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Results tagged “dailynews”

In an article that shouldn't come as a shock to anyone, the Daily News reports that disabled people — just like their non-disabled counterparts — love to gamble at casinos, and they use public transportation to get there. According to the tabloid, Access-A-Ride vans and cars don't just shuttle disabled people to doctors' offices, pharmacies, and supermarkets, they also bring handicapped New Yorkers to the Empire City Casino at Yonkers Raceway. more ›

In a time when most newspapers see their futures on the internet, the Daily News has put $150 million where it might make the least sense: brand new printing presses. The paper "heralded a new era for New York's favorite newspaper" with a gala yesterday to celebrate its new printing presses, which are faster than the older presses and capable of printing color on every page — potentially allowing paper to secure more lucrative color ads and push back its deadlines to gain an an edge on the Post. more ›

According to the AP, police officers raided the circulation offices of the NY Times, Daily News, NY Post, and El Diario today "as part of a union corruption probe... Investigators were seeking paperwork related to the Newspaper and Mail Deliverers Union, which packages and delivers newspapers across the region." more ›

The Daily News is so pumped about the first game of the ALCS that it put CC Sabathia on the front page—however, there's an unfortunately placed PC Richards sticker on the front page as well. more ›

Print can't be dying if Jennifer Aniston is playing a Daily News reporter in her movie, right? The News excitedly reports, "Jennifer Aniston stepped off an elevator Saturday and became one of the hottest reporters at the Daily News.... Well, kinda ...The former 'Friends' star plays a hard-nosed New York reporter who gets arrested while investigating a story. Instead of making a scheduled court appearance she doggedly pursues her lead, and her ex-hubby - played by Scotsman Gerard Butler - is the bail bondsman charged with hunting her down" for The Bounty, which staged an elaborate 4th of July parade in Greenpoint last monht. There's also an Aniston clothing check—"White sleeveless blouse, gray miniskirt and high heels" (perfect for any hard-nosed reporter!)—and snack check—"thinly peeled string cheese." The News also has a gallery of Aniston at the News offices and Just Jared has photos of Aniston in Midtown. more ›

A day after Alex Rodriguez's uneven admissions of the "specifics" of his steroid usage during a half hour of answering questions, today he is being held to task by media outlets everywhere. None seem too satisfied with the version of events they got yesterday. Reporters don't seem particularly interested in figuring out the identity of A-Rod's unnamed cousin who allegedly provided and injected him with steroids, possibly because as one major leaguer put it, "I wonder if his cousin even existed. That was my first thought. Is his cousin made up? I don't know." more ›

This ain't your grandfather's rubber: The good old geriatric condom has gotten with the times and joined Facebook here in NYC, where it wants to be your friend (with benefits)! Yesterday the Daily News, in an article headlined "Health Department issues new NYC-branded condoms," mentioned the Facebook page, which went live today. But Celina De Leon, a spokesperson for the NYC Health Department, says the News article (now disappeared) was almost entirely wrong; there are no new condoms being released for Valentine's Day. Welcome to 2007 Daily News; as De Leon tells us, "We did that two years ago." more ›

The Daily News performed a hilarious survey to see whether a hundred people in downtown Brooklyn know who City Comptroller William Thompson and Representative Anthony Weiner—the two Democrats likely to battle it out for the 2009 mayoral nomination—are. Armed with photographs of the two men, reporters asked folks if they could identify the subjects. The findings? Answers like "They look familiar. I've seen them, but I can't remember their names." Apparently 20 recognized City Comptroller Thompson while "29 [were] able to identify" Rep. Weiner "but three people thought he was former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey." One woman said, "That's Spitzer. No, wait, it's the gay governor from New Jersey, McGreevey." But Thompson and Weiner shouldn't worry—there's still, what, seven months till the primary. more ›

Last Friday, the Post reported that brokers were invited to view Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff's penthouse, as the trustee eyes selling it as part of the the estate liquidation. Apparently one Post reporter was very eager to see the apartment, because the Daily News reports, "A bumbling New York Post reporter was busted Saturday after he tried to sweet-talk his way into... [the] penthouse. Josh Saul, 25, claimed to be a real-estate broker" and had been "escorted upstairs by a doorman and was near the front door of the $50 billion scam artist's $7 million duplex when he was unmasked." Saul was charged with trespassing and given a summons; the News, which refers to the Post as "the fact-challenged tabloid" adds that Saul "is also the dubious star of a Web site that includes photos of him dancing in his underwear, chugging beer from a keg, wearing a woman's wig and balancing objects on his head." more ›

