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Results tagged “foxnews”

Over the weekend, John McCain’s top campaign strategist Steve Schmidt told 60 Minutes that during the campaign Sarah Palin repeatedly "said things... that were not accurate." So you betcha she's going to fit right in on Fox News, which has signed Palin to appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multiyear deal. She won't have her own regular program, but a source tells the Times that she will host a series that will run on Fox "from time to time." This is going to be fun! And, most importantly, it will enable Palin to "fight even harder" for the people of Alaska. more ›

Some retirees kill time between Canasta games by moping around the house feeling sorry for themselves, but not former Vice President Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney. He swung by the Fox News clubhouse yesterday with some words of wisdom for our current President, calling his decision to let alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed go on trial in New York a "huge mistake." Obama should take his advice to heart, because if there's one thing Cheney's an expert on, it's huge mistakes terrorism: more ›

Last night, former CNN personality Lou Dobbs appeared on Bill O'Reilly Fox News program to discuss his departure from the cable news network. Dobbs blamed the new guy in the White House—and how CNN doesn't want to rock the boat, "You know, I discern more of a difference between then, which was under the Bush administration whom I was criticizing, and now, when it is the Obama administration and an entirely different tone was taken." more ›

Two right-wing filmmakers have teamed up with Fox News to conduct a juicy hidden-camera exposé on the community advocacy group ACORN, a group conservatives hate because it receives government funding to help the indigent. According to Fox, filmmaker James O'Keefe, 25, dressed as a cliche pimp and sought housing advice at ACORN offices in New York. Joined by his partner Hannah Giles, 20, who posed as a prostitute, O'Keefe claims to have told employees he needed a house to run a brothel and help Giles escape an abusive pimp. more ›

Spurred by the raucous town hall debates about health care, the Daily Show went to the archives to look at the time-honored tradition protesting the president...and wonders about Fox News' sudden transformation in the liberal media! But can it be? Hmm—one of the early examples is Bill O'Reilly saying on August 10 that when Fox News covers the town hall meetings, "We don't describe the protesters as loons"— then there's a September 1, 2004 (in the middle of the Republican National Convention here in NYC) clip of O'Reilly saying, "Surveys show many protesters are simply loons." more ›

Some followup to a bicyclist's accusations that an SUV driver rammed into him in Central Park, which Gawker first reported: The Daily News reports that the police are investigating Brian Dooda's claims that he was "dragged more than 200 feet" by Don Broderick's SUV, adding, "Sources said a detective spoke to Dooda Tuesday but it was not yet known if charges would be filed against Broderick." The News, of course, notes Broderick's employment history—he's a "former New York Post reporter who now works for Rupert Murdoch's" Fox News—but notes the 53-year-old driving record is clean. But now Gawker says Broderick was once suspended for "assaulting a Fox co-worker...roughly ten years ago in the Fox newsroom." Streetsblog says the city's policy of keeping cars in Central Park's loop is to blame (the city has reduced car hours a little), "Until officials summon the small measure of political will needed to return the loop road to its rightful users, it will continue to be a contested street to which both drivers and park users believe they have a righteous claim. And the next Brian Dooda may not be so lucky." And Dooda offered one idea for Broderick's punishment to the News: "He has to ride a bike through Manhattan in rush hour." more ›

Brian Dooda was riding his bike in the left traffic lane in Central Park around 5 p.m. last Thursday when an altercation with an SUV driver got crazier than usual. In a post on a cycling message board, Dooda describes the incident, which began when a driver in a grey SUV with press license plates angrily cut him off as payback for riding in the car lane, "speeding within inches" of his front wheel. Dooda "gave chase," caught up with the vehicle at a stop light, and, pulling in front of the SUV, "explained to him that what he just did almost cost me my life, the speed limit is 25mph in the park and if he doesn't like it to stay out of Central Park." Bet you'll never guess how that tool in the SUV responded! more ›

