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NYC Chef Adds Mother's Milk Cheese To Menu

phpRgUriPPM.jpg PETA, who has urged Ben & Jerry's to use human breast milk in the past, is all for chef Daniel Angerer, owner of the New York City restaurant Klee Brasserie, adding "Mommy's Milk" cheese to his menu. The item is made possible by his lactating wife, and he's offered up a host of images and the recipe on his own website—it includes 4 cups mother’s milk, yogurt, rennet and sea salt. The chef admits that he "was concerned... I wondered if it was ethical," but has decided to make it available after some thought and recipe testing; he recently told Grub Street, "It tastes just like really sweet cow’s milk." As for PETA, they say don't knock it til you try it... but would you?

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This is not a question of ethics but rather of whether someone out there will want to eat something produced by another person.

Unless you're in some kind of South American plane crash situation or are an infant, this is horrifying.

I would never intentionally ingest a restaurant employee's body fluids.

So by PETA's reasoning, human flesh would be more "animal friendly" than "traditional" meat?

dude! you think mother's milk is "horrifying"? What were you raised on grass? did you know that when a baby get's sick a mother's body generates antibodies that are transferred to the baby via breast milk? It is the cleanest most nutritious substance on Earth. It's pretty amazing stuff really. I don't think it's cool under any circumstances to say breast milk is horrifying.

Bullshit. Humans are one of the most polluted animals on earth. If the mother puts on make up, dyes her hair, and uses a variety of artificial products, her milk will be more contaminated than an average cow's milk that you buy in the stores. Hell, she's even getting the growth hormones found in cows milk provided she drinks that stuff.

I for one was raised on good old fashioned Similac

Am I the only one who was hoping that those "images" on Chef Angerer's website were pics of the source of his human milk supply?

Eh, it's not really much grosser than cow's milk. I totally plan to taste mine when the time comes. Cheesemaking's a bit odd, though.

Sadly, I'm on a new dairy-free diet. Starting a minute ago, when I read this gagfest.

Human breastmilk is not considered dairy and acceptable for vegans.

This will be sure to attract a lot of German and Japanese businessmen.

Because, you know, those people are preverts...

They already make their own "cheese".

I just want to know if Mrs Angerer has been taking any sort of antibiotics or other medications or is his her milk certified as organic?

oh gah...I just threw up on my boots.

Wow, what a bunch of prudes. So it's fine and dandy if an infant drinks it night and day, but for anybody else? Gag!

Although it's amazing that felix hasn't shown up yet to say that no human beyond infant age should drink dairy, whether bovine, human or otherwise. Because, of course, that's what Richard Cohen has told him and Cohen is omniscient.

I think the problem is that it's effluvia from another body. Would you drink a strangers cum if they served it to you on a dinner plate?

Breast milk is fine for babies and sexual partners, not so fine for strangers.

Unless you're into that.

Though I agree it's totally social stigma that prevents me from liking this, nothing necessarily to do with what it is.

But a lot of people drink milk from cows, it's the same body effluvia from them as it is from us.

So the question for these people is: If other people are so disgusting, would you rather give a stranger an open mouth kiss, or would you rather do the same with a cow, goat, etc.?

Straw man argument. Would you drink semen from any animal whatsoever? I didn't think so.

I wouldn't. And that's a good argument. I guess there is something societal about what makes this gross more than anything. Even still. I guess I'm just going to agree with social mores on this one.

I do appreciate this as an art piece though. I have to say, it made me thing "what is OK as food and what isn't...and why?"

I guess in this context I really like what he's doing...though I wouldn't eat it unless I could also fuck her.

Yeah, again, after thinking about this I think it's deconstructivist in the sense that it is breaking down societal barriers between what is food and what isn't. In this sense it's brilliant. In another sense, it's pretty gross! :D

Cum cannot sustain a human. Breastmilk can. The semen analogy is a FAIL.

If I were her infant, that would be fine. BUT UH, that lactate has nothing to do with my gene pool, thank you very much.

Breat milk from a human actually has more nutrients for human compared to cow's milk. Think about it for a second... It's milk produced by the same species for the same species. When you're comparing it to cow's milk, you're already drinking another species' milk, doesn't that sound worse?

yeah nutritious, for an infant! Making freaking cheese out of it for unrelated grown-ups? deeply disgusting and some type of fetish I'm glad I don't have.

this is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too intimate.
if PETA is for animals, is there a PETH? this is like treating humans like animals.

That would only apply if women were being forced against their will to produce milk for cheese. I assume that's not the case.

I'm gonna get me some of this to put on top of my placenta pizza!

"Don't knock it till you've tried it."

The same could have been said about soylent green.

Chef Angerer's name is Daniel not David.

i think it is disgusting to drink from another specie. This isn't as bad, maybe labeled them according to breast size. :D

If anything this is less disgusting than drinking cow's milk. Humans are the only species to drink milk from another species.

PETA suggests breast milk because they know it will gross people out and make them re-evaluate their decision to drink milk for a fraction of a second. The president of PETA actually says in her will that she wants to be cooked and served to people when she says so that they'll realize human meat and animal meat aren't all that different and (hopefully) decide to stop eating all meat.

