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Video: Police Hunt For Suspect In Brutal Bar Attack


Investigators have released surveillance videos of a man they believe viciously attacked and possibly sexually assaulted a woman in a Midtown bar after she refused to dance with him. Cops are trying to track down the suspect, who allegedly followed a 30-year-old nurse into a bathroom early on Thursday, barged into the stall, and left her bloodied and unconscious with a fractured skull, a broken nose and a broken eye socket.

In a video on the Post's website that was captured by an NYPD camera atop a lightpost, the suspect appears to be attempting to shake off an injury to his hand after leaving the Eighth Avenue bar Social. In a second video taped in a convenience store, the suspect—who is thought to be in his 30s and was wearing a short-sleeved shirt over a darker long-sleeved shirt at the time of the incident—is filmed as he makes a purchase.

The attack occurred at around 2:30 a.m., minutes after the victim—a Connecticut native and Upper West Side resident—turned down the man's advances. Investigators believe the perp might have smashed the woman's head against the toilet or sink. "She was seriously beaten. Her eye socket was broken," said NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, who noted that police were not initially called to the scene because the friend who found her unconscious in the bathroom thought the victim had hurt herself in a fall. "She apparently becomes conscious about 5:30 in the morning, tells [her friends] what happens and that's when the police respond," said Kelly.

Investigators believe the victim—whose name has not been released—fought off an attempted sexual assault, because when a friend found her inside the bathroom stall one of her legs was in her pants and the other was not. Tests to determine if the woman was raped came back negative, according to the Times. The owner of Social, which was closed early yesterday as detectives searched the facility but open in the afternoon, declined to comment to the paper. "We're not going to say anything right now," the owner, Tom Murphy, said. "The cops asked us not to say anything to the press, so I don't want to jeopardize anything."

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with that video, if the cops can't catch this guy they should get a new job.

Well, they better catch him before I do.

"with that video, if the cops can't catch this guy they should get a new job."

The cops don't know everyone in the city. Sure, it's possible one of the 30,000+ of them might know him, but it's almost certain that a few people among the 8 million of the rest of us do.

Somebody has to ID him. Somebody should.

upon observing the clip, guess the only thing human about him is the fact that he's wearing clothes.

oh yeah, and he walks on two legs.

What a horrible crime. I really hope they catch this misogynistic son of a bitch.

He 's either a Hispanic or Arab person, could swing either way.

he could easily be white. your just a moron. or an asshole.... but it could swing either way.

the assailant doesn't even seem to qualify as a human being.

"human first, race second."

Hey idiot. Race is a very helpful description when trying to apprehend a suspect. It narrows down the field. Since the guy looks to be olive skinned, then we can rule out shaking down irishmen and asians.

only for white people can't tell the difference.

Nobody is saying that race isnt very helpful. you obviously totally missed the point. just stick to the simpler things please

wow, your white guilt is STRONG. Non-whites can't be suspects, huh?

holy shit i thought this was the simplest concept. i am truly shocked that you cant grasp this fully. of course non whites can be suspects. i dont understand were you are coming from at all. usually i enjoy insulting people but im so perplexed and confused by your bizzare logic that im not really sure how to insult you. i think you have done a sufficient job of insulting yourself in this situation. so basically im satisfied. thanks alot

I think he looks more Italian than white.

"more Italian than white"


"...looks more Italian than white."

that's like saying:
"he looks more dominican than hispanic."

are italians not white? oh boy......

There are many Arabs, and Latinos for that matter, with lighter skin complexions and eyes than most Italians. You are a racist piece of shit with a narrow mind. Your whole concept of "race" is misinformed.

...since when do we treat murderous criminals with more respect than racist people?

So is your's since Latino is an ethnicity not a race.

they've been watching too many al pacino movies...

Straw man bullshit argument. Go fuck yourself.

jeez... another angry individual. that explains.

Another straw man argument. You really suck at this don't you?

some people have different perceptions than you have. you do know that, don't you? ;)

"Wrong, its DeNeiro."

hmm, you mean a short, joe pesci version of De Niro?

Wrong again! Pesci is mean mutha fucker mobster, I don't play like that!

Whatever...that hideous puka shell neclace, plaid shirt over long sleeve T and sneakers combo don't lie. He's definately from 1998 and worships at the altar of Dave Mathews Band.


Death by Hanging. We need more public executions.

Maybe it can be a game. If the cops get him first, he gets a trial. If the people do, he gets what they mete out?

Judging by the quality of the video, he could just as easily be a white guy.
More than likely a white guy with a teeny tiny small penis and a big overinflated ego.
If I were him, I'd turn myself in right away, because there is a big f**kin mob out there looking for him.


I hope the detectives can find a legal spot near where they think he is.

I'm pretty sure I just got your joke there. :-)

Stay out of those '8th Avenue gins mills'. It's all tourists and transients in those places. Why would an attractive women who already lives in Manhattan want to go to a place like that and dance anyway?

Both are excellent and sound advice.

It's not like it's they are only areas to be either.

For real. All the hipsters who complain about the Disneyfication of Times Square have only to cruise through the Port Authority and its feeder bars to find the "old" Times Square. This perp is a perfect example (and forget his color, you assholes) of the low-lifes who will always be found in high traffic areas, doing what they do best--trolling for weak victims. This prick deserves whatever comes to him, and I hope it's harsh and swift.

could be white, Mediterranean, turkish, italian, syrian etc, etc. but the kicker was him asking the victim to dance with him. does he look like a dancer type?

He looks Lebanese and Armenian with a small amount of Irish and a long-forgotten distant relative who's Jewish.

there are 2 actors that look like him. I forget their names but one could be adam arkin and another NY based actor. you know, those NY shot stuff, like NY undercover or Foley square or 100 centre street. and I'll add in Pete Sampras who is Iranian? I think.

sorry, pete sampras is Greek. no iranian, agassi is iranian.

Just Catch the bastard already!

He's probably sitting at his desk at work right now, scared to death that someone there will recognize him or his ugly shirt.

You have to wonder about this woman's friends... If I found a friend on mine on the floor of a bathroom with head injuries, I don't think I'd assume she just fell.

I wondered the same thing. You find your friend in such a condition and assume she fell?!?

I hope someone recognizes this guy quickly. A man who would do something like this really petrifies me.

Im gonna catch this guy... with a meat tenderizer to the scrotum.

I hope the cops nab this sick bastard soon.

Wishing the victim a speedy recovery.

I agree. What a heinous attack. What a coward.

"they've been watching too many al pacino movies..."

i meant the commenter. he or she.

Looks like Ziad Tayeh from that whole falafel mess years ago.

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