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Results tagged “cnn”

Last night, former CNN personality Lou Dobbs appeared on Bill O'Reilly Fox News program to discuss his departure from the cable news network. Dobbs blamed the new guy in the White House—and how CNN doesn't want to rock the boat, "You know, I discern more of a difference between then, which was under the Bush administration whom I was criticizing, and now, when it is the Obama administration and an entirely different tone was taken." more ›

CNN anchor Lou Dobbs resigned last night, telling the audience, "Over the past six months it’s become increasingly clear that strong winds of change have begun buffeting this country and affecting all of us, and some leaders in media, politics and business have been urging me to go beyond the role here at CNN and to engage in constructive problem solving as well as to contribute positively to the great understanding of the issues of our day. And to continue to do so in the most honest and direct language possible...." more ›

Eliot Spitzer continued its comeback tour with an appearance on Fareed Zakaria's CNN show yesterday. While most of the talk about about the economy and Spitzer's former target (back from his Attorney General days) AIG, Zakaria got to brass tacks:

ZAKARIA: You know that a number of people watching you are going to say, "Eliot Spitzer doesn't have credibility to talk about these issues" because of what happened over the last year with your own behavior. What would you say to them? more ›

As expected, CNN came out yesterday and ate crow for Kathy Griffin after a live New Year's Eve broadcast alongside Anderson Cooper featured the closest moment a major TV broadcast has come to hearing someone being told to eat a bag of dicks. A CNN spokesman told the press, "We recognize that the comment made by comedian Kathy Griffin during the live broadcast was inappropriate...She did not know she was on the air at the time and we removed [the comment] from the [West Coast] rebroadcast." That raises the question: do west coasters have to spend every new year's counting down to midnight alongside footage they all know was recorded three hours ago? In any case, CNN has little to worry about from the FCC since this all aired on cable and the network would not comment on whether Griffin was likely to be back next year. The Hollywood Reporter points out that earlier in the telecast, Griffin lampooned former CNN Headline News host Glenn Beck and asked for a pap smear given by medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta. more ›

Kathy Griffin proved to be the co-host yet again for CNN's New Year's Eve countdown coverage when she yelled back at a Times Square heckler. The self-proclaimed D-List comedienne, co-hosting with Anderson Cooper, was so fed up with someone (we're not sure if it was a man or a woman, but we hope he/she emerges!) that she yelled—on air— "Screw you. Why don't you get a job, buddy? You know what? I don't go to your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth." more ›

Ed Koch is in full crotchety, old man mode! After saying Palin scares him earlier this week, the former mayor was in fine form on CNN. The Observer recounts his exchange with anchor Carol Costello, who first said his comments that Palin was "plucky" and "perky" might be viewed as sexist. To which he replied, “Oh please. Wow. It’s ridiculous. I mean you can’t compliment someone by saying they’re perky anymore? Plucky is a compliment.” Then while arguing about the anecdote of Palin trying to fire a librarian who wouldn't ban books, Angelo said CNN found it was not true and he said, “It’s disputed. But The New York Times has not retracted it." Angelo insisted CNN found it wasn't true, leaving Koch to defend the Old Gray Lady, "Well you’re not better than The New York Times." more ›

Ohio and Texas are "too close to call" for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, which means it will be a long night - and very possibly another few weeks of primary madness. Obama did win Vermont (so far, 59% to Clinton's 39%) and Clinton won Rhode Island (currently 57% to Obama's 42%), which is her first win in a while, but those states aren't the focus. more ›

CNN, NBC, and the AP are projecting Senator John McCain will clinch the Republican presidential campaign, after winning the primaries in Texas, Ohio, Vermont and Rhode Island and clinching the 1,191 delegates needed. A source tells NBC that President Bush has invited McCain to the White House tomorrow and will endorse him. McCain will be having a victory party in Dallas tonight, complete with banner that says "1,191." more ›

Senators and rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama met at the University of Texas in Austin tonight for the CNN/Univision debate. The debate was less a showdown than an "agree to disagree" type affair. You can read a transcript here and clips will start to appear, but, per Austinist, here are some of best lines of the night:

“I have to confess, I was somewhat amused, the other night, when, on one of the TV shows, one of Senator Obama's supporters was asked to name one accomplishment of Senator Obama, and he couldn't.” -- Clinton more ›

Hillary Clinton's February flop continued today as voters in Virginia, Maryland and D.C. turned out for Barack Obama by nearly two-to-one margins (in D.C. he won by 75% to 24%). According to exit polls, Obama not only did well with young voters, blacks and independents but, surprisingly, with certain demographics Clinton's been counting on: senior citizens, women and blue collar voters. Polls suggest 49% of those who voted for Obama were white and voters over sixty backed Obama by 52%. more ›

Barack Obama won yesterday's Maine caucus, with about 57-60% of the vote to Hillary Clinton's approximate 40-42%. This makes Obama's fourth win in a row, after sweeping the Democratic contests in Louisiana, Nebraska, and Washington yesterday. more ›

After a competitive Super Tuesday matchup, Barack Obama has swept three states having Democratic contests. So far, it looks like Obama has won the Nebraska primary over Hillary Clinton 68% to 32%, the Washington primary 68% to 31% and the Louisiana caucus 55% to 38% (with 82% of the precincts reporting). more ›

It was an exciting night of Super Tuesday primary returns. In the Democratic contest, Hillary Clinton won eight states, including New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and California, but Obama won twelve - Illinois, Connecticut, Alabama, and Missouri - among them (New Mexico is still undecided as the two candidates are in a tie). The NY Times notes that since there were no decisive victories, "an electoral fight...will unfold for weeks to come." Or, as the Post puts it in more visceral terms, "Neither Clinton nor Obama was able to deliver a knockout punch on a night that had once been expected to crown a winner." more ›

