Hanukkah: Maneschewitz Granita

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Served: Christmas with Restaurant People

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'Top Chef' Season 5, Episode 5: Stefan Is a Snarky Button-Pusher, But Knows Turmeric


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About CanadianFoodieGirl


Location: Toronto, Canada

About: I comment on a lot of blogs and keep my own my own. I blog unpretentiously & infrequently. I like to eat. It doesn't show because I was blessed with good genetics and was raised in a family that encouraged healthy eating and exercise.

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