Chalk up another one for tabloid journalism: On the same day that the Daily News published galling photos of a former MTA board member illegally parking with a police-issued parking permit, the so-called "perk jerk" surrendered the placard—which he was supposed to do last year. Alan Friedberg, who hasn't been on the MTA board since 2003, was photographed on Sunday parking his Jaguar in a restricted zone near Times Square. Last year the MTA cut back on the number of authority-issued permits by 15% to 295, and Friedman was one of three board members who had failed to give back the perk. In justifying his ongoing air of entitlement to the News, he explained that he was a "pretty heavy worker" while serving on the board. more ›

2008_12_super2.jpgA Bay Ridge super is looking for a new job and place to live after new building owners ousted him following some bad press. The Daily News deemed Richard Martin "the crankiest super in New York" earlier this year after he would leave his building's garbage cans on the roof to teach tenants a lesson about improper sorting. He was also known for the angry signs he would leave up calling residents of the building "morons" and "retarded." (When not making colorful signs, Martin also decorated his door with a poster of infamous DA, now TV's "Judge" Jeanine Pirro.) Some residents stick up for Martin despite his antics as a good super and a nice guy who people like to rile up. Martin blames his firing on the News for painting him in such a bad light that the new owners (of Russian descent) let him go. "Fourteen years, 9-1/2 months. The new landlord figured I was too much trouble. You know, Russian people don't mess around," he told the paper. more ›

As a way to help struggling New Yorkers, the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs, City University of New York and Daily News are offering a week of free financial advice. The Your Money Helpline has more than 200 experts who will be able to answer topics like, "How to cope with credit card debt," "How to get financing for education," and "How to deal with mortgage problems." The Daily News says the experts come from "the City’s Office of Financial Empowerment, banks and credit unions, financial industry associations and participants, city agencies, CUNY's business, finance, and economics faculty, staff and student financial aid experts and other trained volunteers." Call 212-330-6505 for help in English and 212-330-6506 for help in Spanish. more ›

After the Daily News's recent stunt, in which reporters at the tabloid used fake documents to transfer ownership of the Empire State Building to a non-existent company, city prosecutors are calling for an overhaul on how the city register handles property transactions. As the News demonstrated, clerks in the office are not required to verify that the information on deeds and mortgages is correct, and some con artists exploit the loophole to claim ownership of properties, then cash in with illegitimate mortgages before disappearing. Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes tells the News today that there ought to be a law giving the register's office the time and power to check transactions before they're recorded. But Sam Miller, a bureaucrat at the city Finance Department, swears these fraudulent transfers "are few and far between." And more importantly, they usually don't end up on the cover the the Daily News. more ›

The Daily News has a clever little cover story today about how the tabloid "stole" the Empire State Building. Inspired by the Brooklyn DA's increasing number of deed fraud prosecutions, reporters decided to try the scam, which involves drawing up fake documents, making a bogus notary stamp and filing paperwork with the city to transfer the deed to the property. Grifters use the fraudulent deed to take out big mortgages, then disappear. more ›

2008_11_scrath1.jpgThe scratchiti artist who got busted after a fellow commuter on the N train snapped a cellphone picture of him and sent into police had some harsh words for the informant. "They're lucky I didn't see them taking pictures. I would have busted it," 18-year-old Andrew Morello told the Daily News. While Morello says he has given up working on his Plexiglass canvas, he apparently hasn't stopped talking like a tough guy. He told the News, "It's never going to happen again because I don't want to get in trouble no more." And how does Mom feel about her little vandal? "He's no angel, trust me, but he's our baby," Robin Morello said. more ›

This is the cover of a later editon of Daily News' "Election Extra" with Barack and Michelle Obama. The paper printed an additional 100,000 copies! However, it's unclear if that will feed the fever for post-election newspapers. more ›

The Daily News makes it clear that it thinks John McCain was a whiner during last night's debate. And it's no surprise that the right-leaning NY Post thinks he was on the attack--but how much of a third debate victory did he score if he has to share the cover with Madonna and Guy Ritchie? (OMG, A-Rod went to Yom Kippur services with Madonna and the kids--no Guy--last week!) more ›

You may have heard something about that TV show Life on Mars. Based on the BBC show, it tells the story of present-day NYPD Detective Sam Tyler (Jason O'Mara) who wakes up in 1973 after a car accident and has to adapt to 1970s policing techniques, as exemplified by Harvey Keitel. To promote tonight's premiere of the series, The Daily News has dug up a bunch of stories from 1973 is hosting them on a website mocked up to look like an old, faded copy of the paper. more ›