As of 11:45 p.m., Hillary Clinton and John McCain are projected to win their New York primaries. The Democratic primary distributes NY delegates proportionally, so the final total will be important in determining how many will go to Clinton and how many to Barack Obama. more ›

John Edwards will drop out of the presidential primary race. The Caucus finds symmetry in the announcement, since Edwards will give "a speech this afternoon at the same place where he began this campaign — in New Orleans." Which now means the path is cleared for a full-tilt boogie Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama fight for delegates and the nomination. We also expect some wooing from Clinton and Obama for Edwards' delegates. more ›

With the South Carolina's Democratic primary on this coming Saturday, the three leading Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards gathered together at a Martin Luther King Day Jr. debate in Columbia, S.C. When Clinton addressed the crowd, she said, "We have come so far together. Barack Obama, an extraordinary, young African-American man with so much to contribute. John Edwards, a son of the South — in fact, a son of South Carolina. And a woman — all of us running for president of the United States of America!” more ›

Senator John McCain won the Republican primary in New Hampshire, with the race being called for him early on. Senator Hillary Clinton beat Senator Barack Obama by a few thousand votes in a very close race. Comebacks all around! more ›

As violence continues in Pakistan in the wake of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto's assassination, New York City's Pakistani population was shocked by the news, watching news coverage and holding vigils. One woman said to the Daily News, "For us, this is like losing [President John] Kennedy. She wanted peace. She wanted democracy. And she lost her life for these things." And a man told the NY Times, “I think there will be a lot of violence after this, and chances are pretty slim for democracy." more ›

No More Bolaris in the Forecast You won’t be seeing John Bolaris anymore on WCBS. He was last seen this past weekend and his bio has been taken down from the CBS 2 website. He will be starting at Fox owned WTXF in Philadelphia next month. We should mention that before the Long Island native was basically run out of town on a rail down there after predicting a blizzard that never happened, although he... more ›

A middle-aged man held several workers hostage at Sen. Clinton's New Hampshire campaign office in the town of Rochester yesterday, before surrendering to police. The alleged bomb he had taped to his chest turned out to be simply a number of road flares. Leeland Eisenberg's motivation for seizing Clinton's field office is unclear, but he appears to be a disturbed individual. The New York Times declined to speculate on Eisenberg's purpose ("[Police] would not discuss... more ›

In Los Angeles, LAist most definitely celebrated Thanksgiving like no other. After all, one has to keep up all the energy to keep on walking the line at the Writers Strike and fighting the unfortunate return of the wildfires in Malibu, which single handedly destroyed over fifty homes within the first 24 hours. National outlets may be covering the fires, but CNN also found it is easier to buy a gun than fruit and veggies in South Central. On the entertainment front, the Red Hot Chili Peppers are suing Showtime over the show titled Californication and Rami Kashou of Project Runway chatted with LAist about his Palestinian heritage and, of course, designing beauty. more ›

Last week, a CNN/WMUR poll with "likely Republican voters in New Hampshire" gave a snapshot of what they were thinking and Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign got the bad news that not only had his poll numbers slid from 24% to 16%, he was now in third place after former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (33%, up from 25%) and Arizona Senator John McCain (18%). Third after McCain! So, Giuliani hustled to New Hampshire to make... more ›

Things were feisty during last night's Democratic debate in Las Vegas. The big story is how frontrunner Senator Hillary Clinton seemed to hold her ground by going on the attack. The NY Times said she "shifted to a much more assertive tone" and even the NY Post thinks she won the debate, though not by a knockout. During the October 31 debate, Clinton stumbled while trying to explain her support-nonsupport of Governor Spitzer's driver's... more ›

As we mentioned this summer, Anderson Cooper briefly left CNN for GNN! That's the Grouch News Network for those not Sesame Street-savvy. Here's his hard hitting interview from a trash can (if anyone has a better quality video let us know!)... more ›

An explosion occurred at building on West 119th Street, right off Fifth Avenue and just south of Marcus Garvey Park, around 4PM. Several people were injured - WCBS 2 says that the injured include two babies and a firefighter who was helping people out of the building. Also: "Firefighters on the scene removed pieces of debris from the building's first floor while residents were being treated on stretchers on the street." more ›

We have been quite happy with the first week of the BBC’s newest newscast BBC World News America, which airs at 7 p.m. on BBC America, as well as around the world on BBC World. (The half hour BBC newscasts that air on WLIW and NJN at the same time are tape delayed from an hour before.) The newscast is unlike any of the American networks and since it is an hour long unlike the big 3’s nightly broadcasts it has more actual news content, more international reporting, and it is anchored in Washington instead of New York. True PBS’ NewsHour is an hour long, but it is basically headlines at the top with people analyzing the stories of the day, instead of actual on the ground reporting. more ›

Bill O'Reilly continued to claim that he wasn't being racist when expressing his surprise that a dinner at Harlem soul food restaurant Sylvia's was extremely pleasant. Media watchdog group Media Matters distributed text and clips of O'Reilly's radio show where the conservative talking head explained, "I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." more ›

2007_09_sylvia.jpgBill O'Reilly is making people wonder "Oh, really?" after the conservative talk show host shared some thoughts about famous Harlem soul food restaurant Sylvia's. O'Reilly told radio listeners that he treated the Reverend Al Sharpton (because Sharpton frequently appears on The O'Reilly Factor) to dinner at Sylvia's the other night. He said he had a great time, but couldn't leave it at that, noting "all the people up there are tremendously respectful." And then:

I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship. more ›

Escaping a closed world: CNN's Randi Kaye talks with a woman who successfully left a polygamist society. more ›

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