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Stable Owner Says Regulations Will Break Bank

Photo via j bary's flickr
With the Health Department cracking down on the carriage horse industry, it seems stable horses are next on their list—if their proposed regulations go through, the animals may receive the same breaks animal rights activists have been fighting for. But one Brooklyn Stable owner tells the Daily News that if he has to give his horses 5-week vacations, bigger stalls and install a sprinkler system in his barn... it would break the bank.

The Kensington Stable owner says, "I want to keep horseback riding affordable for Brooklyn families, but I don't see how I can do that. What am I supposed to do—become a ritzy, snobby barn that charges $100?" His current charge is $37 per ride in Prospect Park.

While the proposed changes would lead towards more humane treatment, one local whose daughter takes lessons at the stable says, "It's a horrible idea to imagine taking horses out of Prospect Park."

The Health Department is allegedly reviewing comments submitted during a public hearing, and their proposal will be submitted at the next Board of Health meeting.

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I'm already tired of Felix's responses to this article.

I have never been here, but there are some terrifying yelp reviews for this place.

Felix is way too classy to even respond to this story.

Of course it will break the bank!
When animal welfare has never been taken into the equation of who's benefiting (not even a fkn time break)!

Everyday we eat meat that is bathed in ammonia:
to keep up with the scale killing, cows are slaughter while they are cover in they're own feces, thanks to all that "human" treatment they get in their final days.

Progress comes with consciousness about how to treat animals with respect for all they give to is the minimum we could do if we take everything else from them.

"he ... (will have)... to give his horses 5-week vacations,"

Five weeks? Five weeks! That's more vacation than 95% of the humans on earth get!

What is wrong with that equation?

These horses seen no pasture. Don't you get it. I know you have some sort of relationship with the carriage industry which is why you always post on these stories. You know quite well that these carriage horses have NO daily turnout. 5 weeks? These horses don't belong in NYC, it is inhumane.

I have absolutely NO relation with anyone in the carriage industry nor have I ever used the service. So your paranoid fantasies that you foist as knowledge are incorrect. Stop spreading lies.

I just think any people who advocate a 5-week vacation for horses when 95% of humanity do not have that luxury have misplaced priorities.

And that is being kind.

Actually Kensingonstable overcharges for their rides. By Law, the ride should be $40 dollars for the first 40 minutes and yet they charge $90 dollars. It is on their website.

really? are you comparing horses to humans when it comes to real physical work?

If humans lack "time off"(lets not think in all weekends) why do animals have to have less? What about getting better working conditions for humans and animals?

Oppressing, reducing, controlling, abusing, will not make humans better! what a vain fallacy.

" are you comparing horses to humans when it comes to real physical work?"

Of course. Humans pull other humans in carriages all over Asia. Humans die on the job on a regular basis. But that doesn't ever seem to bother you.

Let me ask you, " are you comparing horses to humans when it comes to real Worker's Benefits? Should animals have Worker's Comp, 40-hour week, Health Insurance, Collective Bargaining, the Right to join a union, the right to vote in their union, etc?

Because if you are, it only confirms what is pretty obvious: that you got a screw loose.

Thefact, you repeat the same lame arguments. In your word there can't be compassion for other specie. So now move one and let the people who do have compassion try to help animals. Instead of arguing against an one cause, why don't you focus on a good cause yourself.

And hopefully you won't have trolls arguing that your cause isn't worthy and that there are other issues to focus.

But all you do is write how bad humans are! You never say anything good about a human being.

You're a self-hating human. You likely have very low self-esteem. I really pity you.

No wonder the bouncers beat the shit out of you. They wouldn't let you treat you them the way you treat humans on this site.

Btw, I have done hundreds of hours of volunteer work and have plaques and awards to show for it. But that doesn't count in your world, does it? I only helped the homeless and people with AIDS. Bunch of damn human beings.

Good, help them and I won't criticize your activism so please do the same. In your world, you can't have compassion for all specie, it is HUMANS VS. EVERYONE ELSE. I pity you since you have so much anger directed at anyone who has compassion for other specie.

Keningston stables personnel are horrible, one of the trainer testify that daily turnout is a luxury as a massage is which we can't all have them. horrible. Also most of the regulations will be GRANDFATHER. It is all bogus. the horses will still be in small stalls on the 2nd floor trapped if there is a fire. Brad Lander, city council of Park slope, prospect park, Brooklyn spoke against the welfare of the horses and paraded some little girl as if she was a princess. Some of the most self-centered mean people I ever seen. David Yassky was a better city council member who supported the ban. I hope people in Park Slope, contact Brad Lander to express their disappointment

Jen, Gothamist.

Please ask the owner of Keningston Stables -Why are they OVERCHARGING for carriage rides when The existing law allows them to charge $34 for 1/2 hour and $10 for each additional 15 minutes but on their website they charge $90 dollars for 40 minutes.

I couldn't care for the carriage industry and I never intend to take my girlfriend on one of them, partially because I feel bad for the animals but mainly because I find $40 or $90 to be a complete waste of money.

Regardless of my reasons and their supposed overcharging, most Manhattan business tend not to have the luxury of being able to absorb increased operating costs. If Kensington has to go under to treat their horses better, I couldn't care other than the fact that some sorry assholes will lose their jobs, whatever their feelings for horses may or may not be.

Not all of us are that rich guy with $380 rent for a duplex on Park Ave., so I'd imagine Kensington is not lying about going out of business. If the powers that be want to make new laws, then they should just ban the industry rather than regulate them to death.

I blame this whole thing on italics.

How do you know Italians were involved with this? If Hannibal didn't invade Italia none of this would have occurred and southern Italy would be mostly Greek speaking people today.

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