Instead of courting New York City voters with a ballot initiative or City Council with legislature to overturn term limits, Mayor Bloomberg first pitched the idea to another group: the owners of the three largest newspapers in New York. In what sounds like a storyline from The West Wing, the NY Times reports that Bloomberg has had private discussions with Rupert Murdoch (NY Post), Mortimer Zuckerman (NY Daily News), and Arthur Sulzberger Jr. (NY Times) about their respective newspapers' possible stances on a term limit overhaul. The Times source said that all three owners were open to the idea. "So it would be a clean sweep," the source told the paper. City business leaders like the newspaper owners were the ones who got the ball rolling on talk of finding a way for the mayor to remain in office for another four years. more ›

Rallies aren’t just for grassroots activists – moneyed developers can hold them too, as Bruce Ratner proved yesterday by financing an afternoon rally in downtown Brooklyn to support his beleaguered Atlantic Yards project. Organizers of the so-called “Brooklyn Day” event handed out free hot dogs and T-shirts to passersby in an attempt to drum up enthusiasm for the $4.2 billion project, though there were no free turkeys to fully evoke the Tammany Hall spirit. more ›

As a counterpoint to the new renderings of Frank Gehry's redesign for the Atlantic Yards flagship tower, here's a different perspective on the project's future look. The Municipal Art Society [MAS] has assembled a compelling slideshow that serves as a sort of dystopian crystal ball, depicting what could come come if Bruce Ratner moves forward with his development on 22-acres of land in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. more ›

Developer Bruce Ratner and architect Frank Gehry have announced that ‘Miss Brooklyn,’ the 620-foot residential and commercial tower planned for the 22-acre Atlantic Yards project, has been scrapped. In its place they’re proposing a building called ‘B1’: a 511 foot tall structure that will now house commercial tenants only. If they can be found – Forest City Ratner has yet to secure an anchor tenant for what will now be 650,000 of commercial space. more ›

Rumors of the Atlantic Yards mega-development's demise have been greatly least according to the Atlantic Yards developer Bruce Ratner. more ›

The charges have been dropped against the two men who were arrested for trying to cash a dead man’s $355 social security check. Back in January, David Daloia and James O'Hare made headlines with their foiled scheme to capitalize on O’Hare’s roommate’s death by pushing his corpse in an office chair up to a Pay-O-Matic check cashing joint in Hell’s Kitchen. They were arrested en route after a detective spotted the visibly deceased third man. more ›

State Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell 4th, Democrat and son of the trailblazing Harlem politician Adam Clayton Powell Jr., was arrested for drunk driving on the upper West Side at 2:30 a.m. this morning. According to the Daily News, an unidentified woman passed out in the back of the car was so intoxicated she had to be taken to a local hospital. Powell failed a breath test at the scene by a small margin and, while at the station house, refused to take a chemical sobriety test. He faces charges punishable by up to a year in jail. more ›

You'll only be getting babes, not booze, when you go to Scores West: The State Liquor Authority has taken away the strip club's liquor license after police found prostitution at the Chelsea joint (the Upper East Side location is not affected). An SLA administrative judge wrote that prostitution was "open and notorious such that the licensee knew or should have known of its occurrence." more ›

Brooklyn College is joining the ranks of other New York academic establishments by adding a dorm next spring (something they've already started, and stopped, work on). The school has a little over 15,000 grads and undergrads, with about 99% hailing from New York and 77% from Brooklyn. The school hopes that by adding a dorm, some out-of-staters will flock to Midwood. more ›

The owners of four Manhattan Burger King franchises are locked in a nasty legal battle with their royal overlord. Luan Sadik and his sister, Elizabeth Sadik, rebelled against the mandatory 99-cent menu and the recent dollar Value Menu because the prices couldn’t cover the obscene Manhattan rent and the fast food monarch roared. more ›

Police are looking for a man suspected of assaulting two women in separate early Sunday morning incidents and released a surveillance video of him. more ›

Fresh off her big night of wins in Ohio and Texas, Hillary Clinton spoke on CBS's Early Show and mentioned the words "dream ticket" in relation to the heated Democratic presidential race. Harry Smith told Clinton, "We talked to a lot of people in Ohio who said there really isn't that significant a difference between you two, and they'd like to see you both on the ticket." After remarking how "incredibly close" the race is, she said pairing up "may be where this is headed, but we have to decide who is on the top of the ticket, and I think that the people of Ohio very clearly said that it should be me." more ›

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