In what appears to be the work of a hacker, Silicon Alley Insider reports that the Fox News Twitter account recently posted the following "tweet": "Breaking: Bill O Riley is gay". While the link itself has already been taken down, a quick trip over to O'Reilly's home page reveals some possibly related clues. In the "O'Links Around the World" section, the top link earlier was "New York Times Writer Admits to Being a Sex Addict," which forwarded readers to this week's Modern Love column, which dealt with the casual encounters of a young gay man. Then in the backstage video posted on the site, O'Reilly responds to a viewer's inquiry saying that there is a "zero percent" chance of seeing Richard Simmons on his show. Why, you ask? "The short pants? it just doesn't work on the Factor. Short pants—it frightens me." While O'Reilly himself doesn't appear to post updates on Twitter, here's a list of the almost 70 feeds coming from NY Times staff members—most, if not all of whom have not been hit with graphic sexual harassment suits. more ›

Yesterday Gawker posted a photo of what quickly became referred to as "the Montauk Monster." Lizzie Grubman jokes were made, spines shivered, conspiracy theorists pondered (the Montauk Project, anyone?), a new internet superstar was born, and most came to the conclusion that the thing that washed up near the Surfside Inn was a bloated turtle without its shell. Or a monster. more ›

Fox News captured the Reverend Jesse Jackson criticizing presidential candidate Barack Obama, saying, "See, Barack's been talking down to black people ... I want to cut his nuts off." Jackson was appearing on this past Sunday's Fox & Friends and was speaking to UnitedHealth Group's Reid Tuckson, a fellow guest--but didn't realize his mic was still on. Tonight, Bill O'Reilly aired the clip, and added that Fox News has "more damaging" audio of Jackson, but it's classy like that. more ›

Guests at Fox News now have more to worry about than Bill O’Reilly’s barking; there are also bed bugs biting. A senior vice president for operations and engineering at Fox News had nothing better to do yesterday than speak to the biased, freedom-hating New York Times about the situation, confirming that the Manhattan newsroom discovered the problem a few weeks ago, when an employee “caught a bug and showed it to us.” more ›

When we decided to check in on the status of the proposed bill to regulate New York’s exotic dancers, it was partially in the interest of pleasuring ourselves with some droll double entendres. But it seems you’ve got to get up pretty early in the morning to beat Daily News Bronx Borough Chief Bob Kappstatter to the pun:

A bill that would license exotic dancers has been bumping and grinding its way ever so slowly through the legislative hopper in Albany - but the "sin-tax" in the measure may leave legislators poles apart.
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Yesterday's explosion at 1211 Avenue of the Americas (aka 6th Avenue at 48th Street), the building that houses News Corporation and entities like Fox News and the NY Post, was caused by two chemicals reacting together. About 700 people were evacuated from the 42nd to 45th floors as the explosion occurred on the 45th floor, where the mechanic room is located - and where chemicals are stored. more ›

An explosion occurred at the Midtown building that houses News corporation businesses including Fox News and the NY Post. Fox 5 reports that a man was burned in the chemical explosion and 700 people have been evacuated. However, "the explosion has not interrupted the cable news channel's broadcast." more ›

If CBS News Writers Strike, Democrats Will Nix Debate Several presidential candidates - Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Bill Richardson -have announced their intentions not to cross picket lines for a debate sponsored by CBS News on December 10th. The Writers Guild of America announced earlier this week that its members who work for the network’s television and radio operations at both the national and local level have authorized a strike vote. The members have... more ›

Fox News Porn Robert Greenwald, the man behind the 2004 documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism which concluded that Fox News Channel is biased to the right based on memos and footage from the network, is at it again. This time around he is using clips from the channel culled from six months of broadcasts featuring women in bikinis and pixilated nudity in a YouTube video and website that mimics a porn site called... more ›

2007_11_lindastein.jpgThe police have been, or are interested in, talking to a number of people who knew music manager-turned-real estate broker Linda Stein. Stein, apparently bludgeoned to death, was found in her exclusive Fifth Avenue apartment by her daughter and a friend earlier this week. more ›