Stop deluding yourselves. It's all the same thing.

Exactly. It's amazing that people regularly gulp down the uddermilk of a cow or goat. Yet they blanch at breastmilk.

We're not the only species to drink another's milk, some species of ants farm and milk aphids. Also, occasionally wild animals will adopt and suckle babies from another species. The "humans are unnatural" argument is invalid

This is irresponsible!! There are reasons why we should not eat human flesh (other than its gross) It has been proven that species eating like species can lead to what is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. When cows overseas were fed with feed containing beef they started developing this disease (referred to as mad cow). I think this should hold true for drinking another humans breast milk.

read what drinking milk from other species does to you

youre an idiot. first you say notmilk is a site for vegans, then when i called you out on your inability to keep your arguments straight, it all of a sudden became a site for why milk is bad for you.
yeah, very smart.

most people have tried breast milk. It's not flesh it's MIIIILLLLK.

actually ive never had it, even as a kid i was formula-fed

Wow, this is felix-level ignorance and nonsense. Where do you people get this kind of claptrap? You'd be laughed out of any college-level biology class.

have you even check the site? But then again what do I expect from someone like you that buys cats from a breeder. very ignorant of you.

The "dairy" is in the Bronx.

I can imagine the day when human breast milk catches on- big-breasted women laborers would have pumps attached to their breasts, just like their bovine counterparts.

You don't even need big breasts! Imagine it--women with breasts of all sizes.

I would NEVER eat in that restaurant! That is just plain nasty! I am vegan but think PETA is a sick group of people. They are hypocrites and attempt to mislead and brainwash. PETA believes that the dogs rescued from the clutches of Michaal Sick Vick should have ALL been put to death. PETA regrets that some of the dogs found loving homes. PETA regrets that one of the dogs is a certified therapy dog. PETA believes that the remaineder of the dogs that live at Best Friends' Animal Sanctuary should also be put to death. Now look up the word hypocracy in the dictionary!

No, they don't and why don't you focus on all the animal abusers instead of attacking PETA? Boy what a friend you are for the animals. with friends like you, who needs enemies?

Breastmilk is nasty? Seriously?

Human milk contains 5% of calories as protein while cow milk contains 15% of calories of protein. Nature seems to be telling us that little babies, whose bodies are growing the fastest they will ever grow in their life, and whose protein needs are thereafter at a maximum, are best served by the very modest level of 5% protein.

African Bantu women take in only 350 mg of calcium per day. They bear 9 children during their lifetime and breast feed them for 2 years. They never have calcium deficiency, seldom break a bone, rarely lose a tooth. They are on a low-protein diet that doesn't kick the calcium out of the body. The dairy industry has said that the Bantus' far higher bone densities on much lower calcium intakes may be due to genetic factors. But genetic relatives of the Bantus living in the United States, and eating the standard american diet style, have levels of osteroporosis that equal those of their white neighbors.

Eskimos have the highest dietary calcium intake of any people in the world and they diet is high in protein and they have one of the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world.

in March 1983, the Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported the results of the largest study of this kind ever undertaken. Researchers in Michigan State and other major univerisities found that, by the age of 65 in the United States

Male vegetarian had an average measurable bone loss of 3%
Male meat eaters had an average measurable bone loss of 7%
female vegetarian had an average measurable bone loss of 18%
female meat eaters had an average measureable bone loss of 35%

note there are studies that link colon cancer to high protein diets.

felixthecat - YES THEY DO! I have emails from PETA defending this very stance that they took and continue to take on Vick's dogs. So, YES INDEED THEY DO! I like a good debate, but ignorant running off at the mouth is profoundly irritating, and a major waste of my time! Why don't you go do a little research other than on forums and in the tabloids, you might actually learn something that has value and credence.

I also received their emails and literature. I am a vanguard member. So please stop with all this attack on one of our largest animal right group. Ignorant like yours hurts the animals. Deal with the animal abusers as the dog fighters, pet shops, breeders, etc. no one will agree 100% with any group but to attack them hurts the animals. so please stop with this craziness. This meanness in the a/R movement only hurts the animals. If you want to focus on the pitbulls then please do so but no need to attack Peta or to spread such lies.

you're a 'vanguard' member. does that mean you get a little star badge for your courage and hard work in spreading lies?

peta vanguard member status = colgate cavity patrol!

What happens if she has some sort of disease that is transmitted through bodily fluids? I don't really know so much about the cheesemaking process, but I know that animal's milk is treated to get rid of bacteria and stuff...I wonder if he does something to the breast milk? I just wonder if it would even be possible to transmit disease that way...kind of weird.

Well, one would assume she receives medical attention before sharing her milk with ours. This is because this is the norm in milk sharing situations.

Yes, communicable diseases and things like caffeine and alcohol can be passed through the milk if proper precautions are not made.

But really, cheese is all about bacterial growth.


Can I suckle it from his wife's tits? That'd make it worth the price of admission.

Idea born: forget cheese, chain of "fresh milk" joints

For real. Original container or GTFO.

I wish I could lactate cheese!

This idea is a bit too Clockwork Orange for my tastes, but hey, cheers!

Man, I could really go for a big ball of breast milk cheese right about now. Too bad I don't live in New York!

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