Former FBI agent Roy Lindley DeVecchio has been on trial for four counts of murder, as prosecutors have accused him of being a mob informant. And the trial is being described as a "blockbuster" because it's "one of the worst law enforcement corruption cases in U.S. history." But DeVecchio wasn't centerstage yesterday - news about former Mayor - and former U.S. Attorney - Rudy Giuliani riveted the court. more ›

We recently visited Fox News Channel’s morning show Fox & Friends. Unlike most of the other morning shows it is a freewheeling kind of crazy romp that definitely has “Fox attitude”. more ›

Greg Gutfeld is a funny guy. The only problem is that his show, Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld is on at 2 AM on Fox News. But that's not his problem; it's yours-- because you don't get to watch his show. You miss out on fun guests like Dennis Kucinich, Harland Williams, and Johnny Rotten providing rapid-fire commentary on the day's events. But just because it's on at 2 AM and on Fox News isn't stopping it from getting positive reviews from the The New York Times and The Guardian . more ›

Many schools have restricted the sugary delights of cupcakes over concerns about childhood obesity and diabetes. The Huntington School District in Long Island even banned sweets from bake sales. From the Huntington School District website, via Fox News:

"It is the policy of the district that food shall not be used in the classroom, except as a part of a snack brought from home for the individual consumption of students," the district says. "The policy forbids food from being used as an incentive or reward or for instructional purposes (except in home and career skills classes), birthday celebrations or holiday or seasonable celebrations. Instead, alternatives are suggested that include singing and dancing, special privileges or even games."
Benjamin said, "Making the cupcake the official state children’s snack is my way of saying, 'Let’s put some brakes on what’s happening to the cupcake.' The way the American eagle is the official national bird and it’s illegal to harm one — my thought is, you make the cupcake something similar, and leave the cupcake alone."' more ›

  • Today on the Gothamist Newsmap: a double shooting on Webster Ave. in the Bronx, fatal person under a 4 train at 125th St. and Lexington Ave. in Manhattan, and a pedestrian struck at East 17th St. and Ave. I in Brooklyn.
  • Conspiracy theorist/media activist Alex Jones was arrested Saturday night while addressing a crowd with a bullhorn in front of the Fox News studio in Manhattan. Jones is the head of a group who believes that the U.S. government planned the 9/11 attacks.
  • The City shut down three adjacent and illegal hostels operating out of single resident occupancy buildings. The owners were charging $50 to $150 a night for rooms to European visitors, who would keep the legitimate permanent residents up at night with their revelry.
  • Neighbors get restive over the absence of the four-faced clock atop the Williamsburg Savings Bank in Brooklyn, even if it did often give the wrong time.
  • Have you finalized a divorce recently and are unsure what to do with that wedding ring? How about a nice miniature casket to symbolize your dead marriage.
  • The city has launched a website called 9/11 Health to track the health effects of exposure to the World Trade Center site following its collapse. It also has links to health providers, financial aid providers, social services, and environmental groups.
  • Streetsblog looks at what auto organization AAA has to say about pedestrian safety.
  • Hotel Chelsea déjà vu: longtime haven for artists, The Breslin Hotel on Broadway near 28th St. is being converted to a luxury hotel.
Undr Th Bklyn Brdg, by jpchan at flickr more ›

  • Today on the Gothamist Newsmap: a gas leak on 70th Rd. and Austin St. in Queens, an aircraft emergency at JFK Airport in Queens, and a pedestrian struck on East 85th St. and 5th Ave. in Manhattan.
  • The New York State Music Fund awarded WFUV a grant of $500,000 to establish a second full-time radio station dedicated to airing more independent musicians and aimed primarily at music fans in their 20s and 30s. The new station will debut in late 2008 and will also stream over the Internet.
  • Today is the 200th anniversary of the inaugural voyage of "Fulton's Folly", "Fulton's monster", or the North River Steamboat. The 32-hour journey marked the beginning of regular motorized ferry service up and down the Hudson River.
  • A 13-year-old girl on her bike was struck and killed in Queens yesterday by a pickup truck making a right turn. The driver was arrested and charged with driving with a suspended license.
  • The New York Times peeks behind the shroud on Liberty St. and offers a slide show of how the Deutsche Bank building is being deconstructed.
  • MetsBlog reports that if one can't get to Philadelphia for the Wednesday 8/29 game against the Phillies, it will be broadcast at Manhattan's palatial Ziegfeld Theater on West 54th Street. Mr. Met and the Pepsi Party Patrol will be onhand to convey a Shea-like experience, and the $10 ticket price includes two tickets to a September home game.
  • A NYC Dept. of Corrections official was arrested after getting in a brawl at a Chelsea bar yesterday. The New York Post reports that the 41-year-old assistant commissioner at the DOC punched a bartender in the face after he received what he thought was incorrect change.
  • Yesterday we linked to a catalog of changes to Wikipedia entries traced to an IP address at Fox News. Apparently someone with a New York Times IP address has been maliciously editing Wikipedia posts as well.
NYC - Queens - LIC - Socrates Sculpture Park-1, by wallyg at flickr more ›

  • Today on the Gothamist Newsmap: a shooting at Quincy St. and Classon Ave. in Brooklyn, a homicide on 76th St. in Queens, and a missing child on East 174th St. in the Bronx.
  • Martin Scorsese sold his four-story, five-bedroom townhouse on Manhattan's Upper East Side for $6.15 million, after cutting $500K off the price.
  • Someone at Fox News is allegedly fooling around with Wikipedia entries to make itself look better and competitors worse.
  • The murdered daughter of two NYU professors, Boitumelo "Tumi" McCallum, was buried in her native South Africa today, 11 days after she was murdered by a possessive boyfriend.
  • Brooklyn-Born Jose Padilla was found guilty of conspiring to murder, kidnap and maim people overseas. He was held for three years without trial as an enemy combatant.
  • The Liberty Heights Tap Room in Red Hook (bus stop on Van Dyke St.) is now officially Rocky Sullivan's Tap Room.
  • Cops are searching for a man who allegedly struck and killed a woman with his car on purpose as she was standing at a bus stop with her children early this morning.
  • Con Ed leaves behind an ugly wake on one Brooklyn sidewalk
  • New York City canceled its 125-year-old Labor Day parade due to a lack of interest and a corruption scandal. A rally at Ground Zero is being planned instead.
  • And Max Roach, considered the a founder of modern jazz, died today at age 83.
Bump Your Ass Off Ride, by essny at flickr more ›

Switcharoo at CBS 2 more ›

It's the day for the Apple iPhone to be released to the public, and the public is doing its job to feed into the media frenzy. If you're not on line waiting for the iPhone, you've either seen people waiting on line or mocked people waiting on line (while secretly coveting one, of course). WCBS has some photographs of people on line this morning - someone even brought his dog, which is named Beta! David Clayman, second in line, has been blogging about his waiting at iPhone Adventure. And earlier this week, on the luck of seven interviewed the person at the head of the line, Greg Packer, and Clayman - here's the video. more ›

Former mayor Rudy Giuliani mugged and joked when lightning struck as he was going to discuss remarks a bishop made comparing Rudy to Pontius Pilate during last night's third Republican debate. His sound was cut and the other Republican presidential hopefuls also got into the act - Mitt Romney pointed at him - and Giulani said, "Look, for someone who went to parochial schools all his life, this is a very frightening thing that's happening now." more ›

We recently sat down with Mike Jerrick, co-host of Fox’s syndicated The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet (Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. WNYW 5). A native of Wichita, Kansas and got his start in television at WIBW in Topeka. After Kansas he moved to New York’s WNYW to be a producer and host of P.M. Magazine and then moved to San Francisco’s KPIX where he hosted their version of the show called Evening Magazine. Then he moved to the national stage hosting shows for HBO, The Sci-Fi Channel, the short lived America's Talking channel, and CNBC. more ›

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